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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Adam has already both held and used a firearm, primarily after McGarrett gave him 1, in at least 1 of the situations where, as Adam seems to like saying this season, "he's in the wrong place at the wrong time". I remember 1 of those being in the episode that involved the bank robbery. Steve started to go in after the perps, telling Junior to stay put, outside, & Adam to watch him. The next thing Steve knows, Junior & Adam are walking with him; Junior has his gun drawn but Adam has no gun. So Steve lets Adam borrow his extra gun (from his ankle holster) & tells them there are 2, & only 2, reasons to actually use the weapons--basically in terms of self-protectionb/ the protection of others--instead of just carrying them. And I think Adam may have at least carried in 1 other ep. But, because Ian Anthony Dale was still shooting the end of S1 of CBS's summer replacement, sort of sci-fi, series Salvation (which also is produced by H50's Peter Lenkov), when H50 shooting started (&, technically, he was a lead in Salvation but still only a recurring character in H50--this was before the whole cast change thing when DDK & Grace Park left, & 4 recurring characters, including Ian's Adam Noshimuri, were upgraded to regulars--so his first commitment was to finish Salvation), then start H50), Adam's character has only been in H50 since Ep 7 this season (about 5 weeks as this ep airs).
  2. Beulah Koale (new Five-0 member Junior Reigns) got engaged to his partner & the mother of their twin boys, apparently on New Year's Eve. From his Instagram
  3. I just finished watching the movie again. Something I didn't catch last time: Toward the beginning, Henry told Shawn (& I think Gus) he was studying something with Angus & Oliver. For those who either didn't know or who aren't as up on their Psych trivia as they used to be, Oliver & Angus are the names of 2 of Corbin Bernsen's 4 sons with his wife, Amanda Pays, who was an actress & now is an interior designer, I think. Also, regarding the phone scene between Jules & Lassie, actually looking at the scene, finally (I could only listen to it before), makes me continue to think some of what Lassie said to Jules wasn't actually said by Tim Omundson--or, rather, that the dialogue he said was said by him, but it wasn't recorded originally for this. I think Tim said, as brand new, the stuff he said when we could actually see him on Jules' phone, albeit the way he looked (was seated) in the shot was a little off, in my opinion. But, I think the stuff Lassie said that we just heard, while we're watching Jules supposedly looking at him on her phone screen, is dialogue they put together using words Tim/Lassie said in previous scenes & episodes. That part still seems very "synthetic" to me, compared to his speech in the rest of Jules' phone call.
  4. I'm not sure I ever read the review, but I remember hearing about it. I also remember Guy went on (at least) 1 of the network morning shows to talk about how bad the review was. I'm 1 of those kinds of people who at least likes to try some of the celebrity chef restaurants--the family type places; not the places where you have to spend half your life savings on the food. I used to go to Las Vegas about every year or so; the last time I was there was about 7 & a half years ago, at this point. The last time I was there, or soon after, 1 of Guy's restaurants (I think another American Kitchen & Bar) went into a then recently renovated & renamed hotel on the Strip. I looked at the menu online, & I couldn't find anything I'd actually eat either, except maybe a dessert or 2. To be fair, I'm a picky eater; I always have been & I'm too old to change now. I can usually make something besides a dessert work for me in, even if it's just an appetizer. But I couldn't even find anything besides a dessert or 2 that wouldn't take massive deconstruction/reconstruction for me to be able to eat it, if I ate at Guy's place.
  5. Lyle Waggoner apparently retired from show biz somewhere between 1979 & 2005, according to his Wikipedia page. He & his wife now live near Jackson, Wyoming; he's 82 & is a sculptor. His works are shown at a gallery, Galleries West Fine Art, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. He was on the Burnett show from its premiere for about 7 years, until 1974. For about 3 TV seasons, starting about a year after he left the Burnett show, Waggoner played 1940's military pilot Steve Trevor in the first season of the Wonder Woman/New Adventures of Wonder Woman TV show, starring Lynda Carter. When the timeline was advanced to the 1970's for the last 2 seasons of the show, Waggoner played military pilot Steve Trevor Jr., now the son of his original character. In 1979, Lyle created Star Waggons, a company which customizes the trailers celebrities use as their dressing rooms & other things on the sets of movies & TV shows. Somewhere between 1979 & 2005, Waggoner retired from show biz to run Star Waggons full time. As for Steve Lawrence, I think he's either retired or semi-retired from the entertainment business. He's best known as part of the married singing duo, Steve & Eydie. The duo ran professionally from 1957 through 2009, when Eydie Gorme retired from the business. They were married from December 29, 1957 through Eydie Gorme's death on August 10, 2013 (so they would've celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary 2 days ago, as I'm posting this). They had 2 sons, award-winning music composer David & Michael, who unexpectedly died at age 23 of a previously undisclosed heart condition. Michael was an assistant film editor at the time of his death.
  6. If you have the (free) CBS app on your phone, or whatever, as of when I'm writing this today you can still watch the entire program there if you like. You can even skip the parts you're not interested in (I did). If you're interested, you might wanna hurry & watch it. It will eventually (I dunno how soon) be added to the programs/series episodes behind their paywall & available only to CBS All Access (the streaming service) subscribers.
  7. From USA Today: Today is the Last Day of Operations for Guy Fieri's American Kitchen and Bar Restaurant in Times Square/NYC
  8. I think I read she got the 25 books that she did get published done in 38 years, which suggests long gaps between some of the books (longer than a year to a year & a half, anyway). Granted, we don't know why it took her that long, but if there weren't any extenuating reasons for it, you'd think/hope she could've written & published each book in a year to 18 months timeline. I think if she'd been able to do that, she might've gotten to "Z" in time, with time to spare. It just still bothers me because she got so close to the end, but no cigar as they say. I think it might've been kinda important to her to have finished the whole alphabet, as well as to her serious readers. I think the casual readers--the ones who maybe read some, but not all, of the books & knew she was on this personal challenge, of sorts, to see if she could write a book series titled with each letter of the alphabet--were rooting for her to finish too.
  9. OK... I dunno about the rest of you, but reading that note from Noopy (her real name is Georgiana) was something of an emotional moment for me.
  10. From USA Today: Erica Garner, 27, Black Lives Matter Activist Since Her Father, Eric, Died While in a Police Chokehold, Dead After She Had a Massive Heart Attack Followed by a Coma
  11. I think it's the mark of any good work of fiction (TV show, movie, theatrical work, fictional book of any genre), period, that/when you care about the characters, as if they're real people. It's not just a good book. And it sucks we won't see whether or not Henry Pitts leaves the house to Kinsey (if that might've come up sometime in the "Z" book), or the resolutions to any of the long running plot threads in the series (again, if those might've come up in the "Z" book). Who really knows if we'd have found out about the house though? Another thing about "Z" intending to be the last book in the series is, some authors don't want the final book in a series to be "obvious" about it being just that; they want the readers to feel like, when this book ends, life will go on for the regular characters & the other townspeople where they live. We just won't get to see it. And that might've entailed leaving some non-crucial plot threads hanging. I know it's hard to keep the plots of 2 books straight at once, but I really wish she would've at least attempted a "Z", given that she'd been working on the series for so long, when she was told she maybe only had a couple of years left. Or that she'd have written some of the earlier books faster, if it might've gotten her to "Z" before she died. I'm sad for Sue, & for us, that she got so close & then couldn't finish the series. But I totally see why the family has decided not to call in a ghost writer for the last book. Even if they just used Sue's name, character names, locations, etc., & they tried very hard to copy how Sue did everything, her style & "voice" wouldn't be there. I'd hate for that to ruin the series. I also just had the thought of, what if she'd started "Z" but hadn't finished it before she died? Wonder what her family would've done about the book then?
  12. I just Googled, like, 7 pages listing stuff about Rose Marie's death. I found nothing like a statement from Dick about her death... yet. They had a link to the statement Dick made when Mary Tyler Moore died though. I would think he'd put a statement out soon. Maybe he &/or his spokesperson haven't quite figured out what they wanted to say. I know he & Rose Marie were still close; when I read about Mary Tyler Moore dying, Rose Marie said Dick had apparently called her after he saw Mary for the last time & told her it didn't look good (MTM lived in NY, DVD in LA; RM's health at that point was apparently such that she was staying at home instead of going out many places--she had been using a wheelchair & was on supplemental oxygen).
  13. Don't you just...? I was sort of following the "alphabet" books too. They were really big (or seemed to be) back when I was in Junior High (now Middle School) & High School (late '70's-early '80's)--my then-best friend sort of got me started reading them; OK, she got me started buying them. I think I have about half the alphabet, I think, in paperback. I may have to start all over again with the series; this time, via audiobooks. It seems the older I get, the harder it is to read something & the easiest it is to listen to it, if possible. I'm sad she didn't get to "Z" either; she was so close, too. If only she could've figured out how to do "Z" at the same time as "Y"; especially if she knew she was sick while writing "Y" (or before). But I respect her family's decision to not hire someone to do "Z". I'm just not happy for those of us who were following how many books had come out/had yet to come out, because now we won't have a real conclusion to the series.
  14. She actually had a Tweet posted that said that something to the effect of the words on her social media/website are (were) hers but people who understood how to put that information out in those ways better than she did helped her with the actual posting part. I will see if I can find it on her Twitter & post a link to it, if not a screen grab. Well, I'm sure that Twitter is maybe gonna suck for awhile, without new Tweets from her; she sounded like a very wise woman. But I don't think I'd like someone else trying to sound like her, either, just to keep the Twitter page open. If they wanna post stuff, like from the guy who directed her documentary, keeping us informed as to where it's playing next, how it's doing, (hopefully) when it's nominated for (& wins... it has to) an Oscar in the applicable documentary category, etc., cool; if they wanna post stuff about her from her daughter &/or son-in-law, &/or other loved ones, cool. But if they keep posting Tweets in her "voice", especially when the world knows she died, NOT COOL. Just my humble opinion.
  15. Yes, that's 2 of the 7 actors & actresses who played the Von Trapp children in the film version of The Sound of Misic, & 2 of the actresses who each played 1 of the 5 sisters. Charmian Carr, who played Liesl, died in September, 2016, of dementia. Here (this version is from USA Today) is an obit which includes a statement on Heather's passing from the now 5 surviving members of what the actors (or at least Heather, anyway) referred to as the "SOM 7". I found out Heather had a website. Until the notice of her death, it appears it hadn't been updated since 2014. To be fair, though, Heather had really stopped acting by that point, turning her attention to working with the Robert Urich Foundation, which is devoted to research (Robert died of a relatively rare form of cancer, Synovial Sarcoma) & patient care; unfortunately the foundation hasn't really been generating a lot of publicity. And The Sound of Music hasn't celebrated another milestone anniversary of its release, nor has anything (since Charmian Carr's passing, anyway) happened with either the cast or the real life Von Trapp family that would put Heather in the news. So it's at least somewhat understandable why her website wouldn't be updated very regularly. Looking at some earlier updates though, I did find out that both of the older Urich children went into medicine: their son, Ryan, graduated from medical school here in the States and he's married (at least as of the 2014 site update); his sister, Emily, graduated from nursing school in Canada (somewhere in Ontario, apparently near the family cottage where Heather passed Sunday night). Presumably, the choice of medicine/nursing might've been influenced by Robert's death. I haven't seen what the youngest daughter, Allison, is doing. Presumably she's in college somewhere, given that she's 19. I also saw, on Heather's Wikipedia page, I think, that the Urichs apparently only had 2 grandchildren, not 8, & nothing was mentioned about a great grandchild.
  16. The 2 eldest, a son Ryan (who's quoted in the obit on behalf of the family) & a daughter Emily, are 39 & 37 respectively & Ryan's birthday was yesterday (Christmas Day), according to Google. So a HUGE "Cancer SUCKS!" for taking Heather right before Christmas *&* her son's birthday. And, as was said, the Urichs also had a younger daughter, Allison, who's now 19 & was born/adopted by Robert & Heather during his cancer battle; as was also said, she was around 2 when he died. Anyway, even though Robert didn't live to see them he & Heather were grandparents (I read they had 8 grandchildren in 1 obit I was reading) & even great grandparents (of 1)--which maybe surprises me some (the great grandparents thing). I'm (probably logically) assuming all of the 8 grandchildren belong to Ryan, Emily, or both of them (at least given the age differences between them & Allison), but I couldn't find anything online as to exactly which of their children had the grandkids. I'm sorry they're both gone now. I enjoyed their work. And I thought it was cool when they were a real life couple & Heather would guest star on whatever show Robert was doing at the time, usually playing Robert's love interest of the week who was either killed, arrested & jailed, or maybe simply broke up with Robert's character before the episode ended--sometimes they broke up because it was "the right love at the wrong time", or sometimes because she (usually) needed to think things over about their relationship, or sometimes because being in the relationship would be dangerous for her, or something similar.
  17. Photographer Don Hogan Charles, the First Black Photographer Hired by the New York Times, and the Man Who Took the Iconic Shot of Malcolm X at a Window Holding a Rifle, Dies. He was approximately 79 years old (only a year of birth is known, not his entire birthdate).
  18. From People: Matt Damon's Father, Kent, Has Died of Cancer at Age 74
  19. From ET Online: My 5: The West Wing Weekly's Co-Host, Hrishikesh Hirway, Lists His 5 Favorite Scenes
  20. For those who are already spoiled about who ended up winning this season... From People: 'Great American Baking Show' Winner Talks About This Season's Abrupt End
  21. Remember awhile back, Red Molotov, a pop culture type merchandise website in the UK had what is popularly called a "names" or a "lineup" T-shirt, for the show (a list of the last names of--in this case some of--the characters; they didn't include [Will] Bailey, [Donna] Moss, or [Charlie] Young... or a few other characters they might've). I wasn't fond of that shirt for omitting Charlie & Donna, but I thought about buying it. Well, this site has "names/lineups" T-shirts that include Will (5th shirt down on the left side), Donna & Charlie (most of the other "names" shirts). But they don't have Kate (it could be argued that the character belongs on the shirt because Mary McCormack was in the main title sequence, & she was on--I think--at least a little more often than either Vinick or Santos). And I'm saying "Bartlet" is for either Jed or Abbey, or both. There's also a "names/lineup" T-shirt for the show, a white with red 1, where it appears the designer thinks CJ's last name is "CRECC". Sigh... Besides those shirts, there's the usual campaign types & with sayings (some of which I don't think I've seen anywhere else). Just an FYI.
  22. From People: Cardinal Bernard Law, the Disgraced Archbishop at the Center of 'Spotlight', Dead at 86.
  23. Yes. I misunderstood @raja's post. Thanks for clarifying. The thing I'm not clear on is, why is the show title abbreviated as BSG? I always thought Battlestar was 1 word.
  24. I think it was supposed to make an impression. Lots of people still remember it, & it happened almost 5 years ago (according to Google).
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