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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Danny-related spoiler for Ep 518 (going into production within a week, most likely, & to be directed by Larry Teng, who also helmed Ep 507/100; they're filming 517 now). The spoiler is from TVLine.com & is the 6th Q&A pair from the top. http://tvline.com/2015/01/07/once-upon-a-time-season-4-rumbelle-reunion-spoilers/
  2. According to SpoilerTV.com, *Daniel Dae Kim* (Chin Ho) is directing Ep 517--the ep which they're supposed to begin/supposed to have begun shooting this week: https://twitter.com/spoilertv_h50/status/552498603521236993 If that's not adequate confirmation for you (because it's from an unofficial fansite for the show), Jorge Garcia Tweeted his best wishes to DDK, along with a link to an Instagram photo of an ep call sheet which has "Director Daniel Dae Kim" prominently noted on it, within the last hour: http://instagram.com/p/xhLE-9TCnj/ Also, it appears Larry Manetti (recurring character lounge owner/singer Nicky "The Kid" Demarco) may have had something to do with, presumably, the storyline of the ep. If you look towards the upper lefthand side/corner of the call sheet, along with some/all of the usual names from the production/writing staff you can see the name "Manetti". While this may mean he was involved in the storyline, somehow, I don't know if it means his character will appear in the ep (in case someone's interested in that). Finally, for all the fans of Larry Teng's directing, he's apparently en route to Honolulu to begin prep work (location scouting, etc.) on Ep 518 which he'll be directing once DDK's ep wraps & goes into the post-production process. Edited to Add... EW.com, the website for Entertainment Weekly magazine, also confirms DDK's directorial debut, including comments/praise from Peter Lenkov. Further, they state the episode being directed by DDK is the ep in which McDanno move into an apartment together as part of a stakeout & legendary veteran actress, & Oscar & Emmy winner, Cloris Leachman plays a nosy neighbor. http://insidetv.ew.com/2015/01/06/daniel-dae-kim-direct-hawaii-five-0/?hootPostID=4ac4c3b2fb216c00e4dc991bf57fc8b5
  3. People.com has a paparazzi pic of Keri & Matthew out for a Sunday stroll, carrying coffee/drink cups from Starbucks or somewhere. Matthew is referred to in People's caption as both Keri's co-star & "boyfriend", so I guess the private relationship is still going strong. Here's a direct link to the actual photo (for now, anyway): http://www.people.com/people/gallery/0,,20888337_30276818,00.html If this takes you to a different pic, just keep looking til you find the right 1--it was pic 4 in the gallery when I looked for it, to get the link, just before posting this. Also, 1 of the producers, Joel Fields, posted on Twitter today that production started on Ep 307, which he said Noah Emmerich (Stan) is directing. Here's that Tweet link: https://twitter.com/joel_fields/status/552191423022628865
  4. If you mean Amber by "that one girl", I'm 99.9% positive I just recently read a comment from Peter Lenkov, somewhere, saying she's coming back later this season (don't forget, we still have 15 more eps to air this season--this past ep was 510--cause the holiday break came a couple weeks earlier in the schedule than usual & we have a 25-ep season this time instead of the usual 22-24 eps; they apparently start shooting Ep 517 tomorrow/this week) & an old beau maybe coming after her.
  5. You said "Alex, James, Daniel and Grace". I think you meant SCOTT where you said James. There isn't even a James with a recurring role in the show. Or maybe you were confusing Scott & his Dad, James (who was in Ep 18 in S2).
  6. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41484
  7. Thanks. Anyway... It's on sometime this weekend. I'm pretty sure on Friday, but an hour earlier than usual. Double check your local listings to be sure, if you're interested in watching.Edited to add: I double checked the press release posted at CBS Press Express for the rebroadcast. It DOES say this ep repeats Friday, December 27th at 8PM Eastern. Which we know is invalid, because Friday's the 26th. I also looked at my local CBS listings for Friday night at the TitanTV (local TV listings) site--I didn't think of CBS.com's schedule until just now. Anyway... Titan TV shows NO H50 ep on CBS Friday night at 8 Eastern, but rather other network programming; so I'm now assuming the ep in question will air *Saturday* night at 8 Eastern/7 Central, for anyone interested in watching it. Now *confirmed* via the network program schedule on CBS.com: The ep where Chin gets kidnapped by the serial killer who puts his victims' fingers in his wall safe as "trophies" of his kills *will air on CBS *Saturday* night at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central*.
  8. The ep you're describing will be repeated on CBS on Friday, December 27th at the special time of 8PM Eastern/7PM Central according to the show's press release page on the CBS Press Express website.
  9. Leo was never there to start with. The general consensus, at the time of original airing & since, is that since he was eventually revealed to be 1 of the candidates in the election to succeed Bartlet's (*1* T at the end of his name, *not* 2, by the way) presidency, writing Leo into that flash forward scene would've been too problematic & given away too much about the election's outcome too early in the season--at least if they knew/had an idea how they wanted the election to go when they did this scene. So they deliberately left him out of it. (On the other hand, Donna also wasn't in that scene but her presence wouldn't have necessarily had to give away the eventual Josh/Donna outcome, like Leo's presence would've had to have given away the Santos/McGarry ticket's fate in the election airing later in the season) Leo's presence in that scene would've been too problematic, & given away too much about the election's outcome too early in the season, because of how the other characters would've had to address him if he'd been included. If Santos/McGarry had won the election, the others would've had to refer to him as "Mr. Vice President" &/or "Vice President McGarry"; if Santos/McGarry lost, then everybody would've continued to call him "Leo", as earlier in the series. Either way, the election results would've been spoiled for the audience much earlier in the season than the showrunners intended. Also, as I remember, this scene aired before John Spencer's untimely passing in real life--though I might be wrong about that. The actor's real-life passing also complicated that scene, once it aired--though it ended up working out "okay", all things considered, because they never gave the future Vice President a last name in that scene; Josh just said something like, "The Vice President's here." & the gang went out to greet the motorcade. If they'd referred to a living "Vice President McGarry" in the Bartlet Library dedication scene they'd have had a problem later on, because of the rewrites necessitated by John Spencer's real-life passing--in the show/the rewrites Leo McGarry's name remained on the ballots & he ended up being elected to the office of Vice President, but he died while the votes were being counted, before he could officially take office. President Santos had to nominate/nominated someone to fill the vacant Vice Presidency after he took office, as I remember. And they would've been the Vice President attending the Bartlet Library dedication, after all, not Vice President Leo McGarry.
  10. This pic, of Scott at a restaurant in Honolulu with a female baby, taken recently by a fan, appeared yesterday (December 11th) on the Facebook & Twitter of an H50 fansite. https://twitter.com/h50forever/status/543182304865435648 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=837312252957194 I'm posting the links because the general consensus in the Facebook comments (with 1 dissent) is that the baby with Scott in the pic is his & his girlfriend Kacy's now 5 month-old daughter, Josie James. So this would be the 1st publicly shared pic of her, if so. I thought I might as well share it too, in case it is baby Josie since I know some might be interested to see a pic of her. Let me also say the dissenting Facebook commenter believes the baby belongs to the fan who took the pic. I could see that too; although, in my opinion Scott's looking at her an awful lot like a father would at his child, not like someone would look at a stranger's baby.
  11. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41301
  12. Two actual NASCARs were recently parked in front of/in the driveway of the White House. I think it had something to do with promoting use of seatbelts/some sort of new seatbelt-related initiative, somehow (I meant to post this when I originally saw it, but I got busy & didn't, & have subsequently forgotten what the White House's explanation was for the cars being parked there). When I saw that on my Twitter feed, at the following link, https://twitter.com/podesta44/status/542403274444255232 it made me think of the ep where Annabeth sent Abbey to present the winner's trophy at a NASCAR race in the show (& Annabeth's photographic briefing, beforehand, on the Who's Who of NASCAR drivers as well as the "fallout" that seemed to come afterwards, when the winner grabbed Abbey & planted a big, fat kiss on her on national TV). I definitely remember someone telling Annabeth, seconds after the White House saw the kiss, Abbey was on the phone for Annabeth... with the implication being that Abbey was calling because she wasn't happy about something, possibly the kiss (Maybe it's a protocol/etiquette breach when meeting the First Lady/someone in the US First Family, like when LeBron James got a little too "chummy" with the Duchess &/or Duke of Cambridge while meeting them at the basketball game the other night & put his arm around her/him/them during their photo op, as if they'd been old friends for years instead of having just met).
  13. They never explained why Zoey was written as entering Georgetown in the Spring Semester. Anything's possible: She had enough credits from Advanced Placement courses taken in High School that she could effectively skip attending the Fall Semester & still graduate in 4 years; Even before Jed became POTUS, she had decided to "take some extended time for herself", or something, between High School & College & not attend the Fall Semester, or maybe there was another reason she wanted/needed "deferred enrollment"; She was campaigning for Jed's 1st term election during the Fall Semester (which, at most US Universities/Colleges, runs from mid-late August to just before the December holiday season), & her involvement in that made attending the Fall Semester a "non-starter" because of the time commitment the campaign needed (she probably could've taken some courses online, but that may be a little "simple")--but I can't remember if the show ever said how involved Zoey, specifically, was in the campaign that 1st sent Jed to the White House (I thought I remembered 1 of the daughters not really being involved in the campaigning, but I haven't watched in awhile & I forget who it was); Perhaps it was at the insistence/urging of the Secret Service--perhaps they asked Zoey to defer her enrollment to the Spring, once the campaign got to the point where Jed had protection as a Candidate/Nominee & there was a real possibility he'd win, because--as I said--the Fall Semester would be starting in the last 3 months of the campaign, which wouldn't necessarily be all that convenient for the Bartlets or the Service; also maybe they'd want the Administration & the Bartlet Family to have a chance to settle into DC & the Service to "get their ducks in a row" on the Georgetown campus/in the buildings Zoey would be using before classes/orientation started (although I'm almost positive they'd had a lot of/enough prior experience with other protectees attending classes there that they could check out the campus & get set up there fairly quickly; Maybe Zoey & her family jointly decided Spring Admission would be easiest because it would give them all "down time" after the campaign, so they could get some rest & adjust to the election results, if Jed won, before Zoey had to turn her attention from being a campaign surrogate to being a student once again; Maybe Zoey was just plain too indecisive, for too long, once she began receiving acceptance letters & she took so long to settle on a school (the whole "do I wanna be tied, at least indirectly, to the actions of my Father's Administration if he wins & I go to school in DC, or do I wanna distance myself, go to school somewhere else, & at least try to 'be my own person?'" thing) that she missed the cutoff for Fall Admissions, either accidentally or on purpose & she had no choice but to start in the Spring Semester. My *real* theory is, Sorkin was at least attempting to write in "real time" most of the time (it was supposed, for the most part unless Sorkin messed up the continuity, to be the same month--if not the same year--in the real world & in eps as they aired/in the world where the characters existed... they celebrated holidays at the same time, etc.). When he decided to introduce Zoey, the Georgetown Fall Semester had already begun/was at least half over; to introduce her as an incoming student, he probably thought the easiest way was to say she was starting classes in the Spring. Otherwise, in her earliest appearances, the audience might've wondered how she wasn't flunking out from being in DC more than in school. I don't know why he couldn't have said she was transferring from, like, Dartmouth to Georgetown though, to be closer to her parents after the Inauguration--that would've also made sense to me, & explained the Spring Admission thing quite easily. At least he didn't write Zoey--usually a fairly intelligent young woman, except during the Jean-Paul dalliance--as being a flunk out, dropout, or having no interest in higher education (something that may not have been tolerated in the Bartlet home anyway). Even though he was introducing her as a Spring Admit to Georgetown, he could've conceivably gone that way to explain why she was a Spring Admit & not a Fall Admit to Georgetown (shrugs).
  14. I had to laugh (& couldn't believe he actually said it, either) when, during the Omaha Steaks billboard challenge in Ep 1 of the 2 tonight, 1 of the guys said "I take care of my meat like nobody's business." Of course he obviously meant the steak he was cooking, but if you think about it the statement could also be seen as an adult-type double entendre. I'm still deciding if he really knew his comment could be, potentially, taken 2 ways when he said it or if he didn't.
  15. http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20395222_20880531,00.html Matthew got to meet & have lunch with (in a broad sense, since others were present/invited) HRH Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge (still popularly, though perhaps wrongly, known as Kate Middleton) yesterday during her & Prince William's current visit to New York City & Washington, DC. (Go Matthew!)
  16. Source: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41179 NOTE: This ep will air on Friday, November 28th at a SPECIAL TIME, 10:00PM EASTERN/9:00PM CENTRAL
  17. *New* spoiler from TVGuide's MegaBuzz column stating, among other things, that we still *haven't* heard the last of the consequences for Danny shooting his brother Matt's apparent murderer in the head OR the last of the consequences for Chin borrowing money from Malia's brother in order to help ransom Matt when they still thought he was alive. There's also a spoiler that involves Doris. http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-Scandal-Hawaii-Five0-Sleepy-Hollow-1089818.aspx It's kinda sad, though none of us obviously knows the reasons behind it, that Autumn & her husband are divorcing. Especially since their youngest son's 1st birthday is just this week, & their elder son is also still quite young. As for her professional credit in the announcement, E! (I think it was) didn't even use H50; they used her role in Entourage (ironically, Scott's other TV series... At least during the last 3 seasons of it, anyway). I've seen a lot of eps from that show, though I don't think all of them, but I don't remember seeing her on it. You'd think they might've mentioned Last Resort, which was apparently her most recent credit of note (she co-starred in most/all the show's eps), but they probably didn't since that died a rather quick death after just 1 season & the other shows lasted longer. Both announcements also referenced her being in The OC which, I guess, was maybe her biggest role (though I'd never heard of her until she was on H50).
  18. Frankie Valli's character was a retired shop teacher (what he apparently initially told Aunt Deb, who then told Steve)/(ex?) mob lawyer (which Aunt Deb apparently also learned about at some point, because when Steve tried to tell her this, after--I think--Jerry discovered it & told Steve/Five-0, she told Steve she already knew that about him too). Frankie didn't have an "organic" reason to sing in the show, based on his character description. It might've looked funny (& incited a lot of audience bitching about it not making sense in the ep) if a retired shop teacher/mob lawyer suddenly broke out into song; especially with a professional-quality voice. Carol Burnett, on the other hand, did have an "organic" reason to sing in the show (both eps she's been in, in fact) because the character of Aunt Deb is supposed to have been a singer, apparently performing around wherever she lives in Southern California (at least until Mary was sent by Papa McG to live with her). I think she's also said to have given/been described as having given up a recording contract that was offered to her (if not her entire singing career) when Mary was sent by Papa McG to live with her after everyone thought Doris had died in the car accident, that was really a faked car bombing, meant to cover her disappearance when she went into hiding from the enemies she'd made during her CIA career. As for Michelle Borth (just commenting because I'm writing a post; I know you didn't originally bring her up), I remember reading somewhere, after she was written out, that Peter Lenkov said she was only signed as a regular cast member for 2 seasons (I don't know/can't remember if there was an option for a longer contract involved). That's exactly how long she was a regular cast member: 2 seasons--S3 & S4. So she apparently fulfilled her contract, whether her subsequent departure was of her choosing, CBS', or behind the scenes "creatives" connected to the show (producers, etc.). But I can't remember if I read that on his Twitter, in response to a fan question/comment, or if he said it in an interview I read. I just recently read that she's presently filming a role in an "independent" film; unfortunately I can't remember the name of the film. That bit of info may have been in the TVGuide spoiler I recently posted a link to in the Spoiler thread, but I'm not positive. Said spoiler had to do with Steve talking about the current status of his & Cath's relationship in the episode that aired this past Friday, November 21st (the ep this thread's for). As we know now, Aunt Deb is whom he had this discussion with.
  19. 10 Million viewers this week?? WOO-HOO!! Haven't seen those numbers in awhile & I'm very happy to (even if the not mentioned demo was still crappy). Thanks for posting.
  20. The "Streets of Heaven" section was also used by Tom Hanks in his Oscar acceptance speech for Philadelphia.
  21. The case this week actually bore a lot of similarities to the Jose & Kitty Menendez murders which took place in Southern California a few years ago & were widely covered in at least the US national news; at least some of the details of how the parents were shot in real life were duplicated in the ep--the father was shot in the back of the head while watching TV, for 1; also the mother's character name was Kate in the show & Kitty in real life, both variants on the name Katherine. I'm at least slightly surprised that I'm the only 1 who seems to have picked up on the similarities, given that the real case was so highly publicized. Except in real life, unlike in the show, the sons (Lyle & Eric [Erik?]) committed & were convicted for the murder of their parents & are now each serving Life sentences in separate California prisons. In fact, the hairstyle of the actor who played Travis Kealoha in the show was similar to that of 1 of the real-life Menendez brothers. I don't know whether that was deliberate or coincidental.
  22. TVLine says S3 will premiere on Wednesday, January 28th, at 10PM Eastern/9PM Central https://tvline.com/2014/11/21/justified-season-6-final-season-premiere-date/#more-567370
  23. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41124
  24. If you're a fan/shipper of Steve & Catherine's relationship, the new MegaBuzz (spoilers) column on TVGuide's website says Steve will be talking about the status of their relationship in the next episode. That ep airs this Friday, November 21st, with special guest stars music legend Frankie Valli (Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, plus his own solo career) & the legendary Carol Burnett (reprising her S4 role of Steve & Mary's Aunt Deb). If interested, you can read the spoiler itself here: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-Mentalist-Parks-and-Recreation-Homeland-1089442.aspx It's the 9th Q&A pair from the top of the column (including the pre-spoilers introduction).
  25. As far as I remember, the last Wo Fat episode (prior to Episode 100) was the S4 Finale (where he rescued Grover's daughter from Nick Jonas' Ian Wright character by shooting him in the head). It would've almost had to have been, considering that was Ep 422 & the 100th ep was only 7 eps later (chronologically), at Ep 507. OK they probably could've had him in 1 of the 1st 6 eps of S5, prior to Ep 507/100, but I'm almost positive they didn't. As for the seeming suddenness of Wo Fat's death (& he is irrevocably dead, just like Steve's Dad, Governor Jameson, & other characters before him/them; though returning for flashbacks, dream sequences, etc., involving the character--like the character of Steve's Dad does--apparently isn't out of the question), that's discussed by showrunner Peter Lenkov (who also wrote Ep 507/100) in this "post-mortem" of Ep 100 from a recent issue of TVGuide/their website: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Hawaii-Five-0-Wo-Fat-Death-Peter-Lenkov-1089100.aspx If you haven't/anyone else here hasn't read it yet, I recommend doing so. I thought it was enlightening.
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