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Everything posted by ParadoxLost

  1. Owen is such a giant freaking dumbass that I'm not sure I can watch this show anymore. It was getting bad the last couple episodes. I didn't think it could get worse than Owen shooting the bad guy and saving the day despite standing next to a cop who got relegated to the part of tag-a-long boyfriend of hostage because Owen must be the bestest ever. But OMG. The dumb in this one. It went to 'did they accidentally cut out Owen's brain during surgery' levels of stupid. He doesn't notice the arson investigator suspects him. So he goes and buys arson supplies to figure out how the arsonist did it. He returns to the scene of the crime in his hoodie. It seems like having three Lowes involved in making this episode was a really, really bad idea. In other news, I am thrilled that someone finally called out Marjan on her social media. It was inevitable and deserved. May we never hear about Fire Fox again.
  2. There is a snake in a bathtub in the chit chat topic. What is the mechanism to make that go away? Random snake pictures on the internet is among my least favorite thing to be surprised by on the internet. We need to respect the childhood traumas which include baby taken to see Jaws steps on baby copperhead barefoot f$%^, its a bat here's your brother's pet tarantula here's your brother's pet snake voice mail "the snake is lose in the house"
  3. I read the first half dozen or so of that series. I had to give it up because it started feeling like the pairings and the endings were specifically to subvert expectations and not repeat herself. It got to the point of feeling really formulaic in how hard she was working to avoid a formula. Also, I vaguely remember one of the books ending with one half of the couples becoming a ghost or some such shit. It was a stupid ending to a book I otherwise liked. It wasn't the last book I read but it was the beginning of the end for me. So bright side, death doesn't stop a future book for that character whomever that was.
  4. In that scenario I would be pretty sure its related to a threat against the company or an employee reported a concern about a personal situation. HR generally clams up when they are worried about the consequences of sharing information about the company or employees that is sensitive. If its some random thing that occurred on the premises usually HR is more likely to share details.
  5. I watched this one the other day. Now admittedly, I have some BTS Rob Lowe opinions that are probably unfairly lingering from West Wing days, but there are times with this show when I wonder how much of Owen's character and storyline is coming from needing to make sure that Lowe feels like he's the top dog of the ensemble at all times. One of those times was when Owen shot the guy when he was going in there with a cop.
  6. Someday, I'm going to watch an episode of 911 without being struck dumb by how all around fabulous Angela Bassett is. It hasn't happened yet though.
  7. The snooze button on my alarm clock broke. The snooze button is very important to my morning routine.
  8. I broke my ankle once. When getting the pin out, my Dr gave me two options for the surgery. Awake or anesthesia. I chose awake. Everyone I mentioned this to asked me what kind of lunatic I was. That option allowed me to drive myself home. I didn't get what their deal was. So I have to say that I think needles or blood draws don't bother me.
  9. It seems like from the timing that Kate began accusing Jeanette, made clear by boyfriend punching Jeanette on her arrival just after they heard Kate was found, that at least one of three things must be true 1. Jeanette did see Kate in the basement. Or at least there was a circumstance where Kate feels certain she did. 2. Martin taunted her through her abduction that she had been replaced by Jeanette causing Kate to lie 3. Her mother was so bitter over Jeanette slipping into Kate's social life that nearly the first thing she did when being reunited with Kate was spill all her bile about it causing Kate to lie. Its rather impressive that in a single episode they painted a portrait of the Mom that made #3 seem plausible. But I'm not sure the portrait of Kate they painted makes that seem plausible. It also seems unlikely that Kate would figure out how to get her hands on Jeanette's necklace to keep a spontaneous accusation going in the third scenario. I'm going with 1 or 2.
  10. No, Jennie somehow mistook the dead body of a grown woman for a child because Roland put a hoodie on it so she carried the body out of the house.
  11. This is the first episode I have watched since last season. Between this and Delilah being inexplicably just gone while leaving her kids behind, I thought maybe they were just trying to address viewers complaints. From the group blaming Katherine for Eddie's alcoholism to Delilah's existence.
  12. Every time the Oscars retool something it just makes it worse. Expanding the number of nominations a decade ago somehow managed to avoid reduce the number of films nominated that had a broader appeal and killed the buzz for the the nominated films at the same time because there are just so many of them. They made the attempt to return to a more "Billy Crystal" style host with Neil Patrick Harris, when he had a lot of hosting cred from the Tony's, and that basically ended his hosting gigs. I mean I've never seen an audience as lacking a sense of humor or joy since Ricky Martin captivated the Grammy TV audience while the live audience sat rigidly still. And several have had twitter come for them. No matter what the Academy Awards claim, I believe they don't have hosts anymore because they've gotten a reputation that there is too much career risk for hosting and they can't get anyone of a caliber they want so they go without. I don't know what they could realistically do this year to fix it even if they tried given the lack of movies due to circumstances. I don't think I agree with this. I think everything has sucked about the Oscars for about a fifteen years. If you go back before that I think the Academy Awards were much better and included some pretty good lives performances. But I'm of the mind that the Oscars have gone too indie. That makes it harder to pick live performances the same way it makes it harder to draw an audience.
  13. I had to get a new keyboard for work. Its not the same as the old one. I was taught to not look at the keys while typing in school. This is reinforced by half the letters being worn off on my old keyboard. None of the flipping keys are the same place. This is a size thing rather than a placement thing. And there seems to be some insane combination of keys that I keep hitting that somehow launches a program on my computer that I have never seen as a short cut before and I have no idea how I'm doing it. Therefore I can't seem to stop launching it unless I type slowly while looking at the keyboard.
  14. He's got a twin brother. Not an excuse. I miss Killjoys. I also challenge some show somewhere to put both Ashmore brothers in the same show. Just one episode is all I need. What I really like was that he was thrown into a situation that we never see him in and it was completely recognizable that its how Bradford would handle it. Says a lot of good things for the writing and acting for that character.
  15. This is my job. me: There's an iceberg Captain: hmm. I've really thought about this and I think the way to handle this is to rearrange the deck chairs me: That's not going to solve anything. I need the command to turn the boat Captain: But if you rearrange the deck chairs the passengers won't see the iceberg me: but there is still an iceberg Captain: well maybe it will melt before there is a problem. I don't want to upset the passengers. I don't know why I even bother.
  16. They've always been just been about profit margins. They've been defending their manufacturing partners' labor issues for at least a decade. They've just moved from a phase of growing the customer base to maintaining the base and so are cutting the service stuff.
  17. "Things never change" following an article link about an incident 30 or 40 years ago where everyone involved is mostly dead. I do not think it means what you think it means. Outrage is fine. Characterizing the outrage in a way that makes me read an article about the block universe theory to see if I believe that there is possibility that past and present exist simultaneously is not fine. And I quoted Princess Bride twice.
  18. Do you remember that episode off How I Met Your Mother where the discovered that Lily and Marshal's floor is n'ot level. Well my life is a TV show. That's what I get for cleaning. Stupid hardwood floors that collect dust underneath furniture. Causing me to move furniture. Causing me to realize the dressers would better if swapped. Then swapping them. Then having the drawer that holds the electronics roll open. Because the floor is not level. Or I somehow messed that drawer up in moving it. But I'm not moving it back to find out if its the floor or the drawer. But I have a level.... For reasons I don't remember. Probably my dad. Who is the reason I own two ladders, one of which I will never climb, because he climbed on a roof and pulled another ladder on the roof and then climbed it. Which I found to be insane. So I hire people to fix things higher than ladder one.... So the level says the floor is level. The level says the furniture is not. So that must mean my furniture is not level and the floor it used to reside on is not level in a complimentary direction that made slanted + slanted = level. Right? Wrong. That floor is level too. I briefly considered if its because I swapped it to the opposite wall. But that isn't how math or science or whatever works. So I'm temporarily dealing with this situation with scotch tape. Then I guess I'll find some of those floor protector thingymabobs to change the angle or look on youtube and see how you fix this kind of thing. I'm going to clobber myself sleepily heading to the bathroom before I fix this. I just know it. Oh, mighty scotch tape. Hold.
  19. I''m in the 'if a tree falls in the forest' camp. If a movie is made and and no one sees it, does it deserve an award. But again, a hard position to defend in this year of all years because very little came out. I can't really point to anything that was "robbed" of a nomination. But I also think the Oscars this year don't really mean anything.
  20. Hollywood has never favored the types of movies I watch. And its been unusual year. But still, its really strange to me that I haven't seen anything nominated in any category.
  21. We need a "this thread is dead" topic to direct people to forums in groups. So many topics I would gladly chat about but no one around to listen to me yammer on. I'd be willing to prompt others to yammer too on just about any topic. I miss having shows I watch that have constraint traffic. Probably a repeat peeve but it deserves to be repeated. Hiding price increases by reducing the quantity sold. I was in the grocery store today and picked up some shredded cheese. I did the scrunchy WTF is wrong with this cheese face when I picked it up. Its was lighter. On inspection, the bag is redesigned so you can't see through the top half of the bag. That's because this new blend of cheese is 6 oz and there is no cheese to see. So I decided to go all ParadoxLost, P.I. in the dairy section. The old blend I use is same price but 7.5 oz. I'm pretty sure it used to be 8.oz like all the other cheese (got home and confirmed that the last time I bought it, it was 8 oz). So here are two things that are about to happen. Cheese brand X is gearing up to change all their cheese to only 6 oz for the same price they used to sell 8oz. And its only a matter of time before all the other brands of cheese follow them with what is effectively 33% price increase. I bought way too much cheese today but not of brand X. I get that inflation is a thing. But it annoys me that they just shrink the product and not packaging instead of raising the price because the price would be lower if they reduced the packaging the landfills would be less full if they reduced the packaging the implication of propping up the ability to pretend that inflation isn't a thing by keeping the same price for less.
  22. Dumbo, Peter Pan, Jungle Book, and Lady and the Tramp are adult content now. I don't understand the world anymore. I'm glad I was a kid when I was a kid and not now. I think I'm going to go watch some videos of rock stars fighting to stop warning labels going on music and pretend its the 80s again. Because now childhood rebellion is watching Dumbo.
  23. Girlfriend in a coma. I know. I know. Its serious. Don't provoke the earworms.
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