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Everything posted by ParadoxLost

  1. I would guess this is what eBay intended. Their motive is not to keep pricing down for the buyer. Their motive is to increase their profits by increasing transactions (which promos do) and increasing commissions (which higher sales prices do). This is a thing as old as time. The promo that doesn't save you anything that also lets the base price point shift up. All the while the consumer deludes themselves into thinking they got themselves a deal. Coming from a place of not believing you get anything for free, I prefer the "free delivery" has an extra charge relative to pick up even if they don't call it that. Because why should the people not using the delivery service have to subsidize the cost for people who do? I can see the peeve about truth in advertising but its really just a distinction on whether they are lying to your face or behind your back. Actually, maybe even scratch all that. I bet there are instances where store pick up is more expensive and they probably just figure that people will pay for the cost of convenience. I say this because I find it bizarre that my grocery store has two online prices and its usually that the shipping is cheaper and free for household goods.
  2. Oh FFS. I'm self censoring myself to the point of not having anything to say anymore. I wish there was TV or movies that I loved or loved to hate so much that I could engage in a discussion about it. I wish the "news" wasn't manifesting in like 80% of my day to day life. Because really, if you knew, you'd be like WTF. And then you'd tell me it sounds like your work in that office that coordinates disaster response from the movie Volcano except some stupid B movie version that is totally unrealistic because that much crap can't go so massively wrong on such a large scale every day. And yet it does. And every single bit of it is a can of worms. This post brought to you by the realization that I can no longer get pizza delivered and that innocuous romance novel I bought a while back is "under review" and not available for sale anymore. I thought these things might be fun to talk about for a little while. And then I dug into it a little. And well, shit. My brain is screaming at me not to post this either. But I just need to vent some frustration that I don't really feel ok to vent anymore.
  3. It weirds me out posting specific stuff about work because what if some random person from work reads stuff here and pieces things together. So lets just say this... Today I decided to start a journal about what happens at work because I need to figure out how to let stuff go or get a mindset change. And I feel like if I can't do that then I need some reference material to persuade me to quit my job. I'm having one of those "the leaders of your company doesn't care about its employees, so I should stop caring this much about my job" kind of days. So I unloaded a page and a half of stuff today. Tomorrow is not going to be a good day.
  4. Have you checked your spam/junk folders? And I'm aware that is about as ubiquitous as an IT person asking you if you rebooted your computer.
  5. I took a course once where there was one of those personality tests, The instructor told me that they were surprised that i tested as an introvert because I was so extroverted in the class. Basically said that people learn to behave in the way that gets them rewarded but it zaps the energy of an introvert to act as an extrovert. So basically my job has resulted in me putting an extrovert mask and in the moment in never ever bothers me. I'm perfectly fine with chatting with anyone. I probably won't initiate it but I'll engage in the exchange and be genuinely fine with it. But I have to I recharge like a hermit on weekends. I sometimes wish I could find a job that I can figure out how to be more introverted so I could have enough energy to be less introverted outside of the work week, but for the life of me I can't figure out what job that would be.
  6. Last night my Mom decided to warn me about cow killer wasps. I thought, hey I should warn @theredhead77. Then I thought I should break the chain of the inevitable looking up what that is.. Seeing the giant insect flash on the screen. Reading the articles about how much it hurts to be stung. And listening to the video of it screaming. Which is never a scream I've heard in the yard. So, yea. But you brought up GA bugs on your own so you brought this on yourself.
  7. There were once tomatoes in my backyard that were hatching a plot to take over the world and were virtually indestructible. I understood the inspiration for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes that summer.
  8. Jonas.. The dumbest way to bring a character on to a show to take the place of a departing actor/character ever. First have him party to the death of the departing character ( and not in a positive way). Then make him so super intelligent that he can just absorb alll pf Daniel's knowledge in a couple of months of reading. Ugh. I've always thought that how they brought Mitchell on was heavily influenced by lessons learned with Jonas. Saved SG-1. SG-1 superfan being his two earliest character beats. I liked her from Homefront and Earth 2. But after that article, I don't really blame them for going another way. TV show filming is not short days. If she can't get through one episode without lying about why she needs to leave early then it makes sense not to hire her for a series commitment. She didn't even seem to bother to keep it to herself so they didn't find out about her lying.
  9. Every once in a while someone unearths an old post and I think....I'm weird. "I want my teeth to have a feeling of purpose and accomplishment" 🙄 But actually, I agree on the salad thing. Its why the wedge salad is the best salad. It has no nutritional content and is probably the least healthy of all salads (iceberg lettuce, bacon, candied nuts and blue cheese dressing). But it comes in a hunk and you can cut it with a fork and knife like its meat and there is a nice chewing to density ratio. Also, bravo to using ROI in relation to salad.
  10. I've been doing a re-watch. And somewhere in season 3, I realized that my memory is kind of vague about entire plots in the second half of the series. I'm watching this unfold with a vague sense of deja vu and no flipping idea how anything unfolds until its put on screen in front of me. I just hit season 4. I started the season with a vague 'crap, the other (another?) time reset' because I will forever dislike the first one for turning Jack/Allison from a couple I ship to something I wanted because Jack wanted it. And I have a vague recollection of not being particularly thrilled with James Callis' guest starting role. And rewatch did not fix that. But I love these episodes in the first half of season 4. I love them with a giddiness that makes me cackle at the screen. This is not something that I felt in the prior seasons though I always liked this show. I wonder if this is something I realized in the first go around of the show, that there was a resurgence, or elevation of goodness, in the first half of season 4. Jack being happy makes me happy. Jack and Jo being roommates makes me happy. I have no freaking idea how it happened, but Zane and Jo being fracked up by time makes me actively ship them. Ex-counseling was genius in the decision of who Jack saw and Allison didn't see. And I think the humor took a bit of a turn in season 4 in a way the gels with me. Not that it wasn't funny before, but this is different. And my new favorite scene of all time (for now) is when Jack gets the bad news.,.. "Someone robbed a bank" double fist pump "Yea!" Such joy, at the prospect of an ordinary crime. And I have virtually no memory of what comes next. Seriously, all I know about the next season and a half is that Allison ticks me off at least one more time in how she sometimes treats Jack like he's a moron. And there is a claymation/cartoon Christmas special. This rewatching with no memory thing is nice. It been a long time since I've found a show must see. Nice of my memory to delete it so I can watch it for the first time again. I'm even reliving not having spoiler impulse control because I can skim through the thumbnails before watching the whole episode. Its that bad (or good), folks. I'll have to go see what other shows I think I remember but don't actually and rewatch them too. So that's it for now. I'm going to go find out who stole the bank.
  11. Can't believe there isn't a Eureka topic. But can't find one, so here it is.
  12. I don't know that I can say that I've seen feminists overtly and intentionally women shaming other women. But I can say that I think that the way the feminists that push policy and participate in feminist groups (at my workplace) have a large portion (or maybe small but more vocal portion) that seem to have a lack of comprehension of unintended consequences and that others may have a perspective that is also valid and not anti-feminist. What I've noticed lately is a focus on those that have been left behind or have not made as much progress. Driven mostly by women who have had success in their endeavors and want to lend a hand to other woman. Not a bad thing. Well intentioned and laudable. But they are not careful in their speech and actions out of confidence in the rightness of every word they utter and every action they take. There have been a couple times that I thought the way things were done/presented was at various points bordering on sexist, demeaning to their own gender, and dangerously undermining confidence.
  13. @Bastet When my Dad died, I appreciated it when people made a donation to research related to the cause of his death.
  14. Depending on who is delivering the package, they are being tracked for their speed and being fired by computer algorithms. Drivers are in a lose / lose position. Its accuracy vs speed. And if one gets too out whack for the algorithm then that's the end of employment. So it is more difficult than it would appear. And for all we know, the algorithm puts more weight on speed than accuracy.
  15. Sympathies. My family is all up in that direction. That is some weather that no one up there is prepared for.
  16. Once upon a time, I got fed up and just wanted to unload on someone who was not part of the regional office responsible for landscaping my yard. I was sick of talking to them. So I looked for an online customer service number that was corporate rather than local. I kid you not, the CEO's secretary answered whatever number I found and was going to put me through. I was so startled that I didn't do it because I didn't really intend to take the nuclear option when dialing that phone. Maybe I should have, But I guess I worry too much about the consequences landing on the wrong person because I work for a corporation and see how these things go down and my landscaper had already been fired. And they were trying to fix things but their ability to screw up one thing while fixing two others was remarkable. And I also had a premonition of that call leading to having to deal with them more than that one time and I didn't want to. I was burned out. My four day project went on (and off because I had to take breaks from it for my sanity) for a year. And all of you probably shop at this place. I rarely do any more, but when I do I inevitably get triggered by someone telling me how great their landscaping service is. So if you ever see someone wandering through the plants, muttering about mulch island*, just wave hello to me as you back away from the crazy lady. *Mulch island is what I dubbed the square of land in the middle of my yard where they realized they were one piece of sod and decided to mulch it instead. It wasn't the worse thing they did. But it was the thing that broke me. It was also very effective leverage to get stuff fixed. All I needed to do was send a picture with a rectangle of mulch surrounded by grass with "WTF?"
  17. I on the other hand watch marathons pop culture and other history shows and think.... WTF I remember that. That didn't happen before I was born, was an infant, etc. Then I become very confused. Then I think maybe I'm remembering TV shows about history as if I lived them. But the thing is, I had a pet rock. I remember the pet rock craze. I'm pretty sure that is not a fad that lasted a decade.
  18. And to add insult to injury the are charging you for delivering their method of paying for their services.
  19. You'll never find an inspirational quote from me. It would always be some kind of self deprecating humor like "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  20. If that was his point, then I think it was secondary or even tertiary. He was basically ranting over the idea of putting the fox in charge of guarding the hen house. I think he takes issue with governments and corporations having the ability to assume risks for the world at large and then being put in charge of the investigation when something goes wrong and then have the ability to suppress discussion of it and no one calling them out on it. I think Colbert's reaction was largely performative to underline the last couple points. Its sad that the overwhelming reaction seems to be that Jon Stewart might have gone over to the other side. I could see how there could be some insight to the divisions in culture as the reason for Colbert's discomfort. But I ultimately ended up thinking that it was clear that Colbert is operating under some pretty heavy pressure and this allowed him to say something about it without saying something about it. I don't really see how any of this is all that different than some of Jon's rants on the Daily Show other than in how it was received and why it was received that way.
  21. Watching Jon Stewart's appearance on Colbert and the reaction to it, I have to say I don't think Jon Stewart has changed. Everyone else has. Also I think Colbert was fully aware of what Jon was going to do. I don't think Jon would put Colbert in a situation like that without his agreement. Colbert's reaction was making a point as well.
  22. Except in a discussion of grammar. Sorry :) I couldn't resist the snark. At least I didn't generate a whole post in a bad grammar generator which is what I resorted to the last time everyone became peevish over grammar. I'm peevish over grammar discussions that go on for days. I'm going to go continue being peeved about measuring, hanging, and rehanging frames now. 4 down 10 to go. Well on that wall. I envision spackle and paint in my future.
  23. I can't tell if this is serious or snark. But I'll answer Don Lemon really needed his name to have top billing. So the show was renamed to emulate a certain FOX news show. And because he's all about the drama and not the news. He announced on a Friday that it was the end of the show/era (and tune in Monday to hear more) in a way that (he hoped) would get people to plead with him not to leave. Even though he wasn't leaving because we aren't that lucky. He probably is so in love with himself that he thought this might be a Coke/New Coke level situation that might bring viewers back when they were horrified over never seeing him on CNN again. Then he "claimed" later that there was an outpouring concern over his departure (to which I call bullshit) and then he urged people to tune in Monday to see the changes. Which is the title of the show, apparently.
  24. Beverly Hills Cop So do I have to shove a banana up someone's tail pipe? Because I refuse to go to California to solve a murder.
  25. Summer is better than Spring primarily because my allergies stop. It gets too hot, but I have air conditioning.
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