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Everything posted by Wicked

  1. I know there are law suits aplenty, but have either Tom or Erika actually been charged with a crime? (yet?)
  2. If you follow Kristen on instagram you can see that she has a film crew following around, so she's filming for something
  3. Nothing made sense about this finale. So disappointing. Hated Rory. If Amenadiel can come down from Heaven to see his family, why can't Lucifer come up from Hell to see Chloe and Trixy? And musical montages are such cops outs. Hated it.
  4. Tiffany from RHOD responds to Erika's anesthesia comment (she's an anesthesiologist for those that don't watch Dallas) https://www.tiktok.com/@tiffanymoonmd/video/7011639225867128069?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8Ou8PoOwF5OQ6xVPIqdUcF3oGGJnelpra%2BLd8WvSIofacNQ%2BUP3OmwDJUDVLebmPc2fYF0DPqFo%2BeOy6xGgA%3D&checksum=0452e48391d8b411c84b6563a68fbe59a557e5270ed3ffd06c4391106d965327&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAyh_cUYGSgSjhPq3NmCb3kwP2n-xY7-7TcdMkk9lQ9ymf7VQSmUQ9XCKuwDuuGLom&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAyh_cUYGSgSjhPq3NmCb3kwP2n-xY7-7TcdMkk9lQ9ymf7VQSmUQ9XCKuwDuuGLom&share_app_id=1233&share_author_id=6758422854628803589&share_link_id=ADD35827-5B20-4470-9A3C-70834193910D&tt_from=copy&u_code=d993ac34mhlfah&user_id=6758422854628803589&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&source=h5_m&_r=1&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6999262416521643526
  5. Did I miss something, do we know what happened to Ursula and Alma in the end? Are we to assume the pale people got them?
  6. There is no one to root for in this cast, I can't get invested in any of them
  7. I have been disappointed in this season so far, which really bums me out. But Ella at the end of the episode was great
  8. This episode broke my heart, I was rooting for Mickey and Karen. While Alma is a monster, I think the actress that plays her is doing a great job
  9. Sutton doesn't have to worry about Erika suing her, she can afford much better lawyers
  10. Because Garcelle called her an annoying gnat
  11. I'd love to see Leah go. Bring back Tinsley and Kristen, I think they would be fun together. Bring back London Dorinda, but not angry Dorinda
  12. Ramona might not be aware that she is a racist, but she is. full stop
  13. I love Gary. I'm rooting for him
  14. Yes, Leah and LuAnn have been messy drunks, but they did recognize that and stopped drinking. Sonja is in denial
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