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  1. I don't think it has anything to do with Teddi either, she doesn't care that much about anyone else. It's a pathetic cry for attention, she'll be back. Unfortunately
  2. The way he publicly berated Brittany for drinking while he is a full blown alcoholic and drug addict and everyone on VPR and The Valley knows, why did no one ever put him in his place???
  3. I feel like teenage Shauna is nothing like adult Shauna. With the other characters you can tell they are the same person in each time line, but Shauna is two different people. I suppose teenage Shauna dealing with the loss of her baby, but she has become down right cruel and evil, burning someone alive??? Adult Shauna is certainly not a perfect person, (and is a murderer) but I don't see that cruelty in her, I don't think she intended to kill him, (Andy??) it was impulsive, not cruel
  4. When they first showed the cliff I wondered if we would see Crystal some how
  5. Nooooooooooooooo, I hate this is the way it played out
  6. I think it's mostly the way they styled her hair
  7. I feel like the fact that they are foreshadowing so much that they are going to kill Ben means they are NOT going to kill Ben
  8. Was Sutton a snob and out of line? Yes. Did I love it and think Dorit deserved it? Also yes. And no, Dorit, your comment was not a joke, it was a dig. She is acting like a victim when she is getting a taste of her own medicine
  9. Maybe I need to rewatch, but my take from the conversation that Santos had with the daughter was that the Dad wasn't doing anything. I didn't get any kind of uncomfortable vibe from the daughter, she seemed more confused by the questions than anything. Something's up with the family, but I'm not sure it's the Dad. I think this will blow up on Santos
  10. Watching now, still do NOT see what the issue is with this stupid text message. Can we please move on?????
  11. My take on Kyle and PK. Full disclosure, I've never been in Dorit's position or Kyle's. BUT Kyle had friendships with PK and Dorit and at the time of their separation it sounds like Kyle was closer to PK than to Dorit. And the text she shared was in response to the announcement of the separation, so I don't see the issue with it, he is her friend going through something rough. Also, if PK had cheated or been abusive in any way, that would be a whole different situation, but that's not the case, the marriage just wasn't working and it sounds like they both had a part in that. (Oh except PK is a raging alcoholic, which I realllly think is a low blow for Dorit to put on repeat, especially since he has been sober for awhile now and clearly, that wasn't the problem in their marriage) So on this issue, I am team Kyle, Dorit IS mad at the world and taking it out on those around her. Team Sutton too
  12. My guess is Richie is her "true love" hence the loop hole
  13. I don't think she wanted a spin off, I think she was just saying if you want to film a few scenes at our sandwich shop, we're open to it. Smart business move to make that suggestion, imo I will give the new VPR a try but it really needs to be it's own thing. I tried Vanderpump Villa and there were two cast members literally saying they were the new Stassi and Jax. If I want Stassi and Jax, I'll rewatch VPR. I only watched one episode of VV
  14. Kyle suddenly looks a lot like Kathy to me, especially around the mouth. And has even done the marble mouth talking thing that Kathy does a few times. I never thought they looked at all alike but now I can't unsee it. I have never cared enough about Dorit to care about this fight or her separation from PK. I hope this doesn't monopolize the whole season
  15. When they say Lala Scheana and Schwartz have joined The Valley, do they mean actual cast members or friends of? I am hoping they are in the background of a few group scenes like season 1
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