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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I read this and very much agree with this assessment of Lucas. Then it struck me--wow Lucas is pretty hypocritical. Then it struck me again--Lucas is part-Horton. Ahh it all makes sense now.
  2. Last he was shown flying around on a plane trying to avoid arrest warrants. I assume he was headed somewhere he can't be extradited. Ya know how the Dimeras and the Kirakis's...and Kate keep those travel locations handy.
  3. Good point. Abigail would have no doubt been fine going public if EJ was her man. I believe that her shame is more in the fact that he chose Sami over her, something that till he shouted across the room how much he loved Sami, Abigail did not believe. I also agree that so far “the town” has treated Sami like she should just suck it up and get over the affair—that she should have expected it because it was EJ. Yet I feel that a large part of that is because it was with the sainted Abigail. If EJ would have banged Theresa, Jennifer and Abby would probably feel sorry for Sami, if not have participated in outing Theresa. I wish Kate would have Sami’s back a little more. It would be far more interesting to see her support Sami and take on Abby than this train wreck of a story with Tammi Sue!
  4. If Allie finds out about the Ejabby affair and is devastated and loses all respect for Abigail, Lucas has no one to blame but Abigail herself for participating in it in the first place. Frankly if Lucas had half a brain (which after yesterday he apparently doesn't), he wouldn't want Allie around Abigail anymore. She's hardly a role model. Me too! I want to see a new coven join forces and support Sami and go against Abby. A team of Sami, Kate, Theresa, and Ciara would be awesome. Would love to see that little 8 year old knock Abby down a peg or two
  5. Lucas doesn’t like EJ so it doesn’t surprise me that he didn’t cut him any slack but he really wore his Horton hat yesterday brushing off Abigail’s role in the affair. I’m getting really tired of everyone absolving Abby of her part. EJ didn’t force her and he didn’t delude her that he wasn’t involved with someone else, so to me it’s a 50/50 responsibility/blame. I can only hope that all these delusional people get a real wake up call and that there is a mistress-begging video out there somewhere that goes viral. My interest and patience is wearing pretty thin with this show to begin with so I sincerely hope we get some head shakes and tongue clicking at Abigail very soon. It is long past due for the fall of the house of Horton and no better time than for it to start with Abigail’s debacle. Since we saw Theresa wipe the prints and use a tissue or something several times I’m figuring Abe’s last line yesterday will be a fake out. Technically, shouldn’t there be a bunch of prints on the poker…as in Victor’s, Maggie’s, everyone who uses the fireplace in the house???
  6. I thought that too! A is not going to just stop over and ring the door bell! Seriously these girl get dumber instead of smarter.
  7. That's hilarious!!! I'm suddenly seeing Abigail in a red dress just slightly altering the line to fit her...."Life after death is as improbably as sex with a single man."
  8. What an underwhelming episode as par the course this season. I know the girls are only teens but they've been at this A game a long time now so you'd think they'd know to.... A. Turn on more than 1 light when you are alone in the house. (Btw, where did the dog go???) B. Never wear scarves--they are strangulation devices in Rosewood before they are fashionable C. When hiding in the bathroom, take all your personal belongings with you As for the Rosewood PD, if you suspect Mr. Fritz is hiding a female by the animal print purse lying about, why not just ask to use the bathroom? Surely the detective knew she was in there. Again this week, I repeat--Hanna is the worst date! Seriously, why couldn't she at least invite Travis in and order a pizza. And Spencer, left Caleb to comfort Toby in the hospital. Was that payback for the time he left her believe he was dead?
  9. Isn’t that the truth. His head is filled with computer chips anyways from Stef many years ago, right? Unless they show it in the days to come, I think it’s one of those assumed scenes shown off screen. It’s certainly not all that vital to the plot so I personally don’t feel like I need to see it. In the meantime, I doubt the kids read the papers, and it’s summer so they aren’t around the kids at school. For the time being maybe they just think EJ is on a business trip. Heck, Grampy Stefano hasn’t been home in months so they won’t get suspicious that he’s flying around on his plane dodging arrest warrants. Abby isn’t some fifteen year old girl. She’s traveled abroad, she’s had boyfriends, she’s been through college— she isn’t sheltered. Plus she’d have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not know EJ’s reputation around town. She dated his brother; she’s not unfamiliar with the family. Agree. Have the writers forgotten that storyline? Jennifer’s morality and parenting is just whack! I can’t believe how the show props that family. I understand loving and supporting your daughter but when she’s twenty-two and has been through this same scenario TWICE now, I think it’s time to sit her down and express some disapproval, not to mention question the values you raised her with when twice now she has gone after the Brady women’s men. Add in that this time she thought she might be pregnant from the affair, well Jennifer (regardless of the fact that she loves her daughter) should be questioning how irresponsible Abigail is. I can’t remember the last time I detested a family on this show more than I have the Horton/Deveraux’s in the last few days. What does it take to give them a wake up call so they quit thinking their butts don’t stink? While I’ve been looking forward to Sami’s revenge, these people are driving me nuts! Abigail needs to stick her nose out of the Eve lawsuit crap. She has enough problems sleeping with someone else’s fiancé without making a fool of herself in the town square named after her family by smacking Eve. JJ needs to stay out of both his sister’s disaster of a sex life as well as his mommy’s lawsuit and act like a normal kid who just graduated high school. Both Jennifer and Eve need to quit prattling on about what type of man Jack was and what he would have wanted. Blah, blah, blah. Just because you donate money to a veterans’ organization doesn’t mean you’re absolved of all your previous sins. He’s dead, he signed the annulment paper—get over it. I almost laughed when that was questioned today. I kept thinking ‘well if Jack didn’t sign it then he and Eve are still married!’ Now wouldn’t that be a doozy of a legal problem for high and mighty Jennifer. Sami, as the woman scorned, has every right to be angry, upset, and tell her story. I hope she takes out a billboard in the Horton Town Square and plays video of Abby begging to be EJ’s mistress. Any woman would be furious to find out her fiancé was sleeping with another woman, but take into account that Sami is not known for being gentle and understanding and that EJ is a mob boss’s son—Abby and family should be thanking their lucky stars that Abby isn’t swimming face down in the river. If they had any brains and remorse, Jenn and JJ would encourage Abby to lay low and be apologetic.
  10. You’re right; the writers are completely mixed up. So far Sami has explained that she was there the day of the shower sex and saw Abigail on the security cameras at the gym so she knew EJ was in there with Abby, yet she claimed she did not know EJ could have been the father when Abby thought she was pregnant even though that happened after the shower sex. Then today (Monday’s episode) she said that she got the photos weeks ago when she learned of the affair but the affair was months ago and she was there during the shower sex. It’s still unclear if she stumbled upon the shower sex first or if the photos arrived first. Let's not also forget that EJ/Sami were supposedly married in June yet the 4th of July was the very next day after their wedding. Do the calendars in Salem go from February to June and July has no 1st, 2nd, or 3rd? That’s the only way anything that has explained time wise makes sense. Makes one wonder if the writers not remember what they wrote and the order they wrote it in or do they just enjoy insulting the intelligence of their viewers?
  11. Left overs from her Princess Gina days. Done up for the gala, she put me in mind of Gina, especially considering it was an art gala and all. Hope should have MCed the show and told that little story. Would have been more entertaining to the crowd than Mar's shrink jokes.
  12. I think it’s extremely misleading of the show not to mention they have a 3 ½ year old daughter together. If nothing else, it changes the dynamics of their relationship. The show made it look like once they severed their businesses partnership they could just part ways. Clearly that is not the case. Since that critical piece of information was missing, I’m also wondering where JP’s third child with his second wife is? Only two were shown but he has 3 with her. Also, was the woman that cooks and cleans only there for his kids with wife #2? Does Jessica at least take care of her own kid? Jessica came off as lazy and pathetic to begin with. Throw in getting pregnant to this jerk four years ago after knowing the guy had four other kids to two other women and now he just keeps her around as a pseudo wife for public appearances and she’s even more pathetic. No wonder she was thrown off when she had to do real “assistant” work for BW, around JP’s house her “work” is completely different. JP clearly has a hot mess of a life and needs some professional help. As for Barry Williams, I didn’t see that the guy had any real issues. He clearly cared about his son and even though Jessica made a big deal about the son’s interactions with other kids, he certainly wasn’t sheltered or suffering because of it. He came off as a mature, respectful, well adjusted kid. And Marie Haygood has 8 kids and they obviously socialized with her family. (Not to mention his time/life with his mother wasn’t mentioned). Oh and he has a half sibling…. Where is the daughter BW had with his girlfriend a few years ago? Jessica wasn’t even born yet when the Brady Bunch went off the air. And she wouldn’t be on this show if she wasn’t dating a guy almost four decades older than her. Maybe Jessica should find more people her age to hang with! Barry’s son will be just fine. Jessica is another story.
  13. Couldn't agree more. Just finished last season and I'm lost at how Sookie acts but yet they all want her. I liked Sookie in the beginning but now all she does is complain about the very "people" she hangs out with all the time--the people who instead of trying to eat her are always protecting her.
  14. I've already second guessed it. If TB actually read the scripts for Ravenswood and still took the gig he deserves to be out of a job. I think Hannah has better chemistry with Travis. If only she'd stop being the worst date ever! When the show says that do they mean he installs new/more security cameras around town, tracking devices on everyone's car, and sleeps with a few more underage students because let's face it--Ezra does not do what normal writers do for research.
  15. Jessica Fletcher is so Ezra's idol. He even has the old school typewriter. (Or did... Did Aria smash that up?) Next episode they should have him lounging around his dumpy apartment watching a marathon. I can hear the theme song playing now.
  16. LOL Their theme song is going to be the ultimate stalker song--how appropriate!
  17. What a lackluster episode... for the second week in a row nothing really happened. And would someone please give MK a geography lesson--you do not garden and plant new blooming flowers in Pennsylvania a month after Halloween!
  18. I don’t think what EJ did got whitewashed. There’s a scene (and you can find it on youtube) where they (he and Sami) clearly address it. The big difference for me between Jack and EJ is that Jack raped Kayla out of jealousy and his own sanctimonious belief that he was better than Steve. He didn’t love Kayla; he just wanted to take what she hadn’t given him and what he believed he was owed. He continued to force himself on her with her screaming for him to stop and her trying to fight him off. He was a violent monster and there’s no way he believed for one second it was what she wanted. Then he denied his wrong doing, trashed Steve, and held Kayla hostage in her own apartment. Months later he used his political position to try to shut down her medical facility while he threw another petulant hissy fit during his vendetta against Steve and Kayla. So Jennifer saying today that Jack wasn’t shady was a real joke. At least EJ acknowledges that he’s a “bad man” and while I get the feel from his character that he doesn’t want a life of outlandish schemes like his father orchestrates, he also isn’t oblivious to the fact that he will never totally walk the straight in narrow. I also think that EJ does genuinely love Sami, all be it in his own dark and twisted way.
  19. Horton family money??? Good question. I figured that's coming too. I hope he tells her she has no case but if this does become a legal battle (which I suspect is the plot) I hope Eve has EJ as her attorney so when she wins Jenn gets a double headache....which leads to a massive brain tumor that even Dr. Dirty can't fix.
  20. I don’t care for this new rendition of Eve and don’t see the point of the made-up high school nemesis crap when the story is going to involve their later interactions regarding Jack anyways (it’s one thing to provide history/back story but another when it’s not accurate) but I do hope Eve stuffs it to Jennifer on this one. Jack took Eve’s money, he signed a valid contract allowing her access to possible future money, suck it up and deal with it Jen! As Eve pointed out, she can still donate her portion of the royalties. I hope Jen gets laughed out of court when she tries to tell a judge “It’s not what Jack wanted.” It seems the annulment agreement says otherwise. Not that I personally care what Jack wanted as he did a lot of things to other people that they did not want.
  21. Is it too much to hope for that Eve will use EJ as her lawyer when she sues Jen over Jack's book? Wouldn't that just add more salt to the wound when the Ejabby affair hell breaks loose!
  22. Sami should make Abby hand deliver hand written invitations to everyone just to make her jump through a few more hoops.
  23. I thought it was a name from somewhere on Daniel's side of the family. (That was before he knew Maggie was his biological mother)
  24. prican58- Some days I'm not sure why I still watch but it does have it's moments. Might I recommend you check out a youtube clip (for time sake) of last week's episode where Kate and Sami faked a food fight with Abigail Deveraux caught in the middle. It was the highlight of last week. As for the kids, the same actors have played them for a while. Ciara is quite the schemer. She has conned Sami out of multiple pairs of expensive earrings, wrapped Roman around her little finger to set him up on a date with a woman he despised, and even gets sassy with Hope.
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