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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Except in the video they are at the Campbell Farm which is in Rosewood. So clearly Charles has spent time pre-Radley in Rosewood. Makes you wonder if the writers even know what they are writing at this point....or if they care as long as it gets them renewed for another season.
  2. I agree. My own daughter is not quite 5 and they appeared (both in physical appearance and behavior) a little younger than her. Also, wasn't it indicated that Melissa/Jason/Ian etc were about 4 years older than the Liars in the early seasons when Ian was around. I seem to recall that Spencer was around 14 when Ian/Melissa were seniors making them around 18. It also seems far too unbelievable that a boy of 7 or 8 could be convinced that his brother was only an imaginary friend. A 3 year old years later, maybe due to memory at that age, but by the time the boys started school it would be hard for Jason, let alone other classmates, to not know Charles existed. As far as the medical records go, what was Spencer's line about not being able to pick up her own unless she went through her doctor's office? I'm not sure about minors, but if Spenc is 18 there is no reason she can't get her own records. They're your records for pete sake!
  3. Yes, this is what I meant by "Spencer is magically once again addicted to drugs to the point she’s going dumpster diving." It's probably the fault of the writers, but there's just no build-up, progression when Spencer is dealing with substance abuse issues. It's like one moment she's normal or detoxed and then the next episode she's desperate for drugs. Yes, full blown addicts craving a fix have erratic behavior but Spencer did not seem to be at that point till she raided the Montgomery's trash. Thus the whole thing comes off as a plot device brought up when it's convenient for cheesy drama rather than a well-developed addiction storyliine arc. So did Mr. Hastings make a little trip to GA to visit baby Charles and while there impregnate Mrs. D with baby Jason? Or did Mrs. D return to Rosewood and hook up with Spencer's dad while someone else babysat? This is the problem I have with the whole Charles as the eldest DiLaurenis kid--how would Spencer's parents not know he exists? And as smart as Spencer is, why would she not seek them out for info/answers. Hell at this point I don't understand why the Liars are still running around secretly sleuthing. The police are finally on their side; they could tell everything they know and maybe finally catch A. The only threat he's given is the one against Sarah and they could put her in protective custody if necessarily. It really doesn't seem like A holds quite as much over them as he did when the show began or even a couple seasons ago. The tables have turned but Marlene King and the writers are still writing this as a story of silly, scared bullied girls who can't confide in anyone but themselves. If this is the case then all the girls need some serious therapy for a multitude of reasons. Otherwise it's time to see some character development.
  4. There were so many things on tonight’s episode that I’m just still rolling my eyes…. -I call bullshit on no one besides his parents knowing that Charles existed. Are the girls that dumb or do the writers hope the viewers are? The Hastings were friends with the DiLaurentis since like law school, Mr. Hastings had an affair with Mrs. D. He didn’t notice she had a 6 month old son when he knocked her up with Jason? Uh-huh, sure. -Spencer is magically once again addicted to drugs to the point she’s going dumpster diving. Yeah, okay. -A dark room, Aria…Seriously? Like that wasn’t an invitation to A. -Hannah was a shitty girlfriend to Travis. Now she’s being a shitty girlfriend to Caleb. Just saying. -Tell me again why Allie, Jason, Spencer, and Hannah didn’t call the cops to have them check Auntie Em or whatever her name was property (i.e. exhume the grave). Oh wait, because then Sarah (who no one besides Emily cares about) would die. -Sarah is clearly Emily’s next love interest. I’m calling it now.
  5. Spencer would have figured out "Charles" is a DiLaurentis from the video clips at the end of the finale since Mrs. D is in it. I assumed the "he felt familiar" line was supposed to be a hint at him being Andrew who Spencer obviously knows, although whether it really is or not, who knows since PLL loves red herring clues. Andrew is the "must be A" of this season just like Ezra and others have been in the past. As long as they keep getting renewed I'm sure it will change again.
  6. Yeah, and one of them was only concerned that A took their organs. I would seriously think if you woke up naked under a sheet while held captive that you'd be more concerned that you'd been violated and look under the sheet to check things "down there" rather than to make sure your organs weren't ripped out. And even then you'd have to wonder where you'd been touched while being undressed. Maybe A is Josh Duggar ;-)
  7. I kept rolling my eyes every time they were in Charles's room and Spencer or someone would comment 'he does have a soul.' Why because he kept things from his childhood??? How does that make him less of a serial killer/stalker and more human? Jason Voorhees kept his mother's bloody sweater and her decapitated head. Maybe the Liars should have looked around the room a little more. ;-)
  8. Yes that was totally disturbing. Took PLL to a new level of creepiness. One thing that bugged me...the tracking device in Ali's shoes! Seriously? Shoes would be the easiest thing to get off her. Caleb is generally smarter than that.
  9. He just wanted Norma to finally stop lying to him and admit the truth. It wasn't about getting a confession to arrest Norman it was a gauge of Norma's honesty within the bounds of their supposed friendship. I am glad too though that they didn't sleep together. Their interactions in that scene felt contrived for me and at this point Norma has slept with just about every man she's encountered since she came to town. Bedding the sheriff would have felt cheap to me, not some final release of the sexual tensions that the producers have gone out of their way to produce. Yes I thought this too. Nick Ford and the Morgans are all dead. Bringing Bradley back seems pretty pointless to me so if she's not a figment of Norman's imagination then I hope she's only here to be his next victim, which might be fitting considering his growing "mother" sexual obsession and the fact that he lost his virginity to Bradley. I do have to say that I feel Norman's degression feels a little rushed. I feel like something more significant should have happened between last season and this one to see Norman so close to the point of where he is when the movie begins.
  10. At the very least Nora exists in a world unto herself. At the most she's bat-shit crazy. She's totally self involved to the point of being socially awkward at times and she frequently indulges in unhealthy relationships with pretty much everyone around her. She's the quintessential "unreliable narrator" so even if she's telling the truth, it's hard to tell.
  11. I feel like this season is pacing a little slow. They mystery with Annika and the Eyes Wide Shut Club is just finally taking off and it's episode 3, but I'm curious where it's going. If Caleb is now listed as a regular then I suspect even more that there's more to his story with Norma that will come out. I get the feeling Dylan hiding him out on the pot farm is only a plot device meant to delay a blow-out with him and Norma later in the season when they meet again. Yes he definitely slipped a number of times during his tirade. First I noticed it during the show. My hubs thought MT (Dylan) had a cold in that scene. I thought maybe he was a little stoned up there on the farm. LOL But it was a good scene between him and Emma none the less. But I'm also wondering where did Emma and Gunner leave off last season? Knowing Norman is starting to crack I almost longed for Emma to get back with Gunnar.
  12. If Jason does have a twin (whoever it may be) and from that old film clip it looks like he does, it's possible that Jason and his twin do not have the same father. If they are fraternal twins and Mrs. D slept with Spencer's father and her husband around the same time, each could have fathered one of the twins as biologically they are two separate eggs. I'd almost bet money that this is the case if Jason turns out to have a twin. I have a bit of a hard time with Andrew being Jason's twin since he's been presented as being the same age as their girls. (I'm not going to comment on how old he really looks since they girls in real life are way older than high school students too.) I see Andrew as being one of A's minions. I could be down with Ian as A. That's another old mystery that they need to either settle up or connect to something current. On a different note, I was glad to see Mona alive, as well as Spencer's parents both in the same episode and working together. About time one of the sets of parents got clued in and, with them both lawyers, it was a good choice.
  13. I have to wonder if clues to the truth of Norma/Caleb's relationship weren't already in the episode. In the truck w/Dylan, Caleb eluded to something along the lines of him and Norma turning to each other because it was the only place safe from their parents. Later in the episode Norma asserts its okay for Norman to sleep in her bed again because it's for her comfort. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if at some point we get a flashback of Norma crawling in Caleb's bed each night growing up--for safety and comfort from their parents and eventually things led somewhere. Sort a like a "Flowers in the Attic" syndrome.
  14. Or more likely he just wasn’t in the mood for a freak-out from Norma, knowing she’d go off the rails when she heard Caleb was back in town. One of the show runners also produced LOST. He is known for proclaiming to have the whole series plotting out when really he’s full of it. I think it’s pretty evident that the show is adjusting somewhat to viewer reaction and not strickly plotted out. Bradley in Season one was not a fan favorite, and quickly written out at the beginning of Season two. The drug war plot was not popular last season and is now possibly being fazed out with the burning of the fields and the appearance of the DEA.
  15. Yes, it does. They keep losing focus on the unique aspect of a travel back in time story, and Becca never utilized her future knowledge to its full potential or with any maturity. She made a bigger mess of everything and only focused on herself. On a different note, I actually liked Sean (most of the time). I thought he was a cutie and I think Noelle is what he needed. His first wife clearly never helped his career. It's been indicated that Sean had talent, he just never made the right connections or looked beyond the artistic aspects of his career to capitalize on the business end of it to make a strong living. I'll admit he definitely gave Paige mixed signals, and I always felt like she was just a rebound from Becca for him. There were hints that they could have had a good friendship and I wish they would have focused more on that, but "romance" seems to trump friendship in this story as evident by the Kevin/Lolly/Becca mess.
  16. Considering how it ended it did seem like he was missing. At the very least she should have passed him on the street or had an interaction with him before she got in the elevator for continuity sake. Sometimes I feel like the writers forget about him.
  17. A frustrating episode/conclusion to an increasingly frustrating show. It has so much potential but I feel like the writers bog it down each week with ridiculous unbelievable romances. I mean, seriously—in one episode Becca is downing drinks left and right, devastated and jealous that Andy is getting married, and then was it even a day later that she’s madly in love with Kevin again. I can’t even tell anymore which man is the rebound guy because I think they all are. Becca is beginning to appear pathetic that she can’t live a week of her life without a man and major drama with that man at that. And I continue to call BS on the part of the writers over how Becca knows what happened but doesn’t react like she’s 40. The writing is very wishy-washy. So basically to recap this whole premier season: On the eve of her second marriage to her nerdy childhood friend, Becca figuratively nurses a cocktail of cold feet and nostalgia that elevator-catapults her back to 1995 on the eve of her wedding to Sean, her first husband. Though divorced from him for 10 years in the future after a marriage soured by money problems, struggling careers, and Becca’s affair, Becca immediately jumps back into bed with him to relive their amazing sex life one more time before dumping him at the alter. Then she sets her attentions on getting the man she had doubts about marrying ten minutes ago (or 20 years ahead, depending on how you look at it.) But future husband #2 is already in a relationship that in the original past didn’t work out. So instead of just letting that alone and exploring the other problems in her life, Becca becomes obsessed with a man she’s not even sure she’s in love with in the future. Meanwhile, she now has her best friend, Lolly, back, despite the dark cloud of what ruined their friendship in the first place hanging over their heads. Though she’s never mentioned Kevin, the source of their friend break-up, once he appears in town earlier than the original timeline, Becca is suddenly faced with her third true love. At this point the viewers have to scratch their heads and wonder why a 43 year old women who had 20 years to think about all the crap, wouldn’t have a better handle on who was really more important. Because ultimately, either she regrets losing Kevin because of Lolly (but then why the hell all the Sean and Andy crap?) OR she regrets losing Lolly over Kevin (but then why put yourself in the same situation again?) The only bright spot in this plot—it has a great soundtrack that occasionally allows you to forget the immaturity of the writing as you focus on remembering the song playing in the background and where you really were when it was popular :)
  18. I know why I can’t get on board with him (aside from the obvious that he’d have an affair with a married woman and break up a long time friendship)….I can’t get past seeing him as the creepy coffee shop dude from Pretty Little Liars. This is my problem with Becca’s character. She should have more wisdom being that it is her 40-something self not her 20-something self doing this, but she doesn’t. She makes decisions like she would at 20 and so it keeps feeing like a characterization flaw on the part of the writers for me. Agree. It has a great premise and soundtrack but the writing and characterization feels very immature. Every week we see a group of 20-something singles ping-pong back and forth between each other. Becca’s has bounced around from Sean to Andy to Sean to Kevin. Sean has bounced from Becca to Paige to Becca to Paige to Noelle to Paige to Noelle. Lolly isn’t much better with Becca’s brother either. It would help if the actors had some chemistry together but I’m not really feeling it with most of them. Now next week Andy and Melanie look to be back so Becca will probably be torn between him and Kevin.
  19. This! Exactly what I was thinking during the episode. Becca supposedly had two hours to walk around NYC with Kevin minus Lolly and not once did she act as a good friend and throw a hint to Kevin that Lolly was interested in him. That was the perfect opportunity to nip the whole problem in the bud. If Kevin expresses interest in her instead, then she shuts it down fast. And if he knows how Lolly feels and still doesn't act on it, well then time to help Lolly move on but Kevin should still have been off limits to Becca. Agree 100% that Becca lacks the wisdom of a 40 something. I swear this show is written by 20 somethings. It makes no sense that Becca is in love with all these men at the same time. First Andy who she was desperately examining their kiss for a spark; then last week she claimed to still be in love with Sean; now this week she's over Sean and stuck on Kevin via memories of the future-past. Becca is a hot mess, but some of her actions make little sense. Most people don't look back on all their past relationships like she does. In fact, knowing how things turn out generally change people's perspective and alter feelings/emotions-- i.e. You might be in love with someone when you are 25 but if the relationship fails, when you look back on it at 40, you don't feel the same way about that person. I also think Becca keeps coming across worse and worse each week. Her whole affair with Kevin was totally uncool. I'm now convinced Sean dodged a bullet by being dumped at the alter this time around. It's clear all the poor guy needs is a break in his career, but Becca is still to self-absorbed to use any knowledge or future connections she might have to help him. Instead she's treading on falling into the same mess that ended her marriage and her friendship the first time around. The plus to this episode: No Andy and Melanie.
  20. I live in a state where the assistant football coach can molest students and the entire school and most of the town turns a blind eye for years so anything is possible, but I agree--most reputable schools would fire a coach that assisted in cheating right off the bat. Heck, this is a university that expels students without evidence on a he said/she said sexual encounter where the victim in questions isn't a student nor is she sure what happened so it doesn't surprise me that the baseball coach got fired.
  21. This is the conclusion I've come to as well. They are just dragging it out making the girls look stupider each week. I understood at times in the past why they didn't go to the authorities or parents but at this point I think Hannah's mom would listen; Spencer's mom is an attorney; and Toby is a freakin' officer--together they should be able to help the girls and come up with a plan of action. At this point what are they afraid A is going to do that he/she won't do anyways??? In the beginning it was 'high school' secrets they didn't want spilled but not it's like a life or death matters--time to get help. And A has become such a joke. He's like Jason Voorhes as the Friday the 13th movies progressed--nothing can stop him, nothing can kill him. Don't feel bad. I'm sure MK forgot about her too. I'm pretty sure the show has forgotten a good 60% of what they've written.
  22. My questions in regards to Daphne and her guy the Houdini condom was...It took him looking for it in the sheets to notice it was missing? Neither of them realized it right away?
  23. Good question. I hadn't thought of it as all a dream but it's certainly a possibility as in this is all in her head as she unconsciously laments the past. If that's the case, maybe that Xavier guy is really her doctor or something. LOL Although my impressions of the first episode was more that she had cold feet marrying Andy based on her desperate call to reach Lolly where she said she thought she was making the same mistake again with getting married, and that was the catalyst to the past--to get a do-over. (which so far she is messing up really badly IMO)
  24. Yeah, I agree I kinda got that feeling too that she thought (in regards to her marriage to Sean) 'Oh, I know this isn't going to work out, so why bother going down that road again this time around?' meanwhile, she figured she was missing something in the past about Andy. But I guess that's what bugs me about the show because Becca's thought process seems to align more with how a 20 something would think, not a 40 something. Most people by 40 have enough life experience and maturity to deduce that if you have doubts about marrying someone in the present, finding him sooner in the past when your lives were even less aligned isn't going to fix the spark or connection that is obviously lacking. And at the same time someone older would more likely look at their first marriage to a guy they still had feelings for more in terms of 'how can I fix what went wrong?' instead of how fast can I ditch him at the alter.
  25. This show has such a great premise but I feel like the execution has become a hot mess. When this episode started off I felt like I’d missed a whole episode in between, which I hadn’t. Last we saw Melanie she was packing her ruby red shoes and leaving the Great Oz Andy while Becca was about to finally work on her relationship with Sean. But they skip over why Melanie decides to stay and what conversations took place between Becca and Sean. And am I asking too much to get an update on her new job? I think to have a successful show you have to make the protagonist likable and with Becca it’s a real struggle because she does not come off as a woman with 40 some years of life experience. In fact, if it weren’t for the reminders that she knows the future, I’d forget she came from there because she acts too much like her 20 year old self. I feel like I’m still as clueless as Sean as to why she left him at the alter. The show has thus far established that they had a strong attraction to each other, a great sex life, and even Becca has admitted she’s in love with him. Their problems were money, careers, and the feelings of self worth that come with that. Yet Becca knows all this and can’t address these issues head on? I fail to see what’s so great about Andy that the girls are “fighting” over him. I’m so over that part of the storyline. I’m confused on the whole mess with Becca’s brother…so Lolly contributed to his downfall in the past but yet he went away for a year??? And while I’m intrigued with this whole Kevin thing I suspect it will be another eye-roll-worthy storyline.
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