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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Sunnyheart--I would not disagree that there have been some ho-hum boring years. Or those years when the majority of the show was flashbacks from the day before--also among the WORST! I guess my irritation with the current writing is the inconsistent storytelling with characters contradicting what they said the week before and doing things that are completely out of character for them; the show's inability to pair couples that have any kind of chemistry together (I've given up on them being able to write any kind of romance); and the outlandish propping of certain self-righteous characters.
  2. Best & Worst of Days in a nutshell Best: circa 1986/1987 Worst: 2014!!!
  3. I think the writers forget that Kayla ever had Joey! I recall too that Megan died in a jacked up hot tub. As an ex-girlfriend of Bo's I think there was suspicion on Hope or something.
  4. I too an done w/Days after AS's last day. I'm barely hanging in there now. I only wish I could give Corday & crew a big middle finger when I turn off the TV for such a lousy final story for Sami and EJ and the entire finger in my throat gagging disaster of the Abigail Deveraux affair. As much as I love Steve, I rather hope he doesn't come back because I'd hate to see what they'd write to ruin him. They've already tarnished Kayla. Poor Steve would probably be screwing Abby too and it would be all his fault while she came out smelling like roses. The early-mid '80's was Days heyday and the absolute best. If only we could strap the current writers in a chair and force them to watch the old episodes and take notes. They sure could learn something. The Lady in Red and If Your Heart Comes Out Tonight was awesome. Back then Days knew how to do romance. Nowadays they would've know a romantic story line and chemistry between actors if it bit them in the ass.
  5. Next week Ben and Abby go all the way.....they couldn't have waited another month when I'm done watching this wreck of a show so I don't have to look at Abigail's sex face AGAIN!
  6. Days writers' (in current time) have no concept of romance what so ever. And it seems like such a no brainer if you want to retain viewers and grow new ones as that is a hugely popular aspect of soaps. The demographics for Daytime TV is largely women. The readers of romance books are generally all women. The '80's was Soaps great heyday--Supercouples were huge. Do they not see the pattern??? Sometimes I can just envision their writers' meetings and how their minds must work: Writer 1 "So we have Brady getting drunk and snorting coke in this scene." Writer 2 "We need something that women will swoon over." Writer 1 again "Okay we'll just have him do it without his shirt on."
  7. The way the whole affair storyline has played out I think it's safe to say that if Corday had any brains what he really meant was that all the Ejami fans would be throwing tomatoes in his face for this crap they've written for AS and JS's last few months. On a different note, it was nice to see Abe show up and break up the underage party. I was shaking my head in utter disbelief the day before when Dan and most the other adults knew about it. However, it just reinforces the notion that Salem young adults are dumber than doorknobs. I mean seriously I know the show loves the "park" set but no college age kids not old enough to drink throw a keg party at the freakin' park! Can't we get a fake campus, someone's dorm, a college apartment??? Anything remotely close to where normal 18-20 year old college kids party! Oh and note to Days writers--underage college kids don't usually tell their parents about these parties ahead of time.
  8. I'm happy with this too as Ejami are the only couple on the show that have any chemistry for me. I hate how they wrote EJ propping Abby as I like EJ and Sami when it's them against the world/partners in crime. The writer's obsession with Abigail and the Hortons is sickening. I see that Melanie is back in November. All I could think was that at least I won't be watching them because EJ and Sami will have already left the house and I'll have nothing to compel me to watch so I won't have to listen to her whiny baby voice.
  9. Does Abigail's vagina emit some brainwashing scent? It's the only explanation I can possibly think of as to why the men in this town are so into her. Ollie, EJ, and now Chad again. This show just keeps going downhill faster and faster. I'm so over it once Sami and EJ are gone as there is just nothing promising in Days future right now.
  10. NuChad looks like Nick Fallon's long lost cousin. And what was up with the creepy '80's slasher film camera angles???
  11. Sami's imitation of Stef was hilarious. I busted out laughing at her rolling the 'r's' and everything. It just goes to show you how clueless the writers and producers are if it took them this long to put Sami and Kate on the same side.
  12. My 3 burning questions after today’s episode… Is Marlena’s sole purpose on this show to just walk around town psycho-analyzing everyone including the home-wrecker that slept with her son-in-law? Is Abigail’s mind just a continual loop of her sexual encounters? It’s like a porn film stuck on repeat. Did younger Jordan borrow that outfit from the Judy Garland’s memento collection? (Hello Jordan—you’re not in Kansas anymore. Dorothy called and she wants her dress back.)
  13. Because apparently no Horton can take the blame for their own actions. Someone else must always be their scapegoat. Well except for Julie today who had an epiphany during a yoga cruise and became a normal, understanding human being even capable of having a lovely conversation with a Dimera. Next week it will snow in Salem during their Labor Day picnic. There is no other explanation in the universe for the most over-the-top person in town being rational while the rest of her family roams the parks and hospital hallways proclaiming their shit doesn't stink.
  14. The right time was two years ago when Bo left, but hey, better late than never, huh? (insert huge eye roll at Corday)
  15. And none of what she says will make any sense.
  16. Thought I was watching the Twilight Zone during the Julie and EJ scenes today. Wow, just wow. Who knew yoga could do Julie so much good? If it knocks the self-righteous attitude out of Jenn, Abby, Hope, Will, Maggie and the rest of the Hortons can we send them all on a yoga cruise and force them to do the downward dog?
  17. I don't know what was up with Hope's glasses and that awful baggy top yesterday but EJ looked very fine in his suit today, I thought.
  18. I thought he looked particularly gray today, but then I just figured that dealing with Hope's moods and her cop voice was prematurely aging him.
  19. Great another uprighteous Horton on the screen. If he bounds and gags Abby so I don't have to listen to Miss High & Mighty for a few weeks I will kiss creepy Clyde on the cheek.
  20. Exactly! I think if you have an affair with a committed man than you'd better be prepared for the fall-out, especially the wrath that you may incur from the girlfriend/fiance/wife. That's almost common sense. You take something that isn't yours, you're going to pay the price. And that might mean losing your job or friends, depending on the situation. It's a chance you take. You'd better hope the sex was worth it. Abby has no right to blame Sami for her problems when she brought them all on herself. And Sami's done worse to EJ than Abby anyways. Miss Deveraux should be lucky Sami didn't set her up to go to jail. I think Abby and Jen better just shut their mouths and quit trying to spin some PR angle. Abby spread her legs; time to put on her big girl pants and own up to it.
  21. IDIOT! Will is a complete and utter freakin' idiot. He doesn't understand why no one is happy and congratulating him on his first magazine cover? OMG! How is the boy that stupid? You don't sell out your family and expect a pat on the back. Geez, if the writers had any brains, he'd get a bullet in the gut for writing an expose on the Dimera family. I seriously don't know why I'm still watching the stupidity of the characters on this show...
  22. I haven't liked NuWill since the actor switch and this storyline has just made him the biggest twerp on the show. When EJ walked in the door at the end I so wanted him to put on the kill-you-with-my-bare-hands leather gloves and wrap his fingers around Will's neck. It's far past time for EJ to go Dimera on some people.
  23. The Daily Dumbest must go to Will and Sonny today. I once had hope for Sonny but today even he didn't come off too sharp. What the heck did he and Will expect when Will aired his family's dirty laundry? When you write a sleazy tell-all article, you open up the whole story to the world. Were they both really so naïve to think that Will could just reference the “mistress” and nobody would identify who it was. Even JJ had a moment of brilliance (in Salem terms) pointing out what a crappy son Will was and how easy it was to figure out Abigail was the home-wrecker.
  24. I can seriously see why JS wanted to leave. What was the crap today with EJ taking all responsibility for the affair? Does he have amnesia? Did he forget she begged to be his mistress? Hell did he forget that just the other week he was proclaiming her the biggest mistake he ever made? The writing on this show is just horrible and the Abby propping has gone beyond ridiculous. If I had any doubt about my viewership on this trainwreck when Sami and EJ leave before, the last few weeks have sealed the deal for me. I’m out when they are gone; I’m only hanging on now to see it through to the end.
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