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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. That a decade or so later became a very ridiculous story. I remember watching Billie hold that stillborn so no way could I ever get on board with Chelsea aka Georgia being a living human being. And then to have her be responsible for Zack's death, well whatever hack head writer we had at that time clearly wanted to throw Bo and Hope under the bus for Bo and Billie.
  2. I want Joey and Kayla to go with him for old times sake. I'm nostalgic for one of Steve's "Baby, it's too dangerous," lectures. As the scene played out I think both Steve and Victor knew it was a fake Britta though I have no clue why the ISA or Steffie or whoever sent the fake Britta would think Bo was that stupid to believe it. His mother might be seeing her dead husband but Bo is still young and lucid. I would love for Orpheus to be behind the kidnapping...anything to bring him back (played by the original actor of course) but I'm betting on something far more obvious like Stefano.
  3. Is it just me or between the conversations that now involve Bo, Steve, and Eddie does it feel like the show should be called Days of our Deadbeat Dads lately? Exactly! It was a nice nod to the Three Knives storyline but someone (hint, hint, the writers) didn't watch too closely. Heck if Britta would have had a huge freaking knife on her arm like that they wouldn't have had to kill her to get it, they could have stood a several feet away and photographed it with a basic zoom lens.
  4. And when he said about Britta clearly being dead I kept thinking "you would know. You had her killed!" Too bad Steve didn't point that out to him.
  5. I vote they hire a writer who favors a hysterectomy! ( I think that translates into Abby gets the ax) She's already anal. He's a walking sperm donor. (A good looking one at that.)
  6. I sorta thought that too! Although if Days was really being true to the history, Kayla would have tagged along as well. Hope too. Maybe Kayla will come looking for Joey and it will be a family rescue of Bo. That would be cool. It's long past time for the show to give Kayla something to do beyond the hospital and the pub.
  7. I remember him from his Santa Barbara days! So I guess that's been a while ;-)
  8. He is quite distinguished but wow has he aged since I last saw him on screen. Not sure what I think of him as Eve's ex but I like the idea of him as Rafe and Gabby's father.
  9. Agree completely. Heck Hope and Steve are walking around town alive and well these days and they were both dead for years. There should be a fountain of youth and regeneration in the middle of Horton Town Square; it would be fitting too just a few blocks away from Murder Park. ;-) Huh? Revealed to a character in particular or the viewers?
  10. Britta? Seriously? I thought we were going to get a zoom in on Andre/Tony, but Britta! And wasn't the tattoo on her hip not her arm? Obviously much? OMG Days.
  11. I'm gonna hold out hope that the next news release about departing actors has her name on it. If the current departures (Dan, Eve, Will) are anyhow connected with the new writers noticing unpopular characters (or unpopular casting for a particular role) and are cleaning house, then they certainly should have KM on the chopping block because it's no secret that she's not well liked. I can't think of a bigger 50th Anniversary gift to the fans than to have her murdered on the big day. Would make my November 9th! Please writers, please.
  12. I'd be a little underwhelmed if it was Ben....EXCEPT...if during his big finale he discovers the baby isn't his and offs Abigail as his final victim in a dramatic scene. Then he'd be my hero! ;-) No, he didn't return to town w/Joey till after the first body was found in the park. It would be a huge continuity error for it to be Steve unless Joey was his accomplish since it's been established that Joey showed up at his NY apartment and they came back to Salem together. I totally agree it's not Rafe. In fact he's the last person on my suspect list. The new writer is a fan; he's commented in the press on the performance of the actor/actress during the reveal and his response to that character thus separating him from being the person in question; but also because it's clearly been hinted that he's going to be romantically teamed with Hope after the Bo/Aiden fall-out.
  13. If it turns out Clyde is the serial killer I'm going to throw my hands up in the air over these new writers for not coming up with anything more original or less obvious. If Chad looks guilty to the cops, Clyde looks guilty to the viewers.
  14. Because they no longer have the pier set for people to get shot and killed on. At least there it made more sense.
  15. Well if they do ever bring him back from the dead, I hope he comes back again with CM playing him! That poor kid will have whiplash trying to keep up with who's his daddy.
  16. Oh no, not Chloe. I could so do without her. And we'll be subjected to more singing, no doubt. Seriously, is her character really needed?
  17. I think the show has slipped/the writers have forgotten these things. I remember the good old Days when Stef and Victor didn't leave the house without their henchmen...I mean bodyguards. ;-) Now it's only hillbilly Clyde that has one. What's up with that?
  18. LOL at Joey's line to Kayla about Steve still thinking she was hot even if she had big hair. Was disappointed we didn't get a flashback, just a framed wedding photo. I sat through the John/Marlena flashback snooze fest. I feel cheated. So Hope and Aiden's big wedding date is set for the anniversary day...hum. I guess we can expect a big "showdown" as that all comes to a head along with the killer reveal and the bicentennial....Can Days get all that in in one hour? Seems like they should get a 2 hr. show for the 50th. Lingering questions over this week's shows: Did I miss Abifail finding out that Paige is dead? It's entirely possible because I rarely pay attention when she's on. But even the scenes I saw she didn't seem upset or go comfort JJ. Guess she was too busy lying to Ben's face about never contacting Chad again. Do JJ & Jennifer realize that turning on music won't do much good if you talk above a whisper? Seriously, if the house is bugged, their conversations have been loud enough to be audible. Maybe next time they should try some heavy metal music and a lower voice. Or talk in the bathroom with water running--is the toilet bugged? (Probably. Clyde doesn't seem like the type to be bothered over hearing bathroom noises.) So they could simply go outside and talk??? Why did JJ not tell Roman about Clyde? After Clyde left he had the opportunity? He went to all that trouble to disguise himself in a hoodie look like A from Pretty Little Liars and get to the police station after all. I went on hiatus for Days during the Jordan/Clyde reveal so I missed that. Even without that indiscretion I still find Clyde a creepy redneck. I still to this day can't get on board with Jack's character. I saw the original airing of him raping Kayla. It was so violent. She kept screaming "no." There's not enough mind bleach to make me accept redemption of his character. Mathew Ashford is a good actor, but I can't get on board with him as a good guy. As for EJ, I've never disliked him. Maybe it's the British accent (that I'm a sucker for) and his good looks, but honestly EJ has always been portrayed as a self admitted bad guy so it wasn't that much of a stretch for his character. Plus, I also saw that scene's original airing and it was much easier to get past than Jack's rape of Kayla, which was so disturbing graphic and gutting. The EJ/Sami thing was filmed as a cutaway so it was much more implied than shown, and it was more coheresd than violent. Not saying rape is ever right, but the show has definitely gone different routes at presenting it. I was confused on that too. They even picked what period he had each class. I thought maybe he was doing cyber school for a moment. Was the school's guidance office on strike or something? I didn't pick my own schedule till college. That scene reminded me of the memes circulating social media regarding that crazy KY marriage clerk. I want to see one now for Kayla that says: Dr. Kayla Johnson: Doesn't believe in evil....but still does her job treating Stefano Dimera.
  19. She's also a two-timer. Literally. Not only did she bed hop with Bo and Steve but she was a spy too in this whole ISA/Roman & the bonds thing. She seemed to like to play both sides. I always thought she was sneaky and she seemed to have Steve and Bo wrapped around her finger that they didn't see how destructive she was.
  20. Maybe it means that Corday is so out of touch with his show that he doesn't realize the first murder aired in August instead of September. Or.... There are two killers? The necktie one and then a new serial killer storyline starting after that??? I've got no clue. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be eye-roll worthy. Yep, that's what I'm wondering now.
  21. Yes, I don't think the writers gave that enough thought even back in the '80's. Shane and Gabrielle should have been teenage lovers in order for Eve to make sense as their daughter. I would buy Shane having a teenage child in the '80's much more if they'd have said he lost his virginity to Gabrielle at 15 rather than they were spy lovers in their twenties. Speaking of Gabrielle, I always liked her character and thought her and Shane were striking as a couple together. Does Eve ever mention her mother these days? They were close back then. Shouldn't she let her know her granddaughter is dead???
  22. Since it was bugging me, I had to look this up so here's the scoop on Steve, Victor, and Savannah. Now the funny thing that strikes me about it all has nothing to do with them but the one night stand with Chris Kosnitchek, of course played by the none other than current-Roman. For those not familiar with Savannah, she was played by a real life Playboy playmate. Can you just picture Roman with Miss November? LOL Savannah Wilder Portrayers:Shannon Tweed 1985-86 Date of Birth: Unknown Parents: Unknown Entrance onto Show: 1985 Unknown Marriages: none Romances: Tod Chandler, One night stand with Chris Kosnitchek Children: none Occupation: Worked for Victor and was a crime boss Crimes/Incarcerations: Ran a Drug and Porno ring Other Interesting Facts: none Date of Death: Still Alive Savannah Wilder came to Salem in 1985 and was part of a crime syndicate finnanced by Victor Kiriakis. Savannah employed many people in her drug and porno ring, including Tod Chandler and the police chief Richard Cates. At the end of the year when Shane Donovan brought down Victor Kiriakis Savannah was arrested along with Victor and Steve Johnson, but all were freed when Victor blackmailed Larry welch to take the fall for everything. Oh and Emma is just the start of it! Hell hath no fury for Kimberly like the women scorned for Shane. LOL
  23. Maybe this is why Shane hasn't come back and while it would make complete sense story arc wise for him to be on screen, it would make no sense when he and Eve are in scenes together because in real life they couldn't possibly be father-daughter.
  24. Thanks Dandesun! Yep, it was because of the doctor she was working for. And the funny thing is that not only does Kayla end back up in Salem but so does baby Andrew too when he gets adopted! As you said, "ah, soaps." Such a small world. Too small even for Emma's crimes.
  25. I remember when Kayla first came back she was working for a doctor in Ohio who had something in the adoption of Andrew but Kayla didn't know it. This was when Emma kidnapped baby Andrew from the hospital. So I think Emma hired Steve to go to Kayla's apartment and scare her out of town before she found her own nephew. So it was tied to one of Emma's schemes to torture Kim/keep her and Shane apart. I don't think Steve knew Emma's reasons though either. Again he was just a hired thug. But I also have this vague recollection of Steve working w/some scheme or criminal activity of Savannah's but I can't place the rest of it.
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