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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. So many incidents in last night’s show just seemed to point out what a hot mess these girls are. Hannah—oh geez, that dance she did in those clothes and with the heavy eye make-up made her look like a deranged football player. And the pageant sample questions she couldn’t answer—shouldn’t that be a clue to Hannah that maybe ‘A’ is the reason she got into these colleges and even if she had the money to go there she’s not going to be able to cut it academically??? Aria—Has ‘A’ induced ADD so bad she can’t concentrate on a single subject. And while it was nice to get a break from high school teacher love, she came across totally unhinged when Andrew asked to help and she sent him to follow her brother. Spencer—Should be smart enough to know that “neighbor boy” is trouble, not to mention she’s been doing this ‘A’ crap long enough to know that it was probably a set up and to wear gloves when breaking into somewhere. Nice little print she left there above the lock. Does Mrs. Hastings not better vet her boarding applicants? Emily—Well she rocked those dance moves and I feel a little bad for her because Talia is wishy-washy and seems to be playing her. Talia’s husband’s take on the relationship was a twist I didn’t see coming. Letting his wife experiment?...Next I’m expecting him to request to watch them. Or maybe he'll just rent the video version from Ezra.
  2. This is what I've been thinking all along. And I also took the first episode the same way you did. She was "settling" for Andy because he was a nice guy and other things in her life didn't work out, but she felt no real spark for him. That seemed to be further implied when she went back to the past and immediately had sex with Sean to relieve that old connection/attraction that she wasn't getting in the present. So far Sean seems like a pretty good catch. In the first episode when she talked about her first marriage failing I was expecting him to be a jerk or a cheater that she should have never married in the first place but just didn't see it because she was young. Instead we've been shown a sweet, hot, and talented guy who just can't catch a career break. Makes Becca look like the fool for not trying to make it work and helping him based off her knowledge of the future.
  3. I have to admit I was surprised by the ending of this episode--I actually didn't see that coming although it's what I've basically been telling my TV (and my hubs watching with me) the whole time. I feel like maybe (hopefully) Becca has had an epiphany and is doing what she should have done all along (although given her track record she will probably screw it up next episode). I never understood why when she came back in time she didn't see it as a second chance for her and Sean. From what we've been shown so far, he seems to truly love her. If their careers were the only real issue in the marriage then knowledge of the future easily fixes that. I feel like the previous episodes have forgotten the very first one--the fact that it's Becca's doubts about marrying Andy is basically what propels her to the past to begin with. I mean when you try to call up your former best friend that you haven't spoken with in years and say "I think I'm making the same mistake again," why the hell waste so much time in the past trying to get with the very person you aren't sure you want to marry in the future?
  4. I agree with all of the above. They certainly infused a bit of "reasonable doubt" in regards to what really happened, particularly from Bay's switching recollections. What also bothered me about the legitimacy of what really happened was that Bay had that fight w/Emmet before and it left me wondering if she didn't consent while drunk and upset with Emmett for kissing another girl. Whether that is what happened or not though, in the real world I'd suspect that Tank's friends would have brought that point up in his defense. I also agree that realistically Tank would have not been expelled based of a he said/she said investigation and w/no physical exam from Bay to offer any physical proof. I was almost expecting the previews from next episode to show Tanks's family suing the school and running with the "she just doesn't want her boyfriend to think she cheated" card.
  5. I didn't own one myself either till 2004 when I was pregnant with my oldest but several of my friends and my boss had them in the '95-96 time frame. I generally avoided owning one at that time because I didn't want to get called into work (lol) and because I didn't want the extra expense because plans back then weren't so "unlimited" like they are today and there were those pesky roaming charges if you were out of area. So if Becca would have had one to call AAA when they had that flat tire in Chapel Hill, she'd have had a nice extra fee for being 'out of area.'
  6. I seem to recall (and I'm only a few years younger than Becca in 1995) that more women's hair styles were curly unless your hair was naturally straight. But I don't remember any of my friends using a straightening iron. One thing I'm sure they are off the mark with is the cell phones. Yes pagers were big then but people had plain old cell phones in late '95 (not smart phones). And Becca with a job like she had where she was in demand all the time for Simon would certainly have had one. So when she complains about her pager I have to roll my eyes.
  7. I don't get why if Becca had so many doubt about marrying Andy in the future that she'd blow the opportunity in the past to come back and chase after him. Their past selves seem even more different/mismatched than their future ones. Plus, she knows that he and Melanie break up in a few years without her interference so why not just buy the time till then to find out if there's someone else she's meant for.
  8. I wan't sure either and the previews for the next ep didn't make it clear exactly. Though I'm typically not a fan in books and shows of that kind of plot twist in this one it seems very plausible and fitting to the nature of the show. Once Becca has come back and messed with the past, future events are changed and, thus, so are some people's fates, putting them on a different "road" if you want to make a pun. I'm still not convinced of that at all, both from a storytelling perspective as well as life experience as an almost 40 year old. I can't buy that if Becca was really in love with Andy in the future that she would have had such doubt that propelled her into the past to have a second chance. Then once she arrives in the past instead of seeking out Andy, she sleeps with Sean. To me that was very telling about her real feelings. My husband and I's biggest complaint about this show is how wishy-washy Becca is for a 40 something. We both feel that at times the show forgets that it's her 40 self and not 20 self thinking, beyond the knowledge of events and technology she has. For an example, if Becca and Sean's marriage was a failure due to their careers and Becca ended up hating her job years later then why didn't Becca just try to fix what went wrong with their marriage? It seems someone with the maturity of a 40 year old would know that marriage was more about fixing the problems rather than running out. Instead Becca's 40 year old self goes back to the past and pulls a really immature 20 year old stunt of dumping him at the alter. I actually thought that was pretty cruel though the show seems to go for a carefree attitude about it all.
  9. Oh that should so be A's final line in the series finale! ;-)
  10. THIS! If Spencer and Caleb would have called it in to the police last week when all that stolen evidence was still in there wouldn't that pretty much proven Hanna didn't do it...she wouldn't have access to bagged evidence unless they think Toby stole it for her. After 3 years of dealing with this stuff you'd think they'd be smarter at handling it. And don't get me started on the whole "Let's split up" bit. I am not a Aria/Ezra fan and normally I’d agree that getting involved in a secret relationship with your teacher for most all of your high school years is a big mistake but I couldn’t also help thinking that none of these girls had a normal HS experience simply from the whole A fiasco alone. How hilarious that a stupid admission letter would break them up but all his psychotic stalking and filming of her, not to mention the book, is now just water under the bridge. I really wonder sometimes what world Marlene King lives in. But what I didn’t understand was why, when Tanner implied that Alison had accomplices, didn’t Toby agree that someone on the outside was helping Allie but to frame the girls. He had the perfect opportunity. Certainly Tanner would have listened to that point since she knows Allie already tried to frame Spencer. I know the male police are all corrupt and creepy in this town but can Toby at least give the female one a chance? What I thought was that I'd never eat food from Ezra's little shop of hygiene horrors. No hairnets and Emily never washed her hands before she took over the cooking. YUK! Does 'A' have the number for a health inspector?
  11. My husband and I were disturbed that Vh-1 actually had to advertise it as a "scripted" series, as if that's so rare these days, which sadly it kinda is.
  12. I'm going to sound like an old fart but those were the 'good old days.' ;-) Romance on the run, intricate mystery and intrigue storylines. Now those writers knew what they were doing. Watching today I'd think romance was dead, except there's a huge market for contemporary romance novels these days that would prove Corday wrong, if he gave a shit enough to listen. The storylines today are beyond lame. JJ and Paige act nothing like real life teens. I mean seriously, what freshman guy has his girlfriend crawl in his bed for sex and he abstains, only to screw her mother a few days later. Now maybe if the mom was out of this world hot, but sorry--Eve is not. She looks like a 50 year old mom. KdP just isn't rocking the MILF role. As for Kristin and the embryo stealing fiasco, I thought that kind of outlandishness went out a decade or more ago with Dr. Rolf and his mad scientist lab in the Dimera basement. As campy as the whole Marlena possession storyline was in the '90's, I'll give it points for originality on daytime. (It might have been a rip off of The Exorcist but it was something soaps had never done before.) But I think everyone is over-and-done-that with those types of plots. I believed the '80's couples worked and gave birth to the whole Supercouple era because there was a lot of depth to the characters, their relationships were layered and built up--they didn't happen over night, and they provided an escapism for viewers. When you watched back then you wanted an epic love affair like Steve and Kayla or Bo and Hope where you went against the odds and found love in the midst of daring adventures. I can't think of one character or couple on today that anyone would want to be or envy. Most of them I wouldn't even want to know or be friends with, yet alone consider their lives an hour "escape" for the day. And this, I think, is where Days has lost its way.
  13. Oh I wouldn't worry about JJ getting blamed. He has mommy dearest who thinks her children do no wrong. If Abby can throw herself at an engaged EJ Dimera and it's all his fault and she comes out smelling like roses then I can only imagine how much Jenn will spin this as all Eve's (her high school nemesis who really wasn't) fault even if JJ was a willing participant. Apparently the Horton's ho-ho's and ding-ding's don't stink in Salem no matter how much they get used. ;-)
  14. I don't think you're a prude. I'm a very liberal person but JJ and Eve are just ewww! I don't get Days' recent obsession with cougar storylines (JJ/Eve, Brady/Kristin, Rafe/Kate). I quit watching but came back here for the comments after hearing about JJ and Eve. And you are spot on about the lack of creative writing. It's all for shock value now because the show can't retain their popular couples (actor/actresses). Apparently Corday thinks there is some value in mismatched couples that jump in bed out of the blue, but it just points to lazy storytelling to me. Plus, as a viewer back when CR originated the role of Eve, I must say that they have ruined the character with this recast. Eve might have been a teen prostitute but she wasn't some skank so I really can't picture the Eve we once knew doing JJ. Eve might have been sneaky and a schemer but she did not seem like the type (again going by CR's portrayal) to take advantage of her daughter's barely legal boyfriend, a guy she supposedly dislikes so much that she hires someone to set him up to keep them apart.
  15. OMG, and I thought Corday and crew were scrapping the bottom of the barrel for stories before this! I'm so glad I'm done with this show. But out of curiosity, isn't ED only on for a few more weeks? How is this storyline going to play out? Or is time going to speed forward nine months very quickly? (SORAS pregnancy???)
  16. WTF are some good words to describe it. EWW would be right up there too. It makes as much sense as the Ejabby affair. Makes you wonder if the writers and Corday just randomly jump into bed with people they don't even really like and thus they think this is normal or they are just so bad at writing a decent plot that they are just throwing stuff out to see what sticks for shock value. Either way this was my last day for the show. I only tuned in on a final desperate hope that Sami met up w/EJ as a Halloween treat to the Ejami fans that they have screwed over for the last year. So since that was a bust, I guess my last burning question for this show is.... What is the deal with Brady's women not taking off their bra during sex??? I mean, seriously, Theresa doesn't and apparently Kristin doesn't either.
  17. At this point I think we all might as well give up trying to figure out the crap these writers put on screen. We all clearly put more thought into the show than they do. Both JS and AS's exits were totally lame. I feel sorry for both of them that the show couldn't write something better. On top of that I have no idea what the point to all the rumors that EJ's death would be faked or the clues that the show threw in but went nowhere. So I suppose we are now supposed to believe that Stef called up Kristin to go to the hospital morgue solely so she could inject him with some mystery serum so that his body wouldn't be cremated and then what???? Kristin carried 6 ft EJ out of the hospital in her high heel?
  18. You can tell the writers are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for shock value when Dirty Dan grabs Psycho Rapist Kristin and it turns to wild passion. And what the heck was that? EJ isn't gone 3 weeks and you can already tell they are trying to replicate his and Sami's angry sex. Sorry Days, it only works when the couple have chemistry together.
  19. Oh thank you Boes! I've so enjoyed your posts too. But I"ve only been hanging in there for quite a while to see Sami and EJ's departure (hoping for a HEA). I would have given it up months ago as everyone else left on the show fails to hold my interest. I once loved Kayla and Hope but they've ruined them. I abhor Abigail and Melanie. I might pop in here every now and again to see the mess Corday is making of this show and get a laugh from the comments here though.
  20. Sami leaving town with Will instead of EJ, and EJ being killed via hillbilly Clyde has to be the lamest exit storylines this show could come up with. I can't wait till this week is over and I'm done with this show. I will miss all you guys on the board though.
  21. I, too, would be happy to never see Jack again. Have not, nor will I ever, get past his rape of Kayla. I think KM is sleeping with the writers to get them to write that stuff. It's the only explanation that makes sense. She's not ugly, but she's not stunning by any means, although I do think she'd look better in her natural color. In the last week it's been pretty clear she's long over due for a dye job. I'm also all for Theresa getting a pass too. Re: Belle & Shawn--I liked Jason Cook with both MM and KS. I hated NuShawn. At that point I started rooting for Belle and Philip as long as they were played by MM and JKJ. There was some hot chemistry there. Did not like the Real World Philip though. That has to be the only soap triangle that I've flipped sides on as the actors changed. I always hated Mimi though. Re: Passions-- Fox Crane/Justin Hartley....need I say more? The show might have been the campiest thing daytime has ever seen but it was worth watching an hour of it if JH was on screen.
  22. Corday probably says he hates the term 'supercouple' because he hasn't been able to produce a real one in over 2 decades. Epic, exciting, and romantic love affairs seem to have gone out with the Reagan era. Instead he ... A) ignores the potential to ones right in front of his face. AS and JS had great chemistry together and their at times "partners in crime" relationship could have made for some fabulous stories, but instead the writers threw ridiculous things at them like the nonsensical Abigail affair, quibbling over their siblings, etc; I could go on and on w/examples. Brady and Theresa had potential and chemistry between them in the beginning , but they seem to have soured that with more nonsensical stories and inconsistent character writing too. and B) insists on propping couples that either don't have a big fan base and/or have very little chemistry together. Couple like Jen/Dan; Abigail/Ben; Nicole/Eric, etc who are about as interesting as watching paint dry. Edited to add and C) has managed to ruin the ones that did hold that title, often driving away the male actor of the couple (Steve/Kayla, Bo/Hope)
  23. I thought it was fitting that they chose to show the flashback of EJ telling Sami not to change and he loved her for who she was as he is able the only person who has ever felt that way about Sami. Her family is very unsupportive and critical of her, but EJ has always accepted her for who she is. So it A) made sense that Sami would remember that when she's mourning the loss of the only person who gave her that kind of unconditional acceptance and B) that was a critical piece of their relationship. And possibly C) If EJ's death really is a fake and they leave town together in a new life/to hell w/everyone else--well then that flashback is even more fitting. The idea that they don't need anyone but each other (and their kids).
  24. From Wikipedia: "Megan Hathaway comes to Salem in 1984 with her adopted father Maxwell Hathaway, though she is secretly the daughter of Stefano DiMera. Megan wants her old boyfriend Bo Brady back, and stops at nothing to have him. Megan convinces Bo that they had a child together that she gave up for adoption. In 1985, Megan plots to kill Hope Brady by electrocuting her in a hot tub at Chris' health club, The Body Connection. Megan's plan backfires when she overhears Larry Welch talking to a Russian contact about the 3 prisms Larry's father had invented. When Larry finds Megan spying on him they fight, and Larry ends up killing Megan. Larry dumps her body in a hot tub, and Megan is found by Hope, who becomes the prime suspect in her murder." Edited to add: I vaguely remember the 3 prisms storyline. It was one of those mystery/intrigue storylines that involved multiple characters with action plots, location shoots, and romances--ya know all the things Days can't pull off anymore.
  25. I like Sami & EJ so today make me teary too. Although I was glad Sami talking to the kid was done the way it was as I couldn’t take being depressed anymore. I’m still trying to figure out this exit storyline of EJ’s (lord help me I don’t know why since it requires trying to figure out the distorted thinking of Corday and crew). But is EJ really dead? I’m sure I’ve been watching soaps too long but when it appeared that Stefano really did believe EJ dead and grieved, told Kristin, told Chad, then got a call which we didn’t hear, and then called Kristin with instructions, I started to wonder if the guy that shot EJ shot him with something that would make him appear dead. (Ya know that TV trick where the person can’t move?) Anyways, I thought perhaps that Stefano’s call was from someone telling him how it really went down; otherwise if he thought he had a way to bring EJ back, why would he bother informing Kristin EJ was dead in the first place, only to call her back with new instructions? I guess we’ll find out over the next two weeks. It’s probably a waste of time trying to figure this show out anymore. I mean after all, Sami shoots EJ in the head and he survives but he gets shot in the side (clearly not in the heart the way it played out and the fact that his bare chest was visible in the morgue) and he dies in minutes. On a slightly related note about EJ’s shooting, isn’t it time the Salem PD put some patrol men in the park area? I mean it’s a public park, walking distance from town square, and yet EJ has been shot there, Nick has been shot there, Clyde conducts his drug meetings there, and Brady used to buy his coke there. Oh, and the Salem U kids have underage drinking parties there. Maybe they shouldn’t have gotten rid of the set for the Pier. I could at least buy shady deals going down there. It was always foggy after all.
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