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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Did I mishear or did Adrienne say she loved Justin since she was 17??? Somehow I didn't ever get the impression that she was that young when she showed up in town.
  2. EJ loved the woman who put a bullet in his head! By the time he exited the scene last fall it was pretty clear that EJ would choose Sami and the kids over anyone Dimera.
  3. This bugs me in real life too--the whole 'herd mentality' with various issues, but it's become very apparent on this show lately. Maybe DA Justin's vocal proclamations of catching Chad are to blame, but I also notice it in regards to the Bo story. Everyone but Steve has just blindly accepted that Bo, a person they've known for decades, would just abandon his family. No one before Steve considered that he could be on an assignment gone wrong, an assignment supposedly regarding the Dimera's no less. Neither do I! It does not paint Kate or Nicole in a very good light and frankly after everything Nicole has done in recent years, she really doesn't need anything extra to make her look bad. If Kate and Nicole want to bring out their claws, I wish they'd scratch them on Trollop, someone who needs taken down a peg or two...or five!
  4. In this instance, Sami is acting out of grief. She's still in shock and devastated over the loss of her son. Probably what you'd call a crime of passion if she actually succeeded. I don't think EJ would really care if she killed Chad. Sami and EJ have plotted murderer together in the past. It's certainly not like EJ and Chad were very close and EJ has always understood Sami's nature and has not tried to change her, but aside from that I'm pretty sure he'd understand the grief she was going through losing Will.
  5. That would have been amazing! Somehow Roman finding out about Will's murder seems more important than Trollop and Chucky Doll canoodling in bed. Priorities are clearly out of whack with this show. Honestly I've been trying since the late '80's to forget those two are siblings. So it's one of the few things I'm thankful the show has blown off.
  6. So Sami did get to Salem from California in record time? Did she fly via a spaceship? I was pleased though to see they tied her reappearance with where she left off last time she was on screen and the mention of the kids in counseling over losing their father. I also liked the way she brushed off Marlena's offer to come help. Marlena, by and far, has not been the most supportive mother to her, I can see why she's not jumping to have her interfere. Agree. So lame and such a let down 50th storyline. The show should have brought back the vets and celebrated the great stories of the past, not created a serial killer storyline that propped certain characters and featured a killer with little significance to the town/show. And typically if said killer started to realize he was losing her would probably then kill her! This would only be truly interesting if his final victim was her. It would make the most sense if he followed the mantra that if he can't have her then no one else will.
  7. She certainly spends enough time there so she has plenty of practice.
  8. And what's even more annoying is that they'll have to make Chad, a Dimera, a saint so he's worthy of Princess Trollop. We can't possibly have her deliver her illegitimate child, the product of her cheating ways, to someone that might ruin her good reputation. This whole killer plot seems to exist simply to further prop her.
  9. This is so true! It's like Justin didn't even blink. While it's so nice to see TP back on screen, Andre's return has been handled strangely/sloppily.
  10. Ya know I realized how much I never related to Guy Wilson when I wasn't really moved on Friday by Will's killing scene. Initially I just figured I watch too much horror films and drama shows and that's why the murder didn't faze me. But I found everyone's reaction to it today very sad. To me that speaks to how much I was disconnected to his character once GW took over.
  11. She still must have made great time with traffic and all ;-) Can you fill me in on how/why she's in Chicago? I quit watching when EJ got killed off. I only saw her taking that TV offer in California.
  12. Maybe Spring or Summer at the latest??? I deduce that because I'm pretty sure Sami and EJ had their "grief sex" during November sweeps but it didn't come out till a few months later, which is when Nicole and EJ split and Nicole found out she was pregnant.
  13. So the Salem PD releases victim's names to the press before informing the families??? How tacky that Chad read it on the net before Sonny, Lucas and Sami were informed. I feel like we should have seen both sides of Lucas telling Sami. Speaking of Sami, how the hell did she get there so fast? It seemed like she just came from across town. Wasn't she in CA??? Would have been nice to have a mention of Zack, and Hope understanding their grief. On a lighter note, when Caroline urged Kayla to give Steve a chance, I really wanted to see Kayla find Steve, push him into her office, and kiss him passionately. Would be nice to see Kayla take charge and have a hot little romantic moment on this show for a change.
  14. Stopped over at the Days Official FB page. Found it rather peculiar that Abby and Ben and then Abby and Chad are featured in the posts from Friday and Saturday. No picture of Will at all. No character tribute. There's a super cute picture of SN and MBE though.
  15. I doubt we will ever see the current actor playing Will return but I wouldn't be surprised if the role was reprised by CM or even another actor down the road. All it would really take is a writing regime change (which often happens every six months) and a trip to the Dimera witch doctor. ;-) Not counting minor characters/actors not on contract or actors that have passed or retired, don't most of the major dead people usually return? (Geez, even this close to Halloween that statement still feels ridiculous to write). The only one that really sticks out to me (aside from Orpheus who I've always wanted back) is Isabella. They've kept her dead although she's reappeared as a ghost/angel from time to time.
  16. Thinking more about Ben and Abby's apartment... does Abigail spend no time there other than for sleep and sex? How did she not notice/find Ben's extensive collection of red neck ties (for a guy who doesn't have to dress up for his job at that) before he discarded most of them or the box of body bags next to the Hefty trash bags? My hubs can't find half of his own things in our house and we've lived in the same place for over a decade. Clearly Abby never has to go looking for Ben's keys or his belt or the extra toilet paper. The boy had an app to keep track of his own girlfriend, he can't be that clued in to his material items. Well at the time of his murder, half the town wanted him dead so I doubt there's a lot of public outrage over her early release. I think Julie is the only person who Gabby really has to be worried about should she accompany JJ to the Horton family Thanksgiving diner. I think it's a little different if the character is played by the actor who "made" the role. Then there's less of a chance of them bringing the character back unless the actor is returning. That is certainly not the case with Will. It's also different when the real actor has passed such as the case of Tom and Alice. Logically at their ages, the characters would have to pass away at some point too. For example, I'm sure Victor's miracle cure will work on Caroline as long as the actress continues with the show. But should she retire or pass in real life, then I suspect the character of Caroline Brady will be "retired."
  17. They live at the Trollop Motel. There's always room for more so the "Vacancy" sign is flashing, alternating with the "Open All Night" sign. LOL That would also explain why none of their neighbors questioned the large and heavy bag of trash Ben carried out. People that frequent these places know better than to ask questions or speak with the cops. ;-)
  18. With Gabby back in town and the actress on a new contract I'm not expecting that. They'll probably just mention Sonny visiting Ari and vice versa from time to time. Then when they hook Gabby up w/JJ or whoever she gets as a love interest they can say that Ari is visiting Sonny if they don't want to show her for a while.
  19. If the show wants us to think that Trollop's just so hot to trot that men cheat on their fiances for her and fight over her and murder for her then they must be sniffing glue during their writer meetings. I just don't see it. And speaking of the ridiculousness of Abigail Deveraux, if you just got out of the hospital for premature labor pains, shouldn't you probably be abstaining from sex for a while? Can she not keep her legs closed under any circumstances?
  20. If Abigail doesn't either get killed by Ben or sent to the loony bin when it comes out she almost married a serial killer who killed her cousin just prior to having sex with her, then I'm going to be sorely disappointed. Of course, I'm already expecting to be disappointed. I think at this point the only reveal I'd find shocking would be the one where KM is FINALLY let go.
  21. I absolutely agree no Mimi! I loathe her. But Rex was good looking. Definitely potential there. Cassie could have felt this strange bond towards Marlena as a vague memory of Marlena's time on the island playing mom. And she could have been a love interest for Eric which would have enraged Orpheus who wouldn't have wanted his daughter with one of Roman's sons.
  22. You got it! He'll sprout back up from the swamps with the help of some hillbilly not related to Clyde upon Stef's big passing when EJ returns to take over the empire and rule with Sami as his queen who will get a telepathic image that her son is still alive. And if I ever get my wish, he'll bring the long-dead-but-never-revived Orpheus back with him for a phenomenal plot!
  23. The regenerative powers of the Maison Blache ruins in the bayou ;-) So hey, maybe they should have Will's ashes spread there! I'm actually surprised they haven't undone Zack's death so I guess that explains it.
  24. Don't worry Apprentice 79, Days can pull anything out of their ass if they want to bring someone back. Look at Andre; we haven't even gotten an explanation on him yet. I'm pretty much expecting at this point that the show is just going to brush over it. Some day, Will might just walk out of a fog like Marlena did or crawl out of the swamp like Chelsea. Who knows but I'm pretty sure the list of characters that have come back from the dead is probably bigger than the ones that stayed dead. It's all just a matter of time.
  25. If you want to look at it this way, Will/Sonny just went down like most of the Supercouples have. Steve/Kayla, Bo/Hope, Ej/Sami...they've all had one of the pair dead at one time or another and... All I hope is whenever they bring Will back and I don't doubt at some point they will because no one stays dead in Salem, that it's CM that reprises the role.
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