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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Hope's had several close encounters with two men but the Ciera conception was a major retcon. Ciera was originally born in Dec. but her bday was later changed to July to make it fit being Bo's kid. Zack had been killed on New Years, Bo and Hope split, Hope took up w/Patrick that Spring. Of course, Zack's conception was also a retcon to make Bo a contender after Hope slept with both John and Stefano.
  2. NuCiera is really annoying and I too can't fathom how she was the best actress to audition for the role. And her thinking Bo & Hope were going to run off to the alter had me shaking my head too. Yeah I'm sure Hope's just dying (no pun intended) to set the date and pick out another wedding dress after her last wedding night that was...ah...last night! This seemed to be the day for odd reactions/quick jumping to conclusions with so many of the characters: Theresa jumps with glee to Maggie over Brady who wasn't exactly jumping to put a label on their relationship. Nicole just automatically assumed that the next nice looking guy to walk off the hospital elevator is her new male model. For pete's sake it's a hospital to visit sick people. Not a place to conduct business. And then there was new guy who mumbled so much I couldn't always make out if he said something ridiculous or not.
  3. I'm guessing this is a weekend in Salem. The Haiden wedding and the Bicentennial were likely not a week day for them; hence no school.
  4. I wonder if Andre knows EJ is alive but it's to his benefit that EJ stays hidden. It seems pretty clear that Andre would like all of the other Dimera children out of the picture so he can take control. This week's spoilers mention him wanting to "neutralize" Sami. If that is the case, then his big concern is more the info she has against them via EJ, not her children that would be future heirs.
  5. Sami is mentioned in a spoiler for next week so I'd say we'll see her again yet. Something about her making Andre an offer.
  6. Ya know, I always wondered if that's why they had EJ coerce her into it rather than them willingly having a one night stand either soon after or before her being with Lucas. Perhaps it was somehow not supposed to make Sami look like a "naughty girl." Although it's not like plenty of other characters haven't "double dipped" so to speak. I seem to recall her own sister getting sweaty with both Austin and Lucas on the same night and she was supposed to be the good girl. And even Hope is probably about to have close encounters with two men. Wedding night sex with her murderous ex and reunion sex with her other ex is only romantic in Ken Corday's book of love.
  7. In the end, I think it works out with Johnny & Sidney being Ej's and Will and Allie being Lucas's. Sami has a boy and girl to both. It's even. And I figure at some point (if written right) Johnny will be a pivotal character as a Dimera. But I wholeheartedly agree that the lack of build up to these affairs is just sloppy writing on the show's part. And it was totally clear that JS was just phoning it in when it came to the Trollop sex storyline.
  8. Yeah that did seem like a no-brainer. You don't show up for work, you get fired. Either John has been mislead by the many people of Salem who don't do their jobs or thinks the ISA is like the Kentucky county clerks office. ;-)
  9. "My name is Chase Jennings. You killed my father, prepare to die." Well I guess we know how Bo departs Salem now ;-) Seriously though, SOARASing the kids just makes this timeline all the more confusing. In reality Bo has only been gone about 3 years which would be far more believable given the illness with Caroline and his captivity. Surely neither of them would have survived if Bo would have been held hostage for 7 or 8 years. Yet, when they talked of Ciara and Chase knowing each other since they were kids, it makes it feel like Bo has been gone a lot longer. Is that to make us sympathetic to Hope moving on? I have no clue. I doubt the show does either. It's why when Bo and Steve were tied up together they fudged how long it had been.
  10. Yes, that was a little strange. I can't decide if it was another one of their shock value tactics or it was to cement EJ as more of a bad guy. If it was simply part of the plot device to get Sami pregnant w/twins, one to Lucas and one to EJ, they could have simply had Sami and EJ have a one night go at it. It's not like they weren't already attracted to each other that them sleeping together would have been unbelievable. But honestly, and this is probably going to sound strange and could only apply to them as a couple which I guess is part of what makes them so unique but.....I found EJ's affair w/Trollop far more disturbing than his sexual coercion of Sami. After all, in the grand scheme of things he and Sami had some wild, frenzied, rough consensual sex over the years, one immediately following the news of their son's supposed death while they were married to other people. So when it comes to their sex life, it was easier to roll with it than try to figure it out. On the other hand, the Trollop affair was just poor writing that made little sense. EJ and Abby barely interacted leading up to it, and their mini storyline w/Jack's book/poems/whatever it was portrayed her with a slight crush but EJ didn't show sexual interest. Yes, he was having problems with Sami and had she took off with the kids I might have believed him acting out and screwing Abs in frustration, but he and Sami were not that far gone and their relationship had been far worse in the past for it to be believable that EJ would turn to the town princess. But then I firmly believe that entire storyline was Corday acting out against two show front runners who were leaving him in the dust while propping his new favorite gal.
  11. Not again! Hope this is just a one day funeral appearance.
  12. Yes! I thought that too. Half the town is reading that Aiden is the necktie killer on their tablets but has anyone told Chase his father is dead or Ciera that hers is alive??? Heaven forbid Chase goes for a cup of coffee at the town square and passes a newspaper stand.
  13. I'd rather see it be Ben's too. I have no interest in this Chabby pairing. And I hold out hope that at some point KM will loose favor with this show and even if it is Chad's kid now, it will later be revealed to be Ben's via some paternity switch. Look at Chloe's kid. He needs a score card to keep track if Phillip or Daniel is his father. With Dan biting the dust soon and Phillip and Chloe returning it will probably revert back again. While admittedly the writing for Ejami has been flawed (but then what couples haven't suffered poor writing in the last decade), for me the strength in them as a couple lies strongly in the chemistry between the actors. That's an element that is often missing in the pairings today, and I believe it's part of why certain couples became SuperCouples back in the 80's and other couples were easily forgotten. The show was much better then with matching actors/actresses that had good chemistry. And that shows on screen. But you can also tell when the actors are interviewed off screen that they are good friends in real life (AS/JS, MBE/SN, KA/PR etc.) I'm not saying that Sami and Lucas lacked any chemistry but it played off more as friendship chemistry than romantic chemistry to me. Agree on several points. 1. There was a distinct difference in the way the Ejami "rape" was filmed/portrayed vs Sami & Austin or Jack & Kayla. It was definitely meant to be gray. We never saw the actual deed; it was all cut-away. EJ was calm, not violent. Sami gave distressed consent, but she never screamed or physically resisted. And she was not unattracted to him. Her objections were to the circumstances of the situation, not disgust at sleeping with him entirely. In contrast, Kayla never wanted to have sex with Jack. She screamed 'no' and tried to fight him off. She had bruises and was physically hurt. Jack appeared as a monster forcing himself on his wife who begged and screamed for him to stop. EJ acted as a cunning bad guy, taking advantage of the situation and testing the extent of his power. But then he was a Dimera and I don't think we've seen any yet that are truly good, though some are clearly more evil than others. Which brings me to point 2...Sami and EJ made a great "dark romance" couple. Sami never has or could walk the straight and narrow and EJ always accepted that about her. Might be a large part of what he loved about her. They were in a sense kindred souls. He was far more accepting of her than her own family. And without the "bad guys" on the show, the "good guys" would get boring. They shouldn't be redeemed. It's not in the nature of the characters. In fact, I think the show missed major opportunities at some great "partners in crime" storylines for Sami and EJ, especially in the last year when Corday was more focused on screwing them over for leaving his show. Maybe it's jealously; he only wishes he could leave.
  14. He was channeling his inner Christian Gray. LOL I too hate Jack's character. MA did a great acting job but Jack should have remained the villain he was. I've never bought his redemption and never will. He went from being a deranged, jealous bastard to a goof and a family man. Doesn't sit with me. And I've never understood all the vocal resentment of EJ, a self proclaimed 'bad man' and his coerced sex with Sami, but the acceptance of Jack as a changed man after his much more brutal and violent rape of Kayla. It blows my mind that Kayla and Jennifer can be causal with each other when Jennifer married Kayla's ex-husband and rapist. As far as Jennifer and Peter....are you talking about Peter Blake? If so, JB will never return. Too much personal history/scandal with MR in the real world ;-) I loathed BB as Shawn. If JC isn't sticking around then let him and Belle and Claire sail back into the sunset. I saw that coming weeks ago. And I could see them together if it wasn't for one truly icky detail....Kate already slept with his son! YUK KM knows her character is safe so her limited acting skills make it difficult for her to convey real fear. Any other female character on this show in a situation being held hostage by their serial killer boyfriend who just called her out on being a liar and a cheater would have been raped or killed. But clearly KM knows she has some kind of connection behind the scenes at the show that keeps her character from any real turmoil.
  15. And it left her baron too--how fitting. Yeah, I definitely missed this. If only they'd neuter a few more Salem residents this way. "Paging Abigail Deveraux. There are lives that need saving. Hand over your pancreas!"
  16. I must have missed that storyline. Why did Bo get Chelsea's pancreas? Of course, the dead swamp baby's organs would fail him. What a way to go!
  17. I think you might be on to something in regards to Corday. Freud would have had a field day with this man! Wait, did Kayla actually have to witness him in bed with OW during their last return? Admittedly, I bailed on the show back then when it was obvious that TPTB were foiling their long awaited reunion that time. So perhaps I don't really want to know what happened since it sounds like I was lucky enough to skip out on it in time. Amen! Despite the numerous writing flaws with them as a couple, the actors have amazing chemistry together and JS is quite a treat both in body and voice. I'm a sucker for that dashing English accent :)
  18. I was a bit torn today because the show was packed with a lot of excitement that it generally lacks any other time and I generally enjoyed the hour, yet it didn't seem like a 50th anniversary episode at all. (Hello, where where the flashbacks and fond remembrances???) So forgetting that it's the big 50th for a moment and just focusing on the day's episode.... -I'm glad they finally gave Steve a legitimate reason for being gone and leaving his family behind. I'm not sure if I'm going to like where this story is headed but I'll give the new writers points for trying to fix the crappy out-of-character writing of the previous years. I also enjoyed them arguing in the middle of the hospital while nurses looked on. It was very reminisce of their early days of public arguments. -I realized that I apparently never connected w/Aiden's character when I was more devastated over Hope's gorgeous house being trashed than her new husband being beaten to death. -Andre and Stefano's gaping proclamation of "Bo?" was hilarious. -The words "EJ is alive" literally made my day. I was giddy right along side Sami. Now if only they don't screw this up when AS exits again. No, I simply hate her. I don't love to hate her, I just want her off my TV screen. Ejami may not be a popular couple on this board but they did have a large fan base who were literally screwed over most of the last year AS and JS were on the show. The writers had the perfect opportunity w/both actors leaving to write them an HEA and basically went the exact opposite route. I quit watching then and I'm sure I wasn't the only viewer that did. So I suspect the new writers are trying to right a few wrongs from last year, not to mention leave room for a possible future return. As an Ejami fan, I'll take what I can get before I abandon the show again. The EJ letter mini storyline much more showcases Sami's spunk and adds some vibrancy to an otherwise depressing plot. If only it couldn't have played out as a full fledged storyline. But either way, kudos to AS if she insisted they satisfy the fan base. I was wondering the same thing! Is that it? All that talk and it's like 2 episodes? I thought that was very strange too. Apparently the Salem hospital has a shortage of gowns....or Caroline took off with the last one. ;-)
  19. It's just eww and they could have eliminated the grossness by not having Aiden have sex with her before attempting to kill her. That was just dreadful even by Days latest standards. Nope, some people just shouldn't procreate. I'm guessing they reconnect about something with Bo--probably his fate.
  20. I think for a show celebrating it's 50th anniversary, Days should most definitely be in the 2nd spot if not temporarily catching the first. That fact that it's not (and likely won't be for the actual anniversary week based on the huge jump it would still have to make) points to major issues with the writing/storylines as well as advertising of the big event to wow back old viewers.
  21. I skipped out on Days back then before she was Ava, but I distinctly remember her as Nicole's sister. God awful! If she's returning to wreck havoc for Steve & Kayla I am most definitely out!
  22. No they rarely manage to find two actors with chemistry anymore, yet alone write them a good story, build the romance and sexual tension, and then deliver the pay-off moments. But then I suspect Ken Corday wouldn't know romance if it bit him in the ass.
  23. Finally an exciting ending for today's show which was refreshing but I still felt the pace was drug out to bring it to that Friday cliffhanger moment. I couldn't help wondering though--why once Bo and Steve were in Salem couldn't they have used the phone to spread the news of Bo's return as well as why Steve didn't just drop Bo off at Hope's and return Caroline to her daughter who he was already going to see??? I assume Steve has a car in town somewhere unless the mansion is within walking distance of the hospital. I'd hardly describe it as "rattling on" seeing as how she was barely on screen for two minutes. And I don't see anything she's done that would point to her not caring about her children. She's trying to find out if their father is alive and/or get their dangerous grandfather out of the picture so no future harm comes to them. I'm pretty sure Johnny and Sidney would want to be reunited with EJ and get out of grief counseling therapy. As for Will, Sami has never been one to sit around in mourn. And if you throw the girl a bone, she's going to go chasing it which is exactly what I'd expect of her character upon receiving a letter like she did. A depressed, solemn Sami would be completely out of character, not to mention we've seen enough grieving on this show. Bringing AS back for a short stint only to watch her cry would get old fast. That was classic! Amen to that! Agree! That completely grossed me out yesterday. Yes! I thought this too. Certainly an attorney would have known this. The insurance company would have signed paper files. Just hacking the policy on line would not hold up long.
  24. Poor Betty and Ted Corday. They must be rolling over in their graves, shaking their fists, cursing their son, and wishing they'd disowned him after what he's done with their beloved show. 50th years on the air is a big deal but it should be a tribute to the past and set a new legacy for the future. Flashbacks of the greatest moments/most famous stories alongside a respectable story like a real wedding of a real supercouple (if they still had one around), not a wedding that serves as nothing more than a plot device and culminates in a sex scene where Aiden is thinking about killing Hope and Bo arrives just too late to stop his wife from having sex with another man. Bo/Steve's entrance was lack luster/simply non-climatic, and the Hope/Aiden sex scene was simply distributing.
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