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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Couldn't have said it better. The flashbacks lost all their "ahh" moments because it all stems around Bo's death. Those type of flashbacks are what we should have seen for all the major couples and vets, and they should have surrounded a happy celebration. How about some weddings, anniversaries, births of babies and I don't mean Trollop's. One death is one thing but this is just morbid and does nothing but foreshadow the end of the show. Depressing beyond a doubt. Happy Thanksgiving to Ken Corday indeed--I hope he chokes on his turkey. Karma is a bitch.
  2. If that's the case then the pacing of this show is getting even more off the charts. For one, because that would mean that once again the Salem calendar skips from Nov. 10 to the 26th, but also that Bo can get it up one day and then is dead the next. Poor Hope, every man she's slept with lately dies a few hours later. Rafe better take this relationship slow.
  3. I figured it was a reference to Daniel's death and Chloe returning for the funeral.
  4. Some midwife he plucked out of the forest. Or maybe he called Midwives R Us ;-)
  5. 2 weeks+ spoilers http://www.dayscafe.com/sneakpeek.html Please let Hope's meeting w/a doctor have to do w/Bo and not be an ob/gyn! And Abby's baby's features? Cause that's so much more accurate than DNA. That's sure to be an eye roll worthy scene (pun intended)
  6. Did anyone else find it odd that Abby is still sitting in that chair, even for an exam, while there is a bed less than a foot away? And with the baby confirmed to be on the way, isn't it time to remove her jeans? Even with a gun to her head that midwife is not going to be able to deliver the baby through denim.
  7. Clearly not Hope or Kayla and Steve which makes the party even more strange. I guess this is everyone that hasn't seen him yet??? AMEN! As an Ejami fan I'm thankful they did something to attempt to fix the mess they closed Sami and EJ's storyline with last October and I did come back, after dropping the show like a hot potato, to see the 50th and what they'd do with Sami. However, I've not seen a whole lot else to convince me to keep tuning in once AS departs again.
  8. Hope needs a throwaway line having hot flashes and going through menopause so we don't have to even consider another Who's the Daddy storyline and a kid who will be in diapers one week and driving a car the next.
  9. Agree! I had a hard time feeling the romance (even ignoring Bo bolting afterwards) when they had sex in the same bed she sweated up with Aiden a day earlier. Of all the scenes they edit out, the Haiden wedding night sex should have been one of them. At least then it would be a little less creepy when she hooked up with Bo.
  10. I think it's more out of necessity than by freedom of choice. She only planned to be gone a few days for the funeral. Circumstances changed and she learned her husband, two of her children's father, might be alive! It's not selfish for her to try to reunite with him. And if the kids haven't been told what happened to Will yet, then they aren't grieving about their brother in absence of their mother. Plus, they are already in therapy over EJ's death. I'd imagine it would be far less traumatic to break the news about Will if she could lessen the blow by returning with good news--"Hey, daddy is alive." And all in all, she's only been gone a few weeks at best. That's not exactly the same as the years that Marlena was missing. Surely, Johnny & Sidney would harbor far more resentment if they found out their father was out there somewhere and they couldn't see him because their mother ignored the letter left with the clues to join him and lead a life free of the mob. Yes, that was tacky. I get Bo's days are numbered and he has pressing matters to deal with but for pet's sake stay and cuddle with your wife after sex, especially when it might be the last time. Again, Ken Corday's idea of romance.
  11. I just can't get worked up about the presentation of the kids on this show because they are always second thoughts in the daily scheme of things largely due to real world restraints of child labor laws. Sami's kids in the past were probably shown more than others so maybe that's why it's more bothersome to some viewers. But we often see Daniel and Nicole together w/out Parker. Is he in town somewhere or with Chloe who goes presumably months without seeing her son? As I mentioned before, we never even saw Joey as a toddler or adolescent. I think it's just an aspect of soaps you just have to overlook at times. I find it more strange when adult characters aren't mentioned or explained. For instance, it's quite a glaring error that Kim has not returned for her step-granddaughter or great nephew's funeral and probably won't be told her own brother is dying either. The show hinted that EJ might possibly not be dead via the unexplained scene of Kristin injecting him at the morgue. But Sami believed him dead. That's far from an HEA that Ejami fans hoped for when both actors left at the same time. Trust me, there's a big difference to the fan base. You mean family like Andre?
  12. I think there are multi facets to this Dimera issue. One is that Sami no longer feels safe in Salem and does not want the children there. Given what they've been through in the last year, this is not unrealistic. After what Andre said yesterday, it's a very real threat. But even before knowing about Andre's intentions, there is what Stef might want of the children in the future. I think the show has established that Stef wouldn't harm them but he likely does see them as heirs and would try to force/manipulate them into the Dimera empire/raise them his way when they were older. I think that's the whole point of what EJ (via the safety deposit box) is trying to do--free his family from the life that Stefano wants for them. Sami only intended to come back for Will's funeral but then she received info that her husband may still be alive. Of course she's going to pursue that and attempt to reunite her children with their father. She can't bring Will back but she does stand the chance of restoring the rest of her family Lastly, while Sami has never said who is watching the kids, she clearly hasn't left them alone. They are most likely in the care of some babysitter/nanny. Maybe she even has a bodyguard there. We don't know. I don't find it particularly relevant. Kids are rarely shown on the show for issues of casting and the limited hours the young actors can work. Heck, we never saw Kayla with Joey till he was a teen. He was always with Caroline or a babysitter while she put in long hours at the hospital and then she shipped him off to an out of town boarding school. Did she also abandon her son? Not to the Ejami fans who want something more than the crap they delivered last fall with JS and AS's dual exit. It's not much but EJ being alive is something to those of us who felt cheated.
  13. Salem exists in a time warp. There, there is no October 19-31. Recall we also didn't see any trick or treaters knocking at Hope's beautiful craftsman door before it got smashed up on November 9th, a day that is 72 hours long. In Salem, children age from 9 to 16 in a week's time. A trip from California to the Midwest takes a half hour tops. For all we know Sami made a pit stop at home on her way back from Switzerland to check on her tots. After all, if EJ really was the tall man on the security video three days before he "died," then he also made a trip from Salem to Switzerland without Sami or the kids realizing. In the grand scheme of things, it's generally best to not overthink these things. Edited to add: I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm simply making fun of the continuity and enormous amount of suspension of disbelief needed to watch this show. Even my 11 year old who occasionally catches pieces of it thinks it's crazy. I actually had to explain it was normal for the soap genre.
  14. Since this is one of the few storylines I actually give a crap about and am intrigued by I think I can fill in the pieces here: Sami's "EJ and I are awesome togetherness" was meant to throw Andre off after he picked up on her talking as if EJ was still alive. Apparently Andre knows nothing of this so Sami had to cover. That scene seems to confirm that Andre was not behind Sami's EJ letter, did not send her on a trap via the Switzerland trip, nor knows anything of EJ's possible faked death. Also from today's scenes I think we can infer that the contents of the safety deposit box contain evidence (aside from the money also referenced) to bring Stefano down. EJ intended for Sami to use it so they could be free of Stef's influence, but Andre wants it now so he can over-throw dear old dad. Basically today's episode revealed (or clarified) Andre's true intentions with the Dimera family.
  15. I agree. If Bo is going to die and that's PR's reference for the character I'd rather see him go out in a big shoot-out or something exciting than suffer a depressing illness where we are forced to sniffle through his good-bye's to everyone. I've seen enough grieving on this show. Marlena should be raking in the overtime hours.
  16. Sami has hardly abandoned her kids. Time wise in Salem she's probably only been gone 2 weeks even if it's a a month our time. As you pointed out, Hope's wedding night and the following morning/afternoon have carried on for far longer in the real world. I think we can assume Sami has left the children in adequate care in CA where she feels they are safer anyways and, as evident by Andre today, rightfully so. Now I'll concede it's strange that Allie didn't come back to see her father, but perhaps it's a school issue. Either way, the real answer is that Days does not want to do the casting of Allie at this point. I can see some chemistry with them but I agree a slow build would be the best approach. For one, because Hope will still be grieving. And two, because the show never does that anymore so it would actually be original. I want to feel the build up to that first kiss, first time together, etc like in the old days. I know! My tv screen was so dark it was hard to see them except for Sami's blonde hair. Andre is probably still wearing the same clothes because it's probably still the same day ;-)
  17. For a Tuesday episode, this one was far better than most other days of the week lately. The Sami/Andre/Marlena/Stefano scenes/storyline at least had a degree of intrigue to it. The dynamics surrounding it all intriguing. It's about the only thing I"m interested in seeing play out. Too bad it doesn't get more screen time. Steve and John going into business together makes sense. Once again though, clearly Steve is the smarter dude having come up to a solution for John's recent unemployment as well as employment issues w/his marriage to Marlena. I think it's pretty clear that Bo is going to want Rafe to look after Hope. I'm down with that. I honestly think Rafe and Hope make an attractive couple and it's nice that Bo gives his blessing, seeing Rafe as a trustworthy guy for Hope to lean on. We need some good feelings on this depressing show. No Abigail today--always a plus!
  18. It reminded me of Lexie too. Is there a new exit clause in the Days actor contracts--Check box D4/brain tumor if you wish to retire from daytime and desire your character to be permanently killed off, no recasting option??? Try checking out some of their YouTube videos from 86-87 era. It's where all the magic started. And next her marble mouth will suggest they go shoplifting together...for a non-bloody wedding dress no doubt ;-) I think the key there is in your last sentence. A good actor/actress can pull off things a bad one or mediocre one can't. In this case the NuCiara is not a good actress.
  19. It's become a wreck of a show. They almost deserve to be cancelled if this is the way Corday sees fit to treat a big accomplishment like 50 years. What an FU to his parents.
  20. Is there a reason (other than being spoiled) that Brady can't move his grown ass out of granddaddy's mansion too in order to live with his son and the woman he's considering a relationship with? Surely he makes enough money or has a big enough trust fund to buy a home somewhere in Salem instead of setting Theresa up in a place of her own like she's his mistress that he has to sneak around behind Victor's back to bed when he feels the urge.
  21. Re: the November preview. Initial response: This show sucks. Specifically…. I wouldn’t care less if Trollop and Chad became crispy critters via the burning bed. Would be the most exciting thing this show has done yet and would rid KM from my TV screen, but I think we all know that won’t happen. I can’t stand TB so this Ava storyline is annoying to me. Why does a 70 some year old man care so much about who his grandson sleeps with, especially considering the parade of women that have graced his bed over the years. She's the mother of his kid; get over it Vic! So we’re back to the cheating theme with Belle and Shawn. Boy, Ken Corday sure does hate the Supercouples. I would care except that JC won’t stay with the role of Shawn and if BB is replacing him, well he has no chemistry with MM so who cares if Belle is sleeping with someone else. It’s already been ridiculous that she didn’t come back to town with Shawn in the first place. Another missed opportunity for the 50th. So I’m left with the feeling that this cheating storyline is just another rinse-repeat for them.
  22. I agree. I don't consider a preview a spoiler at all. It's simply advertisement, a teaser to keep you watching, that can air during any time of the day/other programming.
  23. "Shawn Douglas Brady, Bo Brady, and Sami DiMera's returns are each for two months." Bo has already been on for 2 months. He appeared just after Labor Day on screen. Honestly though, these 2 months returns are a joke as the actors don't really film 2 months worth of substantial material. Bo was shown in small snippets being held hostage for over a month, and Sami appears one day out of each week and then the story is dropped for another 5 days. The pacing on this show has become awful. I find it really annoying. If they are going to bring these vets back then give them 2 months of screen time ala Kate Mansi quantity. She is shown more in a week than any of these characters are shown in 2 months. Ridiculous.
  24. Well Roman is the oldest of 4 and Bo is the youngest so there could be quite a few years there. Plus Hope is younger than Bo yet. I don't have a problem with Hope & Rafe at all. I think they'd fit well together. While KA might be older than GG in real life KA still looks quite young so visually I don't notice much of an age difference.
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