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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Jason Cook is such a cutie and a natural as Hope & Bo's son. Brandon Beemer made me cringe when he played Shawn last time--no chemistry with MM and his acting is a little wooden. This is just one more reason for me to tune back out again.
  2. The timeline is out of this world--literally, like it would only make sense on another planet. Such sloppy writing. Now not only will Trollop Jr. be confused over who's his father but also what day he was born. "Am I a Nov. 10th baby or Nov. 26th?" I agree the Victor/Eve thing makes no sense per the show's history. Surely there are better uses of JA's talent than him spouting off degrading misogynist comments. I'm worried they are writing the teen scene into a corner. Too many of them are related to be love interests and simple teen angst will get old quick.
  3. This was top notch writing and acting! Nothing on screen today can even hold a candle to it. One of my favorite scenes between Steve & Kayla.
  4. Sorry. My deepest apologies. I know I always threw up in my mouth a little bit every time Trollop got her kink on too.
  5. I'm thinking maybe it's Rafe's brother that was the fellow ball player that Paul was referring to. When Paul first started out this story today I was afraid for a second that Eduardo was going to be John's dad. LOL He seems to be the resident sperm donor lately and stranger things have happened in terms of timelines and aging.
  6. Abigail put her tight jeans back on after giving birth? Bet that was comfortable....and messy. Who is pictured with Belle?--it's not Sami. Sadly the supply closet is hardly romantic since Abigail used to sex her men up in there often. They couldn't have come up with something better for Steve and Kayla?
  7. If it was't for this Trollop delivery story I think the show would have been better to make it seem like 2 weeks had passed and the funeral had already happened. We've seen enough grieving. Of all the significant scenes they cut out, they sure don't skimp on the misery.
  8. Totally agree! And she looks perfect for Belle's daughter--I can see both MM and KS in her. lol
  9. So I take it from today's show that it is now certain that in Salem there is only Nov. 9, 10th and 26th--Thanksgiving is two days after the Bicentennial. If not, Steve has been in a drunk stupor for two weeks.
  10. I agree. This is the real key. The show isn't really gaining new viewers by the increase in ratings during a 50th celebration as it is getting past viewers to tune back in. It's whether those viewers tune in or tune out after all the big hoopla is over that has the biggest effect on ratings long term. My understanding is that the show is on till Sept. 2016 so of course there are more storylines in the coming months, but it just seems like a lot of plot points and groups of characters are getting narrowed down. The answers on the fate of the show may depend on how NBC operates. Do they want to maintain a presence in the daytime soap genre? If they ax Days then they are getting out of the game since it's their last one left. So being the "last one standing" on NBC may be to their benefit. On the other hand, if NBC has been looking to get out of the game and has only renewed Days the last few times to let them have their 50th milestone, then the show is probably doomed. Nothing really. John just had a blank one. It seems Sami was ahead of Andre, John, and everyone.
  11. "Replicas will be made for next year's Christmas tree." If there is a next year's Christmas tree for Days. Donating pieces of the set does not sound like something a show looking towards a bright future would do.
  12. Ah, that at least explains that one. Thanks for filling in the blanks! I'm not really convinced Corday wants a renewal. I was thinking about this and it seems like he is writing the show's end. He's seen it through to the 50th and now he's ready to bury it. Literally. He's already closed a lot of characters stories and He's narrowing down the cast so there's less to write an "ending" for. On the flip side, if he truly believes that shocking deaths, mourning, and watching favorite characters grieve is the way to score ratings and keep his show on the air for another 50 years, then he's either trusting hack writers with his show or he's got some issues in his personal life that are seeping onto the screen. Because death and mayhem did not get this show to 50 years and the height of the ratings were during years focused on romance, adventure, and mystery.
  13. Thanks! I totally wasn't watching then. Now I sit here rolling my eyes at the medical community and Salem once again--DNA on a barely developed fetus? Hillbilly Clyde knowing how to hack lab records yet alone read them.
  14. Since I wasn't watching during the big conception, can anyone fill me in on why Abs is so sure it's Ben's? How close together did she have sex with both of them?
  15. I wouldn't worry about the milk. Babies don't get dehydrated from colostrum; it's the best thing for them. Baby....hmm...has no name and his parentage is uncertain so we can't even call it by it's last name so just baby for now has much bigger problems with a gun wielding pseudo father and likely a mob connected biological one. If it is his kid, Chad should probably send "aunt Sami" a thank you letter for neutralizing the Evil Dimera Empire at the moment.
  16. As for the baby's developed size, all I can figure at this point is they've resorted to SORASing in utero now. I'm guessing they could have cut up the sheets to use as a cloth diaper and Abs would be producing colostrum--the breast milk in the first few days. Has lots of health benefits that every newborn should get. Babies don't need formula if they have their mother's milk. I think this "ghost Bo" was more a figment of Hope's grieving mind. The real Bo already told Victor he wasn't concerned with revenge and was leaving that up to Vic. I think Hope was seeing what she wanted to see to help cope--give her a purpose to move on--something to focus on.
  17. The show’s use of AS during her brief return is very disjointed. I completely agree! She’s only been on one day a week and significant scenes seem skipped. For instance, was Andre really dense enough to lock Sami up in the Dimera dungeon(because he said he had men searching the property) where once she escaped she could have accessed the computers in the house that she was well familiar with having lived there and completed the transactions??? How premature is Trollop’s baby supposed to be? Sure doesn’t look like a preemie. Maybe she should try breastfeeding it so the poor thing stops crying. Hope couldn’t smell the alcohol on Steve’s breath? Hope: “Are you with me?” I expected Steve to reply, “No I’m drunk as a skunk.” I thought the same thing. "Run, Wendy, Run!" Take them with her and meet up with EJ would be my guess. His letter talked about his wish to be on an island with them. I suspect that was a big clue. And as Marlena pointed out, she's only a fugitive if Stef reports it, which he probably won't. Aside from his pride which they mentioned, the money was no doubt dirty money plus the box contained other evidence of Dimera wrong doing. Not to mention if EJ is alive it might negate the legalities on the whole thing since he had access to the box.
  18. The current writers apparently are symbolizing death and life going on via that straggly tree that everyone kept trying to take root in the frozen soil. Today it might look like a Charlie Brown tree but next week it will be SORASed and flourishing. Meanwhile the Arbor Day Society would like to remind all Salem residents to plant a tree in remembrance of a lost loved one who's died in that park. You'll soon see a new forest set in that case. It's probably safer to walk alone on the riverfront these days than take a walk through the park.
  19. I'm honestly surprised she called out for mommy instead of Chad but the night is still young (literally in Salem). At least she finally got off the wood chair by the end. I was starting to wonder if Ben super-glued her butt to it and if the kid would be born with splinters in his head.
  20. Is there a reason no one can just roll the rug up and put it out for the trash? It's just a rug, not wall-to-wall carpet. Either that or buy a heavy duty stain remover. Setting the spot on fire is a bit bizarre. Abigail needs to learn better pain management skills. But as usual she's more obsessed with the man she's currently lady-boning over than typing a quick, simple "SOS @ the cabin" to her entire contact list. What if Chad had lost his phone or the battery was dead? Seriously this girl needs to stop thinking with her lady bits. Edited to add: Trollop's Facebook status update for today: Abigail Deveraux is feeling pained ;( -at cabin (insert map location) -with Ben OMG he's the necktie killer! Send HELP!
  21. Why is Hope lashing out at Steve and Kayla? They only knew a few hours before her. If that's the case, Days own timeline is shooting themselves in the foot. Shouldn't Bo's children be lashing out for not being told at all?
  22. So the real world calendar applies to Sami but no one else on the show? Nothing on this show has been rooted in the real world for this 50th anniversary! It's why the soap genre is rarely taken seriously for their writing. To be a viewer, an enormous amount of suspension of disbelief is needed. In just the last dozen or so episodes... -Bo has survived torture, drugging, and a plane crash. Drove many miles on a motorcycle, fought off and killed Hope's attacker, and had sex with his wife all in the last 24 hours of his life. Aside from some fainting spells, he was still walking, talking, able to sport an erection, and fully cognitive with vibrant memories just moments up to his death via a brain tumor that was supposedly so advanced that it was in operable, not likely to respond to treatment, and killed him just hours after learning of. -Abigail had a gynecological exam on a chair with her pants on last week. -Most of Salem's current teen population were still learning their times tables on Columbus Day but they'll be studying Trig on Thanksgiving. 5th-9th grade disappears much like November 11th through the 25th.
  23. Looking into my crystal ball.....ratings plummet once all the viewers that only tuned in for the 50th celebration and the return of Bo and Sami go back to their normal daytime lives. Antidepressant pharmaceutical companies rush to buy advertising slots for daytime's most dour hour.
  24. 20 minutes after the show closes and I'm still in stunned mode, it strikes me.... So Bo never told his kids or his parents he was dying!!! Well Monday should be fun.
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