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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I don't think it was romantic. I'm saying that it felt like they were trying to convey it that way (by the way it was presented) when it wasn't. Edited to add: If they were going for the "haunted" angle then his visions/flashbacks of her should have been of her bruised face or bloodied body. Instead he "sees" her with a soft willowy white lit background looking all seductive.
  2. LOL--too true about the invoice and with his own letterhead attached. Talk about a paper trail. And I completely agree that the storytelling lacked as far as Pine's motivations went. I think that fault largely falls on the "romance" they were so badly trying to sell between Pine and Sophie. He meets her once in the hotel; for some not completely clear reason she gives him the intel; he protects her (or thinks he does); she used her body (which seems to be her main purpose); he sleeps with her....suddenly he's so in love he's still imagining her four year later. Sorry, not buying. A better connection/relationship between Pine and Sophie needed to be made. And Pine made himself look like a moron ogling Roper's woman right in front of the whole room. Real suave, dude. Hiddleston has a lot of potential but could they make his character, the hero, less of a desperate horn dog?
  3. Yes! I thought that was very odd too. The lobby is very upscale but the treatment facility is a only a few degrees classier than the set of One Flew Over the Coco's Nest.
  4. When Romera got the call from the DEA agent I thought that was going to be about Norman's accusation regarding Norma. Then I kept thinking all episode he was going to get the call. They sure were slow to move on that. Although Romera now being married to Norma would make him investigating the case unethical. So maybe the state police will come into play. All for another episode apparently. Julian gave Norman cash though. For all we know Julian also had fake ids. Or maybe he just flashed money when they came in. Either way it's certainly possible it wasn't a reputable place. One nod in that direction was how Norman's stripper kept stressing she'd do anything. Plus she didn't even bat a fake eyelash at that screwdriver. A more reputable strip bar would have limits in place for the protection of the girls.
  5. Agree! S1 Dylan was the best with his attitude and ability to see through Norma's shit and call her out on it. Add it the fact that the actor is not hard on the eyes...his character had so much potential. But I also am having a hard time shipping Dylemma. She's nice but Dylan needs to be paired with someone that creates more interest/intrigue. Their story feels rather bland and likely only to blow up when (or if) Norman gets jealous or something.
  6. I completely forgot about Dylan's crazy neighbor till he showed up in this episode. All I can say is, "Dude, you are so last season." None the less, Dylan is doomed no matter where he lives, the farm or the motel. So Romero has a few clandestine fuck buddies he keeps around town... not sure I really needed to know that but I'm guessing there's more to come from the I-money-launder-for-the-Eyes-Wide-Shut-club bank employee. I also suspect that might be how Romero started hooking up with her in the first place. While the "crazy" is definitely amping up with each season, I feel like the witty banter dialogue is declining, especially between Dylan and Norma. That scene where he stopped by and she updated him on the marriage and Norman lacked a lot of punch. Frankly, I feel like Dylan is completely underused and not written nearly as well as he was in season one. He seems like a shell of himself.
  7. I miss the creepy fun and puzzles of crAzy Mona that did actually turn out to mean something. "Where were we? Where were we?" www.....
  8. Their whole book is such a joke. I used to work in publishing marketing, and the fiction market is flooded with new releases at any given time. Their book would be a dime a dozen. Aria and Ezra are acting like they will be big stars. Not likely.
  9. Yvonne did act like a spoiled brat in that scene. I can understand her being disappointed that he wasn't going to be there and frankly Toby would have been better off to simply tell her he had police work to do, which wouldn't be a total lie. While most of the couples behaved badly this episode I actually didn't think Toby did anything wrong. He knows the 'A' story and the danger involved, and he seemed to be helping out for old times sake rather than Hanna who clearly had other motive with this plan.
  10. As usual this MK interview reeks of BS, lies, and blowing smoke up the viewers asses. Case in point: “Because we have our five-year time jump, the girls make grown-up decisions and are more adult with their emotions, so it has allowed us to really heighten our romantic stakes,” says King. If she really believes this about her characters, I'd hate to see what her relationships are like in real life. The girls have made more immature decisions and handled their emotions worse now as twenty-something characters than they did as teens.
  11. I too suspect that Hannah had ulterior motives with this plan. It was more than a plan to smoke out A, it was a ploy to come between Spencer and Caleb. And at this point I'm highly disappointed that Caleb didn't put her in her place when she pulled this stunt. Instead he fell right into it. Both of them need to be single as neither of them know how to act in an adult relationship.
  12. "What the heck just happened to Hanna?!" I've been asking myself this all season! "Ashley Benson Dishes on Hanna's 'Questionable' Fate in Season 7!" How about explaining Hanna's questionable actions in season 6! And WOW, Benson is just as delusional about functioning relationships as her character. You shouldn't have to get "stuck" alone with someone to work out your problems. That's not how real relationships work or the real world operates. My opinion of this actress just seriously dropped if she truly believes that and isn't just pandering to the Haleb shippers. Actually even if that's what she's doing, I'm pretty disgusted. Lots of young viewers watch this show and follow the actresses and how Hanna has behaved this season is most definitely not a role model to look up to.
  13. Agree completely w/everything you said! And at this point, I won't shed a tear, won't even sport a frown face if Hannah's body really does turn up dead in the next season opener. I doubt they'll go there but MK might as well stick a fork in her because any integrity with Hannah's character is already dead. An unexpected opportunity would be running into Caleb on the NYC streets upon his return from Europe while they were both single. Waiting till he moves on with someone else, friend or not, is a low blow by a jilted ex who can't accept that her former flame might be happy w/someone else. Telling your ex you basically want him back and playing on his feeling by rolling off with the story about how you really came home that night, only years later after you become engaged to another man and he becomes involved with someone else is not admitting the truth but giving into your feelings of insecurity and doubt about long term commitment to your current partner. It's hardly an act of love, but more the act of a selfish, immature individual that needs counseling rather than a renewed relationship. Also you can move on with your future w/out jumping into another committed relationship. But Hannah seems to need a man in her life, the kind of girl that can't accept being single from time to time. If they want to salvage her character at all next season, maybe they should start with Hannah leaving Caleb alone, breaking things off with Jordan, and seeking therapy after realizing her parents divorce and her dad's abandonment is affecting her adult life and relationships. It's time for her to have an epiphany while being drug across the floor by A.
  14. If that relationship is based on sex alone then it's all on Caleb's horny end. In last week's flashback it was clearly Spencer that held back when Caleb was ready to take things further in Madrid, and at the beginning of the season he was also ready to move things further with Spencer in the present, while Spencer sought out Hannah's acceptance. And if it's based on nothing but sex then Caleb better stop going all possessive on Spencer, worrying if Toby is going to see her panties. What a double standard. She can't dress nice around Toby but he can sex her up one minute and kiss his ex the next. There is no true love on this show; there is just a bunch of immature young adults who can't effectively convey to the authorities when they are in danger or being harassed, yet alone effectively convey their feelings to one another. Every one of the so called couples is a hot mess, deluded over some kind of first love. If you are going to buy that H/C and S/T are true loves than you have to disregard the fact that both couples couldn't make it the first time around because they wanted different things in life/their personalities too different. Their inexperience with love and life rang out strong last night when Hannah waited till now to tell Caleb she came back that night and Caleb fell for it. If Hannah loved him so much back then, why did she move on with what's his nuts (her fiance)? Why didn't she wait till Caleb returned from Europe to plead with him to give things a second chance? And it's a little hard to take Caleb seriously when he's rolling out of one bed, throws on clothes without a shower with one girl and then a few scenes later he's sitting on another bed kissing another. Caleb's no more ready for commitment than Hannah. But more importantly, MK lives for attention and an explosion of tweets on social media. She's turned this promising quirky mystery show into a soap opera meets Scooby Doo. She lives for her reveals (that are becoming more transparent) so I wouldn't be surprised at all if Caleb rescues Hannah next season for them to reunite only for Spencer to turn up pregnant with his baby. At this rate, she'd (MK) totally go there if it meant that #SpencerPregnantWithCalebsBaby became the hottest hashtag of the week. Just like you can almost bet that once Aria and Ezra make it official again that a not so dead Nicole will show up at his doorstep. #NicoleIsAlive Bottom line, "true love" on this show is nothing more than the next plot twist that MK lives for to milk to its fullest.
  15. There's no need for charts or cheat sheets because none of the plots or mysteries make any kind of sense. MK is just making it up as she goes along and each season she decides on new shock value "reveals" to fuck with the viewers, and at this point half of them (the reveals) are pretty transparent. Just watching her (MK) being interviewed, it's pretty clear she doesn't have anything invested in the characters and she loves to toy with the viewers simply for the sake of tweets and attention.
  16. I was good with Caleb this season till tonight, but after that douchbag move where he made clear to Spencer that Toby wasn't to look at her and then he turned around and kissed Hannah is unforgivable. These people haven't grown up in 5 years. Instead of being scared, immature teens, now they've just become despicable adults. Well except for Ezra; he's always been that way. AMEN!!!
  17. This is the most disgusting episode ever. I've watched a lot of crap on this show but there's one thing I have very low tolerance for and it's cheaters. Aria/Ezra. Caleb/Hannah. Just GROSS. MK can keep pushing this high school love down the viewers throats but something like this--where instead of facing your real feelings and being honest and faithful to your partner-- is a dealbreaker for me to finish this series and tune in next season. Oh and the reveal at the end was so lame. Bye Bye PLL
  18. THIS. It's been bugging my hubs and I since the last episode. Plus, Norma should have/be able to get some kind of small business health insurance through the motel, which she has Norman operating as the manager making him an employe. Does Norma not have insurance herself either???
  19. But isn't this half season running a little short??? Usually eps 1-12 run in the summer, 13 is the Halloween ep, and then 14-24 runs in the winter. This will only be episode 20 and honestly it feels like nothing has really happened. And is next season the last???
  20. That's hilarious! They are far more at risk of A getting a hold of the physical pages than a too enthusiastic fan hacking a secure site for a proof copy. Surely Caleb could install some top of the line security measures for them to work in the 21st century.
  21. That stuck out at me too. In this day and age it would seem more logical for them both to be writing/editing on a shared file. The tree-hugger in me thinks they are being wasteful! ;-)
  22. Oh I hope it happens too! It's long overdue. I was just saying that it seems like both of them should see it coming, and didn't till this episode.
  23. My take on Spencer/Caleb/Hannah is this... It seemed to me that Caleb tried to drop her hand as soon as possible. I got the distinct impression he was uncomfortable in the situation Hannah put him in and that he was trying to tread carefully given that they are still friends. I also noticed how he left quickly once he got Hannah to Lucas's apartment. I never interpreted Spencer's reaction to be anything along the lines of being mad because she was not the center of male attention. I've never taken her that way at all. I think she was quite justified at being pissed at Hannah and also partially Caleb for not putting more distance between him and Hannah. I would have been too. Hannah clearly had an agenda. To the viewers it's been brewing, but to Spencer it was obvious in that scene. Hannah is the one to me that seems like the type of girl who always needs a man in her life. Let's not forget that while Caleb was off chasing ghosts in Ravenswood, Hannah was moving on with the rather adorable and sweet Travis who treated her pretty good. But then Hannah dumped him like yesterday's trash as soon as Caleb was back in town. Even now, she's engaged to someone else! She has no business passively-aggressively coming on to Caleb PERIOD! The fact that he's dating someone else makes it all the more WRONG. Considering that his new girlfriend is one of her friends who had the courtesy to seek out her approval first makes it DISRESPECTFUL. She had her chance to speak her feelings, although really they are all grown adults with separate lives until a few weeks ago so expressing her feelings is really all she can do. The facts are...Spencer did not steal Caleb away from Hannah. Caleb and Hannah broke up long before Spencer became his new love interest for reasons that had nothing to do with Spencer. And if it wasn't for CeCe's murder, Spencer and Hannah wouldn't even be hanging out anymore. Nor would Caleb be in her orbit again. And let's consider this angle too.... If you no longer have feelings for your ex, then you shouldn't care who they date. You definitely shouldn't do inappropriate things to interfere with that relationship. If you do still have feelings for your ex, then you shouldn't be engaged to someone else and leading them on. You should have addressed those feeling while said ex was still single. Once ex has moved on, then that boat has sailed. You need to get over those feeling for the ex and examine your true feelings for your current beau. In the end, you might just end up single yourself and there's nothing wrong with that! In this scenario, it's probably the best for all involved. Where was Emily's phone??? She records Sarah's No. 2 talking to Mona on a public bench but she doesn't record Sarah driving! As for Ezra and Aria, anyone else think that the missing Nicole will show up just when Aria and her old teach "reconnect?" Incidentally, are they not worried about going on those talk shows and someone putting two and two together that they were more than teacher/student or writer/editor??? I distinctly recall a bday party of Jenna's that they attended openly as a couple. Surely someone else from Rosewood High (or A!) would like 15 mins. of fame by exposing that.
  24. THIS! 1) Did A send her those heels? I'm so confused on how it wasn't an accident. Also is there a reason Allie can't just go with her new husband to the conference???? 2) Hannah's little hand-holding move on the couch with Caleb and the way she acted was totally uncool. Immature, insecure, total bitch move.
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