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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I noticed it last episode too. But I rather thought it was out further than where the pool was dug. I thought it was pretty obvious too. Plus one of the show runners confirmed it in an interview last week. Same here. Adultery and murder are not of the same caliber. And personally, I find Norman's creepy attraction and stalker tendencies toward Madeline, a married women at that, far more disturbing than Sam, a guy clearly unhappy/unsatisfied in his marriage, having an affair. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's right that he's cheating on her; he'd be better to simply ask for a divorce. But Norman's actions at this point no longer produce any sympathy. I'm looking forward to watching his downfall as with this being the final season, it's obviously the path things are going to take. I thought he would be carded too. The would have actually been a good addition to the scene with the bartender asking for ID and Norman as Mother thinking that was absurd at her age. Doesn't matter if the viewers know he's over twenty one; if his looks make it uncertain, the bar still has to ask for ID rather than risk getting in trouble. And it appeared he was in an upstanding establishment, unlike the hole in the wall joint that Chick and Caleb were hanging out at.
  2. Showrunner Kerry Ehrin interview about this season. It answers some of the questions discussed in this threat but may also contain spoilers. (You've been warned). What I found most disturbing about this article is Ehrin's response about Sam Loomis reveals she did not pay very close attention to the opening scenes of the original movie. http://tvline.com/2017/02/20/bates-motel-recap-season-5-episode-1-norma-frozen-premiere/
  3. Dylan with a baby was ovary melting. A great surprise but nerve racking at the same time. I really hope this show lets them have their HEA. My one lingering question from last season to this one... Where is Norman's shrink and how did he not put together what really happened? I think so too. "David" is Sam Loomis. And in the opening of the movie, Sam and Marian are having a nooner at a motel. That's a good point! They certainly do have an uncanny resemblance.
  4. Initially I found the March character too over the top. A blatant, flamboyant killer, he murders indiscriminately, frequently, so many people in his path. Add to that the fact that he was a millionaire/billionaire—decidedly a higher profile citizen and it’s hard to believe he wasn’t caught sooner. Heck he seems to only have been caught because his wife turned him in. But then Evan’s acting infusing so much humor into him as won me over, very specifically in the scenes with Miss Evers and the Countess’s required monthly dinners. I’ve had some laugh out loud moments. But I completely agree that more backstory on what made March the way is his is needed. At this point I’ll even accept a humorous, throw-away line regarding one of his parents forcing him to Sunday school as a child for the 10 Commandments killing spree that he started, but something should be provided to explain why a moral lacking psychopath like March would pick that as a theme and then be so excited to have someone else finish it for him.
  5. Definitely noticed nods towards Rosemary's Baby in this one.
  6. Love this! On that note of gluttony, I found March’s character a bit over the top. Or maybe it's because we were slammed with the whole story at once. Murphy can’t do subtlety, can he? Just like it’s obvious he was watching The Shining while writing some of these scenes—the bathtub and the bar. I guess Liz is the new Lloyd.
  7. Also I thought the sex crime scene with the police detectives ogling and commenting on the victims was a throw back to Basic Instinct where Michael Douglas and police crew arrive after the rock star ice pick murder. And I agree, they were too blatant with all the references right off the bat including the use of music. Instead of playing "Hotel California" paint the picture everyone sees in their head when they hear the song. And the "subtlety" with playing "Bella Lugosi's Dead" very faintly in the background wasn't really subtle at all. They'd already referenced The Hunger in the scenes. It would have been better to leave viewers expecting to hear the song but hold off for many episodes and then deliver.
  8. In previous seasons it was established that Paul made a distinction w/innocent children (his daughter and his letter when finding out his one victim was pregnant). No doubt when the orderly pointed out that the other patient raped and murdered his 12 year old sister, he all but marked the creep for slaughtering, whether the orderly completely realized that or not. I agree, Paul wasn't initially faking. While those around him established it to be around 6 years that he was missing, Paul was never that specific. He just stated that Olivia was small and the woman interviewing him filled in age 2. I think his memory began returning as this season progressed and more people filled in details of those missing years. Yes, the lack of security stood out--at the hospital and at the psychiatric faculty that obviously housed other violent criminals. I also didn't understand why the other patient was simply locked into his room to calm down Seems they would have subdued/sedated him with some kind of drug. On a completely different topic...wow, Stella has a nice house! What kind of salary would a detective at that level make in that area?
  9. ***Orpheus 2016 story line recap HELP PLEASE!*** Since I jumped ship on this show once again in Jan, I missed Orpheus's returned, and I'm totally bummed! I've seen a few clips and read a few short summaries, but can someone give me a detailed recap of what happened. Also does anyone know if the actor returned just for that brief stint or is he on reoccurring status? (I know Steve shot him this last time but dead is hardly dead in Salem.)
  10. Totally agree. Seemed like another instance of Stella coming off as a superior pain in the ass. Frankly, I thought the new office looked nicer--much better views. Numerous times since he's been brought into the hospital the staff has established that he's 32. But the accident has caused him to "lose" a few years which is why he thought he was 26. His belief that he was in a car accident rather than shot ties in with his "dream" or delusion at the opening of the first episode where he was in a wreck with the windshield shattering. I don't think he's faking at all. I suspect this might be an angle used by the show to delve deeper into how Paul started his serial killing. Recall that even though he had tendencies in college, he didn't start acting on them fully until more recently. Perhaps the accident was real and his mind has just reverted back to it. Either way, I suspect it will be revealed as this season goes along. ***Questions I had regarding this episode.... 1. Are solicitors expensive in N. Ireland? In the US, a high profile attorney like the one Sally-Ann just hired would be quite pricey. I was rather surprised that she would have that kind of money and use it to help Paul. 2. Is it normal there as well that the police would only be on guard outside the ICU unit and not be stationed either in his room or just outside that door. I realize he barely made it through surgery but he is accused of serious, violent crimes. Incidentally, count me in among those that could have done with less puke, blood, and gore in these first two episode. If I wanted that, I'd watch reruns of ER ;-)
  11. They wouldn't have had to go far to get a room. I'd laugh my ass off if next season opens with them between the sheets. Since this show is nothing but a silly eye roll at this point anyways they might as well do a flashback scene where all the parents are at a neighborhood key party. Let's just question everyone's paternity at this point. Oh and I bet it took place in the Hasting's guest house too.
  12. Yes, please. The bangs been driving me nuts since they "aged" her. It does not make her look older. It makes her look like a 12 year old girl. I wondered about that too, and I won't be surprised next season if we find out that wasn't Jenna with a gun but someone in a Jenna mask. The same way I won't be surprised if it wasn't Noel Khan's head but one of those things you use to display wigs covered in a Noel mask. Nor do I think for one moment that Spencer or Toby is dead. No, there was way too much set up with that book she gave him and the text he couldn't compose and the hints about who bought the house. In fact, here's how I suspect MK will end her show: -Spoby: In the final episode it will be revealed that Spencer bought the house, and she and Toby will live happily ever after in it. Yvonne is probably (hopefully) dead from the car wreck or will die in surgery following so they can drive the suspense through that first episode. Next season will deal with Toby mourning Yvonne's death and Spencer dealing with being Mary Drake's daughter. Marco will probably continue to date (or try to) Spencer since he only seems to think her and Toby were friends. -Ezaria: Ezra will continue to be confused on his feelings for the two women. Nicole will be blissfully happy that she's been rescued and reunited with Ezra. She'll say a bunch of things that will make him feel guilty and he won't have the heart to tell her about reuniting w/Aria till the last episode or two when they reunite for their HEA. -Emison: Allison is pregnant with Emily's eggs. This is a no brainier clue that they will end up together once they figure that out. -Haleb: Will probably spend next season with a bunch of angsty together/not together only to end up together in the end. Hell, maybe Hannah will turn up pregnant too and wonder if it's Caleb or Jordan's only for it to be revealed as Caleb's in the finale. Gag! And the final scene will be some 'A' tag leaving the door open for future spin-offs or specials.
  13. All this episode proved is that these girls are so fucking stupid!!! Did they ever view the rest of those files? Did they make copies of that zip drive? Or did they hand over the only copy and just assume Jenna and Noel didn’t make copies of Hannah’s camera. Speaking of which… Tonight’s burning questions: Why in the world would Hannah make a tape of torturing Noel? That type of forced confession doesn’t hold up in court anyways. #TooStupid2Live Why can’t five girls with normal sight take out one blind girl with a gun? Are Mona and Caleb, the two most tech savvy of the group, still sitting in the Radley bar sipping drinks totally oblivious to the mayhem all over town? Does Rosewood not have closing settlements for their real estate? Pretty sure Toby would know who bought his house. Did I fall asleep and miss how they got into an accident? In relationship news: What Caleb really meant to say was, “I’m meant to spend my life you, Hannah the Slob, oh except for when I want to sex up Spencer because don’t forget it was only about a week ago that I was bawling at her door, revealing that I changed my life plans for her. Uh, after those scars heal do you think we can do a threesome some time?” #WhatATool Meanwhile, Emily has her own threesome to deal with….will it be Paige, Serena, or Allie that she gets her HEA with? Or should I say gets stuck with her for eternity? Nicole is alive and Aria got to watch it in living Technicolor! #BestMomentOfTheEpisode
  14. The Haleb clip turns my stomach on so many levels.
  15. Please, please let Yvonne die. That girl really grates me.
  16. This! I wondered the same thing. How in the world was she going to handle him once the drugs took over? Surely she wasn't going to be able to lift and carry hunky and fit Noel Kahn back to her hideout. Wouldn't it have been better to have him meet her there and then drug him? I know Hannah has always been the dumbest liar of the bunch but with each season they get stupider and stupider. The cop is probably to make Scooby shippers think they won't get back together. Nicole is supposed to infuse more angst into Ezaria. At this point I'd be shocked if she didn't show up at the wedding when they say "Does anyone object?" This show has become that predictably cliched. I too thought it was naive to only check out one video. But I tried to give the show credit in terms of understanding how difficult it would have to be for the girls to watch their own torture and relieve it all over again. However, at the same time, they could have had Toby (probably the only police officer they trust and a person who understands what they went through) view all the files alongside Caleb while he made back up copies of them. Then they would know if there was additional evidence on the drive as well as if anyone else was involved. I did too, but then it turned out that Hannah isn't smart enough for that either.
  17. A future pregnancy could also be Hannah. Don't forget she also threw up in a recent episode, the cliched TV foreshadowing for pregnancy. We also saw her and Jordan intimate before that, which was before her kidnapping torture. Perhaps she missed a few birth control pills during that time when she was held hostage. From the clip it looks like she's going to be intimate with Caleb next week. *Gag* What bigger wrench to throw at the Haleb shippers than Hannah pregnant to her ex after reuniting with her high school sweetheart. "Full steam ahead" Marlene King catcalls to the writers to embrace more cheesy soap opera twists right after they pen Nicole's reappearance at the Montgomery-Fitz wedding. ;-)
  18. When I see blind Jenna flashing a gun around all I can hear in my head is Aerosmith, insert Jenna instead of Janie. It really should be the background track to that ridiculous scene.
  19. Total moron. And did you see the look on her face when he suggested she go to Ethiopia instead of taking an artsy-fartsy editorial job? Her whole expression read, 'Me, take a job helping other people? No way Jose!’
  20. Could Hannah have been any more obvious about that beer? #epicfail
  21. Ms. Dileurentis being called over the PA was most definitely eye roll worthy. The show's not-so-subtle reminder that Allie is still a bad girl. And is the principal so busy buying danishes that he doesn't know when one of his faculty members is returning from a medical leave? It took him at least several class periods before he called Allison in. And then he couldn't wait till the class was over and she had a free period to interrupt??? Of course this is the same guy that employed Mr. Fitz so.... Nor does that classes of 2018, 2019, and 2020 that should be there currently. Yes, that was a head scratching moment. If some of these people spent years in Radley then were the patients having sex with each other? I would have been in high school when the liars were born and our yearbook photos are even in color. We might not have had digital photography but we had color!
  22. Why in the world would anyone want to return to Rosewood??? It's a place filled with corrupt cops, pedophile teachers, and an extremely high murder rate for a small town.
  23. If Noel mows down Caleb, he's my new hero!
  24. I feel about as certain of Toby making it to Maine as Aria and Fitz making it to Italy. Or if he does arrive he won't even have time for some clam chowder or lobster before he's pulled back to Rosewood. I just don't see him making the great escape any more than the rest of them. The big bone MK threw to the Scoby shippers last night being that Toby built the house for her. Somewhere before this is all said and done Yvonne will either bite the bullet or leave him upon some discovery...or hell she'll be A for a season. But it seems pretty clear she's a disposable character and frankly they can dispose of her as soon as they like and it would suit me just fine. Same here! On top of all the stupid mistakes these girls make in the mystery aspect of the show, continuing a relationship (friends or more) with this creep is an even bigger mistake. They might as well stick a final knife in Caleb's character by having him sex Jenna up next episode so he can gain access to her... No, not gonna go there; it's just too easy ;-) (All of the puns 100% intended) #Hello #LionelLiar #IsItMeYoureLookingFor Seriously, when they hashtaged Jessica's liar, I knew this show had finally given up on it's adult audience and were officially writing this shit for the preteens. This has become just farcical. And is that where all the rest of the missing parents are...Hiding out in their liars?!?! The only thing worthwhile this show has going for it anymore are the good looks of Noel and Jason.
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