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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. A key difference though would be that Spencer joined the A team to try and get to the bottom of things to ultimately help/free them all; Aria joined the AD team to save Ezra's ass. The only other people who stood to benefit was herself.
  2. Pretty sure Caleb and Toby weren't raped. Didn't see any rope or roofies lying about either. In fact, Caleb was sniffing around Spencer in multiples cities before finally getting down and dirty with her in Rosewood. And Toby was the one to invite Spencer to the cabin to stay with him. So true. And this is exactly why I don't put any stock in the Twinser theory. It's been clear for episodes that the couples are going to end up back w/their high school sweet hearts because either A) MK relishes in feeding the romantic fantasies of the teen shippers B) isn't talented enough to can't come up with a viable alternative to one or all of them finding love somewhere else or C) all of the above. Which is why I also don't think Spencer's scar was shown as any kind of twin or multiple personality clue. In MK's mind it was for the shippers to show how much Toby still cares about Spencer--gently touching the spot where she could have died. It's just like the house he was building all along for her and the fact that she was the one who held him when he cried over Yvonne, who conveniently kicked the bucket. And like Chinspinner says above, now Fury is out of the way so there's no one else for them. Is the timeline terrible? Absolutely. Is it sub-par writing? No doubt. I'm pretty sure it was to delude the viewers into thinking that more time has passed since Yvonne's death than it really has. Just like that contrived bit about Caleb staying at the Radley last week was to make viewers forget he was staying at Spencer's only a few weeks before. Next Emily will make some throwaway comment about how long it's been since Paige worked at the school or Ezra will announce Nicole fell in love with one of her doctors and eloped all so it seems kosher.
  3. My gods, what was the deal with the sex fest?! Less than 24 hours left on their clock and instead of getting a lawyer everyone was getting it on! Oh except for the duo getting married. “I’m so happy you found a man who loves you and protects you and fucked your best friend a few weeks ago…” Opps, guess Ashley forgot that last part. Maybe AD should stop watching porn and fill her in. I have no words for Aria except what a bitch! She finally tells Ezra what she could have from the start instead of betraying her friends and he doesn’t give a shit anyways. I never thought I’d say this but this show has gone so far with Aria that not only did Ezra look smarter, but I liked him better in that scene. And I realized something else by the time the credits rolled. I don’t really care who killed Charlotte except to give them a high five because she probably deserved to die.
  4. The way both Hannah and Caleb have ping-ponged from each other to other lovers (and another fiance for Hannah) and then back to each other again and engaged in only a few weeks, it's impossible for me to see either of them as having their hearts in the right place. Add in Hannah's post traumatic stress and all the AD crap hanging over their heads and they just seem like lonely, lost, and confused young adults who are clinging to each other for the wrong reasons. Heck, neither of them have their own places (mooching off Lucas doesn't count) or established employment. Hannah's even driving Lucas's car and yet last week she thought it would be a good idea for her and Caleb to have a baby! I guess she'll expect Lucas to furnish the car seats for his vehicle next. Though I know it won't happen, I'd be more impressed if one or both of them did the mature thing and took a step back from any relationship until they could get their lives in the right place first.
  5. I think Caleb has already outlived any possible hero status. He's definitely in douchebag territory.
  6. Yep, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been more than a month or two since the Spaleb fling had just ended around the night of the Run Rollins Over w/the Car incident and since Allie isn't very far along in her pregnancy, there hasn't been that much time passed though I suspect the show would like viewers to incorrectly assume there has been. Which brings me to a possible continuity error....Caleb is supposedly "living" at the Radley since he installed the security system--Is this a new security system as in an update from a previous one? Their conversation about it sorta leaves you to believe he's been there since the hotel first opened but that can't be because when the Liars first returned to Rosewood, Caleb was living at Spencers. So he's really only been staying at the Radley and showering at Hannah's (Lucas's) for no more than the time they've gotten back together. I really hope AD has a recording of the night Caleb bared his soul and bawled his eyes out over Spencer the night she wouldn't open the door so it can be played at the Haleb wedding right after their vows. Nothing says love like waxing poetic to two women, both friends, whose spicy tunas you know so well. ;-) And on that notion, please let AD substitute Aria and Ezra's wedding programs with that precious report Aria is so desperate to get back complete with a red AD signature, "Best Wishes, Bitches!"
  7. IKR! And yet I bet she'll get rewarded with a big wedding to the self centered pedophile in the finale because that's how this show seems to roll.
  8. MK blows me away with her idea of love & romance...in the same episode Ezra blows off his role in using underage Aria and stalking her friends for a book, Caleb proposes to Hannah a few weeks after bedding one of her best friends. That's some swoon-worthy men right there. But major kudos to Mrs. H even if it was a dream. Best line of the episode to Aria: "You selfish little bitch. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire!"
  9. Actually there almost was a TP w/out David Lynch. Some at Showtime did care. It's been reported in numerous places both during the course of production and upon release. Designing a show to "weed people out" is ludicrous in a a business like television. So is alienating viewers who were once fans, most of which aren't alienated because this is edgy or intense, they are annoyed because the pace is outrageously slow, the character development for new characters is practically non-existent, the original characters are being butchered, the setting is all over the place, and the special effects are awful for a show that Lynch had unlimited budget as you claim although it's been printed that they did have a budget comparable to their other high budgeted productions. Amen to everything you said above Happy Harpy! Ya know when Lynch was so top secret about the script I thought we'd have a really great mystery on our hands that we wouldn't want spoiled. But I think you are right that they kept thing so under wraps to mislead viewers looking for a continuation of what was started. Instead Lynch wanted to make something new and it seems he should have simply taglined this redo "Based on the TV show Twin Peaks" since this isn't really Twin Peaks we are watching anymore. I completely agree with you on the above, Andromed! And that's very disturbing (although not entirely surprising) that Lynch would get the location wrong. He seems to have lost touch w/what he originally created. A "critical success" by what measure? Has figures been released? And even if new subscriber figures were disclosed it's too early in the game for them to accurately reflect the viewers who signed up and then don't renew. Also did the network disclose an "objective" or mission statement in regards to this show in a press release? Exactly! Any good, engaging story needs at least one (and w/a larger cast more) sympathetic or intriguing character to draw you in. That's not happening here.
  10. While I'm not crazy about this large and sparsely used cast, I think Mathew Lillard (the HS principal) might be a fitting addition (if actually used effectively) to the cast. He's good with quirky characters to say the least and has rocked some real psychopath in both Scream and The Curve--a good one full of twists if you've never seen it.
  11. In the end it will be curious to see how it goes down--numbers and reception. But so far from what has aired it seems hard to imagine completely new viewers (ones who didn't watch the series when it originally aired or who didn't pick up the show in the years since it's cancellation and help create the cult following) latching on to the plot and characters depicted thus far. It seems like the appeal is very narrow and the buzz would indicate a necessity to be well versed in not only the original and the movie but also perhaps some of the commentary and ideologies surrounding the show and possibly Lynch's work in general. That's a big prerequisite (and possibly a turn off) for someone simply curious about the buzz. I would imagine pay-for cable networks are always looking for the next hit to boost revenue and they've certainly sank a lot of marketing into advertising the return of TP, yet I don't see it drawing in the viewers like say previous big cable names like True Blood, Dexter, etc. I know Lynch made the script top secret to the cast beyond their parts w/the exception of Kyle, but I can't help wonder who all at Showtime saw it before giving it the greenlight. It just seems like they'd be looking for a broader audience appeal and specifically opening episodes that pulled more viewers in to developed, complex characters and a story arc that kept you hanging on the edge (rather than barely hanging in there as has been noted) for each next episode. There's an article out there (I think maybe Variety) that circles around some of the "challenges" the show faced getting off the ground. It's a promo piece so of course everyone interviewed gives careful, censored answers but if you read between the lines I don't think it's a stretch to infer there might have been more going on. Oh I'm not saying anyone here is. My experience with Previously TV forums is largely that participants are open and interested in discussing and dissecting the shows for added insight, greater understanding, or to add to the viewing experience. But having popped over to the show's FB page opening night it was quite clear that the Lynch "fan girls" were out in full force, ready to debunk any and all constructive criticism and insist that those viewers just couldn't comprehend the great Oz Lynch and his masterpiece. The mood was certainly glowing comments only.
  12. Agree! This is seriously lacking the charisma the original show had. It's a bad parody when the show is named after it's setting yet over half of the episode is set somewhere else. Oh I totally get why she's impatient with "Dougie." I could even understand why Mrs. Sheriff Truman is pissed off if this show actually embraced character development. I mean, maybe the sheriff really is a cheap skate and won't let her buy things she wants but is okay with buying a large bucket as he appeases the time schedule of his good olde boys friends while his wife struggles with the mess at home. It's not entirely clear the narrative Lynch is trying to tell but it's not hard to read it as a sexist one either. Again character development would go a long way. So would using the newbies less and the original cast more. I also read where Lynch filmed everything and then sliced it into episodes during post production. Some scenes like the sheriff and his wife one seem to be an example of that--they are just tossed in with nothing else to root them to the episode. I kinda got the impression he was managing/working at an employment agency. Perhaps something about the way he talked about the resume and other employers. I only connected it to the town of Twin Peaks when the loser applicant showed up w/Shelley's daughter. As each episode passes, I fear the whole plot of this mess is simply going to be getting the real Coop back, which is sad because the real Dale Cooper is who viewers became enamored with and rooted for. He's our protagonist and returning him to his original self should have been accomplished in Part 1/2. Instead, I'm right there with you, annoyed and bored with undeveloped new characters, spotty use of the old ones, and lobotomy Cooper who is long past due to return to the coco's nest of Twin Peaks, WA. It seems like (thankfully) not everyone is drinking the Lynch Kool-aid ;-) What I can't help but wonder is the dynamics of the relationship between Lynch and Showtime. Lynch has said it wasn't a hard choice to go with Showtime for the reboot. Then taking into account the problems at one point when Lynch was almost ousted from the show, and now seeing what this reboot looks like and is about, I'm starting to think the more interesting story is what went on behind the scenes. After all, Showtime's vested interest in all this should be attracting new viewers and subscribers. I would think that unless the higher ups are buddy-buddy w/Lynch and owe him a few favors, then they would be looking for a show that not only maintains the original viewers but attracts new ones. And, yes, it's baffling (and taking a whole lot of suspension of disbelief) to understand how Dougie's family and co-workers are so accepting of his comatose behavior. It would have gone a long way if Lynch would have included an opening scene, a prologue if you will, of what the real Dougie was like because I'm struggling to understand how a guy maintains a wife, kid, and job while going on days long bingers and losing exorbitant amounts of money. Don't feel bad, I've watched both seasons again fairly recently as well as FWWM again a few days before this started airing and all that's proven to me is how terrible an imitation of the original this is. It is definitely a struggle to watch.
  13. I didn't say Dougie's wife was a bitch; I said she was bitchy (behavior)--as in the portray of both her and Mrs. Truman was of nagging women, complaining incessantly to the men in their lives. They may both have very valid complaints, but that doesn't seem to be what Lynch was going for.
  14. I'll second #3! The real crime here is taking a great show like the original TP and butchering it. Each week just proves that this is a shell of the original. Too much time is wasted on characters and places that aren't being developed and no one is sympathetic or at the very least an intriguing character to tune in for. And the poster last week who brought up Lynch's sexual politics was spot on. It really stuck out tonight--nuSheriff Truman's and Dougie's bitchy wives who served no other purpose as well as the creepy rapist at the bar.
  15. I remember an episode or two about the phone system at the police station and I seem to recall Lucy just drug out the process, transferring calls around and then being very specific how to pick up the line. I fear too that Bobby and Shelley are apart based on Shelley's"look" at that guy in the bar. I'd much rather see them together and how they are parenting their kids. Always thought that the new show should utilize "legacy" characters (the kids of original cast) who could easily be around the same age they were during the original run. I think Mathew Lilliard's character as the principal being framed would be far more relevant if his story was happening in Twin Peaks, he was the high school principal there, and the current students were children of characters like Bobby, Shelley, Audrey, James, Mike, etc.
  16. I'm right there with you! At this point, Mona is the only person I'm truly rooting for to get a HEA. The rest can suffer in their own miserable lives because it's their own stupidity for coming back and staying in Rosewood. If A or AD doesn't text you when you live somewhere else, take a clue! I'm still scratching my head over Lucas and his money situation. I thought Lucas had become the next Mark Zuckerberg and was loaded; thus he only invested some of his millions in Hannah's fashion. As for Aria and Ezra, I just want them both to get hit with a bus and die. I just can't w/them and their selfishness anymore. And this whole book tour fiasco...what a PR nightmare and then Ezra just makes it worse. They should have shown everyone sitting in the audience of his book talk with thought bubbles like "Why did I waste my money on this book? Dude doesn't even love the girl anymore; he's marrying someone else! Guess I'll go return it and wait for Nicole to write her own story."
  17. I agree that Laura definitely corrupted Bobby and his experiences with her shaped him, which was fitting for teens their age. Perhaps if Bobby's crying in the current show was put into more of a context, I wouldn't have found it so eye-roll worthy, but as it was with all the other "stuff" going on in the redo, I just found it too much for all the years that have passed. Now James--I could see him still crying over Laura or at least getting emotional over her picture. I also agree that there was a point in the show where Bobby was trying to be more adult than he really was (the whole insurance thing w/Leo and then his job w/Ben and Audrey as you mentioned). But it also sticks out to me (probably since I just watched those last few episodes again the other week before Part I aired) that Bobby got a wake up call when he saw Gordon kissing Shelley. After that he stopped acting like a jerk and taking her for granted. Add in his father's dream about his future and it seemed like they were one of the few couples on the show where the message was clear. I'll be curious to see if they are still together or not if we ever get to see more than 5 minutes here and there of the old cast. I hope they are as I always thought the actors had good chemistry together. I was never a fan of the Andy/Lucy subplots in the original. As you mentioned Lucy got to be kind of a pain and the whole love triangle w/Dick and the "who's the daddy" storyline was annoying. But when they first appeared in Part 1/2 I didn't have a problem with them. Then we hit Part 3/4 and it's like they've been stuck in the lodges! I expect Cooper to be amazed at newer technology and that would be a great entertaining angle if we ever get the real Coop back. "Diane, I'm messaging you now on this app called Facebook. You'll need to accept my friend request first though..." LOL Amen! The whole cell phone thing was utterly ridiculous. The original show itself was only a few years away from cell phones becoming pretty popular. Surely their son Wally would have kept his parents up to date during his teen years. If the new show was being true to Lucy's character, she wouldn't pass out in disbelief over modern communication, she'd just over-explain how it works. "Hawk, the Log Lady has tagged you in a tweet on Twitter. That's the little birdie icon where you can't use more than 140 characters, which includes the hashtag symbol which is also the pound sign below the number 9 on the telephone keypad..."
  18. Twin Peaks Part Deux is about as deep as dirty water. While FWWM tried to spin a world where all men were utterly enthralled or under some spell of Laura Palmer despite how crazy, bitchy, or doped up she acted, the actual narrative of the original TP was different. It actually told a compelling (albeit tragic) story of a girl who lived two lives, two separate personas—the public one where she was a straight A student, Homecoming queen who did charity work after school in contrast to the secret night life where she engaged in orgies, prostitution, and an extensive drug habit either to escape her nightmare home life or because of the evil inherent in it. While Bobby was a part of both worlds Laura engaged in, it was clear early on that in her good girl role he had become a façade to help hide her real sex life, playing the companion role of football playing boyfriend to her Homecoming queen image. The original Twin Peaks did a good job with the theme of ‘appearances can be deceiving’ and exposing the fakeness behind high school social structures. The reality was that even before she died (as Bobby points out to Truman and Cooper in scene where he and Shelley are at the station) Bobby was moving beyond Laura and engaging in an affair with Shelley who ultimately he really loved and loved him back. Laura was too broken to truly love anyone in an honest, romantic way. But the show gave many nods to Bobby and Shelley’s playful and romantic relationship and the bond they shared having both hooked up with the wrong people (Bobby w/Laura and Shelley w/Leo) as errors of their youth. While other relationships on the show at the end where left with some ambiguity, the only nod to an HEA was Bobby and Shelley’s. He’d moved on from Laura; it was pretty clear. But Lynch doesn’t seem to have a handle on his characters. Or maybe he’s just getting dementia. What he's produced so far hasn’t paid homage to the original show well at all. What used to be a world of quirky and unique individuals in a small town existing in a timeless era has become a bad parody of itself. Andy and Lucy who never were the sharpest tools in the shed now seem even worse, like caricatures of themselves. The town itself also seems like a bad mirage. Based off the bar and the sheriff’s station it appears the population has significantly grown. But it’s being done in a way that confuses what Twin Peaks was even more. Whereas in the original, the sheriff’s station was unified and stuck together, now we have Lucy stuck in a dated way of life, ignorant of current technology while some new back room of the station operates in the modern age of technology, dealing with modern problems of DUI and teenage overdose. It sends a message for sure, but not one that fits the ideology of what Twin Peaks once was.
  19. There's artsy and there's awful and this is just gawd awful! It's boring; there's no plot. The special effects are simply cringe worthy. The opening scenes out of the box with Cooper looked like a Photoshop extraction gone bad. And I'm convinced that between the blurry images, pounding noises, and flashing lights Lynch's goal is to give everyone a headache ten minutes into the show. And that! I'm right there with you. Quickest way to ruin a show for me. The original TP had way more class than vomiting. Lynch's calendar must be stuck on April 1st because I'm convinced this redo is a bad joke for TP fans. Amen to that! You identified many of my major problems with this show too. And the Bobby crying thing... ridiculous, unnecessary, and unlikely. Sure Bobby was shaken and upset when Laura was brutally murdered 25 years ago, but he recovered pretty quickly. He spent most of the original show sexing it up with Leo's wife and being bad boy cute but self involved Bobby. I'm not buying Lynch's poor attempt at sentimentality now. Bobby and everyone else in Twin Peaks moved on after Laura; too bad he can't produce a show that actually depicts what the original residents are doing. I get that Lynch has a boner for Kyle McLaughlin but we don't need 3 Coopers.
  20. Nah, Peter's MO is more "hands on." I figure there are two scenarios how this baby angst will end because there's only a few episodes left. Either the daddy will turn out to be somebody truly cringe-worthy in which case Allie will probably lose the baby and be sparred the agony of raising it. Or daddy will turn out to be someone they are okay with and it will be the last minute happy ever after. Personally I lean towards the later as most probable simply because that seems to be the direction all of the couples are going. Aria and Ezra have all this angst now but they'll end up together in the finale the same way Spencer and Toby will too.
  21. Leland physically killed Laura and Theresa but he was inhabited by the evil spirit of Bob at the time. (Long gray/black hair and snarling teeth guy) Upon Leland's death, Bob left his body. Bob appeared upon Josie's death but did not seem to inhabit her. I assume he was a free spirit until Cooper entered the lodges and Doppelganger Cooper escaped possessed by Bob. I wondered that too. I'm going to assume spray tan Cooper has hacked their system. Surely Gordon Cole hasn't kept Cooper's credentials active all these years.
  22. Agree the bottle notes by the door was silly. And no one who visited Spencer questioned why she was feeding the local stray cats wine instead of milk! ;-) So Emily has rights to the baby they say? I'm assuming they are talking figuratively since wouldn't she have forfeited legal rights when she donated the eggs? Mona admiring the craftsmanship of the game was the best scenes of the episode. At least she's smart enough to figure out how it works and without getting gassed in the face. However... Agree this is another shining example of Hannah's selfishness. It's like 'take your damn turn already, Hannah!' The only thing Hannah's whining during this game has convinced me is that I'd never want to play Monopoly with her. And this is a shining example of Hannah's immaturity and self absorption. Seriously, girl has no secure job, no place of her own to live, and a boyfriend who was just banging one of her best friends a few weeks ago. Not to mention her PTSD from being tortured. Oh and a psychotic maniac controlling her life. Sure, go ahead and get knocked up because you imagine your kid will be cute. That should totally be the top reason to become parents. (insert eye roll here)
  23. I second what TheNewJanBrady said-- a little goes a long way. And in the original series it was used more sparsely. Back then it was an added treat to get a backward talking little person who danced to funky music. In the current show, there not enough substance to balance it out so it's gonna get old fast. I'm still scratching my head over the inability to get him back due to salary I heard. I mean, there's some big screen actors making guest starts on this new gig. Surely the cast of "newbies" could have been trimmed to accommodate the originals who were icons for this show.
  24. You really do have to wonder in which universe Lynch was doing the post-production work and decided against leaving those scenes on the cutting room floor. You summed that up so well. The only part that loses me is the one where Lynch decided that would make a fitting introduction to the new series! Red curtains, black-n-white tile, and a giant I expected. But Glenn Danzig-spray tan Cooper, the worst special effect on TV, and a half dozen new cast members who die before the second hour is up so why should we care about them is definitely not what I would have hoped for with the new Twin Peaks. Lynch definitely ODed on artsy sci-fi when he produced this. There's a point as a writer/producer where you have to balance your creative genius (and I use that last word very lightly here) with what appeals to a wider viewership. People cared about Twin Peaks the first time around and it gained a cult following because of the original characters and setting. You'd think after 25 years and countless conventions and fan gatherings that he'd know that. So I'm still completely baffled why when given the opportunity to revive the show he'd produce something that's so far only seemingly based on Twin Peaks rather than actually about it.
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