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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. My feeling is that this show is in it's last season. They are so hard up for anything to make an episode of they are pulling from last season and repeating. Now, Mariah and Audrey are most likely out of money so they are going to be back on the show. Hence, horray! Some new very boring storyline. Mariah and Aud said they are not planning on getting married for a year and a half so what does production do? Next episode they are all going to look at wedding venues. WTF? Who cares? Kody constantly saying "I don't care anymore" is kind of putting a nail in the coffin for this show, no? He is such a moron. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot. I don't know about that. All of the older ones moved away. None of them stuck around. Only the littles are left at home. Except Sobbyns older three and who knows what those kids are going to do. Christine and Janelle still have a few older ones at home, not for long I'm sure as long as they graduate HS they will be looking for spouses and getting married, moving away, too. Mariah and Audrey are still going to be 500 miles away. It's not like they are moving to Flagstaff to be with their beloved family.
  2. Where are the paparazzi when you need them?
  3. What happened to the new Namaste Teresa? Where did the Yoga loving I learned so much in prison Tre go? She's back to being the inner bitch she's been hiding for the last season or two. Interesting that Jackie said that there was now tension between her and Evan. Maybe a little truth to that rumor? Is she worried about something? Delores gets surgery and doesn't tell her boyfriend until after? Just how often do these two see each other? It's so weird that he is so well liked by Dolores' ex and her kids but the relationship between the two of them is so strained.
  4. Reinn Wilson is amazing in this role. He can take you from nerdy awkward misfit to a sincere, understanding therapist in the span of a short episode. The "session" with Jill felt so real. Kudo's to both actors. As for Bonnie, meh. She's just not as good without Kristie. I missed all 4 at the diner. We need more of the girls all together.
  5. Vi is so beautiful and has one hell of a body for a woman her age. Hell, for a woman of any age! What happened to her Lupus? They just going to forget about that? Same way they forgot about RA robbing that convenience store and Nova stealing the 10 grand? Nova self righteous as ever. She was the other woman. Cheating with a married man. A man that apparently had cheated all through his marriage. Oh, but she is the only one he has ever loved. Nice of him to claim that in front of his family and his kids. Darla and RA with all the smooches and puppy dog eyes. Enough, already. Charlie is fierce as ever. Yeah, she's judgemental but she is smart, a savvy business woman, has excellent bullshit radar and doesn't need a man in her life to feel complete.
  6. Why were Chris' clothes in Paige's car? Who was Paige yelling and cussing to on the phone? At first I thought it was one of the other housewives, then I thought maybe a producer, then a poster said it was Chris. Anybody know? You were in college, she's 26 and applied to be on a show looking for marriage. Big difference.
  7. How have I been living on this earth for so long and not know about Clara's nifty little hack for folding shirts so you can see them all in the drawer? I will be re-arranging my drawers today the Clara way!
  8. Chris wins the award for gaslighter extraordinaire! The way he grabbed Paige by the shoulders and whispered in her ear, then pulled back with the scariest shit eating grin on his face like he just accomplished something big made my skin crawl. Then she gives him this wide eyed smile back. He's a sadistic asshole and gullible Paige is out there somewhere in lala land. Ginny wants to go out, get shitfaced and pass out on her straight male besties couches without so much as a word to her husband about where she is or what she's doing. She will never be ready for marriage until every last one of her friends are settled down and starting to have kids. Even then, she will probably day drink home alone all day every day while her hubby is off flying the friendly skies. She really pulled one over on the experts.
  9. Agree, however I have a feeling Vinny is the type that takes many nothing-burgers and turns them in to something-burgers. That will grow tiresome for Briana to the point of her constantly walking on eggshells for fear of not "respecting" Vinny. It's not gonna work for her. He needs to get a sense of humor. I can't stand this guy. No we were not. We were ripped off!
  10. He did it for the TLC check. So did Natalie. She can go away with her I'm better than you attitude. I think she yelled "I'm better looking than you" during this last showdown. She has also said he's fat, not as smart as her, now not as good looking. She's mean and he is too aware and careful of what he says in front of the camera.
  11. Was this supposed to be a comedy episode? I didn't laugh once. These women are in their 40's, some in their 50's. Not cute. Speaking of not cute I am so sick of these women more than any other franchise flaunting their huge asses, over inflated titties, fat thighs and flabby bellies. NJ runs a close second but ATL is the worst. WTF was Marlo wearing on the fishing boat? Her outfits are hideous and embarrasing. Porsha was not happy with Kenya's shennagins. I usually don't care for Kandi but this season she's growing on me. I like her talking heads and she has no problem putting Kenya in her place.
  12. Stephanie is 52, I don't think the conversation was about birth control. It was about her not trusting who he has been with over the past 10 months and she didn't want any STD's. She's a nutjob but she does have a point. Plus he's only 27 and not thinking with the proper head.
  13. He wasn't so sweet to her back in his country. They had some brutal fights. He bought her an engagement ring with her money because he had none of his own. Then she found out it was her money and another fight ensued. I don't like him and for the love of god he needs to wear shirts that actually fit and get rid of those red sweat pants!
  14. Yeah, we need a new group of 90 dayers. These people are all boring. Stephanie is batshit psycho. Is it really that difficult to find a man in Michigan? I can't stand Rebecca's sad face, mad face and cry face. She is such a downer. Even if she had not had a hysterectomy she most likely couldn't have any more kids. She's 50 for godsakes. I don't care what he says, Zied is gonna want kids in the future. It's in his culture and I'm sure his tight knit family expects it of him. Brandon and Julia- that was a manufactured bunch of crap for the camera. They didn't even buy a pregnancy test yet put us through a boring waste of time with wondering if she's pregnant? Make these children go away. Even Jovi insisted on a pregnancy test immediately. Jovi and Yara crack me up. I am beautiful, Jovi! You don't deserve me! Jovi rolling his eyes and walking away to get another drink, leaving Yara standing in front of the camera alone. I do think Yara is beautiful. Imagine if she smiled and laughed and was a happy human being. She would be stunning!
  15. Yeah, not believing that one. I think if he was making that kind of money combined with TLC money they would have 4 new homes on Coyote Pass by now. He also wouldn't have told Meri they didn't have the money to help her with a down payment on the B&B.
  16. He actually has a job? Unlike Kody. Well, the Darger's don't have TLC money to fall back on. I'm sure they all don't drive luxury SUV's either. Except poor Robyn with the mini-van. Even she said that type of vehicle is beneath Kody. Who the hell does he think he is? It's his champagne taste that has driven their finances in to the shitter. If I had to sit in a vehicle for 8 hrs with 4 other adults that I don't particularly like I think I would rather have a bullet through the head and call it a day. Yes,, Kody, it is you who has not "managed" your family properly. You failed. At least he recognized it.
  17. Oh, I'm sure it will go on for years. Same way Rachael Ray was the #1 Food Network star for years. She became louder and louder as the years went on and her recipes were awful. But hey, the public loved her and that's all that matters.
  18. Katie plugging Giada and Bobby Flay's new show was so random. "I just love that show"! Sure you do, Katie. Especially since Bobby is your best friend. Pork Butt in a slow cooker. Outside. Ready made mashed potatoes. Brilliant, Sunny, brilliant. Alex, not enough picatta sauce on your turkey cutlets. Too many capers, not enough sauce. I do agree with her on one thing: you do not need to flour your cutlets then dip in egg then in breadcrumbs. Never made any sense to me, either. I made grouper piccata the other day and did not flour the grouper. Just egg and panko bread crumbs. It was delicious. Katie's peanut butter pie except she used Nutella or "hazelnut spread" instead of peanut butter. Snooze. GZ's pasta looked good. I was cracking up at him and Alex practically having orgasms over the fat buccatini pasta. I don't even remember Jeff's dish.
  19. Didn't the ever loving ride or die bestie Buddy have alot to say?
  20. After watching every episode of every season I just couldn't bring myself to watch this mess, but....... Judging from ya'lls pictures that you posted here Whit looks bigger than ever, it looks like Buddy who was losing weight has gained it back and Ashley is almost as big as Whitney now. Were Whitney's parents there? Why was Hunter there? Who gives a shit about him or what he has to say?
  21. Probably because they want him out of the house so badly they don't care how he goes about it!
  22. So how did Brittney's mom's house really blow up? Was she making meth? They won't just come out with what actually happened. Michael and Sarah make me sick. Andrea's goin' out on the town dress. Lord, doesn't anybody on this show look in the mirror?
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