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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. She told him because she wants two guys fighting over her. The previews show Austen asking her about it. Some people get off on that shit. It's good for the ego. If she's in a relationship with Austen, why does she keep acting like they are just friends? Why hasn't she told Cam that she is in a committed relationship with Austen and to lay off of the matchmaking with Shep? I know she told her this last night but it should have been way before that if she really has feelings for Austen. Why does she continue to let Shep stop by her house to visit ( he does it again next week). Nah, she's playing.
  2. Omg the voices on this show. Happy's vocal fry. Catherine sounds like she's got a stuffy nose and a bad cold all the time. And the racist guy with the glasses and the over done southern accent. My ears bleed listening to these voices.! I'm starting to like Hannah. Her boyfriend, Mr. Sock king, sucks, though. Is he really just 28? I would have thought 35. There is only one word that sums up these people. NERDS. All of them. So un-cool but trying so damn hard to be the toast of Savannah. It ain't working.
  3. She's renting that house. Still, rents in the city of Charleston are outrageously expensive. I really don't think Cam is very intelligent. She better hang on to that Dr. husband. And Chelsea was right when she asked her why she keeps trying to hook her up with Shep knowing what kind of a guy he is. Ole' Cam didn't have much of a response for that. I've been asking myself that since Day 1. Back in the day, we used to call that a prick tease. (Yes, I am that old.) She's enjoying every minute of pitting Shep and Austen against each other. It looks like in the preview for next week Austen calls her out on her behavior. Can't wait for that. Oh, and Shep, you are an effin' liar. You have repeatedly told Austen he doesn't have enough money for Chelsea. We saw him saying it to Austen on re-play several times last night. He's not the good old boy he portrays. He definitely thinks his money puts him a step above a commoner like Austen who actually has to work for a living. During Thomas' drunk lunch with JD (who I think is a total red faced alkie), did I hear Thomas say that Kathryn was still irresistible or something like that? Yup, his sexual attraction to her is still alive and well. He would fuck her in a minute given the chance.
  4. Until he sired some grandkids for her. Now he's always around, walking in to her house, going on vacations with them, and Kris has total disregard that He and Kourt have broken up and maybe, just maybe, Kourtney would like to move on. How so? Because he was used and then thrown away, humiliated and embarrassed in front of the world? I think that just might turn me in to a jerk during a break up, too.
  5. Oh, god, let's hope not. This relationship with Tristan is never going to last. The guy is 26, has a newborn and I'm sure endless baby mama drama to deal with. Why does Khloe do this shit to herself? Does Kris ever worry about the stupid choices her daughters make? Does she ever think any of the men these girls hook up with are bad decisions? Oh, that's right, she didn't like Kris Humphries. The sanest one of them all.
  6. That same preview also showed Mike and Jessica talking about getting back together.. So is she still hanging around? If that's going to be a story line, then I'm deleting this from my DVR.
  7. Josh wants kids. Liza is done with that. I hope this season shows them moving on.
  8. Oh, I'm sure. What a childish, immature thing to do. Grow up, Matt! I don't know any fathers that care about not being involved in their kids baby shower. My god, he is insufferable!
  9. I agree with this. What I meant was that Ashley is putting it out there that it's not modern to take your husbands name. She said that last night. It's a personal decision but she is making it more of a modern 21st century thing to do, the independent thing to do. I don't give a rat's ass who keeps their name or not, it's her attitude about it that I find annoying. I will put to rest my Ashley rants for now since my last 3 posts have been about what a phony I think she is, it's just that last night really did it for me.
  10. This 100% ! Listen, Anthony, buddy, as long as you like what Ashley likes, have a baby when Ashley wants a baby, support her when she says it's ok to, choose the furniture she likes, all will be ok in your relationship. I don't see one single bit of compromise with her. Oh, and for the record, I couldn't drag my husband to get a pedicure with me if his life depended on it. No big effin' deal. I could care less.
  11. Probably so. I still don't like her attitude, though. We get it Ash, you're a big time feminist. I know, right?. Reminds me of the old men you see at the beach here in Florida with the tennis shoes and knee high socks, and shorts.
  12. So after the hot date with Danielle and Cody, she says she was too tired to have sex when they got home? Wha? She acts like an old lady. A passive aggressive old lady. I don't like Ashley. She has an attitude. She sure made it clear in the furniture store that she didn't like anything Anthony liked. She has a bossy side to her and I didn't like that she was bringing up again the issue with keeping her name. You talking to a sales clerk in the furniture store about that shit? Just shut it already about that.
  13. What father throws a baby shower for their kid? Are you kidding me? One baby shower wasn't enough? No wonder it wasn't filmed. I'm getting tired of all these parties. And of course Jer and Auj had to get pregnant, too, so we get to see parties one right after another.
  14. We find out tonight that Brianna's body odor problem is a chemical imbalance. Then when the girls ask her if she's been to the Dr. about it, she says No. So how does she know it's chemical? Just another Bri lie? Terra really is a narcissistic bitch. Everything has got to be all about her. All the time. She would be a very difficult friend to have. I don't know how Tonya and Elena do it. Oh, that's right. The paycheck. Tonya asking the girls to buy her clothes. That they wore. For her. No class. Glad Elena shut that down. Jasmine- let your husband go to work, for god's sake. If you can swing it financially, stay home with your kids for a while or only go back to work part time. You know damn good and well you can afford it with the money you make from the show.
  15. She's always been a nut job, but I still think the reason for Ramona's extra craziness since her divorce is well...her divorce. She mentioned twice at Dorinda's about Mario cheating on her and how she was the last to know, and was really hurt by that, and then how she was married for 25 years and never thought she would end up divorced. She really never saw it coming. Maybe people would have sympathy for her if she wasn't constantly trying to act like she loves the single life because it's pretty obvious she misses her old life.
  16. What is with Amy and the constant giggles and grins every time she's with Chris? She always says she's nervous on her dates with him. They have been seeing each other over 6 months now. It's rediculous. Get over it. I agree, I was thinking last episode how masculine Auj's face is. She has very strong features, especially noticeable when she has her hair pulled back and that dark lipstick on. Speaking of faces, Amy is ageing badly. She must never have taken care of her skin. I just want to slather moisturizer on her face, her skin is dry and wrinkled. It's not just her age, either. She's only in her early 50's. I'm older than she is and don't look like that and her two girlfriends have nice skin.
  17. Oh, damn Rebecca. She's my favorite. Why did she have to go apologize to that lump Sabrina and that asshole Jeremiah who couldn't even bother to take that friggin straw out of his mouth? I guess production told her that's how they wanted to end the season. She has nothing to apologize for. She doesn't like them. She doesn't trust them. They are trash. That's enough reason to stay away from them. Stop with the apology tour. Let me get this straight: Sabrina has her newborn baby taken away from her, yet she thinks it's a good idea to go to Vegas and have "fun"? And get her vagina waxed? Or get Mary to? I would be a sobbing puddle on the floor if my baby was taken away. Nothing would matter until I got her back. And I'm sure child services will be delighted to see how much Sabrina cares. Stupid twat. Mary. You self centered, childish piece of crap. Jeremiah, Carmella and Sabrina are your family? What about the actual family you leave at home every chance you get? You know that pesky husband and 5 other kids you have? Remember them? Poor Abe. He let's Jeremiah constantly tell him that he's pussy whipped. It's called being a man, caring for your wife and enjoying her company. Why can't Abe just once tell Jeremiah that he has made a complete mess of his own marriage and has no idea how to treat a woman, talk to a woman, respect a woman? And then punch him in the mouth. Break all of his teeth so he has to get dentures.
  18. I was thinking more like North Charleston. That road they were driving on was not exactly in an upscale neighborhood. You can get more for your money in No. Charleston, it doesn't have a very good reputation.
  19. Really? How do you know that? Those sly producers. I wonder how many times these reality show people watch their scenes when the show airs and think" Damn, that's not how it went down at all!"
  20. Why so much Shep? As if this show isn't enough, we see him on Southern Charm Savannah, too. He also has a show coming out called "Relationshep". That's right, folks. An entire series about this overgrown, aging frat boy who is rapidly loosing his looks, searching for true love. Supposedly, he will be traveling to different cities looking for Mrs. Right. Who at BRAVO has such a hard on for this guy that he is getting all this attention?
  21. I'm sure Thomas really wanted to be in some bowling alley talking to the intolerable drunky slurry speeched vocal fry blondie Catherine. Who exactly is her well know, monied southern family she is always talking about having such pressure to live up to? Please shut up, girl. Oh, and by the way, these people can't bowl for shit. Poor Ashley, her mother cradling her and wiping away her tears while she weeps. Good Lord! The guys on this show are so high school. And unattractive. And dull as dirt. Except Daniel, who has a certain level of hotness but needs to wash his hair more often, he always looks dirty to me. How is it that Catherine is in the park apologizing to Ashley when Ashley is the one who outed her for cheating on her boyfriend in front of all their friends? Again, Ashley apologizes for nothing. I would think if that was a lie, Catherine would be mighty pissed off. But nothing said about it. That little scene had me perplexed.
  22. What was the purpose of Shep going to Chelsea's house? He knows she's dating Austen. Or is she? I'm confused. I think she's just a big flirt and playing both Shep and Austen and I don't think she likes either one of them all that much. I still think he's a dick, but, good for Craig for the home purchase. With Volvo and Boeing plants there now, Real Estate is skyrocketing in the Charleston and surrounding area's. I don't think he will make any money as a landlord but he will make a nice profit when he sells. Hang on the that house for a few years, Craig! Maybe invest in another one with your BRAVO money while you're at it. Just make sure to take care of repairs when needed and make sure your tenants pay their rent on time. You can't just buy it and forget it! I had a cat like Gizmo. He sat in my lap and purred while I was driving. When my husband and I would take a walk, he would follow behind us. He was an amazing cat.
  23. That's what Wendy has said. Two tapings Thursday, Friday off. When we do get the actual re-runs it's just rediculous becuase Hot Topics are old and stale then. They need to be fresh off the press! But this is Wendy. She doesn't seem to be on top of her game this season, nor does she seem to care.
  24. All natural! She has mentioned many times that she had a tummy tuck after lil' Kev was born because she gained 100 lbs during pregnancy and her skin did not snap back. She also has said her scar is so hideous she had a tatoo put over it and she hates the tatoo.
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