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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. This is where the age thing becomes a problem. N8 is 26. He's young. He still wants to go to the club with his buds. He doesn't need to be married yet. Sheila is 30. She's done with all that. Sheila should have been matched with a guy that was 35ish, has been there and done that, and is really ready to settle down. Epic fail, matchmakers, or coaches or whatever the hell they call themselves. Ashley- I haven't made up my mind about her yet but I get the feeling she has a lot of emotional issues underneath the barbie exterior. Something is just not right with her and I can't put my finger on it. She said last night she didn't want to cry in front of the camera and I think Anthony is very aware of what he says in front of the camera, too. I think Anthony see's red flags but doesn't want to talk about it in front of the world. Danielle and Cody- Danielle kept saying the date and the dancing was sexy. She's ripe and ready, Cody- make your move! Maybe a couple more strong drinks to loosen up would have sealed the deal. I guess we will find out next week if in fact the deal was sealed!
  2. Anybody see the wedding special? All I can say is holy shit, Elena. That picture of her first wedding with Preston........ her face is totally different. I mean totally.
  3. When did she have time to do that? I would think she would wait for summer hiatus for a mini face life. I think she just has a face full of fresh fillers.
  4. I don't get Brianna. She's using the fact that she doesn't have a good sense of smell, and this is why she has an offensive odor? Then even more reason to get yourself in the friggin' shower every day, wash your hair, brush your teeth and use deodorant. Every day. Like the rest of us do. Problem solved. It's really not difficult. And why doesn't Matt tell her she stinks if it's really so bad? Jeez. Excuses for everything with her! Jasmine needs to back off. I always liked her but her apology to Tonya which was rediculous because I feel Tonya did her wrong, and now starting shit with Terra and Bri about Terra's book title is getting to be annoying. Just mind your business, little budinski.
  5. Way to go, Bethenny. You just showed Jason on TV that he is succeeding on making your life miserable. He must have had a big ole' shit eating grin on his face seeing how his attempts to drive you crazy are working.
  6. Now we all know the irresistable allure of Tom. He shoots diamonds out of his dick!
  7. Well, I'll be darned! Thanks for the correction. I have been looking for a part time job.....
  8. Kanye is so full of meds, he's a shell of his former self. A zombie. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, I'm not sure. Kim probably likes it this way. At least she doesn't have to deal with his manic craziness. She can put him a corner and not have to worry about what he's doing so she can go about her life and pretend she's in a normal, loving, committed marriage.
  9. First of all, I think gender reveal parties are the most rediculous thing I have ever heard of! Second of all, Matt making a thing of it being held at the "big house". Is everything an effing competition with him? I'm surprised Amy is dating at all after living with this man for 20 something years. I would be exhaused. And last but not least, do we really need to hear about every.single. feeling. Jer and Aug have about her miraculous pregnancy? I'm exhausted. I'm excited. I'm scared. Moving will be so hard. Because I'm PREGNANT! Shut it, Aug. Just shut it.
  10. Both. No, they should not be around people that they know abuse alchohol but what about social situations. What if you are invited to a wedding or a family birthday, or Christmas dinner or New Years eve or something like that? This is what I mean by not expecting everybody else around you not to drink. You have to adapt to life situations. You can't just excuse yourself from every affair or celebration that includes alcohol.
  11. I always heard that it is the alcoholic that needs to learn to be around social situations where there is alcohol. It's a fact of life and you can't expect everybody else to change when it is you that needs to change. Oh, and, I also always heard that hanging out with people that drink/drug once you are sober is a big no, no. You have to change your friends, your lifestyle, pretty much everything so removing herself from the show would probably be a good idea because all of these people drink and party. A LOT.
  12. I can't stand Mary! On the previews, she's whining that she never gets to have fun! When is it my turn to have fun! Shut up and grow up, lady. Didn't she just drive down to Florida in her TransAm that she hiding from her husband to have plenty of fun in the sun, drinking, boating, and dancing? She takes the time to support Sabrina and she has a big soft spot for Jeremiah but what about her own children and her husband? They don't seem to matter. Why is Jeremiah always back in PA when he is supposed to be living the dream in Florida and working his ass off on finishing the house? That makes no sense. TLC, either he lives in PA or he lives in FL. Can't have both. Make up your minds what you want Jeremiah and Carmela's storyline to be.
  13. Ashley is so full of shit. No way 5 hrs. a week at the airport is going to get you the perk of flying anywhere for free. And her nasty house makes me itch. I can't stand her and her shiny face! And what is with her standing up at the head of the dinner table like she's some queen bee? Sit your ass down, Ashley. She was rude to her mother. Where were her proper southern Savannah manners? Spoiled brat. I loved it when her mom got up and walked away from her. Her boyfriend/Fiancee', is he not allowed to speak? I haven't heard a word out of his mouth but he's always with Happy, except when she was at mommies being a bitch.
  14. All she has to do is snap her fingers and Thomas will come running to her with a ring and a stable of horses! Keep dreaming, Landon. Thomas couldn't look less interested in her at dinner, despite the drunk budinski lady at the next table going on about them being soulmates. So, what's with Chelsea? Is she dating Austen or not? Does she like him or not? Girl is weird. Kathryn, the weird bump on the side/back of her head distracts me. At that lunch, I got the impression she hates all of them and was only there per contractual agreement (and a paycheck). She did come up with a few funny zingers though. "It's all water under the Ravenal bridge". Ha! And her reaction to Whitney being in love. Her response: With what? She can be pretty quick witted when she's not stoned off her ass. Craig must have lied to Naomi many, many times for her to react to his good news like that. It wasn't a good look for her but there must be an underlying reason for her being so underwhelmed by his news.
  15. Her mother was a drug addict and would disappear for days with no food in the house, just to give you an idea. When the mom was home, she had strangers in the house all the time and only cared about her next fix. Typical addict bullshit. Then she gave her up. Bri was not a baby when she gave her up so she lived like that for a while. It was a heartbreaking story and frankly I wouldn't let that mom any where near me or my kids but for the show Bri had her in her house. I don't like Bri but I can understand why she is so incredibly fucked up and makes the decisions she makes and would let a man like Matt manipulate her the way he does.
  16. Just my opinion, but I think they reunited for the spin off, who knows if they have kept in touch since. Bri said she had not seen her in 20 yrs. and all of a sudden she conveniently wanted to see her. It's not easy to forgive all that woman put Bri through as a child. It sounded like hell on earth.
  17. I totally agree. That's the thing about Bethenny. There is nothing gentle about her and she doesn't appear to have compassion for anybody except herself.
  18. I think it's the opposite.She said her bio mother was a drug addict, neglected her and gave her away. She doesn't even talk to the family that adopted her so it sounds to me like her childhood sucked. To me, she's desperately trying to prove that she's something because deep down she feels like she's nothing.
  19. I remember she said they also wanted to lighten her hair to light brown to make her look taller. WTF? Umm yeah and an average size t-shirt will also do the trick. When you are 3'8" there ain't nothin gonna make you look taller, boo. Stop with the bullshit, Bri. Her lies are becoming epic. Matt has really done a number on her or has she always been this bad?
  20. Tom doesn't have a yacht. I don't think he has "yacht" money. The yacht they had the party on last season belonged to a friend of theirs.
  21. That mother would be dead to me. Not worth my time or my love. What a piece of shit. The sister's aren't even close. Don't they go for years at a time without ever talking? Some of them barely know each other. This one is too damaged to fix.
  22. In all fairness to Sheila, even though she's not one of my favorites, she said that the bride and groom were only allowed to invite 25 guests each. Some people were going to be left off the list and since she has only know pissy sissy's boyfriend for a short time, he was one of the uninvited. Sounds to me like pissy sissy is a little jealous of Sheila getting all this attention.
  23. That tour of Dorinda house was interesting. I, too, love globes. They're not cheap, though.That one she almost dropped must have cost a fortune. I have never seen walls with such shiny high gloss paint on them like that, though. Not sure I like that.
  24. She totally missed the point of the question, though. The question the viewer wrote in to her was while she was so busy chowing down on the burger, why did she ignore the poor chef that was trying to demonstrate the recipe? She barely lets the chef talk. She does it all the time. It's so disrespectful to the guest on the show. It is a cooking segment after all. Not about watching Wendy disgustingly stuff her face.
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