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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Still loving Thom. Still hating his style. Carson is such a fun person. Did he say he was covering the piano bench cushion with a shower curtain? He comes up with some crazy little DIY projects.
  2. I can't keep up with Simone and Cecil. Mad, not mad. Fighting, not fighting. Sharing closets, not sharing closets. Having good sex, not having sex. These two don't know what they want. Dr. Aydin sure has recovered from meningitis quickly. Again they are dissing Contessa's boobs. One of them (Simone or Heavenly) calling them Double A's. To her face. So nasty. Her tits look better than any of theirs so why don't they just shut up about it already? I think they are all mean bitches. Except Jackie who has her own self esteem problems but at least she's a nice person.
  3. I always thought she was so pretty back in the King of Queens days. I don't like what she has done to herself, either. I don't remember her having such a huge forehead. It's distracting. I wonder if Wendy does anything for her staff at Christmas. Nice bonuses? A dinner or party at a really nice restaurant? Even a great after hrs party at the office with a big buffet and open bar? Something, Anything? We know she surely won't have any party at her house, because nobody is allowed there.
  4. The writers should have thought of that before the engagement and wasting our time with episodes involving marriage plans. Sometimes you have to wonder why these writers get paid the big bucks.
  5. Yup, Adam is on his way out. Also, if he is renting out his place, where was he sleeping? It made no sense. Bonnie was way too understanding about the whole financial mess. Not like her at all.
  6. Perfection! I think this is exactly what she is trying to portray!
  7. I think mama Dee had a few drinks before stepping on stage. She was loud and she was lit! High Society my ass.
  8. Then as usual we will get a TH with Tre saying "who does this bitch think she is" Tre will forever live in delusion land. She's not the least bit embarrassed about what she and her husband did.
  9. I don't even mind her dishing nasty dirt on the celebs as long as she starts doing her homework and keeps it consistent, which she's not doing now. More importantly, she has to start being nicer to her guests, stop insulting them and stop treating us viewers like she's doing us a favor by simply showing up. Basically, lose the negative shitty attitude. There's always somebody behind you ready and willing to take your place!
  10. On a lighter note, I love Josiah! I was lmao when he was in the kitchen explaining to Adrian what he calls that two flavored cake Adrian was icing and Adrian couldn't understand his accent. Frustrated Josiah said something like "I just want to punch you right now"! That was a funny little scene, I'm glad they didn't edit it out.
  11. There's a nice way to "complain" about it and an assholish way to do it. They chose the assholish route.
  12. Yup, I caught the attitude. She also sat on the couch with Martha snickering and making faces while Martha was talking about loving Christmas, decorating for Christmas and having her big open house party and inviting all her neighbors. Then Wendy saying she would never have a party at her house because "people steal things". Does she enjoy any holidays at all? What a hateful horrible shrew she has become. It's like the light has been completely zapped out of her life. Ever since the ordeal with Big K and his mistress was revealed she has never been the same. She can try and pretend she has a happy marriage but anybody can see that her staying with him is destroying her. Sorry, I'm posting a lot lately, I just can't believe the things she's saying on what is supposed to be a happy, lighthearted show and nobody at the network is telling her to cut the shit out. It has turned dark and uncomfortable and she's getting away with it. This is supposed to be a fun show!
  13. Watching Jen in the hospital having chemo treatments reminded me of how much this woman has endured in her life and how gracious she is. I take back every awful thing I ever said about her! Jen, enjoy your huge house and all the fruits of your labor, you deserve it! I hope her kids will someday understand what a special woman she is.
  14. I thought it was cute that the kids made dinner and cleaned up for the parents and wanted to surprise them for their anniversary when they returned home. Of course Amber could barely eek out a thank you. She's a hard woman to please.
  15. Yup, it's no secret where David Beador gets his millions. He didn't come from money. He worked his ass off to get where he is. Just like you, Wendy!
  16. Norman had to correct her at least 3 times in HT. That's just today. Good grief.
  17. I still don't get why it's even an issue that Dennis has tattoo's of ex's. Is this some big shocker Dennis has dated, had girlfriends and probably been in love? All before Porsha. Kandi is better than this. She needs to stop embarrassing herself and go back to being the successful entrepreneur she is so good at and the producers should stop making this a multi-episode story. This franchise is circling the drain big time. Big changes need to be made. I wonder what the ratings are.
  18. Wow... she really is full of herself. Sad to see how much she has changed. I guess she has forgotten that without the viewers she is nothing. Does she think the only ones that matter are the trained seals in the audience? Who wants to tune in to a show and listen to that. Miserable woman.
  19. Why are people so down on Raquel? What has she ever done to hurt anybody? Because she loves James the douche and can't face what he is doing to her is no reason to hate.
  20. There goes Wendy again saying Prince Harry can't get divorced. Does this dumbass even hear herself? Of course he can get divorced. Any damn time he wants. Look at his dad and Mom, Wendy. Or his uncle and aunt. Not that I wish that on him at all but Wendy acts like it can't happen because Royals don't divorce. I can't stand her ignorance.
  21. She was acting weird on WWHL. I know she's deliriously happy with Beau, giggling, laughing and smiling constantly but she needs to take it down a couple notches. She said she has always loved Ariana, it just took time for Ariana to see it. Huh? She said she was only 22 when she was with Jax so it's no big deal that all is forgiven and they are friends now. In fact, she and Beau had Thanksgiving with Brit and Jax. She said she forgives Kristin for sleeping with Jax because "Kristen has changed". Where is the bitchy Stassi we all knew and loved?
  22. Exactly! Even worse Stassi sat there while Kristin was going on about it and didn't say a word about it! Kristin is vile, I can't stand her. How desperate she must be to make James her story line. I think if she doesn't chill about her obsession with James she may lose her boyfriend. He wasn't too thrilled about her interaction with James last season.
  23. I'm confused about Greg. At the "Boobs and Bourbon" party he was thanking everybody for their support and said that he was cured. Huh? Is he in denial? I wish the trend of the huge fake inflated boobs being crushed together and stuffed in to the low cut dresses would go away. Yes, girls, we get it. You have ALL had your boobs done. Now get over it.
  24. Every. Single. Time. My husband walks through the room and see's Katie Lee on the screen he says "Hey, there's Ali McGraw" I have to keep reminding him Ali is in her 70's now, lol. Katie is a dead ringer for younger Ali, though. Anybody else see it?
  25. For all you Leon fans, I was watching my favorite Friday nite show Bluebloods when low and behold who appears on my screen but the one and only Leon in a guest starring role! Nice to see he's working. Guess he's gotta earn that coin to pay for Noelle's education!
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