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Everything posted by riverheightsnancy

  1. All good questions by everyone. There are so many questions and inaccuracies that obviously something else (in addition to whatever is potentially true ) is going on here. The time jumps with characters and some of the real oddities has caused me to change my mind about some things. So, last week I was toying with the idea that WP was a holographic image and the entire situation was projected by Ethan. Sort of Matrix like. But, with tonight's show, I am thinking that the entire thing is a fantasy. Like a computer game, just like fantasy football or baseball is. When are seeing the characters in the game act "real" because in the game they are "real" like the way the Sims are "real" in the game. This is why you could have all of these things that make no sense, even if you buy the time jump and repopulate the Earth. You know how you can just change things in a game? Add a person here or there. Shut it off and change things? So, I earned enough money in the game, I will upgrade my houses with new technology. I earn enough points in the game, I "buy" a person and add them to the environment. I know that this is a bizarre stretch, but there will need to be an explanation for why Pilcher could appear in today and the future and some of the other things noted by other posters which make no sense. I was surprised that they were not telling the teens to that their main goal was to start having babies.
  2. Scowl, several of the posters (like yourself) have mentioned this event in the 1980s that really set back the computer gaming. What happened? I was a sophomore in college at the time, but am unaware of what occurred.
  3. Meghan was solid from the beginning, but I wanted T. Also, T's girlfriend is so purdy. I am sure that T's performance on the show will open a multitude of doors for her.
  4. I was so angry when I thought that they killed the turtle (obviously on accident) I couldn;t even look at the screen because it upset me so much, but their attempts to save (him/her) and the cameraman who gave him/her mouth to mouth and kept calling him/her little buddy has me bawling like a baby. I think that the cameramen and the ED doc are really the strongest ones there. Especially, mouth to mouth sea turtle savior!
  5. Agree on both points. I love curry and what she was making got me very curious about the cuisine. I think that there could be an audience for what she cooks.
  6. The show is really lacking for me without sociopath Joe motivating the masses with his speeches. I miss him. The house of coders is so chaotic, I really cannot even understand how Donna can work there. I worry that the new guy will be more of a scammer than Joe and will rip-them off big time.
  7. Seriously, after the DEBACLE of Lenny last year, I am shocked that they rolled out Matthew / serial killer eyes. Geez, he has got more crazy-killer eyes than the actor playing Manson on Aquarius! Hell, Manson (the actor playing the character on the TV show) is more charming than this guy! I knew that Eddie was a retread. How many shows can these people be on? Is Food Star supposed to be amateurs or not? That Eddie guy, was he on Bar Rescue too? I feel like he was on an exercise show as well. Food truck show? He has been on several shows. Seems not fair in some respect. Of course, he will be better in front of camera, he has had practice and seems familiar. Familiarity=+ feelings (generally speaking). I didn't even remember Arnold from Top Chef and I have watched every season. he must have gone out early, because I do not remember him at all. Personally, I think the NOLO guy is a ringer for the win. He is a substitute for Lenny. There are too many Italian cooks, they will bleed votes from each other. The NOLO guy seems like a "regular" average guy, who can cook, and is very rustic American. I think that is exactly what they are looking for. I hate to say it but Emilia is delusional about what she believes she is doing during her presentations. She is so bland and delusional that is very off-putting.
  8. It seems like it was all about appearances. None of the friends knew that Emma was missing. It was kept hush-hush. So, for anyone to suggest therapy, would probably not even be a consideration. If it were my kid, I would be distraught that she had been raped, or brainwashed, however, I think that the mom just believes that Emma is being willful and wants to have a good time and not anything else. I think that the idea that a person can be coerced and persuaded to do things they wouldn't normally do, are not quite accepted psychological theories (yet). It is coming, but it is not quite there yet. The Patty Hearst situation, I think brings that into more prominence. (That was 1974, so that is a full 7 years later)
  9. No Sawyer, bwah! I loved him on Lost. Coconuts are a LAXATIVE! Good for hydration, as long as you can retain everything (wink). I think it is the coconut oil that is the ultimate issue. I use coconut oil in my coffee, so lalala, I know of what I speak! (clears throat). Coconut water is super popular right now and I eat a lot of coconut oil for other health reasons. I bought the water once (organic with nothing added-figured I would like it). And seriously, for me, it was like an cloudy, slightly salty, thin and runny mucus. I could not drink it. I almost barfed. I shared it with a friend and she couldn't drink it either. Lots of people like it and I just could not get that out of my head. I suppose, that if I was super dehydrated though, I would drink it easily. What the hell! Do they think that this wouldn't get out or do they not vet the contestants? And I was actually liking this guy after last night. After the Duggar mess, I just cannot even have any leeway on any of this shit.
  10. Agree with GenL. This was a very intense episode and I am liking it a lot. Very real and what I would expect if one were plopped onto a desert island. Water and fire and THE most important aspects to get going immediately. Survivor has lost a lot of this type of intensity because they are routinely giving them a water source (easily found-a well of sorts) and flint, food rewards, etc... Two of the cameramen are yum. I was confused by the contention that Mike gave them fire. I thought it was the African American Iraq war vet guy. I cannot remember his name.
  11. HATED IT. I guess that I will be in the minority of the 5 total people watching the show, but I loved season one, and absolutely hated this. Where was the moody grittiness? They "attempted" to retool the show by having characters tell us shit that happened after the end of season 1. SHOW US. I have been waiting for what happened to Joe on his walkabout. There was discussion that he may visit his mother (they dropped that). What happened to them because of the burned up computers? I wanted to see the emotion and fallout from that. They show Joe BACK with Cameron (how the HELL did that happen?) and THEN 20 months later is in the forest with some new girl and is in love and all better now!? This guy is a classic con-man sociopath. I can accept that as the character, because we had other people who can be the "good" ones, Donna, Bos, maybe Cameron or Gordon (although, uh too neurotic). But, we need to retool Joe to be a hero now too? I haven't eye rolled so much at a show in a long time. Personally, I accept reality TV as being staged, so I do not eyeroll, because that is my expectation, however, I thought that they would stay true to the characters and not try to make them be something they are not. I will stick with it, because I am really interested in the topic and it is my era while in college, but I was so disappointed about last night. I hope it was just a first episode hiccup. I think that it is interesting how Donna and Gordon's roles have completely reversed on each other. Will he become an early "Mr. Mom", by default and become jealous of Donna's success? I agree with others that Gordon's personality is "Debbie Downer". (I hope that they do not retool him too!) He does not know how to be happy. I hope they explore more than him just doing drugs. I would like it to be what stereotypic stay-at-home moms experience, while the husband is out moving and shakin' in the business world.
  12. When I was active in the field we often used the term interchangeably, however, the new DSM-5's official term is Anti-Social Personality Disorder. I think the terms psychopath and sociopath were used clinically in earlier editions of the DSM (I would have to check them to be 100% though). For myself, when I hear about the abuse that Manson suffered and all of the jail time (and what his mother did), it reminds me and makes me think that "if" he had received love and no abuse, "could" he have turned out differently? There is interesting research regarding how sociopaths (serial killers and mass murders) are formed. James Fallon (Not Jimmy!) is a neuroscientist that actually studies and performs brain scans on serial killers and has a fascinating back story regarding same. He thinks that there are 3 critical things that can make a serial killer 1) genetic predisposition (i.e., lack of empathy or violent tendencies) 2) Lack of love or nurturing when young 3) Extreme deprivation &/or abuse. He talks at length regarding the research on killers and how they tend to have all these three of these factors. However, if the person is given unconditional love, that may be a strong enough buffer to help steer the person in another direction, even if the other factors are present. If anyone is interested, James Fallon has a bunch of videos on YouTube and many TED talks. He is worth a listen, to try and understand how a person could become a "monster" (not excusing their actions at all though!). Personally, I am really loving all of the different layers woven into the overall narrative. Really enjoying the show and thought it was just going to be about Manson (which would have been fine), but due to all of the side stories, has quickly turned into my favorite drama right now. I hope that it goes forward. The show started in 1967 and they get arrested in 1969, so If they can do 1 year at a time (for a season), I can see at least a 2 or 3 year run, until Manson is caught. I hope that was the idea when they thought of the show. I have to say that I am loving Mulder (Duchovnny) being back on my TV. I loved X-Files and I am really enjoying him in this. A little surreal to see Gillian on the commercial for the Bride of Hannibal on the commercial breaks though! Yikes!
  13. Just to weight in, I liked Adam Kenneth Wilson's portrayal of Manson in the made for TV movie/sort-of documentary Manson. He has the really dark eyes and when a bit younger (with the longer hair) you could see how he might be able to charm the ladies but also could be a real crazed killer.
  14. These are good points. Every time something happens, the person is asleep and wakes up and has no memory of the amount of time or events (Burke woke up in the forest, he woke up in the house & the hospital, the family said that they woke up in the hospital, etc...I cannot remember any other mentions, but there may be some). So, I think there is either some type of sleeping gas dispensing system or something in which they can keep them asleep for whatever length of time desired. Because, sleep is technically a reversible temporary loss of consciousness (unlike comas which are considered generally irreversible), when the person wakes up they are picking up from their last known conscious memory. So a good amount of time could lapse in the "real" world, but in Burke's "asleep" world, it has merely been overnight. I have to wonder WHY they showed us the baby? I wonder if they are using this technique to impregnate women and having babies delivered without their knowledge?
  15. So, how can someone actually drive INTO town, if you can never find the way out? Obviously the kids in the gas station knew of the town, as they directed the family to it. The first scene of the episode reminded me of a cult especially with the types of things that the Sheriff was saying. I also have to wonder, if they are losing time when they sleep? There is no way that the family had an accident the night before and the car is covered with dust overnight, unless that place is extremely dusty due to drilling r some other construction purpose. There is definitely some type of time shifting/alternate reality going on. I was also curious about the names of places in the "garage" and if there are any Easter eggs in the numbers.
  16. Was that a "smoke monster"? wink wink-Lost reference.
  17. Wow, I watched Utopia too and I actually thought about how certain aspects of both shows were similar. Although, Utopia was sooo bad, they really picked people who really weren't there for the right reasons. Luckily there will be no underfeeding cows on this show! (if you watched the live feeds, there was a lot of awful things going on).
  18. If you aren't used to a lot of coconut they can be a laxative to an extreme, so can cause further dehydration (by the other end). However, coconut oil is so popular now a person could possibly acclimate to it before going on the island. I have because I use a lot of coconut oil now, but in the beginning, look out!
  19. Loved this episode. Getting to see the Turtle in action was pretty cool. I just saw a documentary yesterday in which an artist recreated his version of the Turtle. He called it the "acorn" and got into a shitload of trouble with Homeland security trying to test it in a local river (around Baltimore I think). As a person born in Connecticut, I finally understand all the streets and things named Bushnell now!
  20. I liked it. I have to wonder if Taylor was always this erratic before the TBI? If not, then the head trauma could be the cause of the erratic behavior. I am surprised that he got vetted through to the show. It seems like he could be a danger to himself and others. I thought the Military guy (cannot remember names yet) that made fire with the glasses made it seem SOOOO easy compared to all the effort we see with all the other ways. I am surprised more of these guys weren't sick from dehydration. I think that this will be an interesting watch, I do not like seeing animals killed, but I am not against meat eating, I just have to look away during those scenes. I don't think that I would make it on the Island!
  21. Preface this to say: I have not read the books or any spoilers. But I think that everyone is acting a la The Truman Show. I think they are trying to break Ethan, but I do not know what the purpose is yet. Perhaps they test people to see if they can break out (if they have the intelligence). If not, they end up having to stay there. If they have the intelligence to break out, then the person is cloned because they obviously have superior skills and their genetic material is desired. That's all I've got!
  22. I like it and I made through an entire season of Dig, so you know I can see a show through to the bitter end! lol. Curious to see where it goes and like many have said, do not go Lost on us with purgatory. Yeah, I am looking at you Carleton Cuse! Lost was one of my hands down favorite shows and they just screwed the pooch on that one. Used to love Twin Peaks too.
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