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Everything posted by riverheightsnancy

  1. Yes, you make a good point. I think that because Earnest was so nice and never caused problems (after all, he started the first fire with his glasses and has been helpful in controlling some of the freakouts by others), they did not want to diss on him for quitting. Although, you are correct and the escaped convicts from the NY prison have currently outlasted these guys on a beautiful tropical Island. Is there no prize or anything for how long they last? Is that why these guys are dropping like flies?
  2. Oops, you caught me! But those guys that broke out of the NY prison could teach Josh (1st quitter) a thing or two!. They are on day 13 or so now? They have outlasted most of the idiots on The Island and will probably outlast quite a few on this show too. Yes, they got some help, but these guys are being given some stuff too. That could be a new show, Prison Break Out: Survival of the Fittest. Whoever lasts the longest (while being chased!) gets their conviction overturned. Sounds like The Running Man movie.
  3. Yeah, well that is what my idiot husband said. He couldn't understand why they would want a hatchet since an axe would be so much better! I have been strongly encouraging him to audition for one of these shows that has live cougars, bears and wolves to show them all how to do it! Hee ;)
  4. Yeah, I forgot about that! If they could catch a couple of fish per person a day, that would help. I don't know anything about vegetation on tropical islands, but there has to be some type of plants (greens) that are edible right? Not every plant has to be fruit bearing. I know that dandelions can be eaten, and fiddle heads, certain types of ferns. I am just curious if anyone there has any knowledge of the plants that can be eaten? Or is it different on tropical islands?
  5. Yeah, I laughed when the bird farmer guy jumped (badly) over the rock and missed the pig and I thought good, piggy got away. But then back from the commercial break, they got him. I didn't like it. I think you all are right that it was planted and drugged. THAT pisses me off. I remember on Survivor, one guy made a net (like a scoop) and would stand in the ocean and "scoop" fish into the net. Why can't they do that?
  6. These guys are so lucky that they actually have a real MD on the Island. Otherwise, they would all be dead by now. Save for Jim. He would be eating the dead bodies behind his screen of deception. I said it before and I will say it again, the camera guys are the nicest and best prepared (the doc included) for this type of thing. Benji - Savior of Turtles, is very cute. Is he married? If not, I cannot believe it, he is a gem. Some girl should be grabbing him up quick! I like Trey and I was worried that they would lose another person in the same day. An anal fissure is another name for a tear in the rectum or anus. Sometimes these can be really bad or not so bad, it depends on how big, deep, etc... He needs more fiber and water. I am surprised that the coconuts are not a laxative for him, but maybe for some people they are not if they just aren't eating enough at all. There is a story about constipation and Whitney Houston and Bobbi Brown that is a similarly gross. I am sure you can Google it if you want to know their story of Whitney's impacted poop.
  7. Yeah, I couldn't watch it, but I always look away, even if they are gutting a fish, that is why I could never do a show like this. I liked Earnest, sorry to see him go. It makes it so much easier because they know that they can leave when it gets too rough. This would be totally different if they were stranded on an island and could not leave unless rescued or manage to escape (sort of like Castaway).
  8. My husband said that one of the guys did not have an axe but a hatchet (I think that is what it is called). An axe has a very long handle, one of the guys had one with a short handle and a smaller head. I think an axe is a better choice. They also make double headed axes as well. Do you guys know if they can only select from a set list of items, or can they select anything at all? If it were me, I would pick some of those fire starter sticks that I use in the fireplace and things that keep you dry.
  9. Yeah, Mitch is the red haired guy with sort-of dreads who was the first (shown) to get fire and ate the mussels and periwinkles. He is my vote for the win. Plus he is from New England, so I have an affinity for him. :) Sam is the youngest and howled at the wolves. I do not like him at all.
  10. I grew up in Northern Maine, have had deer, bear and moose walk through the yard, and camped outside at Sebago Lake and Mt. Katadin in a lean-to, but do not consider myself a camper or outdoors nature person of any kind. But, even I know that if there is some type of active animal activity, you MOVE your camp. You find a den and actual bears. You move your camp. You find dead fish and fresh poop, move your damn camp! Geez. If you watch this show again, Josh basically quits 30 seconds after being dropped off. He immediately becomes terrified and starts talking about how isolated it is. He JUST got dropped off and he is already crying like a 2 day old baby. Now, I am not saying that I would do better, but I don't pretend to be an outdoors "person" and I would never attempt a show like this because of that aspect. The alone stuff, no problem for me. I like being alone. I think that Josh (the cop) is very used to having a weapon, take away the weapon and all safety that he is used to having was gone. If it were me, the first order of busy is fire. I think that fire will keep away larger predators and then you can also have water, but from watching The Island, water can be strained through several layers of cloth and is drinkable. I would risk it. Hell, my grandmother's house had a little "babbling brook" in the back field. My brother and me would take straws and go drink straight from it. I have no idea where that water was even coming from. That one guy so lucked into his camp site with an actual waterfall right there. I think that Josh had one of the worst camp areas. I think that some of the areas are worse and more wet than others. Really looking forward to the next episode.
  11. Yeah, I will miss Yo-Yo too. I liked him, even if it was just for his name and demeanor. I think that they have too many people in the house. Way too may. I think that they could get more done with less people, but those that are more dedicated or committed. Perhaps it is not realistic, but I have been watching Silicon Valley (thanks for the recommendation-I kinda love it), and they illustrate how you could get something major done with a lot less people, or farming out specifics, if need be. It seems like a lot of those guys there do nothing and are using it as a crash pad. I was starting to wonder last night if everyone in their house was sick. Donna was saying that she was sick and Gordon was having symptoms, one of the kids was sick. I starting wondering if there is some type of poison or toxin that could be in the water or in the house (radon, gas)? But then they showed Donna being pregnant, so scratch that. I think that the inclusion of Donna being pregnant, shows how different women's careers are. Because a pregnancy can derail everything you are on the cusp of achieving. Especially if Gordon is also now really sick. I thought this was the best episode this season so far.
  12. Do we know if their clothes count or are those part of the 10 items? If so, that makes a huge difference.
  13. Ha. They showed this many times over the weekend and I got to see it again. I have to say that I am confused about the choice of some of the items that the guys bring. Mitch for the win! (fire / periwinkle guy, plus his daughter is cute).
  14. Thank you everyone for the answers. Can't wait for season 2 now. I may try to read the books, but really should be focusing my reading time on Dissertation right now!
  15. Ok, I just found out about the show (really loving it) and watched the entire season 1 in about 2 weeks and I am spoilered for season 2 already, so, I am dying to know the following: will Claire ever go back to Frank via the stones? Why or why not? I also wondered if Frank ever searched for her name in the historical records and "found" her listed and somehow figured out that is what happened? Also, why is it that the media for season 2 stated . Personally, I am not looking forward to that.
  16. Agree with all of the above. I watched Alone last night (there is no forum yet) and that is real survival and the real deal. These wimps on "The Island" would be packing it in within 8 hours and crying for their mommies at the first bear poop or wolf howl. Suffice it to say, I knew that the cop was going home first because they focused on him too much and they kept repeating how scared he was and all that. His big saucer moon eyes said it all. Truthfully, the real predators are scary and I cannot blame these guys for being somewhat terrified. What is interesting is that these guys have actual, real training in survival, so they all know how to make a fire and do everything. It was interesting to see even them struggle with the environ. I cheered when the first guy (can't remember his name, I think that he has the dreads?) actually got the fire going. He also seemed to do the best foraging as well.
  17. Soylent green folks, soylent green. ;)
  18. I FLOVED it! I was looking forward to it and it delivered. I like Elliot's inner monologue. This is definitely someone who is struggling with his own sense of reality and he knows that there is something wrong, yet he is brilliant and has ability to transcend his own social personal issues, when motivated by something bigger than himself. Like he had no issue talking to porn Ron and looking him in the eyes when confronting him about what he was doing. I thought that they were alluding that Elliot is on the spectrum or schizophrenic for sure. Loved all the computer stuff, not sure how accurate any of it is, but it sure feels interesting and timely for the things that are happening today. Interesting that Elliot and the Evil Corp all begin with and "e". He probably thinks that he really is a bad, evil person due to his mental health issues.
  19. Good point. I was actually thinking about this yesterday. In real life, if I was told today-as a resident of the Pines, that the world and any future that I was hoping for did not exist, what would I really feel? So, all the places and things I had been working towards (e.g., to visit Paris, travel, all kinds of goals) were merely a memory of something that no longer existed, I would be devastated and probably quite depressed as well. Maybe I would want to kill myself or give up. There might be no reason to "go on" per se. If I was there by myself, I would never see anyone that I loved ever again, they were already long gone. It could be 100% isolating and horrifying. It is just like when we plop anyone from today, onto a desert island with nothing (think Castaway), or the current reality show The Island. It is hard for people who have become accustomed to certain luxuries of modern life to really step back "in time" into an environment that has all of that taken away. When the people on The Island talk, it is often about getting back to what they are missing (the food, technology, the people). It is like we cannot erase from our minds what we know has already been. Our thoughts and memories are a big impediment to acceptance (I often see this with people who get a diagnosis of something that requires massive behavioral change. they keep going back to, "I used to be able to do this back then.." ) Most of the Wayward Pines adults do not know that ALL of that is gone already. I think that if the adults are told about what is happening, a percentage will not take it well, and the rest would adapt or die. I wish Pilcher would give them more credit OR select more carefully. Like others have said previously, certain people might handle this better than others, the preppers, survialists. I hope the show lets us in on the selection process. If there is, as Pilcher claimed, a DNA adaptation, perhaps he has discovered those who don't have this epigenetic weakness (as it were) and they were the ones selected? Perhaps that population is REALLY small, hence the reason they have frozen so few people. These people are selected so that the abberration doesn't keep happening. I really hope they explain how they got to this point in a bit more detail, otherwise it will feel like Lost or other shows that didn't explain how they got from point A to point Z well enough. Not that it is necessarily that it is disappointing that it didn't jive with what I think should happen, it just needs to be fleshed out and thought through enough and supported for what the show says is happening.
  20. Shine is related to Biggest Loser via Reveille, so I can see a survival weight loss competition in the future!!! lol Jillian would be screaming, "Give that Turtle oxygen or I'll rip your arm off and beat you with it!"
  21. Thanks for all that info. I was in college at the time, but did not have any of those systems, nor any interest in gaming at that time, no awareness that this happened. Now we had a computer in our division office, but mostly for graphic layouts(as limited as it was) and obviously writing and saving papers to a floppys, letters, etc... Not sure if anyone ever played a game on it though.
  22. Laughed out loud at that! The fire of a 1000 burning suns!
  23. Why don't they just re-freeze the person? You never know they may need more people at some point in the future.
  24. Maybe that is what Pilcher wants? A pure white race? Maybe he is a past/future Nazi type (just spit- balling here)? I wonder if there are any commonalities regarding the "Chosen" one's backgrounds? Religion, or ethic nationality? I cannot remember, are there any gay people?
  25. I think that Pilcher created this DNA aberration which is why he knows that it will occur because he accidentally "infected" the world with the species. Similar to the virus in 12 Monkeys and how all the time travel seems to bring the virus from the future into the past. The whole point of the time travelers is that they are trying to stop the virus from being made by traveling into the past. Only they do not realize that their actions caused the issue.
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