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Everything posted by TeeVee329

  1. This new running thread of Carly commeting on Quartermaines - making declarations about which was ones are good or bad or worthy - has GOT to STOP. It's one of the most infurating writing decisions the show has made in years, and that is saying something.
  2. Yeah, I thought that was weird. Also, Willow sweetie, if your baby hadn't died...Lucas (who?) and Brad would have been his parents. It was a closed adoption by your choice.
  3. Nina's always known, she said something almost identical to Phyllis right before she saw "Mike" and the whole mess kicked off!
  4. Izzy's antics during her guest arc in 2018 is what first drew me into "Neighbours" so I was thrilled she was coming back for this last run of episodes. And this story with her having started a romance with Susan and Karl's son Malcolm (who, ironically, I just watched in an old clip screaming at Izzy for messing with his parents) is so deliciously soapy, and Susan's open-mouth disgust about it is a hoot.
  5. And as I keep saying, it comes off as even more childish and ridiculous given Michael completely, wholeheartedly forgave Sonny FOR MUDRERING HIS BIO DAD!
  6. Loved the Serena update, would so much rather see her rolling her eyes as Scotty bumbles through international court proceedings than most of what's happening in Port Charles.
  7. I get the entire thing was a contrivance meant to expose Suzy's connection to Holly, but the smoking gun photo was ridiculous. Holly was the photographer at this event, why would she be front and center behind the bride and groom in a shot like that, she would have been the one taking it lol! It was a bit of a surprise that Vanessa fessed up immediately to Moira, I thought that string would play out a little longer. And I was happy at least that Moira showed some awareness that everything couldn't be blamed on Suzy.
  8. So the Amazon series he's joining is "With Love": https://deadline.com/2022/07/with-love-scott-evans-cast-amazon-1235061138/ I've never seen it, but it's from the creator of the Netflix "One Day at a Time" (which I loved) and the first season is only 5 episodes so I think I'm gonna check it out and get ready for Scott's appearance.
  9. I don't like this look on Liz with her trying to use her friendship with Terry to get her way/get around Britt at the hospital, this is at least the second, maybe third time she's done that, it's not cute. So I'm glad Terry did the right thing siding with Britt, although demerits for signing up for Spinelli's stupid dating service. This is what I remember, that there was a change in higher-ups and they wanted Franco gone, and then also nixed Howarth playing Todd again for similar reasons: https://daytimeconfidential.com/2021/04/01/rumor-report-abc-nixes-roger-howarth-as-todd-on-general-hospital
  10. Ugh, I hate that they're going in this predicable, stupid direction, deflating some of my joy about Carly losing the MetroCourt finally. And are we supposed to feel bad for Carly? She was stupid to do what she did putting up the hotel in the first place, and she was stupid for turning down the various people who way too generously offered their aid.
  11. Two little moments jumped out at me rewatching this: 1) The dayplayer cop calling one of the bashers "sweetheart", parroting back the insult the main basher had just hurled at Fish, was a subtle show of support for his fellow officer that I really liked. 2) And then you have possibly John McBain's best moment ever, him instructing that the ringleader be put in the cell with Mitch Laurence. "Who the hell's Mitch Laurence?". Oh you'll find out, buddy.
  12. Cute appearance by Scott Evans (Oliver Fish) on the "Poor Lil Thing" podcast: https://shows.acast.com/poor-lil-thing/episodes/scott-evans Not much talk about OLTL (though he does tell the story about his mom being cast to play Fish's mom), but he does discuss his time on "Grace and Frankie" and talks a bit about being cast in the upcoming "Barbie" movie.
  13. Yeah, it's the childish backstory (why again couldn't have just been a WSB colleague of Dante's from those years?) and the shenanigans with Spinelli that are dragging things down for me. Although it did take me a while to warm to Kelly on OLTL, come to think of it, Cutter was also very smwarmy and annoying at first, but they made some modifications that worked.
  14. Yup. Have Carly and her lapdog Drew scramble to raise the money, have her have it in-hand on the last day, and then boom, reveal, I dunno, Mrs. Wu bought her half of the hotel. That would be delish.
  15. Fuckin' spare me with Carly sobbing and asking the heavens why. Why? Because you're a buttinski bitch who attempted to commit insider trading. Ugh, and Drew, completely ruined. If Carly doesn't actually lose the hotel, I'm going to be so pissed.
  16. Per Instagram, Scott Evans (Oliver Fish) has booked a multi-episode guest arc on an Amazon series: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfK-Y7fF2yT/ No word yet on the show, my first thought was maybe "Reacher"?
  17. I haven't seen watched today yet, but sounds like it's worth it for Carly losing and Lucy triumphing. Previews..but why is Carly already smug in the previews? I really hope she's just putting on a brave face for Joss.
  18. Glorious indeed! I've been advocating for Carly to lose the hotel or have it stolen out from under her for quite some time so this is a dream. I'm sure the show will want us to feel just so bad for Carly (and Michael and Drew) and think Ned and Lucy are big meanies, but F that noise. Unfortuantely, there's also some very unglorious spoilers out there. There's something about a very meta-y plot about Drew producing some kind of morning show that stars Morgan Fairchild? Also, Cody has a reaction when he hears Faison's name, snore.
  19. It's probably bad news that my main reaction to the Laura/anniversary episode is that I really, really, reeeeaaallly hate Carly.
  20. Just the optics Mayor Collins needs, a longtime mob moll slash interim mob queen on her side! #eyeroll
  21. It's too bad because, as we discussed at some point, there was a setup here for something a little darker but potentially interesting - Carly, in her grief about Jason and her marriage to Snonny ending, latches on to a moorless Drew who's floundering post-captivity and tries to mold him into her deceased bestie. But it's all toothpaste smiles and sugar cones.
  22. The scene this week of Carly and Drew smurfily gazing at each other while eating ice cream with their feet in the pool really grossed me out. And I hate this for Monica.
  23. Seriously, it might have taken a year, Carls, but that year was 1996/1997. It's odd, in the periodic moments when the show breaks up Sonny and Carly or has them at odds, I'm usually on Carly's side of things, even if it's just because I think Laura Wright's the better actor. It's so weird to be leaning more towards Sonny in their current conflict.
  24. I don't get why Lucy would even entertain this. She's not hurting for cash given Deception super recently going public, and Mikey and Drew didn't offer really any other reason she should rock the boat with Valentin, an investor in HER company who could make things tough for her sweetie Tad Martin Grey if he wanted. They seemed, like, shocked that she didn't just roll over.
  25. From the article about GF's 15,000 episode: As much as I like Laura, can't wait to see the mayor be defended against a politial force by the likes of Sonny, you know, just the local mob boss.
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