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  1. You and Kim from Better Call Saul ;)
  2. Lawler deserves to be heckled. But his song about trump was pretty good. i didn't remember that Joyelle is on Wait, Wait. I need to pay better attention.
  3. The glee with which musk, et al take in destroying (and yes, they are destroying) people's lives is breathtaking. These are your fellow citizens. They are not the "enemy". I'm grateful for this site. I've been reading all the comments and I feel less alone seeing so many of you are of like mind with me. Thanks for helping me not give up hope.
  4. Yeah, that song was not good.
  5. And n 1975 The headline of the NY Daily News said "Ford to City: Drop Dead"
  6. Poor Jordan Klepper. Still having to deal with the MAGA crowd. At least that one guy understood that he didn't get to see those pictures of the rioters because of the media he watches/reads.
  7. SusieQ

    S01.E03: Day One

    I believe the woman on the call was his lawyer
  8. I thought you meant the train show at New York Botanical Gardens. Yeah Washington Hts is a hike to my neck of Brooklyn, but the A train is an express train and gets to the Transit museum quickly. my kid went to Brooklyn tech HS and we used to go to Mullaney pub on the corner of Lafayette and S Elliott. It's called Fancy Free now. BAM is a great place to see theater. Enjoy!
  9. The holiday train show ends January 20. It is a wonderful exhibit! And the transit museum is very much fun. It really isn't that far from lower Manhattan. As a lifetime Brookynite I think a trip to the 4th largest city in America is always worthwhile!
  10. Sorry to miss you. What museums? If you like the Cooper hewitt just a heads up that the Triennial started in November and goes through the summer. CH 's Triennial are my favorite https://www.cooperhewitt.org/2024/08/06/cooper-hewitt-announces-making-home-smithsonian-design-triennial/
  11. When are you going in January? I have tickets for the 30th and I'm very excited!
  12. Soooooo sad that this is the end. I'm going miss "these fuck##g guys" so much!
  13. I love the last 5 days minutes, which is all I need to see. "Here 's to my big brother George, the richest man in town!"
  14. He does look like he's having fun. And it's such a pleasure to watch how he handles all those celebrities at the same time. I'm sorry he doesnt do more shows each season.
  15. Klepper would be great and he truly needs to be rewarded after all the rallies he had to attend. How he survived that is a miracle!
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