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I almost didn't watch this season but I'm glad I did. I'm not really a fan of her comedy. I find it a little mean for my taste. I only watched the first season because I was sick and out of shows to watch and I found it a little mean for my taste. I really liked the flashbacks and how they served as explanations at moments when the characters were getting triggered. The young actresses were great. I also liked the guest stars (Jennifer Coolidge, Amy Sedaris and Maria Bamford). Nice shout-outs to How To Do The Work and Caste, two wonderful books everyone should read. I had several laugh-out-loud moments. I'm not really a Michael Cera fan but I thought he does a good job portraying this character. The younger version did a great job too. Sad what all these kids went through but it was kind of the norm for that generation of parents to be totally emotionally unintelligent. I hope to see the third season with her helping her sister or not helping and that actually helps her. Maybe she's softened or I've hardened, lol! I thought it was a great season and I was sad I went through it so fast.
The turncoat therapist was right thought, Tim is totally avoidant. Lucy is secure and if he wants to grow he'll go back to her. I never thought I'd be a Tim/Lucy shipper but here we are, lol. On a shallow note, Bailey's nose is so aggressively nose-jobbed it distracts me from every scene she's in. I'd be so mad if I got a bill after having to endure danger/ shoot out hospital.
They should start inserting a sad trombone sound into Celina and Schmitty's scenes. Wah wah. Chenford's breakup provided the most on-screen heat these two have had together.
Imagine a world where a social worker shows up to just reassure a foster parent, lol! Bailey has apparently never heard of a baby gate. Lucy got the best lines of the episode saying Tim's love language is a terse nod and imagining him getting murdered in front of various Los Angeles landmarks.
Maria, although interesting to watch as a TV character, she is too buck wild to be the Bachelorette. I found her talking over the woman as she said Maria talked over everyone, to be super annoying. She's immature and unaware of how she comes off to others. That makes her not reliable enough to hold down the starring role.
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Did Daisy always have such severe vocal fry? I've got nothing against vocal fry but it seems like it showed up along with her doubts. Didn't Maria's mom abandon her? Her meltdown looked like someone with abandonment issues/ anxious attachment being triggered. She strikes me as someone who is deeply wounded and acts confident (arrogant to some) because it's a coping strategy that has worked for her. I think Kelsey will be the final pick. It could have been Daisy but she's just not that into him.
I like Joey and I find he's pretty emotionally intelligent for a Bachelor. Jen got some extra points from me for appreciating Joey's bunions. My husband says mine are elegant, lol. I don't totally trust Kelsey from the 1 on 1 date. She's an actress (which shouldn't be held against her) but her story about not getting along with her dad because he wanted her to not go to college and join his religion was sort of the low key back story that a girl needs to stand out and "go deeper" but her story lacked substance and didn't totally make sense to me. Some of these girls might be in it for the travel. I love Montreal even though I've only been there once for a work trip in February. It was great to see not covered in snow.
Crimes against the English language go to Lea with perspectivize. I don't think Lea or Maria are going to make it their hometowns. His connection with them isn't what it is with Daisy (they were sharing baby names!) or the woman he took on the moped date. I don't think Maria is a bully but she is a bit of a blowhard who has to share her opinion about everything. Lea seems immature. I thought it was impulsive and overly dramatic to throw the "get a solo date" card in the fire on the first night. He seems to be easygoing and probably wants someone who matches his energy and is not an opposites attract kind of guy.
I'm not sure if I'd call Maria a bully but she and Sydney have no chill. In crimes against the English language, I submit comfortability.
Finally finished the season and wow has Bosch taken to retirement. Killing people, having people killed, torturing people, I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled up next season blasting F*ck the Police, lol! Maddie going from rookie to super cop was a stretch. She looks like she's wearing a costume in the uniform. She was buried under like two inches of dirt and couldn't kick her way out but she's such a great detective and a great shot that she gets two bullets in a guy at quite a distance who's moving around. Mkay. Mo's plotline was okay too. It's weird he's such a great hacker but thought the beautiful woman just liked hanging out with him. Scraggly beards are a big ick for me so maybe I'm biased. His computer lair looks like it smells like moldy socks. I liked seeing the ex-chief of police. I'm glad he retired and is in the private sector. Fuckin' Bosch, lol!
I'm a little late to this but I enjoyed it as a binge watch as I was working on a project. It felt like everyone involved was karmically linked and playing out a predestined role. It was also an accurate comment on how buckwild people in America act in public with little regard for their communities. My one complaint is the use of guns to move the plot forward. I'm so tired to of seeing this in every show. They could have written around it in this one.
There's a lengthy part of his Wikipedia bio devoted to his hate crimes. He's a bad guy who for some reason still gets to work. I'm sure he doesn't see himself as a bad guy though so that scene made sense to me. This episode did not feel like the penultimate episode of a series. I'm worried they're rushing the ending.
I'm slightly worried about her mental health and I'm not sure she could handle the roller coaster of being the lead. The show really did her dirty by not at the barest minimum have a producer send her a text telling her that world will know Zach told everyone she had sex in the FS. It was cruel and toying with the emotions of a perhaps not totally stable person. During her interview she said that week in Thailand she and Zach had an amazing talk about their mental health. Why aren't we seeing these deeper conversations? Many of us watch to see a new relationship unfold in real time. There's so much lame, vapid conversation it makes the show dull and the people look stupid. Obviously, it isn't because they are trying to protect the contestants' privacy. It seems to be that whoever is in charge doesn't really have their finger on the pulse of Bachelor Nation, a term that also needs a serious rebranding.
Zach needed to alleviate his guilt when he should have worked through it like an adult and then spoke to Kaity if she was the final pick and he felt he owed her the information. Dumping it onto her unasked, ruining their special day and outing Gabi was spectacularly awful. He forced Kaity to do the emotional labor he should have done on his own. Not a good look in 2023. I actually thought he was more mature than most and I think he thought that too, lol. It seemed that Zach and Gabi were more tipsy at the end of their date than on the other dates. I think it's worth pointing out that if this was the real world and Zach were dating these three women, at this stage he might be having sex with one or more of them and they would be dating others as well. Obviously, it's the show that forces the women to be exclusive (and also live together as semi sister wives) so this imbalance is created for drama's sake. Maybe Kaity was thinking along these lines when she decided to stick around. Still not cool for him to kiss and tell on Gabi on such a huge platform as well. The fact he gave her the second rose and wouldn't look her in the eye made him look like a huge jerk! Both women looked like they wanted to tell him off after the rose ceremony. Even if there is a winner, I doubt that it will last. Shout out to The Scarlet Letter. For all the crimes against grammar, someone was paying attention in high school, English class. Saw this on Twitter and could not unsee it while watching the rose ceremony.
Gabi's wanting to align her family/ marriage timeline with her sister's made me wonder if she likes Zach specifically or he fits the slot that she needs filled to fit her timeline. Sort of seemed that way with Kaity too but she was less obvious about it. Is Charity's family taking adoption applications? Her friends seemed great too. I think Zach is too square for Ariel. He's better off with Kaity or Gabi but I don't think they hold his interest. Looks like next week he really blows it. I thought what happened in the fantasy suites stayed in the fantasy suites. He should never have said that he wasn't going to have sex there. A lot of times guys mistake being honest with being a blabbermouth. Just say nothing!