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Everything posted by Snaporaz

  1. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Couldn't they at least find a different Chloe? That one was like nails-on-a-chalkboard to me. Will she at least go to prison for the hit-and-run?
  2. Jill loathing the remodel must be in response to viewers' reactions. When they first unveiled it, didn't NonBilly say that Jill approved?
  3. The one glitch I'm still having is that I cannot edit, but only on the Y&R thread, which is very weird. I can edit in any other forum, but it won't save my edits in Y&R. At first, I thought I liked the updates, but now I think I preferred the old site. It was easier to navigate.
  4. Even playing a corpse, VF kicks ass. Everybody was so good in this episode. Even the family from the funeral home did a great job bringing in a few much-needed funny moments. The son rolling his eyes when the father was boasting about his daughter's skills, and the look of shock and horror on the father's face when Norman began losing it during the euology...priceless. Even though Dylan looked crushed, I have never been so relieved to see someone get rejected as I was when Norman shut Dylan out of his life. And yes, the dress was periwinkle blue. I would have been so disappointed by anything else. I wonder if next season will be a long game of cat and mouse between Norman and Romero? They're both so intense and I would be down for that, despite knowing who will win. Great show...so very depressing, but really wonderful job by all involved, including Juno, whose cuteness made the whole thing that much sadder and more tragic. I think Hitchcock would be smiling...
  5. My late grandfather always had a thing for blondes! He loved Nikki, Ashley, Sharon, and Brooke from B&B!
  6. I'm glad your dad has turned a corner, miamama! Maybe you can get him hooked on Y&R while he's in the hospi..oh, wait, that probably won't help his recovery. Blood pressure spikes are not the best thing for heart patients!
  7. Not only were they tiny, they were white and set against a light sand-colored background. Really aggravating and frustrating, but, yes, not unique to this show.
  8. Oh no....you know, he has been showing up on "The Talk" a lot recently. (I don't watch The Talk, but the commercials always air during Y&R.) I hope that's just a coincidence and not CBS trying to make us accept him whether we like it or not. I really don't think I could take him as well as Billy Munster, Stench, and Woody Dullen. That just might be what pushes me over the edge and makes me turn this off for good.
  9. There were only two real cliffhangers (besides the biggest one, being Damien himself) : That "Seal Team Six" leaving from the Vatican with their incomplete set of daggers, and whoever was trying to claw their way out of the grave (Greta or Amani). So this could have served as a series finale, if necessary. I don't believe that the bible is meant to be taken literally, but in the show's world, that is how it is taken. So what I don't understand is why the Vatican is trying to stop Damien? If the prophecies say that the anti-christ paves the way for the second coming, then you can't have the second coming without Damien doing his thing. I would think that the Vatican and Armitage Global have the same agenda, even if it is for cross purposes. It all has to play out the way it's supposed to, right? It's the same as evangelical Christians being such strong supporters of Israel. Their support has nothing to do with Israelis, and everything to do with their belief in end-time prophecies. I'd like to see a second season. The show had some flaws, but I thought it had a good pace and plenty of creepy moments. Even though I was never a big fan of the movie, I enjoyed this show for the most part.
  10. Dylan probably thought that having Norman committed, without Norma being on board with it, would backfire anyway. Norma would find a way to get him out (e.g., annul her marriage, negating Alex's right to do anything regarding Norman). Dylan realized it was hopeless to appeal to Norma, and his plea to Norman was his final desperate attempt at saving his brother. And his very next movie was The Birds. Psycho almost acted as a "coming attractions"!
  11. Who is that woman with Paul in the second picture? Rachel Ray? Marlo Thomas? Ughhh...in the midst of all that fug, that freaking hockey stick gives me rage headaches.
  12. I've never been on twitter, nor do I have any desire to be, but I would join for that! I'd be retweeting like a mofo, and I don't even know what that means! #fuckoffnotbilly
  13. That's great! More positive thoughts for continued improvement and a complete recovery coming your way! Yes...I've learned Google is not always your friend when it comes to medical issues.
  14. So sorry, miamama. Sending good and healing thoughts your way.
  15. It was Hate at First Sight for me. Seriously, I couldn't stand him on his first day when he was doing his stupid Ghost Tour, and I was so confused when the consensus on this forum (where I truly respect almost all opinions) was overwhelmingly positive. The only other person I immediately hated with the same intensity was...yep...HK.
  16. HK did NOT win?!? How is this possible? Has she run out of virgins to feed to her Undeserved Success Demon?
  17. Oh, peaches, the whole universe is in on that conspiracy against me! ;>)
  18. I was hoping Nick would exhibit his grief on the IKEA "Shmenk" Rolling Nurse's Station and send it flying across the GCAC set. Maybe next time...
  19. Well, there's a noticed pinned at the top of every page that promises they're still working on the bugs. So at least they're aware that some people are having problems. Hopefully, it will all work out and we won't have to lose any Preverts! Happy weekend, everybody!
  20. Yeah, I agree that the menu is really clunky. You can customize so that only shows you select show up in the menu, but doing that isn't easy, either. And, Yes! Those are some pretty adorable pooches!
  21. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy tablet, and I'm not really having many major issues. It's a little harder to move around the site than it used to be, but the posts are looking ok. Good luck!
  22. Aww, Petunia, maybe they're still working out the kinks? It would suck to lose a good Prevert. Hope things improve with the site so that you can stick around. If not, all the best to you.
  23. I think the therapist was trying to make the best out of the hand he was dealt. He may not have had enough evidence to petition the court, Norma wouldn't cooperate and "be the bad guy", and Norman might have resisted treatment completely if he was held against his will. He probably thought agreeing to outpatient therapy was better for Norman than no therapy at all. The sense of dread is so palpable right now...
  24. I was a little confused by this episode. Does Damien have some kind of multiple personality disorder? I can't believe the Damien we've been introduced to in this series would, as a teenager, stand back and enjoy watching a classmate set himself on fire, let alone egg him on to do it. The teenage Damien from Omen 2 was an arrogant prick, so I could imagine that Damien doing it. But this Damien saves kids from subway trains and bonds with injured veterans. It's like the young troublemaker Damien people describe is a completely different person than the adult Damien we see here. Me, too! I also found the goat sacrifice to be kind of a devil worship cliché.
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