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Everything posted by Snaporaz

  1. Ok, now I feel stupid for not knowing the difference between a lamb and a goat. I'll use my bad eyes as an excuse, since I just picked up my new glasses today. My new glasses with progressive lenses, which means I am officially old. Lamb, goat...cuteness all the same!
  2. The same could be said for Miss Devon. He is not a leading man and never will be, no matter how hard the writers try to tell me he is. He should have been recast before he inherited Kay's money because he, too, doesn't have the looks or charm to pull this off. TPTB seriously need to reconsider who is put front and center and who is on the sidelines cheering them on. It's absurd that CG's Mariah has a supporting role while HK, Stitch, and Miss Devon are almost always on the front burner.
  3. Oops...I have to correct myself, because it's all coming back to me. Damn undiagnosed ADD! Liam's very first meal upon waking up was miso soup. I remember being impressed (and finding it kind of sweet) that Quinn was respecting his dietary choices, and then I was disappointed when she later fed him the roast beef sandwich.
  4. In the interview, JM says that he didn't get what was going on with Austin's video when it first happened, but he totally gets it now and how cool it us that they tied it all together 8 months later and it all makes sense now. ??? I can only guess that the Sandy/pool incident is what Sharon told Austin when he was doing his Newman documentary, and that is why Sharon was desparate to get the video back from him and became a suspect in his murder. And that's how she and Dylan became close and what brought us to this current mess. As I said, since most of us forgot about all of this, I think they failed if they were trying to tie it together, but JM thinks it's genius.
  5. Before JM mentioned it, I had totally forgotten all about Austin's video and that it was related at all to the Sandy/Sharon/Sage story. I get that he needs to be diplomatic, but I think they failed miserably if they were trying to tie it all together. I'm still not sure I understand how it all fits.
  6. ^Actually, Liam has already had some meat. His first meal when he woke up was a roast beef sandwich.Feeding a vegan meat is the only part of this story I don't like. It just seems to undermine the rest if it. But overall, I'm finding the whole thing hilarious.
  7. Just came back from the grocery store, where I saw EB as the solo cover model on the current issue of CBS SID. And he's giving us the classic "Pull My Finger" pose. I can just hear Dummer now...oh, gwampa!
  8. Quinn's cabin set is now officially my #2 favorite soap home, second only to Sharon's house on Y&R. What amnesiac wouldn't want to stay there for a while?!
  9. She'll probably head up the internet thing. Remember, you guys, she's a tech wizard. She single-handedly solved The Case of the Cabin Murders by recognizing Det. Hard-on's ring tone!
  10. I agree with your second paragraph, but not your first. Brooke spent the better part of yesterday regretting not only that Katie heard what she had said, but that she hadn't kept her mouth shut in the first place.
  11. He should focus on becoming a spokesmodel for Rexx Rugs. It would be YUGE!
  12. I don't ever want this episode of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman to end!
  13. I'm not sure if someone mixed some crack into my powdered sugar donut, but I'm finding Amnesiac Liam kind of hot. ?!?!
  14. I know it was completely unintentional, but I think JC had one of the best exits anyone with a long career like hers could have asked for. She walked up those stairs, stopped, and said, "good night." A little eerie in hindsight, as if she knew, but still...simple and perfect.
  15. From a performance standpoint, I agree that HT was pretty amazing. But I have to say that I think KKL was her equal in that scene. Yet she never receives the accolades that HT gets. KKL has always been under-rated, IMO.
  16. I only disagree that Catherine was used less and less. She was pretty front burner in her last years, so I give the show a lot of credit for that.
  17. Oh my gods...Dylan, Stitch, and Miss Devon for the Jock Strap, I mean Supporting Actor award?!!? That's hilarious! Freaking Courtney for Younger Actress?! Oh, look..there's Dummer again. I hope Mariah, Aly from B&B, or Faith kicks both of their asses. Yes, these awards are extremely stupid, but I still will have a rage headache WHEN (not if) Dummer wins.
  18. I guess I'm alone over here because I thouht the show was great today. Some of the conversations were fun, they all made sense, and I'm so super excited that there's a good chance we might get a Quinn/Liam hookup, which I've wanted for a long time! (I haven't read any of the spoilers...just guessing.) I don't care how convoluted the road to Quiam is, as long as it happens! Anybody who also watches Y&R knows what a fucking mess that show is, so B&B looks like Masterpiece Theater to me in comparison. And I don't even mean that in a "damning with faint praise" way. B&B is giving me what I watch soaps for, so I can be more forgiving when they do something stupid.
  19. Oh, right...they're still being intentionally vague about what his role is, though.
  20. I think I remember reading that George Clooney had a Tesla and hated it because it kept breaking down on him.
  21. Don't forget the toilet paper, peacheslatour! If there's any left, that is. And if you fall down or get frostbitten, don't worry. Stitch is working the night shift.
  22. I hope we're not jumping the gun...for all we know (and knowing B&B), he could end up being some hospital orderly for one day or something like that.
  23. Exactly. Weren't Sasha and her mother their neighbors? And they were always over for dinner? Vivian seems pretty perceptive, so they must have been hiding it well. It makes me feel terrible for her, since they were making a fool out of her right under her nose for years.
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