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Everything posted by orza

  1. So in a few years when the show finishes its run and the interest wanes she'll be spending a fortune on laser removal.
  2. No maybe about it. Adam says there explicitly that Zelena needed two steps to complete her impersonation. All Rumple did was glamour himself to look like Hook, the same thing he did to Regina in The Evil Queen and Hook and Emma in Snow Drifts.
  3. Zelena's goal was not to destroy Regina, rather, her stated goal in I forget which episode was to take over Regina's life, including her boyfriend, so she could watch Regina suffer on a continuing basis as she enjoyed everything she had taken from Regina. It would have been a very stupid mistake to tell Robin how awful Regina was and what bad things she did. Going to someone and badmouthing the person he is madly in love with always backfires. One will not be believed and will in almost all cases be seen as a jealous shit-stirrer. That is the last thing Zelena would want if her goal was to keep Robin for herself,
  4. Zelena knew about Robin and Roland from the missing year in Fairytale land. She was also transported back to Storybrook with everyone else and saw then around town with and without Regina. We've seen that Zelena is smart and can think on her feet. It's not a stretch that she could quickly figure out from Robin's reaction to her who Marion was.
  5. It makes sense when one remembers that an important function of this show is to promote other Disney brands and that is how Disney has chosen to present the main character of the Brave brand. They're just being good corporate citizens. The kids watching the show will also expect to see featured Disney characters in the familiar costumes.
  6. I think that was what was implied. It was just badly worded. That scene wasn't about Regina at all. Henry was distraught over the death of his father. He wanted Rumple to give him back his false memories to take away the pain.
  7. Well, then that's on her. She doesn't have to do anything. She is choosing to interact with those people. They can be easily blocked or ignored. Continuing to engage them and issuing ridiculous statements is attention-seeking behavior on her part and an invitation for them to continue tweeting her. Jennifer Morrison and a few others need to get a clue from Robert Carlyle. Sometime in season two when things got out of hand with RumBelle madness and people going too far with actor shipping, he shut down all twitter interaction with fans and has been ignoring them ever since. That is the only reasonable way to deal with those idiots.
  8. When actors go to cons or give interviews or do something like this they are working. Since they are actors, their job is to pretend to be what the producers and network want them to be, so Lana is playing the role of the sassy one to promote the show (and her career). The actual content of her tweet is not nearly as important as just creating a buzz and get people talking. Regardless of what they say in public, I doubt that the actors or anyone connected to the show care even a little bit about the small number of overinvested fans who read too much into every word and then freak out about it on twitter and tumblr. If they are smart, they are not even reading any of the nonsense those people are posting.
  9. Lana didn't throw anyone under the bus. It was just a case of ask a stupid question you get a stupid answer. It's a handful of the usual suspects acting out yet again.
  10. Everyone has secrets, something bad they have done and gotten away with that no one has ever found out about. It isn't unusual at all. Look at the rate of unsolved crimes. Those are all bad things that people have gotten away with and will likely never be held accountable for. It happens and is a normal part of life.
  11. The storeroom scene happened and was a big deal but Graham was never mentioned. It was all about Henry. If it wasn't in the original script, as quoted above, there would have been nothing to film.
  12. I like Henry as character and I find his portrayal to be pretty accurate, well, as far as TV kids can accurately reflect a particular age group. A lot of boys really are like him at that age, at least my boys and all their friends were at that age. 12 is an interesting age. Kids are becoming aware that their parents have feelings, wants, and needs other than working and taking care of the kids and household. Boys growing up with a single mother begin to see themselves as the man of the house and start becoming protective of their mothers, Of course that all goes to hell once they become teenagers and doesn't come back until they are about 25. I thought the breakup basket was sweet. It reminded me of a similar thing I experienced years ago. One of the friends who were constantly hanging out a our house asked me for advice on what he could do for his mother. Her boyfriend had broken up with her and he wanted to do something to cheer her up. We went shopping together and put together a little care basket of chocolate, bath things and fuzzy slippers. His mother loved it. Children make up a significant percentage of viewership and Henry has always been the there to represent their perspective. As Jared gets older Henry will represent the teen perspective, also an important viewer segment. I guess they are planning on Roland to grow into the little kid role that Henry used to fill.
  13. And it's also working for millions of viewers. I don't find what they write frustrating and lacking in payoff. If I did, I would stop watching, as would most people.
  14. Posting it during the business day gives the entertainment media outlets time to pick it up and report on it while there are still people working before heading off into the weekend. It's a business.
  15. o Well, probably because it was uncertain. The alternative would be to leave the kids behind and accept the possibility that they might not be able to get back home again and would be separated from them forever, leaving the kids without parents to take care of them. It's reasonable to take the whole family to eliminate that possibility.
  16. Snow and Charming are the same age as Emma. This was stated explicitly on the way to Neverland. They are intenionally vague about the time line in fairytale land but it is canon that Belle was with Rumple when Snow was a bandit and met Regina disguised as Wlma. Then Belle was captured and held captive by Regina for at least three years, as indicated by the tick marks on the cell wall, when Hook found her in the tower. Snow met Charming at some point while Belle was captive but probably at least two years before Regina cast her curse.
  17. They didn't throw anyone under the bus. They were just stating their opinions. There was no bashing going on, not even a hint of it. Jennifer Morrison s interpretation of scenes and story lines is just her opinion. Obviously, other people on the show have different opinions. There is nothing wrong with that. With such a small panel and Lana being asked a lot of questions, of course she did a lot of talking.
  18. Oh, great, a new retcon in Emma's childhood. It would be the third, or maybe the forth, I'm loosing the count. There's nothing in the way of spoilers to support that. Abby Ross is not even in Vancouver. She is hundreds of miles away vacationing with her family. Sometimes they use the trailers to transport props and equipment.
  19. The timeline was consistent. They didn't leave for Boston in the morning, they left in the early afternoon. Gold showed up at Snow's apartment early in the morning to call in his favor and told Emma they would be leaving on their trip at noon. If they left at noon they would have arrived in New York late afternoon or early evening. The scene of them getting out of the cab was the next morning. They didn't have any luggage with them and they were wearing slightly wearing different clothes. They also went out to lunch after the drama in Neal's apartment.
  20. Rumple doesn't go around using magic for charitable or generous acts. People have to make deals with him. That's his thing and it has been hammered home multiple times. Earlier in the season he made a point of saying that he was making an exception when he healed Henry's burns without asking for something in return. He healed Belle and Bae without making a deal because they are his loved ones. Everyone else needs to make a deal with him to benefit from his magic. The camp and lack of blood is not weird. I find it consistent with the direction the show is moving in. Regardless of what online fans want to believe, this is just fluffy entertainment for kids and families to enjoy, not a relationship drama, and they have been consistently making it more and more kid friendly. By adding Frozen and then Ursula and Cruella and now Merida to the mix and keeping the stories plot-driven, they are making a strong statement about what the show is really about and which viewers they really care about. It's a business model that is, apparently, working for them.
  21. It means that they must have had 5-year contracts and Universal wanted to ensure that they would stay with the show in the event it gets renewed next year.. Not unlike actor contracts. The show can still be cancelled if it performs poorly in the coming season.
  22. The filming at the theater was for the book signing scene. The filming at the ballroom was for the scene in which the Apprentice recruited Isaac to become the new Author.
  23. Emma declared herself the leader but she didn't do much in the way of providing actual leadership. Hook was doing an excellent job of topping from the bottom and Regina also jumped in to lead as needed. This is a show about fairy tale characters, not real-world people. Heavy use of magic is baked into it. It was established early in season 1 that people turn to magic and magical beings to solve a lot their problems as a matter of course.
  24. It must be your TV. We have 4 HD TVs here and I am not seeing that on any of them.h
  25. Joe Corbin was a good one-off character, but not real memorable. Bringing back Joe Corbin is interesting because it opens the door to bringing back Sheriff Corbin in flashbacks, which is perhaps the main reason for adding Joe. An appearance by Clancy Brown makes any episode better and they will need all the help they can get next season.
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