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Everything posted by Vickismom

  1. They did not film in Lagos. We just happened to go on the Warner Bros Studio Tour on Thursday afternoon, and the guide pointed out the parking lot they used to set up the outdoor shopping scenes. We also saw the outside of Bob’s house.
  2. Yes, I definitely agree with you. He wasn’t engaging her at all and it looked like she was just going on and on. I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but it totally looked like he was trying to get away.
  3. OMG. That was funny. Did he really leave to get peace and quiet or was it edited to look like that? But I can relate to what she said. I don’t care about a lot of “celebrities,” but I do follow chefs. I would be fangirling too.
  4. Also, I noticed that there was at least one hole punched in the cover, which means it’s old. I paid special attention once I noticed it was a passport and wondering why he was playing with it.
  5. My cousin and his wife are pursuing a domestic adoption and were told it cost around $60,000 after all is said and done. So yes it costs that much and maybe even more!
  6. I really enjoyed this episode and noticed that the kids acted a little less "spoiled." This past January was also my son's first time participating in the Pinewood Derby, so that was very cute for me to see. Loved Will in his uniform. All the boys always look so cute in their class A uniforms. My son has said the same thing as Will about tucking in his shirt; pretty much don't tuck it in cuz it'll get untucked very quickly. I love how even before the race, Will said it's ok if he doesn't win because it's a race and it's for fun. I loved his attitude.
  7. I heard "and Kate, it's your new house too" also. When I heard that I speculated that maybe once the remodeling the main living area is done, that Kate and her husband may be living on the first floor, where the family is living temporarily. It seems to have at least a few bedrooms and a kitchen (a small one). No idea Kate and hubby are living in the meantime. The only drawback I can see if that there doesn't seem to be a way to get to the main living area on the 2nd floor from the garage without going thru the 1st floor living area, thus it lacks privacy for Kate and hubby whenever the Kleins go in and out, especially when she is off.
  8. They mentioned that the Instagram Lives on their pages were static, and their phones were on tripods, and there was a camera person for the FB live. When I looked on Instagram, the camera person was in the way, so I went back to FB.
  9. I wanted to watch the rerun of the last show today, but forgot I took it off of my DVR during the summer and wasn't going to be home at noon. :( I was getting sad and sentimental all week as I was watching the reruns. I'm really going to miss this show. It premiered on the first weekday I was home after I had my son almost 7 years ago, and when my husband went back to work. I can't remember if I watched the very first show or not, I was pretty sleep deprived back then. But I do remember the first few episodes and how they improved quickly as the show went on. It felt very rushed in the beginning, trying to do too many recipes in one show, but they found their grove. It just made me happy and gave me a great break during the day. Even my son got to know it was the one show I had to watch during the day, and he would tell me "Ok, Mom, you can watch The Chew now. Can I play on the ipad?" I also feel like I've learned a lot from watching the show, exactly as they wanted us too. I learned a lot of techniques, not just recipes, and what to do and not do in the kitchen. I really miss the show now that summer is over, and my son is back to school and I actually have some free time to sit and watch tv.
  10. I totally loved this part because this was/is how it is with me and my parents. My mom speaks English fine, but is more comfortable speaking in Chinese, so that is how she usually talks to me. But I answer back in English, mainly because I can answer much faster in English. My dad is more comfortable than my mom speaking English, so for him, it’s usually a mixture of both languages. In general, I can understand Chinese, both mandarin and Cantonese decently, but if I have to speak it, it takes me a long time to formulate the words in my head and get it out of my mouth.
  11. Yup.... That's exactly what the show wants apparently. When the show started yesterday, my 6 yr old son asked if we could go on it sometime. I said, they would never pick my husband and I because we couldn't dance and jump around like that, and when we answer the questions, we wouldn't go into a whole story about how we picked the answer. We would answer the question, lock it in and be done with it. I also said we didn't have "a hook" about why we would be "good people," and deserve to be on the show. Then they finished the intro of the father and daughter, and my husband said, they didn't have a hook either. Just that he was a good dad, a good single dad, I guess. I have tons of student loan debt to pay off too!
  12. This make me very sad too. I admired Mario a lot. He did seem a little arrogant about certain things, but for the most part it didn't bother me that much because I thought he also is very knowledge and thus could back it up. And I admired his charity work. I was very impressed that years ago, he challenged himself to live on the food budget of a family that gets food stamps, in order to be able to tell Congress not to cut it further. For whatever reason, that really stuck with me and I really looked up to him for that. I guess I can still admire him for that, but be very disappointed and upset at his actions.
  13. I believe they filmed the Vegas finals in June, sometime around June 19 and 20, give or take. I don't know how they try to keep spoilers from leaking or if they try that hard to do so. I was in Vegas during this time and while we were in the lazy river at the Mandalay Bay, I heard people talking about it and how certain people made it through really fast and others didn't. I really tried to not listen to the names because I didn't want to be spoiled, and honestly the guy that apparently was there didn't seem to know all their names anyway when he was talking about it.
  14. It really just depends on the person, and if you got the lack of enzyme that breaks down alcohol from one or both of your parents. From what I've read on the subject, some just turn red and not have much other negative effects. I, on the other hand, apparently got the lack of enzyme from both of my parents and turn beet red, get the elevated heart rate, and start to feel ill very quickly. I learned quickly that I can't drink alcohol; it's just not worth it.
  15. I loved the part about the dishwasher being a dish rack. I knew we had a dishwasher, but my mom had me convinced that it was broken. She just used it for storage, and we had a dish rack on top of the counter.
  16. I still watch daily, usually in the afternoon after lunch and my son finishes any homework. He even tells me "mom, you can watch The Chew now," when he starts to play on his own. It's sort of my down time in the afternoon, before I need to start prepping for dinner and all that. I like the dynamic between the hosts and I usually find something that I want to try or at least gives me ideas for food even if I don't follow their exact recipes.
  17. Yes, it's totally over the top and it was really annoying me. I am one of the 2 room parents for my son's class and it's nothing like this at all! I also help in his classroom every Monday and a few other moms help the other days, and the teachers seem to be so appreciative and make sure to thank us many times while we're there. We mainly help prepping the things needed for projects, like cutting paper, collating and folding, making copies, etc. Things to make things easier for the teachers, so they can spend their time with lesson plans, grading, etc. There is no making puppets or demanding things for teacher appreciation.
  18. Did I miss something at the beginning of the episode? How did they get the wheelchair into the bathroom in the first place, in order for it to get stuck getting out?
  19. T&C live in Yorba Linda, so going out to Riverside from there isn't that bad, considering they've done houses in Torrance and Long Beach. Plus, if they are going during typical traffic hours, it is against traffic compared to the others. I live in Chino Hills, just over the hills from Yorba Linda, and I would much rather go to Riverside than Torrance, Long Beach and other areas that they've worked in. However, only $10K profit is probably not worth it for them. In the follow up shows, they've discussed how they considered a profit of a similar amount a flop.
  20. Got it! I swear someone needs to come up with a sarcasm font!
  21. I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but HOAs and all their issues have long predated Obama's presidency.
  22. Yes!!! I did eventually change my last name after I got married, and my husband didn't care either way. He said he wouldn't want to change his name, so he didn't care if I changed mine. It actually took him awhile before he referred to me with his last name. My husband sort of has the opposite problem as your friend. His last name is Tom and he's as white as can be. Tom can be a Chinese last name also, so when people see my name I don't think they are surprised that I'm Chinese even though my husband is white and I have his last name. When he applied for a job, it was at a law firm that has a lot of Chinese clients, so the ad said something about "bilingual, Mandarin Chinese preferred." Well...he applied anyways and did get the job even though he doesn't speak it at all. After he was hired and started working, I think someone did admit that they thought he was Chinese when they reviewed his resume, but I don't anyone blurted it out when he first got there. But I was so annoyed while watching the show, if Dre wanted Rainbow to have his last name, she already does! What's the big deal?! Was it a surprise to him that he and Rainbow already had the same last name before he got married? That part did not make sense to me at all.
  23. I would imagine that a couple knows which of the two make more money. But that doesn't mean that the one that makes more necessarily has any upper hand in the marriage. I'm a SAHM and I have never felt like my husband tried to use the fact that I don't earn a paycheck against me in any way. Maybe it's a sign of the times, a generational thing.... My husband and I are right around the same age as Bill and Jen. It is kind of obvious to us though in some marriages of friends/relatives that the "bread winner" does have the upper hand, but the ones that I can think of are usually older couples, at least a generation or two older than us.
  24. Yes! It's become a small pet peeve of mine. That was a lion dance, not the dragon. The dragon is much longer and needs many more people involved. We had a lion dance performance during my wedding reception and my (white) hubby's family loved it. But I had to constantly correct them that it was lions, not dragons. A couple of my cousins are involved in an organization that does the lion and dragon performances for various functions, parties, parades, etc., and I know they hate it when people get it wrong and it rubbed off on me too.
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