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Everything posted by Sowkkat

  1. Peay Koiayy is how Dorit pronounces her goddamn sweaty stubby husband's name. SHE SOUNDS LIKE GODDAMN MY FAIR LADY! They should have her say "The rain in Spain..." It's a goddamn annoying ass AFFECTATION, meaning, she's making that shit up! The purpose? She thinks her shit don't stink and wants look down at the dirt and see everyone wrestling around. She was so incredibly cloying and gleeful about that "xanax smoothie" shit. All "Oh! This is how I can start shit on the show, get noticed and align myself further up LVP's ass by attacking her enemy!" She's so OBVIOUS. She called out the panties to make herself seem better. Dorit tries to manipulate others into drawing her own conclusions about the shit she implies. The cocaine shit makes me so happy, even though I know that wacky Rinna probably just started singing an Erika Jayne song and everyone at the table slowly excused themselves.
  2. I hate Dorit so much that in contrast I love every other bitch on that boat. I don't care how nuts Erika gets or shocked acting Kyle is or mediocre Eileen is or even how intensely wacko Rinna is. I am now very glad to believe that Dorit and her stubby, sweaty, stinky husband are both Coke whores who wash it down in smoothies on the daily.
  3. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm looking for a very old 48 hours mystery episode. I don't know the title of course and remember only a few details. So, a seemingly perfect husband and wife great marriage, etc...which fits the description of almost all of these episodes. She was found shot dead in the basement. He claimed it was a suicide, but the cops were convinced he did it. It turned out that she had rigged the gun to go off in the basement with a mousetrap like set up in order to not have her finger prints on it...so it was a suicide??! its all very hazy. I'd love it if I the off chance any of you bright sleuths could help!!! I know it's a long shot.
  4. Also, I'm sooo glad I will no longer have to see Ashley's cold dead eyes and David's bloated orange face against the oppressively white walls of their wayyy too large fancy sterile house.
  5. I downloaded the episode from iTunes the day after because I wasn't able to see it Tuesday night. I was all excited and thought that the episode I saw was part 1 and that there was more. I figured that meant a quick change of heart from Neil. I thought it was just part 1, until I read the episode postings and saw that no one knew about Sam and Neil. Sam is giving nothing away on her Twitter, even though a significant portion of viewers have probably seen the whole thing by now. It's annoying, and although I'm glad to have seen all of the decisions, I would have liked to have known it was the same show that everyone else watched. I wonder why they would do that? And yes, Sam's consistently lovey-dovey attitude towards Neil either means that he has a major change of heart by the 6 month follow-up episode, or she's more nuts than I thought. I wonder if he's skeeved out by her now. I agree that Neil chose a really really cruel way of saying he wanted a divorce by saying he's "committed...to a divorce." It's VERY Bachelor of him. The producers on that show and scriptwriters (yes, scriptwriters) have them say "Gladys, I love...our time together...there's no other woman I would rather...have messed around with in the fantasy suite. But...when I think of my life, I picture you...leaving...with me to Pittsburgh! Will you marry me?" I think Vanessa even pulled out a "but" with Tres. I don't care what Tres said, I believe that someone coached at least Neil and influenced his use of the word committed.
  6. Ok, so IF this is true and I found this out about David soon after the wedding I would be really upset. Particularly if I were told by production that I can't get out of the contract because of this and that they don't guarantee that contestants won't have arrest records. I'd be probably more pissed, however, at production and I would half-ass it. I might ask him about it, because that's who I am, but his response wouldn't change my mind about getting involved with him. I can't take chances on domestic violence. I would probably look at at my phone a lot. Anything to avoid. But I wouldn't carry my purse around. I'd be afraid of getting hit, not robbed. Oh, and I certainly wouldn't make up a fight accusing him of cheating. 1. I wouldn't care. 2. Again, I don't want to get hit. And at the BBQ? I'd be like, "You do you hubs." I can't help but try to justify Ashley's behavior because at this point I have Stockholm Syndrome from staring at her dead eyes.
  7. Ah! Thanks Lola16, I did read that. So did she never have a real social work job? And how do you go from bar model to social work?
  8. Thanks for the info. ctbabe! I wonder why Ashley was fired. I'm a social worker so I'm interested what it was.
  9. Sam. Sam, Sam, Sam. I read her twitter feed before watching the show. She seemed to justify the argument with Neil by saying that he was "name-calling." Huh? What is her version of reality? Because truly, she called what he was saying "fake,' and then he reciprocated by saying he learned it from her. He wasn't calling her fake. And maybe I need a reality check, but who here on this board that has yelled at anyone, a stranger, an acquaintance, as significant other, that they are being fake and to go f@CK themselves? Because, I don't know if I'm just extremely docile, but I never have. She is in need of some major therapy, stat.
  10. ctbabe- "I would write the rest later." Yes, please do! I want to hear more spoilers!
  11. ketose, I know, but I still wonder about this one, more because she chose to respond to it. We all know how stingy she is with human interaction.
  12. Ok, I have hated Ashley. I just could not believe how cold she is, how uninterested in making it work, and just what a maddening person she is. I still think she's all of those things. But then I saw this on her Twitter feed: @Ashley_MAFS I noticed that you were actually very happy/positive the first days of your marriage. Did something happen backstage? Ashley: @cay_sid Keep watching! Ok, I wouldn't go so far as to say that she was VERY positive/happy during the wedding, but there is a big difference between her now and then. I mean, David was pretty outgoing and showy at the wedding but she still went along with it to a degree. Maybe she found out something about David that was a deal-breaker for her? For me it would be jail time (for a non-social justice related cause). Or maybe he did or said something totally out of line? Not sure, but that would explain a little of it. Thinking back about what they did to those poor season 2 girls: Ryan D.: The drug dealing abuser, Ryan (the other one) and his sleepy ass, and Sean with the evisceration that Davina got for being annoyed with him. I can't trust how they present things anymore. Maybe something stinks in stinkville with David and Ashley's getting the rough edit. Maybe she tried to get out of her contract and they said no way. I'd feel the same way and would mentally flip off the cameras if I were forced to talk to a "sexologist" about someone that I hated due to some extreme character trait or action that they took. Speculation of course. And Sam is still just a bitch.
  13. There's a lot of negativity around Vanessa and Tres, but I just don't see it. Tres could turn out to be a womanizer with further evidence, but have we been given that evidence yet? Do we know for sure that he went to a strip club with his dad? Ok, THAT would be a deal breaker for me on a couple of levels; a. Strip club when married, b. With your dad? That's just gross. But that's just speculation right? Maybe the crew had the night off that night so they didn't go with him to the bar for that reason, not they they weren't allowed to film at whatever place he went to. They wanted to create drama for a drama-less couple so they added ominous music when they woke up that morning, and had them re-hash it. Also, if it's not a strip club, I really can't understand Vanessa's reaction. My husband can go out drinking...again it would be weird if it were with his dad...and I'm ok with my husband passing out on occasion. She said something about how she couldn't get ahold of him if she needed something? I guess I don't expect my husband to be on a constant state of alert for me. If I have a real emergency I'll call 911. If he gets drunk and passes out weekly, ok, there's an issue. I also found it odd that people had an issue with the conversation between Vanessa and Tres' father. I took him standing over her while she sat on the bed as respectful. He is not sitting on the bed with her, which would be weird. I just think he didn't have a chair to sit on readily, and the producers for some reason chose to film them in the bedroom. I don't necessarily think that Tres and Vanessa are going to make it, I think they are probably just boring. Or at least so far...in comparison to the other two flaming hot messes. ITA Ashley. Has there ever been anyone at all more introverted than her in reality TV history? She is just maddening. I can see why David is losing it. I wonder if Sam just thought that she would come on and we would all be bowled over by her Manic Pixie Truthyness. I wonder if she got a sense of how badly she would come across once she was paired with nice Neil, so she wanted to try to bring him down with the whole lame "different person in front of the camera" paranoia. I also just see her as being self-loathing in a really defensive way. She doesn't take herself or anyone (but her dad and wax melts) seriously.
  14. Bagger, Jill compared herself to Heather on that infamous WWHL interview (that Jill simultaneously taped.) She said that Heather was filling the role of the - paraphrase - down-to-earth mothering type. THAT seems to be how Jill views herself?!
  15. I have no defense for why she would choose to do this show. Damage control after her talk show, filling time when she is not with her daughter, and I really do believe her when she says that she is kind of made for reality TV. It works for her. I feel I must still defend my Bethenny. Sure, she sucks the life out of the room, but I think it's because she actually cares about shutting down their made up story lines/beefs with her and each other. Because what she is going through - and I guess Ramona to some degree- is a real traumatic experience. I get that she created the experience by deciding to divorce, but still, it's trauma nonetheless. Also, just have always hated Heather. I see her mothering/nice act as passive aggressive, manipulative and a grab for power. All she cares about is being right. She can be friends with Carole because Carole doesn't take herself seriously. Heather twists Kristen around her finger in knots so that she can never seriously go against her, even when she's making fun of her to her face. Bethenny is not going to follow Heather's script, which makes Heather so outraged that she cries. I see now what Jill meant when she compared herself to Heather, but not in the way that Jill meant it.
  16. I cut Bethanny A LOT of slack. Maybe too much. My son is almost the same age as Brynn, they are off by about a month in age. When I watched her have Brynn on Bethanny Ever After, I was a new mom myself. So, I relate to her and cannot IMAGINE how devastated I would be if I were separated from my sweet newly 5 year old for as much as she has to be. I think Heather or any of them saying that everyone goes through tough times, or not being understanding of how crucial and precious her time with Brynn is is really callous. Kristen and Heather have NO CLUE what it would be like to be away from their kids for as much and as consistently as Bethanny has to be. I have no clue either, but it must be like missing a limb. I also, for some inexplicable reason really just like her.
  17. Loved how uninterested Bethenny's staff looked I her attempts at humor "...so I ended up humping Jamie Foxx! Look how much I don't care what people think about that!!" Their wan smiles as they barely glanced up from their work said it all "Bitch please. We have work to do." It's i stark contrast to the boundary pushing relationship she had with Julie or all of her young lackeys on"Bethenny Ever After." I always felt really uncomfortable for her employees and wondered how they put up with her constant need to blur the lines of boss/employee. I remember she called them all a "band of misfits," it was so odd and inappropriate. Looks like her money paid for real employees.
  18. motorcitymom65, can I nominate the ENTIRE cast (maybe minus LuAnn) of RHONY for the season 4 reunion? I am pretty amenable to the crappy, cringe-y experience that is a Real Housewife reunion, any city. But I would rather pluck out my eyebrows and lashes than watch that horror again. It's the reunion that decimated 4 out of 7 cast members.
  19. Any spoilers out there for what Jason did with all of their stuff? Also, were they not in contact with each other while Courtney was in North Carolina?
  20. I think that there is something seriously wrong with Kourtney. OK, maybe that's harsh. After all, I really don't think that there is anything "wrong" with people who have Asperger's or are on the spectrum. But I think that she is on the spectrum. Her affect is so dramatically flat, and her voice is so monotone it goes beyond learned behavior from living with a histrionic mother. She has so little investment in any relationships. I find watching her to be sooo off-putting because it's kind of like the elephant in the room that no one addresses. Every now and then Scott will say something about her lack of emotion towards him, but he fails to realize that it's not just towards him, it's with everyone. Watching the rare occasion where she labels an emotion that she has or that someone else has is chilling. The girl does not flinch and could be talking about the weather when she says things like; "Scott was so sad that his dad died. I feel so bad for him." I find Kim to be very emotionless, but her flat affect does seem to be a way of keeping us and the cameras at a distance as anyone would if their whole life were filmed. Kylie and Kendall are no drama queens either, but they seem to have some glimmer of life in their eyes. I just had to get this off my chest. Any K season that relies heavily on Kourtney- such as the Hamptons episodes- is both compelling and repellant to me. I keep watching her waiting for her to crack and show some sort of emotion. She. Never. Does.
  21. I never watched any Tori and Dean product until just last night, because other posters referred to their previous shows and I was curious as to how this shitshow came to be. It was an episode of "Tori and Dean Hollywood" or something like that? Anyway, she was prepping cookies for Liam's elaborate 3 year birthday party. Dean called her out for only going above and beyond to look good for the other moms, not because she actually cared about her kid's birthday. He made the point that he's three and he won't notice. It was a huge dig and Tori was totally offended, probably because it rang true and Dean was onto her. It totally showed her narcissism, even back then. It also showed Dean walking away in a huff, as is his wont. Poor kids.
  22. Ok. Quick thoughts. - WTF with her agonizing over being away from her kids for that damned w(h)ine trip then breezily coming back home after the trip and not giving one hug to her kids or asking them how they are, just presenting a damned pig?! - Part 2 to that same thought; WTF with being in the hospital for TWO WEEKS for some self inflicted bullshit (aka undiagnosed personality disorder/eating disorder) and then just breezily coming home and unemotionally greeting the kids. Nice forced smile when they presented the cards that Dean thoughtfully made them do. - Wexler. Fucking Wexler. The bloated, disgruntled elephant in the room that shows up 40 minutes late because he's tired of this bullshit gets a "here's an exercise! Tell me how Tori feels!" At first I thought she was trying to appease Tori and keep her reputation intact on camera with all her non-committal mewing. Now I just think she's horrible at her job. Horrible. The departure for me was the episode where it is so obvious that her not wanting to "leave her kids with Dean" was really about not wanting to be a shitty mother to them like her mother was. She spoon-fed that analysis to Wexler when she mentioned her mother and not wanting to make the same mistakes, then talked about her reticence with leaving for the weekend. Then Wexler let her divert the issue back to Dean?!?! It had NOTHING to do with him. Funny how she then easily allowed her kids to be with him for two weeks! - As an aside, as a mom of a 4 year old not only would I have a hard time spending a night away, there is no hospital in the world that could keep me from him for two weeks. But it's because I love the heck out of him and enjoy him so much, not because I'm afraid of being perceived as a bad mom or because I'm putting his needs over mine. - Wexler. Again, fucking Wexler. Tori is essentially having a forced panic attack with her agent, the same kind I would have with my mom when I was pretending to be sick in middle school. Wexler rolls her eyes so the camera and the audience sees that she sees through it, then does the slightest mewing confrontation "Oh. So this might affect whether you get work. Hmmm." Then, she allows Tori to blame it all Dean. "Sure, if it weren't for the fact that you were cheated on, you totally would have gotten your shit together and had a booming career" It was shitty of Wexler to roll her eyes behind her client's back, but then to not follow it up with some real insight? Incompetent. - I think the edit on this has gotten wildly away from Tori. It's a good thing for her that he bowed out. Next season it can be her and Wexler talking about how awful Dean is without his annoying habit of trying to defend himself!
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