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Pete Martell

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Everything posted by Pete Martell

  1. Definitely. The thing with me is in games like this I feel guilty when I'm mean, unless the person is an asshole and deserves abuse. In other cases, if I had to be rude I'd probably cry. Of course one of the interesting things about the game is that sometimes you have to be an ass, to be seen as strong, especially with Mira or with the main family. Were the reviews for this better than the reviews for the first episode? I enjoyed it a lot more. The only review I read was the IGN one, which, like the first review, seemed oddly negative and abrupt, like the reviewer was burdened playing it.
  2. Hershel's death was so telegraphed. I haven't seen it here. I could see her maybe being killed with Sam, but I don't know. I guess we'll see.
  3. I just finished chapter 2, after it took an eternity to download and I was wary of it crashing so I stayed away for a while. I really enjoyed it. Overall the first one had more shocks and emotional moments but this one still got my jaw dropping a few times, especially I also felt oddly proud of myself that I will say these chapters both had terrific openers. The chapter 2 one really threw me into the game, after over a month since I'd played the first one. I was afraid I had lost my interest, but There was another early chapter 2 scene that gave me chills - In comparison, the Wall is low-key, and Gared is a little too perfect, but one of my favorite parts of the Wall was seeing the relationships between the Crows in their attempts to train, and I feel like the show got away from this after the first season. It's great to see it again. And I appreciated hearing Jon talk so much about Robb. My only real complaint is and although Sara interests me, I wish they'd done something different with her look or with the person who does her voice.
  4. That's a good point. I guess I was worried if something bad happens at Alexandria and Rick is out of it at the time, they'd say she bears the responsibility. It's difficult for me to tell when we are or aren't supposed to approve of Rick's spiral into Shanedom.
  5. Any guesses on who would be the first to say, "More Coralbell."
  6. Season 8 was the last season I watched - I just didn't care for where the show was going. I did think many of the cast were likeable, and Cristie seemed like a very nice person who had a great future ahead of her. Sometimes it's easy to forget that lives go on once the cameras stop rolling, and sadly, lives sometimes end far too soon. I read the blog Martie wrote about her, which I'm sure everyone else already read too, but she goes into some details about just what a wonderful person Cristie was. http://www.martieduncan.com/blog/a-sad-goodbye-to-my-team-alton-friend-cristie-schoen I can't imagine what her family and friends are going through, but I hope they get justice for their loss, and I hope she, her husband, and their child are in a place of peace.
  7. Did Michonne tell Rick to kill him? I think it's that element which caused the Lady Macbeth comments.
  8. They're burning through the Pete/Jessie story at warp speed. In one episode, Rick confronts her, she tells him to go away, she accepts his help, he and Rick fight? They should have had Carol realize Sam's abuse early in this last episode, had her tell Rick, and had Rick ask Jessie (who would deny it at that point), instead of chatting about owl statues. I don't really know whether we're supposed to see Michonne as in the wrong, but I see it as an act of mercy at this point...
  9. I can't see the show having Carol die because of Judith. They haven't had her interacting with Judith since the very start of the season, and if they had her die because of a baby, instead of fighting or on her own terms, it would invalidate most of her story arc over the last few seasons. I also don't see where the story she's in now would take her to a place where she'd run off to protect a baby.
  10. The original. I've never seen the remake. This is a classic example of horrifically depressing material I can't see most modern genre shows doing: http://www.survivorstvseries.com/Gone_To_The_Angels.htm http://www.survivorstvseries.com/Law_and_Order.htm http://www.survivorstvseries.com/Greater_Love.htm (not to mention the episode where a main character spent the hour slowly getting rabies, or when they decided to kill off a huge chunk of the cast in a massive fire...) Yet, somehow, it worked, mostly because they treated it seriously and honestly.
  11. None of their stories are dependent on Rick. In their entire time on the show, most of the ladies you mentioned have had a handful of scenes with Rick. Michonne's story in the back half of season 4 and in the back half of season 5 was heavily dependent on Rick. I don't think anyone is saying being sweet or nice makes you a non-entity. Michonne is sweet, nice and compassionate - I haven't seen that many people call her a non-entity. Ditto for Maggie, Tara, etc. If people are calling Jessie a non-entity it's because in three episodes where she is supposed to have reshaped Rick's entire world and where he and Carol are so concerned about her fate that they are potentially plotting a murder to save her, the extent of her airtime has been a kiss on the cheek, telling Rick where his kids are, cutting his hair, and talking about an owl statue. There's some hate for Jessie because of Michonne. No doubt. I thought I might end up hating her because of the way Michonne was treated and because of the way she was almost treated as a leading lady by the press and Talking Dead soon after her arrival. But I don't hate Jessie. She's just there. At this point I hate the writing more than I have any strong emotion for Jessie. The problem I have with the idea of Rick "needing" Jessie is that it underscores just how little voice she has in this plotline. What about what Jessie needs? What about her sons? Do an abused wife and potentially abused sons need another unstable man in their life, acting as their husband and father? Will a woman who has potentially been beaten or raped on multiple occasions be able to fulfill Rick's fantasy wife duties? If she can't, and she struggles, is he going to move onto a new new Lori? Or will the show just ignore her trauma as they have chosen to do so far? Yes, it's only been three episodes, but they have chosen to heavily advance this story in three episodes. And in the process they have left said fantasy woman behind.
  12. They were removed from his space for the sake of their own storylines, so they had to be removed from his storyline. They were always going to reunite with him. Michonne is still living with Rick and his kids. Yet her katana got more substantial airtime with Rick in the last two episodes where his story with Jessie really started. The only scene she had with Rick was the brief scene when they first started as constables, and she had few scenes of her own in her last episode (none at all in the newest).
  13. I don't think most of the fans who are complaining about Michonne's treatment feel that it's about "fucking" Rick. The actors didn't go on Talking Dead or the behind the scenes videos and say, "Rick's dick got hard for that blonde babe." They went on about "connection." That this is the first "connection" Rick has felt toward any woman since Lori died. Given that his relationship with Lori wasn't exactly full of hot sex that we knew of, I don't think that's why Rick is drawn to her when they bring up Lori. How many of those handful of characters have been essentially removed from his storyline in the space of a few episodes? That's what some Michonne fans are unsure about. If the show is ignoring her relationship with Rick (as it was not a "connection" like what he has with Jessie) and choosing not to give her any real storyline of her own even as they isolate her from Rick's story (compare it to someone like Daryl, who gets to simultaneously have involvement in Rick's story even as he is involved in his own story with Aaron as a recruiter). I don't think anyone in the thread said they were evil. What I was saying is that it took a lot of work to get Michonne to a place where she was accepted by the audience and able to get more of her own material, whereas it seems like all it takes for many to accept Jessie is that Rick likes her (or wants to fuck her, or however people choose to say it) and she's sweet and cuts hair.
  14. The interesting part is that to many fans, that's still enough. We know plenty about her because she said she worked a lot of jobs and she loves owls and kids. Some people say we've learned so much about her already, that it's time for her and Rick to hook up, or for her to be his partner. She's barely there, but she doesn't even have to be there. She is, essentially, a warm body, a smile and a hair color. Eugene was always a fairly complicated character (by this show's standards) to me. Abraham is an odd case, because the show seemed to assume viewers would love him from the start - "because comics" I guess - and didn't really make much effort to get people to care until Self Help. I think this is one of the things that rankles some Michonne fans, because they really have to make the bare minimum of effort for characters like Jessie or Abraham, but with Michonne, there was such a high threshold, to the point where some people even sympathized with The Governor over her.
  15. Because of the lingering doubt that she will have a strong role of her own if she isn't heavily involved in Rick's story. Until that happens, then some fans are always going to wonder whether the show is saying now that "the new Andrea" or "the new Mrs. Rick Grimes" or whatever the media is calling her has arrived, Michonne is irrelevant.
  16. Someone was nice enough to upload some of the bts videos. I'll just link to those from the last episode. (they don't have the making of...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koUxtEX07yc
  17. I think the idea of the group being separate is very interesting - I just wonder if it was intentional on the show's part. I know a lot of fans noticed that scene of Rick, Carol and Daryl each walking their own separate way near the end of Forget. The separation is one of the parts I want them to explore more. This has been a "family" in an increasingly frayed sense ever since the prison fell, and to some degree, even before then, as it was obvious that Sasha and Tyreese and others were not all that closely tied to leaders like Rick or Daryl. It's a shame that so many in Alexandria are worthless and/or selfish, because if they weren't, then I think we'd really start seeing the group split into pieces.
  18. I don't think there will be that much anger over this. I think people just want her to have a decent story. Right now they've basically made her a supporting player once her function (getting to Alexandria) was over, and now that Jessie is being pushed as the ideal for Rick and his children. Michonne is a strong character in her own right and there's a lot that can be done with her, especially since there have been several implications that Alexandria is not what she thought it would be, and she's trying to convince herself otherwise. RIght now many Michonne fans have no idea if the show feels she is inferior to Jessie (essentially a blank slate with blonde hair and a white face). A strong story for Michonne, with or without Rick, would assuage those fears. I also don't see that half of fans will be upset and half won't. The talk here is always that most fans of a character don't have extreme reactions, and it's only some online who do. I'm not sure why there is an exception for Michonne fans. If the show could take the huge risks that they took with Carol in season 4, when "Caryl" was by far the most prominent ship on this show and when they knew that her fans were extremely protective of her, then there's no reason they can't do the same with Michonne. I also don't know if I agree that fans see Michonne as an avatar any more than any other character is. In many ways she's been just the opposite. We barely got inside her head for a season and a half, which led to endless fan criticisms that "all she did was snarl" (which was never true) and "she never talks" (which was never true). It's only been relatively recently that we've gotten more of her full spectrum as a character. If some fans project onto her, that's likely because she is a unique character who represents them in a way no one else on the show does, but even then, I don't think that's an excuse for not giving her a storyline.
  19. What gets me is some of the same fans who say things like this are the ones who raged that he "killed" Beth and that his death was so awful not for him, but because "Beth died for him," as if he used mind control powers to make Beth stab body armor with teeny tiny scissors. So Noah is only worthwhile when it's time to bash Maggie. I have been so disgusted by the way some fans treated him, and clearly that is not changing. (I don't mean you, kirkismom, I mean the subset of fans who make things like this)
  20. They'll have another love baby, named, in true clever Ron fashion, "Let's All Have A." Wait until they go through 10 men until they find one she has chemistry with, or she starts spitting out her lines like a machine gun...
  21. I don't know if that would surprise people. I get the feeling they may have cast a blonde actress to try to make people think that's what they will do.
  22. I can't see Glenn attempting suicide. I couldn't really see Maggie doing it either, not on the show anyway, so I'm kind of glad if they skip that storyline. (unless they're saving it for Maggie after Glenn dies...) Yet another "Who is Andrea?" article. I'm at the point where I almost hope they just go nuts and bring in another character named Andrea to truly confuse everyone. http://www.thewalkingdead.com/is-sasha-the-new-andrea/
  23. I've read the article - I just think things have probably changed since then. It's tough for me to say with Cole. The actor said he ad-libbed the nicknames and they let it go. I think if they were going for a spinoff it wouldn't be a guy with a wife and kids, as this means if he doesn't have them elsewhere they'd have to go the dead family/manpain angle and all the rest. Who knows.
  24. I know they talked to the press about it this fall, but between the increasing popularity of superhero shows on the network and SPN's ratings decline, I'd be surprised if they were still considering it. Unless there had been huge negative fan reaction, everything about Barry Allen was a backdoor pilot ready to go (similar to Ray Palmer this season). Cole has never entirely given me that vibe. I guess it could be a possibility, but I tend to see him as mostly just popping up occasionally to be a mirror for Dean until he is inevitably killed.
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