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Chris Knight

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Everything posted by Chris Knight

  1. Laurakaye, my blood pressure and I vaguely remember this. Was Bitch Robyn afraid the XL would be too small ? Again, when I typed the word "bitch" my phone predicted the word "Robyn". 😁
  2. Robyn, your daycare provider=nanny ! No one knows why you have a nanny with all the adults sitting around your mansion.
  3. Meri's enormous house...for one person.
  4. After the funeral, why does Asshole have to hurry back to Robyn ?
  5. Right, which seems insane. I cant imagine someone who can afford an expensive house, schlepping to the laundromat. Flipping 101 had a house that didn't have a dishwasher !
  6. Gosh, I hate Robyn. I don't care enough to look into this but how did the Dargers do during Covid ? They live together but must have young adults who have jobs and bf/gf.
  7. The backsplash looked like it was installed wrong. Agree about the putting green - I felt like I was baking myself just watching Hipster Tarek put. The more this show goes on, the more I feel like Tarek could carry the show himself. Christina needs more to do besides bringing the gray and white backsplash, floor and cabinet choices. I like Izzy but where is Jeff ?
  8. I love, love, love that Janelle's kids are being loyal to Christine and not Kody. YEAH !!!! Go to hell, Kody and Robyn.
  9. 100% this. I absolutely hate Kody and Robyn. I didn't even have to type that last sentence - my phone predicted my words.
  10. A nanny. Seriously. My word. Shame on Kody and Robyn. Really, I am flabbergasted at this revelation. I absolutely hate Kody and Robyn now more than ever. I am afraid next week, contrary to what the preview implied, Janelle will actually be in Robyn's corner, saying she needs a nanny because of whatever, when really Janelle is just trying to stay on Kody's good side. I just cannot believe they can justify a nanny, both financially and from a covid perspective, yet Kody cannot be there while his biological child and her mother endure a horrific surgery and recovery. Fantastic of Hunter, Aspyn and Aspyn's hubs to be there for their sister in her time of great need. And Christine's sister for opening their home. Excellent. Gosh, I hate Robyn and Kody so much !!!!
  11. Madison and her husband had a very difficult decision about the surgeries vs amputation. My heart goes out to them. Janelle seems like a very good and supportive gram, and I think Madison's brother was also there in NC. It must have been so hard weighing the options, while also nurturing Evie as a growing baby, plus her older brother needs to be supported and loved. Nice to see their family come together to help and try to remain positive. Of course, Kody was nowhere to be seen. Ysabel is a beautiful girl and I hope she's doing well, no thanks at all to Kody. I say this every week but I absolutely cannot stand Kody and Robyn.
  12. Oh thank you for coming back, Amber ! Thank you ! Gag. I still don't know why Maci was mad when Taylor asked her friend to pickup their child. I know Mac has had a horrible year but she shouldn't pay so much attention to social media esp not for opinions on her marriage. I will not watch that family reunion show. This is where I draw the line. These people need to grow the heck up and get real jobs.
  13. Robyn and Kody are the biggest assholes who ever lived. Robyn at the end saying that the other wives are making life so hard for Kody by not obeying his Covid rules, made me want to smack her. So she's admitting that she and Kody are one unit together and the others are on their own. I hope Ysabel never talks to Kody again. I know I wouldn't.
  14. I love Gabe. I think he's 100% right on everything that he said and it has to be torture to see his Mom and Christine and their children treated so horribly by the asshole and Robyn. For those who think Gabe was wrong on his reaction to Covid, of course that is your right but do we really know when all this was filmed ? The bonfire bbq probably was Aug 2020 but his comments to Janelle could have been much later. Or earlier, I guess. Kody cant risk King Sol's health but he doesn't care at all about Truly who herself was very ill as a small child. And sorry Ysabel, you're on your own to deal with considerable pain, surgery, recovery, etc. Let me know how it turns out. If I were Ysabel, I would completely disown him and never look vack. I feel bad for Meri. As someone else said, she didn't murder anyone. She is just incredibly lonely but now she has crossed over to pathetic and it is so hard to watch. I hate Robyn so much.
  15. Even though I was busy at work today, I took the time to google Maci. I dont see this twin story anywhere. Is it true ? And yes, I am ashamed that I took the time to do this.
  16. I forgot this mess was on tonight so I missed the 1st 15 min. Does Jaxie really need to go away for the whole summer ? Can't she just go for a week or so ? I think she needs more structure and routine, and MacKenzie said her Dad wont make Jaxie do any school work or reading. Seems like they are trying to avoid other problems with Jaxie and her brothers. Amber, Amber, Amber. So oblivious to how the real world works. She has literally nothing to do with the physical or emotional care/work/upbringing of not one but two children. Nothing. What was her 547th excuse today, that she had a black eye so she couldn't see Leah ? What ? Someone hit her ? Matt or one of her many other losers ? Maci must be a joy to be married to. They've been married 5 whole years ! Hubs and I have been married 21 years. Newsflash ! Sometimes marriage can be rough. Maybe Maci and "T" should not drink when having these soul searching conversations. Nova was super cute tonight.
  17. I wouldn't let a bird land on those decks or the master bedroom Juliet balcony thing. So dangerous, good lord. I dont love tri or quad level houses anyway and this was just weird. Anyone considering buying this mess would need to think long and hard about resale. That house is too "unique " for most buyers.
  18. I didn't get this either. Was she mad he asked a friend for help ? Or was she mad he asked that particular friend ? Or that he didnt get Queen Maci's approval ?
  19. Dawn, the adoption shyster, should NOT be telling CateTy that they will be top of Carly's mind for weeks post-visit. That's insane. Carly is 12. Her world is her parents and brother, school, friends. Brandon and Teresa should not allow any contact. I wouldn't want to rent my house to CateTy and Company. Maci is such a snot. She evidently doesn't really care about Taylor's feelings of helplessness. Remind me please, she was not actually shot at the gas station, nor was she the intended target, right ? Type 1 diabetes is serious stuff. Mac needs to get a handle on this stat. She does have a lot going on. Did she say her dad also is diabetic ? I agree with Geary's parenting coach. Leah needs to feel validation. Forget Amber and her selfish needs. I fear that if Leah sees Amber and opens up to her, Amber will throw her over for the 1st remotely interesting dude who winks at her. Ryder is the most loved child on this show !
  20. Amber is lucky Gary and his family even talk to her anymore. Im on Leah's side. Also, maybe Amber did this and they just didn't show it, but how about asking about Kristina's classes and future plans ? Amber is such a loser. Maci's diet is horrible, my gosh, no wonder she doesn't feel well. I chuckled at her patting herself on the back, and then going to the taco place, although that was a great looking salad ! I think a lot of people, myself included, and MacKenzie and Josh and really the whole cast lol, would benefit from speaking with a licensed nutritionist. Is Cheyenne 's sister, whatever her name is, pregnant by her son's father ? I assume so but they didn't actually say that. At least Cate and Ty refrained from calling themselves Carly's parents.
  21. Did unemployed Maci really say, while lounging on her couch probably on a weekday when the rest of us were at work, that she needs a vacation ?!?! TyCate should have chosen a better time to take the pacifier. How close was this to the due sate ? Cate is huge and looked close to the end but I thought she said 10 more weeks. MacKenzie's family needs structure and routine. Laying around all day while Mom's on her laptop isnt productive. Why cant the daughter do summer school as her teachers recommended ? Summer school can be very helpful and the sessions dont last all summer. While I find it very hard to believe Amber is stressing over school and demanding an A from herself, she should be proud of a B. I know its online and not really Purdue but for someone like Amber who has struggled greatly with school, this is not bad.
  22. I like Tarek for the most part except when he wears his hipster getup, or whatever that look is, with the big hat and chains. I think he's pretty smart and has good experience that I like hearing about. His sister's boyfriend, Appraiser Brandon, was super cute. They should make him a recurring character. I like Christina but I think she has major insecurity issues, hence her sarcasm and eye-rolling. I couldn't believe she threw away Ant, another cute and seemingly decent guy, so soon after shedding Tarek. I know nothing about her new dude. Not sure about Heather yet. I really like Flipping 101. I would never attempt a flip and like learning about this business.
  23. I think Amber is pushing for Leah and James to spend time together so that she herself doesn't have to spend one-on-one time with either. It's all about making Amber's life easier.
  24. I caught a typo ! The caption for MacKenzie's daughter and son playing together said "McK's sons" when it was clearly Broncs and the daughter. Yay, me ! I think Gary and Kristina are taking the high road yet again. But Leah is not 2. She's 13 and her reasoning that Amber has made multiple disparaging videos about Kristina, makes sense to me. When people show you who they really are, let them. Amber's true colors have been posted on social media apparently a few times. I wouldn't forgive her either. If Josh and M have only lived in FL 6 months, starting in Oct, that means the brunch was in March. Cate is super heavy for not being due til Sept. She needs to watch her weight.
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