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Chris Knight

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Everything posted by Chris Knight

  1. Kody would never come take care of Christine or Janelle, and for sure not Meri.
  2. I thought Dayton 's eye had been fixed, no ? I wouldn't even try to pretend.
  3. Cheyenne, I don't think Corey cares - at least not the way you want - about your pg. His talk with New Boyfriend was very nice and supportive. I remain the sole Team Ryan member. It's lonely on this team, lol. Maci and Taylor have such ridiculously high opinions of themselves, and the way MTV turns the story against Ryan is very bad. I get that Ryan was/is an addict but I still think the Bentley story is 95% Maci-driven. Maci's shooting probably was frightening. Glad she was not hurt. As a new pet owner, I dread someday burying a pet. Still, Amber babbling on and on about being a damn good Mom ! was positively ludicrous. Has she even uttered her son's name in the last few months ? Amber's life is all about Amber, very little concern for Leah, and nothing for James.
  4. Lol a girl on the schoolbus proposed to my son when he was about 7. He came home all conflicted, saying he liked K but didn't feel ready to walk down the aisle yet.
  5. Basement wife....what was the funny nickname someone came up with last season for Meri....basement cat ?
  6. Sorry I am a few minutes behind everyone...are guests at the Solitude place supposed to ride the ski lift to the wedding site ? Yeah, no.
  7. Oh, shut up, Robyn !! She's such a snake. I fill so bad for Christine, always coming in last. Bitch Meri and her 1 child in an upstairs Lehi apt while Christine and her 6 children are in the dungeon. Kurly is such a jerk.
  8. Did they all really forget the address of the loft ? Or had the address changed, as sometimes happens ? Many seemed surprised and relieved upon arrival.
  9. I am most interested in and impressed by Eric and Andre. Both seem so mature and content with their lives. Eric was smokin' hot in 1992, and still looks very good, a testament to clean living. His career may not have gone as planned, but really, whose has ? I thought Andre was high in 1992 but he may have been shy, preoccupied with his music, and possibly portrayed as the easygoing mellow musician. He looks great too. I like it when men go gray naturally, and I bet he's a great dad. I couldn't stand Becki in 1992 and still don't care for her. I am about the same age and knew lots of allegedly tortured soul coffeehouse girls like her. Whatever. I think Kevin is intelligent but his message gets lost in his anger, even now. He generalizes and makes assumptions about everyone. He has a right to speak his mind but doesn't want to hear what others have to say. I would love to hang out with Julie and Heather. I think Heather is a super cool person.
  10. I am beyond excited that Real World NYC is having some kind of reunion ! Best part of watching TMOG was seeing this commercial. I agree, Cheyenne's family and friends are all super cool. Parties all the time ! I go to Newport Beach for work occasionally and it rocks ! Are these strange plastic face shield things only in Michigan ? I am glad we dont have them where I live. They look very uncomfortable. $10k says we never hear about microblading again. Maci, time to give up the cigs and beer. She's in bad shape for such a young person. "Tmoney" or whatever the h he calls himself is the stupidest nickname ever. Im glad I know Bentley's sex talk will be next week so I can skip. Amber's weight has gone up and down, like it does for a lot of people. If she didn't have the surly attitude, severe lazy streak and a propensity for physical violence, Id say shes the prettiest of the original girls. MacKenzie probably does take Josh back. I can't believe he let her drive alone with 3 children thru multiple states. Not safe, imo.
  11. Agreed, this was a rilly strange comment. She didn't appear to be joking either. She's so odd. And mean. Gee, she doesn't know where Kurly is either...shrug... Like when a skinny person complains about how fat they are. Just shut up. I am starting to think this is all just a big joke and Meri and Kurly are both in on it, and laughing all the way to the bank. He is so blatantly horrible to her in front of others, this can't be real. Probably good for Mariah and what's her name to get out of Chgo when they did ahead of the riots.
  12. Did anyone else picture Robyn and Kody linked arms with Meri in the middle, letting Meri SLAM into that tree ?
  13. OMG I cant listen to this discussion about building again !!!!!!!!
  14. Tyler kept emphasizing OBVIOUSLY, didnt he, and rolling his eyes when discussing this. I think they consider 30 as ama, advanced maternal age, which I believe is 35 +, and which I was when expecting my last baby. It wasnt easy, I will admit.
  15. Ok sure, Tyler, you dont watch the show ?!?! He probably turns off his phone, draws the blinds and records and analyzes every episode.
  16. Right and I may be giving Cate too much credit but I was thinking maybe Cate deliberately did not drink a lot of water that day and held it in because they say concentrated urine is best for early pg detection. That may be an old wives tale, but I am an old wife.
  17. I agree, Josh is a complete jerk and the sooner MacKenzie drops him, the better. She seems to have plenty of people around her who love her. She can easily find another bf. Not sure about a new husband though with her 3 children but its not impossible. I am still firmly in the camp that the truth about MaciRyan is somewhere in the middle of their stories. Yes Ryan and Mac badmouth Maci but Maci and Taylor do exactly the same thing. Actually I think spouses Mac and Taylor should not say anything on camera. Maci and Taylor in their stupid TTM shirts are so sanctimonious, I can barely watch. Cate, I feel bad for her. Having had trouble getting pg, I can relate to testing early, buying lots of tests, etc although I never collected my urine in a Tupperware container (that I know she rinsed and used again). Biting the package with my teeth is also not something I ever did. But you all are right, Cate has nothing else to do. Hanging my loser head in shame, I sometimes google these people to see what is happening irl. I am afraid to google Amber and Geary, because you all know why.
  18. I was wondering about that when Christine said they get no handouts because they cannot register for anything without calling attn to their situation. Come on Christine, do you really expect us to believe Kurly and Janelle provided for 13 children and 4 adults with no help ?
  19. Do the opening credits still have their nonsense about how their lifestyle makes them better or whatever, and love should be multiplied not divided ? I fill like it is now just music and pictures of them then and now. Robchins is quite startling, imo.
  20. Oh good, just checked the clock, its almost over. Joe Darger thinks Kody is a fool.
  21. Cant Christine live on her own and the others all live together ?
  22. Agree. Such a bizarre thing for JanellE to say, and she knows it.
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