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Everything posted by jaimesommers

  1. I enjoyed the dinner scene, too - wish we’d get more of those!
  2. I laughed when Jeff was leaving for his trip to Panama and Petra told him, “Fred and I will miss you. The cat will not.” 😆
  3. I liked Jamie and Eddie’s storyline but they’re my favorite characters so I’m always most interested in them. But 4 storylines in an episode are just too many. I wish they’d go back to 3 and give them each a few more minutes of story development.
  4. While I think Eddie was a bit over the top, I took it more as being frustrated and stressed that she and Jamie are spending very little time together and she misses him and she’s having a meltdown. After years of riding together and spending time together off duty, now they’re married and working different shifts and she’s feeling like they’re turning into ships that pass in the the night. Whether or not that was the intention behind the writing, that’s how I felt while watching it, and I’m perfectly happy with that.
  5. Where’s Rachel? Last week Eddie was partnered with the male cop and this episode was with her sergeant.
  6. What?!? Plastic Lincoln logs?!? That makes me sad. My brother still has the “real” ones we played with 45 years ago. Good memories!
  7. Alison needs to learn the difference between being self-confident and being a dismissive bitch. And if she is the overall winner, I may never watch HGTV again in protest.
  8. I really, really hate that blue pinstripe suit.
  9. Yeah, that was a big disconnect between my brain and my fingers. I think what I meant was that I was surprised to see one so prominently displayed and is that something you’d still typically see in apartments like that. But Katy M gave a good explanation of why it might be that way that I’d (obviously) not thought about.
  10. A question and an observation: 1. Is it common for older NYC apartment buildings to still have landline phones? I saw one on the wall in Jamie & Eddie’s apartment. 2. When Eddie walks in to where Jamie is watching the football game on TV, there’s a crew member walking around in the room behind her. Sloppy work, show people - we deserve better than that!
  11. YAY! New episodes! While not one of my favorite episodes, there were several moments that made it good for me. 1. Maria looking out for Danny and their case by telling Maggie to back off on both. 2. Frank and Henry’s talk, with Frank saying, “Pop, I don’t know what to do.” We don’t often (ever?) see Frank feeling vulnerable and I thought it was a nice scene. 3. I am a huge Jamie+Eddie fan. Period. Full stop. And seeing their first look at their new apartment and Jamie carrying Eddie over the threshold made me smile. All in all, I’m thrilled this show is back and I’m happily looking forward to the rest of the season!
  12. I didn’t like the first episode, but I stuck with it and am glad I did. I’m enjoying seeing a cold, wintry city instead of the usual places, I like the hosts (but not Heather’s pom-pom earrings!), and it’s nice to see the clients deciding which house to pick as well as some of the design choices. I’ll keep watching!
  13. How in the world did this show get a second season?? HOW???
  14. Christina beat this lovely little show? That’s just wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
  15. I loved the old rocking chair but would have liked the cushion to be in colors that better complemented the wood. Everything else about this one was a big miss for me. But baby Jack sure is a cutie!
  16. The wedding episode is an hour long instead of the usual 30 minutes. I guess someone thinks we need more time to fawn over the happy couple and Christina’s slut-tastic stripper fairy ensemble. GAG. I will not be watching.
  17. I might have been ok with the black floor (if it hadn’t butted up to the other floor that it didn’t go with at all), but the herringbone layout and white grout?? YUCK!
  18. Have we always known that Eddie had a brother who died? I don’t remember ever hearing that before.
  19. I listened to the pilot yesterday (can’t watch TV at work but I can listen!) since this show has been added to Amazon Prime. That theme song is pure 80’s gold.
  20. That answers my question: Would those who would agree with a quick death rather than long suffering empathize with Bradford. My medical experiences are too far outside the norm for me to view this scene with a typical viewer's perspective--but I didn't think the amount of time the guy suffered--with hope that a cure was on the way--warranted Bradford's actually having his gun ready--but--TV drama--whatever. I look at Bradford as a huge control freak who was in a situation where he was unable to control anything after he locked the door. Maybe going ahead and having his gun out even though it seemed really premature made him feel like this was something he could still control.
  21. I think Jim wasn’t thrilled about the name of Dinky the flamingo. I loved watching the keepers invent a leg brace and work with Dinky to rehab the injured leg.
  22. Agree! I was waiting for her to start complaining like she did when she and her partner lost their car and had to walk their beat. I’m glad she handled this one a lot better. (But messing with someone’s handcuffs? Shame on you, Eddie. You’re better than that.) And I think it’s going to be UGLY when word of their engagement gets out around the precinct. Captain Sunshine (Jamie’s boss) isn’t going to handle it well at all.
  23. I agree that I think it’s the writing. I remember watching him in “Judging Amy” and always enjoyed him in that.
  24. Agreed! His enthusiasm and effort made him so much fun to watch. He was my favorite!
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