I know Carmody was based on a real vet who was with the practice temporarily, but I really hoped he would be a permanent part of the show. I liked him a lot.
On a side note, I read that the actor who plays Carmody is 44 years old. Dang. I could have sworn he's in his 20s.
I heard the reunion show was taped back in January, so it wasnt long after filming the finale. However, I did see a very recent interview (maybe a week old?) on YouTube with Mitchell and Sydney and they're still going strong.
Link to interview
I was yelling at the idiots to grab some food, some medical supplies, change of clothes, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes...something, before leaping into the sinkhole. This show is so stupid it makes me twitchy.
I just watched Amish Sins. It could have been much longer and more fleshed out to fully tell the story. I had already seen Sins of the Amish on Peacock, but that was more of a documentary in style.
I live very close to a huge Amish population in Ohio and I hope that kind of behavior is rare, but I still can't help giving old Mose or Caleb the side eye when they drive by.
I actually kind of enjoyed the finale. Most things wrapped up nicely. Although it was really unnecessary to begin the Peck lawsuit story when there was no way to see it through.
It probably seems familiar because for some season they like to cast Cindy Busby in these nature hike movies. She was looking for waterfalls to photograph (with reluctant male guide) in one movie, and looking for eagles (with reluctant male guide) in another, and this one was Yosemite (with reluctant male guide). They are practically identical.
ETA: Whoops, my mistake. Cindy Busby wasn't in the eagle movie. The premise was still the same, though