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Everything posted by LazyToaster

  1. I can’t see either of them even aware that they need to do this. They would be shocked it someone asked them to monitor their expressions. OTOH If masks are required in the courtroom it will be a big help to them.
  2. I saw on FaceBook today that Sunny is returning to (inside) the kitchen.
  3. Awwww, I'm so sad about Carl as well. It seems like he was well liked by his fellow chefs.
  4. I was really turned off by the trash talk by NOLA as well. Actually, the fact that they outright lied made me expect some kind of warning or something from Tyler - but no, it was ignored. It certainly is poor sportsmanship. The NOLA lady also referred to Brunch Babes as Brunch Barbies. Stereotype much?
  5. It kills me when these people say something along the lines of "God called me to this life". Aarrgghh. When somebody claims to hear from the Almighty directly - it puts everyone else at a disadvantage. You might be thinking "bullshit"; but, since it is about you know... God and everything - then it doesn't feel right to challenge it. But, they can say it is God's Will about anything and everything and know they get a free ticket. I've known people just like that and I have a sneaky feeling that it is just them using that to convince themselves and/or others. So - Sophie's thinks her brother is just wrong because he thinks polygamy doesn't make sense and so her comeback is "God called me...". Yeah, ok.
  6. Ugh - the "couple" in Viet Nam. It took me awhile to realize they really were going to move in together and not just be roomies. Someone else said - and so true - zero chemistry with those two. I actually was telling the TV "run girl run!" and she apparently didn't hear me. LOL
  7. Haaaa! That was so funny! I like beets - but, they don't belong in a smoothie. Yuk.
  8. I thought the same thing - I honestly didn't see any danger at all. Geesh. I also thought it was a stupid stunt and mean of her to ask him to do it. These people are one train wreck after another aren't they?
  9. I have a soft spot for Jeff; however, he just makes me sad these days. I am afraid that the longer he keeps up the silly boy act - the longer he will be typecast that way. He will never be considered a serious chef. It is possible that he has the skill to be one; but, we may never know for sure.
  10. I like these people a lot - they seem like down to earth folks who would be good friends. Juniper is so adorable - what a sweet little girl! Farming though... I don't know much about it; but, this seems a little hodge podge to me. But, it is also hard to know what is just for camera.
  11. A lot of what Guy does - and thinks is hilarious - is only funny to him. I think he has a real talent; but, I am really ready for him to settle down a bit and stop with the constant theatrics. A grown up hairdo would be nice too.
  12. I haven't caught every episode - but, agree and I think that Jesse is scary too. But..... I think Jesse is scary in a "I'm a jerk and don't care. I will show my ass, embarrass everyone, and maybe end up arrested" - kind of way. John, on the other hand, is scary in a "I'm going to take advantage of you, hurt you and everyone who loves you, and will become your worst nightmare" - kind of way. That guy has a real screw loose and that girl is not thinking clearly. A chill went through me when (on a preview) he told her to make the baby stop crying. To any woman that should be a huge red flag. Run girl run!
  13. I do! You are probably onto something - she was the maid. But, I liked her!
  14. I'm in my late 60's and had an Aunt Hazel - her hubby fondly called her Haze sometimes. I guess it is old fashioned and when I was naming my babies in the early 70's I wouldn't have considered it - but, I really do love it now.
  15. Ok - I'm going out on a limb. I think both Jess and Christian will fade into the woodwork and we will continue to see Manny. May just be wishful thinking - I also think he wasn't treated fair. A tie was stupid, but also insulting in this situation with only 3 people left standing.
  16. I was so disappointed for Manny. His pilot was the only one I liked. Jess is boring and Christian is too much like Guy.
  17. LazyToaster

    Chopped 2018

    I know - right? It would have been more meaningful if those 4 firehouses were getting new equipment (and sorry, but more believable too).
  18. My new commercial to hate - and also scramble to mute the TV - is the Great Wolf Lodge ad where the big brother relentlessly teases his little brother and makes a clicking noise with his mouth every time he manages to one-up the little guy. Aarrgghh - I want to smack that kid.
  19. I watched the kid-mentor show and I thought Alex was worried about her kid lifting the hot boiling pot of water. Did she do a lot more than pour out the pasta? I loved the episode too - that kid with Justin was so sweet. All the kids did well I thought.
  20. LazyToaster

    Chopped 2018

    Here's what I don't like about Geoffrey - his many personalities. On chopped he's so professional and serious and critical - very judge-like. On Cooks vs. Cons he's zany and crazy and jokey. On The Kitchen he's the solid, tie & jacket guy who acts like the grown-up vs. Jeff Mauro's crazy kid act. Who is the real Geoffrey? I'm sure he's a great chef (Iron Chef after all) - but, even acknowledging he's on TV and producers tell you what to do, I don't trust or like someone who is SO different depending on where they are. If I were the other chef judges I would resent like crazy all the attention and automatic street cred given to Martha. Why does Martha get to spout off facts like they came from above ALL the damn time? Chopped - I know you could do better...
  21. The pineapple slush stuff they made looked yummy. I wouldn't need to serve it in a hollowed out pineapple, but I think I would like the flavor. I also liked the recent segment with Donal ? - Irish guy. I loved how he chimed in and ended the segment himself because they were all so busy eating his food - made me laugh.
  22. Why didn't GZ even taste Katie Lee's beans? I know he said that he preferred them with peppers; but, he couldn't even taste? I have never seen them openly pass on something. That was very weird.
  23. A pet peeve of mine is the demand for property that has (whatever-country-they-are-in) CHARM - and then, complaining about everything they are shown that even remotely fits that description. Listen fools, the charm you claim to value usually comes with lots of stairs, small rooms, small yards, no oven, no dishwasher, toilet in a separate space, etc., etc. In other words - it will NOT be what you had in the US and isn't that the whole point? On the other hand - if they find someplace that is sort of closer to home and they like it; but, aren't sure if they should try it because - you know, they won't get the CHARM??? I have an idea. Take what makes you happy and comfy. Then just know that every time you leave your house, bingo - you're still in the charming foreign place and you can enjoy it all you want. Problem solved.
  24. That bedroom was big enough for a crib and I wouldn't be surprised if the toddler sleeps with mom & dad in the king sized bed. Between the big bedroom and the living area and their own little kitchenette - that is a lot more space than they have been used to having on their visits. I loved it - I would stay there in a minute!
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