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Everything posted by Captanne

  1. I've watched GH since the 80s and only off and on since the soap merger a few years ago. Maxie always seemed better as a character when she was bouncing off another female character. For me, in this current storyline (what there is of it) she seems lost and at sea -- kind of like a random character with no connection to the main ensemble. That's not fair to Maxie because she has every right to be on the canvas with the rest of the cast.
  2. Thanks! I had forgotten who it was other than it was on a boat, yeah?
  3. I remember that -- it was ghastly. (Didn't Jason later have a slo-mo shootout in a church and bump that rapist off? She was a scarlet-lipped blonde villain in heels?) The only other "female-on-male rape" I've seen that was even more dramatic was on Farscape. I've never recovered from that plot twist. ETA: Video link. The villain in question was Faith, no?
  4. One of the systemic problems with 18th Century England in the Discovery Service was their arrogance (alluded to in just about any book you read on the period). It was this arrogance that led them to take English traditions with them rather than adapting to the environments like the natives did. Rather than wearing stuffy British uniforms and dragging their equipment on sledges, they should have worn furs and used sled dogs.
  5. I think the character of Michael has such fascinating potential and I have liked Chad Duell (sp?) since he showed up. Listen, folks, I had to live through Child of the Corn (obviously, no ill will to Dylan Cash but ... )
  6. The biggest problem, I'd imagine, with the heavy wool is not a warmth problem but what it does to you when it gets soaked. Not only would it be dangerous to wear in that condition, it takes forever to dry.
  7. For my money, the best scene she ever had was as Carly when she slammed the baseball bat on the conference table of the Five Families. She was amazing. Now she's all wistful, head tilt, fingers in tight jeans pockets, and half-smile. She's phoning it in.
  8. The soapiness of Duncan supplies me with endless amusement and gives Jimmy (and his actor) a wonderful opportunity for dry, Scottish humor. Duncan is a hot mess and I lurve him.
  9. I hope the moss has as good a contract as the "noiseless grocery bag" and the "limp green thing" that used to hang out of the bag. Those guys were on the show for years with little or no plot line.
  10. When will they tell us what Choe's music box was about and just exactly who killed Ida?
  11. Oy. Where to start? I'll keep this short but have to say I find Shiloh absolutely repugnant -- the idea of a brain dead, emotionally bankrupt "cult" is gross anyway but the actor just makes me cringe every time I see him on screen. I view that as an homage to his performance -- well done. I adore Alexis and she's cracking me up. NLG can do no wrong. While I don't necessarily like the kitchen storylines I do like the kitchen set. It's beautiful. And, I know this is a really unpopular opinion here (don't ever stop the snark!) but I really enjoy Jason's character (what there is of it -- which ain't much, to be sure). Go figure.
  12. This has to have been the best season I've seen and some of the most enjoyable television I've seen in a long time. Toward the end, the man-pain got to be a little much but it was otherwise fantastic. Our Jimmy is a sensitive fellow.
  13. I think it's important to recognize and respect Sam's agency in formulating the plan. Whether or not we think it was dumb is another thing entirely.
  14. Deleted because I was being metaphysical and not on topic enough for my comfort level.
  15. I've been watching sporadically since the cast-merge a few years ago and the time change. Only recently have I been able to get back into the show on a regular basis. I totally forgot about the Keifer thing. Not the boyfriend. Just the "running over" bit. Thanks! (I love following TWoP from website to website and finding the TFGH posts haven't changed one bit in tenor and tone. The names have changed but the bitter, bitter anger and remorse haven't. LOLOL) I admire consistency.
  16. I missed the last 15 minute segment yesterday -- do we know or care what Kristina's Sekrit was?
  17. Honest to God, I thought Duncan was going to "walk into the sea" forever. I said out loud to the cats, "No! Not Duncan! He's a hot mess but NOT DUNCAN!" I loved the way the two men devolved into thick Scottish accents complete with dropped syllables when they were confronting each other on the beach. This cast seems well-equipped to go into genuine emotional states so I really wonder if that accent shift was intentional from the director or something the actors did organically. I wonder that because Duncan's last scene waking up from a drunk is so well done. It's so, so "from the gut" that I could identify. (Yes, TMI, from personal experience. I've been sober for 12 years going on 13.) Getting that kind of feeling-so-fucking-sick remorse across on a television screen and into my living room is no small feat.
  18. I am delighted with the series this time around. Like others, I had a hard time keeping the female characters straight. Not this time! I love it. I do like Duncan's "odd couple" relationship with the hero (tm, someone smart) because I didn't like his demonization in the beach-murdery one. Honestly, this is the first time I've found the hero sexy although I think he's supposed to have been sexy all along -- with the up-turned collar on the pea coat and the wistful all-things-Scottish and broody bits. Meh. But, he's a good kisser as an actor which is always fun! The other standout to me is the young actor playing Zezi -- she is marvelous.
  19. I really enjoy this show -- especially the lead actor (although for some weird reason, the rope bracelet bugs. It helps that Maddie has one, too, but that's a little wardrobe accessory I can never seem to NOT notice. They are just so....high school. Thank God he doesn't wear a pooka shell necklace.) What I like about Bosch's shrug when he finds out about Maddie's shenanigan is what I like about the show -- they are all weirdly forgiving of each other's odd behavior. I find that refreshing. (I thought the wife was weird as hell...just too much going on with being his ex, a master gambler in Hong Kong remarried to a kidnapping victim, and an undercover FBI agent? Reminded me of "24" which over-piled wildly unrealistic plotlines on characters, too. So, I found myself forgiving her story line just as Bosch did.)
  20. I want more Anderson. I hope Jared Harris was available to do S4.
  21. For me, taking the NW Passage cruise would merely be an "Everest" moment -- I'd do it for the history and because I can. ("Everest" moment being: "Why climb a mountain?" "Because it's there.") In other words, I'm certainly not doing it for the night life. (I was in the military for 21 years. Been all over the world. Don't need opera houses and the Copa Cabana. I want "new" and "meaningful".)
  22. I think Stephen Colbert should be encouraged to drop by here. He'd fit right in with the uber-nerddom (of which I am a most unworthy member).
  23. I really enjoyed this episode. All of the threads are coming together beautifully and every main character received valid due. (Even Magnus is in the fold with a credible story line. Fuck, even the Gods and Jesus have story lines.) Loved it. All of it. PS: For me, Floki is dead. No question. Even if his body lives (which I sincerely doubt), the character has no where to go. He's gonzo.
  24. I like Gunnhild. I think she's an interesting character -- as interesting as any of the others who are supporting roles. I think she was introduced well, she's not dependent on another character to define her own, and she's a solid viking and we could use more of those when we are littered with Ivars, the pregnant crazy Queen, Bjorns, Iceland et al, and the rabble who drool in Ivar's cult.
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