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Quilt Fairy

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Everything posted by Quilt Fairy

  1. I wanted to report that the TV reviewer in the Chicago Sun-Times today gave a very favorable review to S3. No details, except that the first episode will cover , but she did say that the final 6 episodes will send the show out well. I'd include a link but I cannot find her comments on-line.
  2. This bothered me so much. He inherits the estate after the death of an older brother and suddenly he's an asshole? And what would he be doing still in the Army? Soldiering was for 2nd sons. I also couldn't understand why Will - the guy who was dying and couldn't even get out of bed - was suddenly able to get to the front door, bash Capt. Denny with his stick and then run into the woods after him. Really? Really?!! I thought it unlikely, but I really wanted Wickham to hang. And I think it would have been a nice P.D. James 'twist' to have the guy that everyone was sure committed the murder actually commit the murder. Whatever other anachronisms there were, nothing bothered me so much as Lizzy running up the scaffold crying "Stop the hanging!" Shit like that you might expect from an American screenwriter writing for a least common denominator American audience. But English writers writing for an English audience? For shame.
  3. So we just need to loosen their fanny pack strap and find them an unscrupulous taxi cab driver in Moscow?
  4. Which can't happen. They'd need 2 consecutive last place finishes to be out. How much longer is the damn Save valid? I think Jim's eyes didn't bother me as much this week because he was squinting in the Moroccan sun and you couldn't see all the white. I honestly don't think I could be one of his dental patients. Imagine looking up at those eye from a perspective of 10-12 inches?
  5. Yep, that lovely series called Prison Wives, about which we had such lovely snark back on TWoP, and which ironically had a few episodes aired on some random channel a couple of days ago. They mentioned on one of those episodes that only 5 states actually allow conjugal visits.
  6. They already did a Bears tail-gate-type party in the Chicago season. It seemed like the 'popcorn soup' people really just did corn soup with some variations. I think the only one who actually used popcorn was Melissa(?), who did the corn and ramps soup with some bacon popcorn in the bottom of the bowl.
  7. The dredge thing that Tony is doing has me mystified. Surely it's going to take an entire season to get that thing dismantled, transported, re-assembled and up and running. I'd be surprised if there's any payback before next season. It's a huge gamble for a guy who doesn't seem to take many gambles. Parker leaves me feeling conflicted. You have to admire his work ethic, but damn, he's just an asshole to his crew. And despite the knowledge he picked up working at his grandpa's mine, I feel he's just too young to have the gravitas needed to lead a crew successfully.
  8. I've been recording the last few episodes out of a misguided sense of loyalty, but it's hard for me to watch more than a few minutes of the show at a time. It's so damn repetitive. I will say that the parts of last week's special at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum that I did watch gave me the creeps in a way that GH hasn't done for me in years. I don't think they'll ever have a better or creepier episode than the St. Augustine Lighthouse from the early years.
  9. Whatever others may have heard and interpreted, anything of that nature went completely over my head. I didn't hear anything other than T&T trying to figure out how to do the detour task.
  10. Word. So much frikkin Word to this. Top Chef is the only Bravo show I watch anymore, and when I see the commercials for their other shows I remember why. Andy Cohen makes me want to barf. Also, they probably wouldn't have needed an extra 15 minutes for this episode if they hadn't inserted a 10 minute block of commercials (well, OK, only 8 but it seemed longer) between 9:45 and 10pm. I don't understand why the tea QF had so many variations of fruited white tea. It's got the mildest flavor of any variety of tea. I've been a tea drinker my whole life. Black, green, oolong, love them. But I just can't taste any flavor in white tea at all.
  11. Wasn't that a double Bald Snark? I think the guy judging the tent set-up was an easy grader. Note to Shelley and Nici: If the clue says the next location is approximately 15KM outside of town, don't drive for 3 hours before you ask for directions. Just sayin'.
  12. Not that I think broccoli salad was an appropriate choice, but how is it a 'side dish' but corn soup (of which we had at least 2 versions) is not? I've never understood a lot of the comments over the years to the effect that 'Padma is high', but listening to her voiceover for the opening credits even I thought she had to be smoking something. It sounds - off.
  13. I don't understand what the judges found so impressive about George's fairy. I didn't care for it, although that could just have been the green eyebrows. Cig's looked like a WWII pinup girl. Not surprised he won.
  14. I remember an interview with Jake Gyllenhaal where he talked about filming the sheep-herding scenes in Brokeback Mountain. He said the great thing about the sheep was all you had to do was stand there and hold your arms out and they would go where you wanted.
  15. Would that pub have been open or are closing times still heavily regulated in England?
  16. Slab-o hunk-o? Slab, yes, hunk, I don't think so. While watching their elimination interview I decided that I would rather have either one of them be my dentist and have Jim be my local firefighter.
  17. I think the liaison officer worked in Broadchurch because of the perception (at least to me as an American) that the local bobby on a bicycle in a small town is not necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed. I think Americans got over Barney Fife as being cute and funny a long time ago. However, how many police departments (in the U.S. or the U.K.) would have so many officers that they could have one stay full-time with the family?
  18. Isn't that goats? Fainting goats? In other news, I dislike the dentists as much if not more than any team I can remember and if they're going to dominate this season it will suck. He's really annoying and she - has she even said anything lately? I like route tasks (tasks that the team has to perform just to get the clue) but I want to see some damn roadblocks!
  19. There are plenty of reality shows that film 18 hour days. On Faceoff I think it has more to do with the fact that the technical parts of the process such as molding and curing simply require a certain number of hours and can't be rushed. So it makes sense to have them work to only 5 or 6 pm and then let the processing happen overnight. With 3 days for each challenge, they really don't have 'not enough time' as a valid excuse.
  20. The only one I recall was a Quickfire where the losing chef was eliminated on the spot. Since the Quickfires are usually judged by only one person, that might cause some controversy. Tom judged the one they had a few seasons ago.
  21. Anime sex doll head. They couldn't have liked it as much as all that, since in the end Glenn said flat out that there was only one top look this week.
  22. I thought George's Zeus looked just like his goblin last week, except with gray hair and a beard. (And sky-blue man boobs - thank you, Lois, who needs Ve?). Only I wanted Sasha off more so I didn't have to listen to her nasally voice anymore, along with her weekly "I really don't know anything about (fill in the blank)". Dina's was gorgeous. She really can do beauty make-up. She must have decorated some awesome cakes.
  23. How, exactly, would that work? BTW, Christian was right. Korina's look is what's in the stores now. I was shopping at Von Maur the other day, and saw Korina's cape as well as several other Pendleton blanket type looks on the racks.
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