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Demented Daisy

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Everything posted by Demented Daisy

  1. I've been putting off replying because, frankly, my brain doesn't work this way. I have a favorite song, but not movie, book, tv show, food, etc. But even my favorite song, it's not like I hear it and say "That's my jam!" or anything like that. It's a song that has spoken to me for the last 25 years and nothing else has ever come close. So trying to figure out my "favorite" is... well, it's almost like asking me a question in a foreign language. But I'll give it a go. Favorite character: (historically) probably Dean; (currently) Rowena Least favorite character: (historically) Ruby, maybe?; (currently) Crowley Favorite episode: probably Nightshifter Least favorite episode: probably First Born Favorite season: maybe 2, maybe 4, I really don't know Least favorite season: 9 Favorite season premiere: probably Lazarus Rising Least favorite season premiere: probably Black, but I might make a case for Exile on Main St. or Meet the New Boss or I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here Favorite season finale: uh... Devil's Trap, I guess Least favorite season finale: Do You Believe in Miracles?
  2. http://ew.com/tv/2017/02/10/spoiler-room-flash-once-upon-time-arrow/?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter
  3. Correct! Current standings: Ditty -- BLUE Diane -- PINK, YELLOW catrox -- AwesomO -- Sue -- GREEN, ORANGE sarthaz -- Our next category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE): Dean is transformed into his teenage self by a witch from what fairy tale?
  4. Correct! Current standings: Ditty -- BLUE Diane -- PINK, YELLOW catrox -- AwesomO -- Sue -- GREEN sarthaz -- Our next category is Join the Hunt (ORANGE): Who is assigned by Leviathan leader Dick Roman to hack into Frank Devereaux's computer hard drive to access information about Sam and Dean?
  5. Here you go. For those unfamiliar with my process, I count the episodes, not the number of people saved/monsters killed. (For example, Sam got the only kill in 42 episodes. "Joint kills" mean that both Sam and Dean killed in the episode.) If you want to see the breakdown of each individual season, start with page 23 of the Bitterness thread. I've also done the first half of season 12, but I haven't added those numbers to the tallies yet.
  6. Anyone who wishes to play is more than welcome! :-) Current standings: Ditty -- BLUE Diane -- PINK, YELLOW catrox -- AwesomO -- Sue -- sarthaz -- Our next category is Creatures (GREEN): Coming into contact with a djinn releases a poison that causes what in its victims?
  7. Sadly, no. I can barely keep up with running the Trivial Pursuit game. Don't think I can do both at the same time. ;-)
  8. You did that on purpose, didn't you, you naughty girl!
  9. In the new Lego Batman movie, two characters play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" -- apparently, one always chooses paper.
  10. Hey, @DittyDotDot, you may get to see the vampire ray gun the BMoL were talking about! :-D
  11. No, I would have enjoyed it more if it had been happening to the PiP and Sam and Dean had to figure out how to save him/her. There's no urgency when the audience knows that the leads will never be in any real danger. I spent most of the episode thinking, "Okay, get on with it." Sam and Dean used to connect with the people they were saving. I miss when Sam and Dean's job was to save humanity. For far too long, IMO, the show has been about saving Sam, saving Dean, or both. For far too long, Sam and Dean have been breaking the world, then trying to save it. But I'm straying dangerously close to the bitterness thread, so I'll stop now. @Mick Lady I have no plans to give up on the show, but we'll see what happens with the rest of the season.
  12. Correct! Current standings: Ditty -- BLUE Diane -- PINK, YELLOW catrox -- AwesomO -- Sue -- sarthaz -- Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE): What Latin phrase is inscribed on the barrel of the Colt?
  13. Correct! Current standings: Ditty -- BLUE Diane -- PINK catrox -- AwesomO -- Sue -- sarthaz -- Our next category is Locations (YELLOW): In which state is Harvelle's Roadhouse located?
  14. (Sorry for the delay. Life intervened.) Correct! Current standings: Ditty -- BLUE Diane -- catrox -- AwesomO -- Sue -- sarthaz -- Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK): Which demon retrieves the First Blade from Crowley's crypt after Rowena tricks him?
  15. Well, that was meh-worthy. I'm tired of the show trying to pretend like Sam, Dean, or Cas will be in some life (or worse)-threatening situation. We all know that, by the end of the episode, everything will be back to the status quo. After 12 seasons, everyone -- everyone! -- involved has got to start pushing themselves. They're in a rut. A stale, boring rut. Make me care again! Because right now, I feel no investment. Not good.
  16. Cancelled. He hasn't tweeted since October, so perhaps he's too busy working on The Tick?
  17. Okie dokie, artichoke-y. Here we go. :-) Our first category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE): Dean is dressed in what traditional German garb in the season 4 episode "Monster Movie"?
  18. Castiel didn't recognize the nephilim in Clip Show.
  19. Correct! (I also would have accepted campion.) Diane wins!
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