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Everything posted by momtoall

  1. Exactly!! People are quick to condemn the "poor scammers" are mostly silently concerning the breaks, buyouts, and bailouts given to the rich. IMO the money "handed" to the rich cost Byrd more than someone trying to get over on Section 8.
  2. I'm always amazed that the scammers and schemers appear to get disability with no problem while people with actual disabilities seem to have to jump through hoops and all types of red tapes to get approved. Have an acquaintance who was partially paralyzed after falling off a ladder several years ago. He recent!y was approved for SSI after being denied five times. A former neighbor was initially denied, despite having two heart surgeries and being oxygen dependent. Can't understand how some of these scammers are approved. SMH...
  3. Just re-watched the case with the "rent-a-hoe" defendant. Boy, she thought she was all that. She didn't know what she was signing, please!! JM was thoroughly disgusted with her and the plaintiff.
  4. Why do the producers keep choosing these cases. The outcome is predictable and the cases are boring as hell!! I know they have to have some cases that don't involve gift/loan, dog fights and landlord/tenants but the car cases are tedious. The majority of these cases go the same way, the defendant wins because it was an as is sale. I skip them.
  5. Really didn't understand JJ's hostile attitude towards the plaintiff's witness in the construction case. She's always yelling at litigants they need to have an "expert" to testify about what the defendant didn't do properly. The plaintiff brought an expert and JJ wouldn't let him complete a sentence. I've been having problems with my DVR so maybe I missed a part of the case that would clarify her hostility.
  6. Unbelievable that a mature, educated woman would be taken in by a pyramid scheme. WTH!!
  7. I'm sorry, but I have to take issue with this; I think it's a gross generalization. I have seen people of all ages act as though the world ought to cater to their wants and desires. I don't want to get into an issue of whose-generation-sucks-the-most, but I think it's safe to say that there are entitled assholes in every generation and a disproportionately large number of them show up on this show. ITA. I've seen young, middle aged, and seniors be total asshats in real life (friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers ) as well as on TPC and JJ.
  8. That's possible, but since he and Dusty had been on and off for years (I thought that was the testimony) I figured he would know Saebra was Dusty's daughter. Silly me ..
  9. I'm not sure Dusty knew where she was. She appeared to be in a daze. I really don't blame JJ for not asking any more question, after the initial attempt. Dusty was of no use and I'm not sure why the plaintiff thought she would be able to supply in useful info. I found it amusing that he was shocked to learn that Dusty had a hand in moving his belongings. Obviously this was news to the plaintiff.
  10. I believe plaintiff did push defendant to the point of fighting. Defendant has had it drilled into him that fighting = getting kick off the football team. I saw this rerun from 2012 and decided to check to see how these young men were doing as young adults. Sadly, Devyn Rodgers, the defendant (football player) was killed in an accident last week. The plaintiff (Brody) wrote a brief farewell to Devyn on his (Brody's) facebook page.
  11. Me too!! Both of my children are working productive members of society. My daughter is an accountant with two children. One of them graduated from Michigan State last year and is now working and self-supporting, the younger one will graduate from State next year. With both my children and grandchildren there has been no broken windshields, keyed cars, no baby's daddy (no babies), no bail to be paid, and no DUI's. These kind of adults and children really exists they just aren't represented by the "litigants" we see parading across our TV screens. I really believe they are the norm and not the folks who come on court TV.
  12. I have given and received many a restaurant gift card and I've never heard of an establishment making a gift card a one time use transaction. I suppose they have right not to give change from a gift card, but to state that the patron doesn't get the benefit of the full value of the card Is ridiculous. The giver paid the business $100 for the gift card but the recipient has to spend the $100 at one time or forfeit the remainder of the value. I don't understand where this is logical. Basically, the business pocketed and extra $67. Nothing fair about that situation.
  13. Glad your recovery is going well ToasterStrudel. Welcome back!!
  14. On a rerun yesterday JJ was particularly nasty to a landlord who was trying to get money for holes his tenant's children had put in the walls of the house. From the pictures it looked like multiple holes has been kicked in walls. She kept snarling at the landlord, "she lived there five years, normal wear and tear. Don't show me any pictures of the walls!!" I didn't understand why she felt holes in the walls were normal wear and tear, when on other occasions she has yelled at tenants for leaving the place a mess and awarded damages. the landlord may have been highballing the damage but there was definitely damage, yet she ruled the he has to give back part of the security because the damage wasn't that bad. Strange ruling IMO.
  15. Some people (myself inluded) have friends and/or relatives who can do those hairstyles. She didn't necessarily pay much or anything to get her hair done for her TV appearance.
  16. LOL!! Please don't give the writers any ideas ...
  17. Wasn't this case on TPC, or did they double dip and do JJ also?
  18. teebax, I've wanted to pull that trigger for some time but I'd miss the great snark from the posts on the forum. I know I've mentioned that one of my oldest friends has MS. She wasn't diagnosis until her mid 40's. At that time, she was married and had four children. She has never received welfare or disability. She and her husband both worked (her part time) and retired from their jobs. Her husband husband died several years ago so now she collects his pension and social security. I think care should be taken not to make assumptions about lifestyles because of a person's disability (that's a JJ conclusion jump).
  19. I thought I was alone in feeling that way about Christy's children. Always thought the daughter looked as old or older than Christy and Roscoe was blah. Wendy and Sara brighten any scenes they're in, so I'm all for more of them.
  20. Handling grief is one of the hardest things you can face. Take your time. Your friends will be there when you're ready.
  21. I'm not particularly big on SM but I do skip over ANY info that I have no or scant interest in the details of the item(s).
  22. That's why I don't understand the continued dialogue that appears to indicate that Todd has all this money. We all know this isn't the case so why don't the just play their parts without trying to show how wealthy they are?
  23. Well the daycare moron was pretty low hanging fruit. Even fake Judge Ross could have torn her a new one. I know several people who have hit a deer. I can't believe JJ never heard of this.
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