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Everything posted by momtoall

  1. Pick up on that did you?? She is not the most popular character.
  2. I've heard of them but they are usually at the location where the artist work. In Texas and Michigan, I've ben to "Paint with a Twist" events for Baby showers, Birthday and girls night out parties. Lots of fun, NO strippers.
  3. Exactly my point! I know the courts can't correct the mistake of co-mingle "resources", I just feels her attitude towards these litigants are unnecessarily "superior". Just my opinion. For the record I was married for over thirty years.
  4. I know the system is set up for those who have "legalized" their relationships, what in I find objectionable is the tone of disdain she uses to the litigants who have chosen to "play house". If as though she finds them "less than" .... She often uses the same tone when addressing stepparents.
  5. My family did it for many summers. The trips ended as the older family members health issues made travel difficult. Another factor was as the children grew older, summer jobs, preparation for starting college, and new jobs made scheduling nearly impossible. We reminisce about the good times we had on those trips and wish it was possible to do one more.
  6. I'm confused. Exactly what tax dollars are being spent on this program. The parents pay for the girls to participate and they were going to pay for their pictures. Did I miss something about a government grant?
  7. I like Mixon as an actress but in the role she is working my nerves. Every episode has the character being whiny and/or needy about something. They need to make her more likeable and less "poor me",
  8. I think MM asked her if she had children and she answered no.
  9. Right!! So why would we bother to discuss the Texas story? More than likely it was just fluff to her ridiculous story.
  10. Usually JJ's referring to witness statements. I thought the vet report would be the same as a police report or a report from an ER visit. We all know if you don't have a police report or a report from the ER on the date of the incident you must be a liar.
  11. JJ gets on my last nerve sometime but I don't feel she blew this one. She only gave the landlord the rent $600 rent money the defendant admitted he owed, not the ridiculous damages the plaintiff was asking for the doors and other silliness. I didn't understand why she wouldn't look at the vet statement the lame horse lady brought to court. JJ usually ask do you have any evidence to support what you saying. When the horse lady said "yes I have the vet statement, saying the horse was unfit for sale", Judge Judy said I don't want to see it. I know she thought the plaintiff was a liar (probably was), but I found it odd that JJ wouldn't even look at whatever the evidence was suppose to be.
  12. Glad to see I'm not the only one with this issue. I always miss something that's discussed here and I have usually deleted the episode. When I don't delete, nothing of interest was missed.
  13. Really??? I think she is just told Boden what she found it the copier.
  14. I noticed yesterday that her lipstick seemed to be really red. It doesn't look good.
  15. I continue to be amazed by women who "loan/give" money to virtual strangers because they have a pen!s. I was never that desperate.
  16. I'm in a "get off my lawn" mood due to the pain I'm in from a bone spur on my rotator cuff (old injury) so I guess I don't see what everyone else does regarding the plaintiff. I think he just looked good because the defendant was such an ass.
  17. This case really ticked me off. These two stole $1750 without any consequences. The plaintiffs got their winnings, as they should have, but the thieves got to keep their ill gotten money. I don't why this is angering me so much. Usually when the show pays off a loan, gift, back rent, car damage, it doesn't bother me. Repaying for obvious theft is different. I think I need a break from these shows. I trying to insert logic in the situation.
  18. Thanks AngelHunter. It was indeed gross. Were there more "after" pictures? Curious as to how they could clean that house in "only" nine hours.
  19. I didn't get the hoarders episode. It sounds gross.
  20. This!! The writers really need to come up with some new drama for Boden. Every season his job is in jeopardy.
  21. The station the carries PC in Charlotte, NC televised the debate between the candidates running for governor so I missed this episode. Sounds like I missed some interesting cases. I would have rather seen PC. It's not the I'm not interested in the state election but since I just move here I don't have enough info on either on the candidates to make an informed decision.
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