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Everything posted by scriggle

  1. So they want to learn how to invest the money they grifted?
  2. Top of my list is Leverage followed closely by Due South. I'm a sucker for L&O: CI and MASH marathons. I'll rewatch things like GBBO, Forged in Fire, Mythbusters, & Dirty Jobs for mindless background noise.
  3. Are you Italian-American by any chance? I have an uncle Jimmy whose name is actually Vincenzo. (Also my father had two cousin Jimmys whose first names were really Vincenzo.)
  4. Nope. Tony only messed up the surveillance when talking to Sam. He explicitly says it's safe to talk.
  5. But he did when he was talking to Clint in the raft. Tony brought up Clint's family, outing their existence to Ross.
  6. Especially since by T. Ross's own powerpoint presentation, there were a total of 274 deaths in the incidents he showcased: Avengers battle in NYC = 74 casualties Winter Soldier Battle in D.C. = 23 casualties Battle in Sokovia = 177 casualties That's pretty damn good considering what the body count would've been without the Avengers. The winter soldier is the exemplar of what the Accords could lead to: Enhanced individuals stripped of all autonomy, completely controlled by government and used as weapons whenever the government wants for whatever the government wants.
  7. Oh god, so many. Complete series: Due South Tour of Duty Highlander Starsky & Hutch Magnificent Seven Battlestar Galactica (reboot) Nero Wolfe (A&E series) Rome Sports Night Babylon 5 Monty Python's Flying Circus Leverage Almost Human Common Law I Claudius The A-Team Then I have seasons I like of many other shows: X-Files, M*A*S*H, L&O: CI, Castle, Homicide: LOTS, Hawaii Five-0, plus many more. Frankly, I have way too many dvds.
  8. We'll count on the knowledge that we have your silent support. I always liked Vrabel. I wish him the best of luck (except when they're playing the Pats of course.)
  9. We need some Pats' fans solidarity here to counter all the haters. ??
  10. Grandparents of shackled children say 'God called on' parents to have so many kids This made me think of the Rodriguii children too.
  11. There've been more than a few questionable decisions by Tomlin in this game.
  12. Same. I'm so apprehensive about A4. I'm not sure I like where I think it's heading.
  13. I'm seriously side-eyeing both Dan and Deena. It appears that they see nothing wrong with straitjacketing baby Sam. If my s-i-l ever did something like that to my niece/nephew, she would've gotten an earful from me and I would've freed their arms. Not to mention my mother would've reamed her a new one. When my niece/nephew were babies, they'd grab my glasses and necklace all the time. I'd gently disengage their little fingers and give them a rattle or toy to distract them. It didn't always work but I kept offering the distraction.
  14. My sincerest condolences to you and your family, @mojoween.
  15. I thought it was a catch but not a TD because it looked to me that his knee was down before the ball broke the plane of the goal line.
  16. Nothing says color rush like dingy dusty gray.
  17. I'll go even further. I seek out spoilers. I want to know what's going to happen. Knowing does not ruin the experience for me; it enhances it.
  18. I hate it with a passion too. Plus for me it's almost vertigo inducing. I shouldn't have to take dramamine to watch an nfl game.
  19. I read somewhere that was a legal thing with Fox about the character rights. They came to some sort of agreement that both Maximoff twins could appear in Age of Ultron but only one, Wanda, would be in the MCU going forward.
  20. Where are all the non-gritty reboots?
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