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Everything posted by scriggle

  1. It wasn't a "raid" the feds just showed up with a warrant. 😇
  2. And they'll probably blame MacKenzie for letting him wander away.😢
  3. I'm coveting that scarf myself. It would make my year if CEvans got some critical recognition for this. Someone on tumblr dubbed this "pumpkin spice CEvans."
  4. I am really looking forward to this. And can we just take a moment to appreciate this?😍
  5. Is there any way to find out if it's a registered charity? And who registered it?
  6. Which begs the question: why use Red Skull in the first place if they weren't going to tie it back to Steve? So many things about AE make no sense.
  7. Yeah, I refuse to give them any clicks or views on principle.
  8. The thing that gets me is they're not really saying "this is what we wrote." They're out there saying "this is a possible explanation for what was filmed." Which is why they can't get there stories straight. In the article linked above, they say the fan theory that old!Steve was at Peggy's funeral is wrong. In another article I read they're confirming that theory. So which is it? You'd think they know definitively since they wrote the screenplay.
  9. So they assassinated Steve's character instead.😠😢
  10. That will happen right after he confesses his sins and declares Jesus Christ his Lord and saviour.
  11. @GHScorpiosRule, I wish I could like your post a million times.
  12. Then you also have the Russos out there spouting bullshit like this (from here): Seriously? I'm sorry. Steve did not get those qualities from Peggy. He had them all along, way before he knew Peggy. If anyone instilled those qualities in Steve Rogers, it was his mother. Peggy didi not make Steve into the man that he is. He was that man all along. They're proving once again that they lack fundamental understanding of Steve's character. It's a measure of how poorly thought out Steve's ending was that they have to re-write movie canon and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify it.
  13. It has nothing to do with whether or not he kept up the good fight in some alternate timeline. As I said previously, my issue with the alternate timeline is that alt!Peggy is not his Peggy. His Peggy died in 2016 after a long and happy life. There's an alt!Steve there trapped in the ice. So does prime!Steve lie to alt!Peggy so he can take over alt!Steve's life and alt!Peggy doesn't notice the difference? Because let's be real, prime!steve of 2023 is not the same as he was in 1945. Does prime!Steve tell her who he really is and alt!Peggy decides she wants him and not her Steve? Then what happens to alt!Steve? The questions go on and on. I just can't make it work in any way that jibes with the Steve that was presented to me in the films prior to endgame. Or what @stealinghome said more eloquently. 😀
  14. If you liked it, great, I’m happy for you. There's not a single part of your explanation that works for me. I’m not happy with it. I didn’t like it (neither steve’s ending nor the movie in general) for many reasons and that’s just as valid an opinion as yours. They retconned Steve’s entire character arc to get to that ending. As for the ending itself, if it’s a closed time loop (which the movie itself implies) then that means Steve trapped himself in a living nightmare where his identity must remain hidden and he must be passive and powerless, allowing all sorts of terrible things to happen because according to the time travel rules they set up, Steve can’t change the past. If it’s an alternate timeline, then either Steve created a brand new timeline for the sole purpose of getting his happily ever after with his 1950’s trophy wife. Or he usurped Alt!Steve’s place in an existing alternate timeline. Both of those options are incredibly problematic imho and turn him from a good man into a monster. No matter how I parse it, I cannot make that ending ring true to the Steve Rogers that was presented to me on screen. And believe me, I've run thru countless scenarios trying to make it work for me. The Steve I saw in the films would never do either of those two things. Never. Steve has always been about resiliency, adapting, moving forward, doing what’s right. He would never choose to go backwards, to give up. Never. I know I’m not going to change your mind. By the same token, you’re not going to change mine. Agree to disagree.
  15. That article is correct. They ignored the character arc that they themselves set up in the previous movies to suddenly have Steve obsessing over Peggy. I've already explained why Steve's ending is horrific. So we'll have to agree to disagree.
  16. Thanks. That's a good read. They're really twisting themselves into pretzels in a futile attempt to justify that God awful ending.
  17. there are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to begin. But it certainly explains the mess they made of Steve's character. Because they didn't get Steve's character to begin with. They deliberately destroyed it in EA because they didn't like Steve. Well fuck them. I can't imagine how cevans will feel when he hears about this. He cares deeply for Steve as a character and to learn the men who directed his movies felt that Steve was only "a patriotic white male" and totally missed the essence that is Steve must be disheartening. Fuck you Russos! Endgame will be the first mcu movie where I won't be buying the dvd. ETA: Apologies. I fell victim to a troll. Though I stand by my statement that they fundamentally misunderstand the essence of Steve Rogers. That ending proves it to me.
  18. Seriously? This is what they're going to with? I've deliberately set my expectations very low because I no longer trust Marvel to do right by the characters. I just have a feeling that they're going to royally fuck this up. I hope I'm wrong but I fear I'm right.
  19. Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan Tease 'Falcon and Winter Soldier' Series
  20. Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan Tease 'Falcon and Winter Soldier' Series
  21. Honestly, they really need to shut the fuck up. They're making it worse. 2023!Steve can find 1945!Steve in the ice and they can take turns? At what? Fucking Peggy? 1945!Peggy is not 2023!Steve's Peggy. Why would Peggy choose 2023!Steve if her Steve is right there? Peggy is not a fucking prize to be claimed by 2023!Steve. 1945!Peggy would tell 2023!Steve to get his ass back to where/when he belonged. All they're proving is they didn't think that ending through, that they have no in depth understanding of Steve's character. They wanted a HEA without considering what their HEA would actually mean. They butchered Steve's character for the sake of heternormativity. And they honestly don’t care. It makes me so mad that they did this to Steve. Steve's ending made no goddamn sense for his character. It obliterated his character growth and his arc as shown in the previous movies And they didn't even give CEvans the courtesy of taking the question seriously. Endgame is an utter and complete travesty imho.
  22. Gee, since they're making a Thor4, maybe they'll finally get around to making Cap3. (I will be forever bitter about CACW - that was an avengers movie not the final installment of Cap's trilogy.)
  23. Spider-Man Far From Home Is Kind Of Messed Up
  24. Let me get this straight: Tony essentially recreates Project Insight and gives control of it to a 16 year old boy and I'm supposed to think that's a great thing and something a hero would do?
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