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Everything posted by ElectricBoogaloo

  1. Old bank guy: With your word, I will sign [the document] and your dowry will be moved to your husband's accounts. The money is not yours, of course. Women cannot hold such accounts. Lola: Yes, heaven knows what foolish things women might do with our own money - gamble, buy prostitutes. Old bank guy: I beg your pardon!
  2. Incest is gross, but just because they are brother and sister doesn't necessarily mean they are having all kinds of weird kinky sex. For all we know, the only kink they have is the incest itself and they're into totally vanilla sex. The few times that we have seen them having sex, they weren't doing anything out of the ordinary, so I am not going to assume that incest = every kind of depraved sex act you've never imagined. The fact that she said no repeatedly and then he had sex with her anyway is the very definition of rape, regardless of their relationship with each other or whether they tie each other up or wear crazy costumes. Unless the show explicitly depicts two characters as having consensual role playing sex where one of them likes to say no but doesn't actually want the other person to stop unless they use a safety word, then when I see someone say no over and over while having sex, I am going to assume that is an act of rape.
  3. I think there are two reasons he hasn't done this. First, he has only allowed Melisandre to help him take the Iron Throne because he truly believes that is next in line for the throne. He might have a stick up his ass, but so far he has been portrayed pretty consistently as having a moral code that dictates he do the right thing and follow rules and laws to the letter. He has not had her do any magic for anything besides ways to vanquish his enemies who are usurpers trying to illegitimately claim the throne. Fixing Shireen's face would be a selfish personal matter unrelated to winning the war and being king. Secondly, he has seen the types of sacrifice necessary for Melisandre's magic to work. I don't think he wants to find out what would be required to cure Shireen's face. He seems like he's on a need to know basis as far as the actual magic is concerned.
  4. Whenever Mr. EB and I quote that line, we always include the two breaths. "He took (huff huff) it out!" It doesn't seem complete without them!
  5. Alicia's friend: That giant clown car has a giant clown in it. Jonah: I want to tell real stories about real people. I'm like John Steinbeck in that regard. Or Denzel Washington. Caffrey: My second marriage took place in the rain and you could see my nipples in all the photos. Sue: It's Amy. She sounds uncomfortable, like she's with a member of the public. Selina: She's got one of the Normals. Amy: I am going to pass you on to Alicia, ma'am. Selina: Alicia? Gary: Alicia Keys?! Kent: Ma'am, child care? Children are of no value. Forget child care. Selina: Children are vital, Kenny Rogers. We're not all planning to die alone like you. Mike: Don't worry. He's like that with all the humans. Alicia: What does a red sticker mean? That I'm a target for snipers? Sue: It means that you're wearing a red sticker. Ben: The Saturday Night Live shitstorm just hit nine on the spincter scale. Selina: Those shit stains! So what? I had a horse as a kid. Who didn't? Kent: Like I always say, nothing less funny than a comedian. Dan: Ma'am, the thing to do in this situation is to own it, all right? You go on the show and you own it. Selina: Are you kidding me, Dan? If somebody takes a shit in your car, what are you going to do? You gonna drop your trou and take a crap through the sun roof? Sue: Sue casa is su casa. Kent: If you don't like the reality, go live in Oregon and make quilts with my mother. Salina: You start picking this thing apart, and what am I left as? Some sort of optimistic war monger with a soft spot for educated gays.
  6. One of the reasons I enjoy Oberyn so much is that he is so non-plussed whenever he is confronted by a Lannister. Trying to talk shit to me at a royal wedding? I will insult you with a smile! Barge in while I'm having sexy times with a roomful of hookers? Come on in and have some wine! I don't think he's stupid enough to take Tywin at his word, but he also knows that being on the small council will benefit his country for the time being and it will allow him closer proximity to the Lannisters if he wants to cut a bitch.. If nothing else, it will allow him to keep an eye on Tywin and the discussions going on behind the scenes while he plots some revenge. Poor Podrick. He is trying so hard to do right by Tyrion and not seeing the big picture. Now that Tyrion has spelled it out for him, I hope Podrick is smart enough to take his advice and get the hell out of Kings Landing. As much as I love his sweet loyalty, I'd rather seem Pod escape with his life.
  7. Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imDB-OSOlXc
  8. Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3bZqSw-bg0
  9. Promo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peJ-qOVLLYQ
  10. Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHULLbNIKGc
  11. Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3qnDvZYhL8
  12. Behind the Scenes S07.E01 (which David Duchovny directed): Marcy's greatest hits: Hank abuse: Californication from the beginning (this was a promo for S7 so it does start in S1 but is by no means a comprehensive summary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pukjFpopII8
  13. Julie White talks about her character Antoinette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVTAwVCktyA
  14. Are they making these episode descriptions as vague as possible or what? Promo: Clips:
  15. I thought they were going to make Zelena Leopold's daughter and then I started trying to figure out how that would make Mary Margaret, Regina, and Zelena related. Mary Margaret would have to say that Regina is her half sister's half-sister! I hated that Snow decided that Ava was a TERRIBLE person for telling Leopold that his bride to be was going to pass off her bastard as the heir to the throne. For the record, it's not because I have any investment at all in the whole "if you the king's son, then you should be the next king regardless of what an evil incompetent fuckwit you are" way of passing the crown. I just don't think that anyone should get married to someone who is already pregnant with someone else's kid without knowing about the pregnancy beforehand and making an informed choice. It's bad enough when it happens with regular people, but with a king and an heir at stake? How is it that the person who actually told the truth is the bad guy in this situation? I know there is a huge double standard when it comes to women's sexuality even today but even moreso back in ye olden tymes so pregnant women had less options back thenn, but it's pretty ludicrous for Cora to feel she was the one who was wronged in the situation with Leopold. With Jonathan, she should definitely feel wronged because he was a total dick. But in the Leopold and Ava situation, Cora was the one being a dick. She convinced the king to break off his lifelong engagement (which could potentially cause war if Ava were important enough) and planned to pass off the gardner's kid as his. She was already two months pregnant when she met Leopold, and it's unclear how long they were engaged. What the hell was the king going to say when her kid popped out two to three months early but was normal sized? I hated Snow telling Regina that she had been a brat in the past. I don't recall seeing young Snow be a brat with Regina. I remember her being a little bratty with her maid and then her mother telling her to knock it off, but in her scenes with Regina, she seemed like a sweet little girl. She did break her promise by telling Regina's secret, but from what I remember, she wasn't being a brat when she did it. When the door in Regina's house disappeared,I totally thought it was going to be like that Buffy episode where they were trapped in the house for her birthday party where no one could leave. I also thought that since the door disappeared, the others wouldn't be able to enter the house. I totally thought there would be a shot of Snow and Regina standing in the hallway and saying, "But the door was RIGHT HERE!" But...nothing. So the door disappearing was totally pointless.
  16. I feel bad for the kids and the cop boyfriend. They are really getting the shit end of the stick with Jackie. As soon as she started dating the cop, I knew it was just a matter of time before Jackie did something to ruin it because she sabotages herself whenever things get good. It's bad enough that she's been hiding her drug use from him, but now she's cheating on him with random dudes who give her drugs. While I think the girls are better off with Kevin because he provides a more stable environment, they have totally lost their relationship with Jackie. I know that's not entirely her fault in the sense that she still loves them and wants to be involved with them, in the overall picture, the minimal effort she makes to be a part of their lives versus the amount of effort she makes to get high has paid the dividends you would expect. Grace is getting high, deliberately not telling her things, and generally making her expected teenage rebellion as difficult as possible. It's sad that I'm now more interested in every other character on this show besides Jackie. I want to know more about Gloria's poker games! I love Thor helping Coop with his online profile! I love Prentiss and Eddie telling Gloria she can't sell her car to fund the PA system! I love Antoinette! I still can't stand Roman, but at least she provided a moment of comic relief when she accused Gloria of being an attention whore and saying that some people will do anything for attention. Talk about no self awareness. I hope they don't give her the Coop treatment. I can only take one semi-reformed self-absorbed weirdo on this show.
  17. Jackie: Gloria, you bought a penis car? Gloria: I didn't buy a penis car. I WON a penis car in a poker game last night. Roman: Do you know what kind of women troll those sites? Coop: I'll let you know! Coop: I really don't need your help. Thor: Favorite movie: Goodfellas? Coop: It's a classic. Thor: And a red flag that you're a mouth breather and all the fun that brings. Coop: The Notebook? Thor: Put your sensitive self out there, Coop. Trust the experienec of a middle aged man who recently found his soulmate online. Coop: Really? New boyfriend? What happened with you and the mime? Thor: We never talked. Coop: What do you think of the picture? It's too- Thor: Yes. Coop: What? It's friendly and dignified. Thor: You're selling sensitivity, not reverse mortgages. We'll take another. Favorite book? Coop: Definitely The Shining. Thor: Perfect. Catcher in the Rye. Zoe: All we do is have sex or talk about work. What is that? Jackie: It's a relationship, Zoe. Antoinette: I once blew a guy for a daiquiri. Shit happens. Jackie: No, it's an old habit. I cheated on my husband with the hospital pharmacist. Antoinette: Oh, I knew I liked you! Thor: Don't tell me. Your tenth grade math teacher saw your dating profile and sent you a bathroom selfie. Coop: My online dating profile attracted a top-rated semen scout. My semen is highly prized. Jackie: ..... Gloria: I want you to understand that I simply cannot fix everything here. Prentiss: She called a meeting to tell us that?
  18. Zelena: Red apples are so sickly sweet, don't you think? People tend to like something a little sharper. Regina: And green apples are just bitter. Regina: If you want your super power to be envy, go right ahead. Zelena: Envy's just another word for ambition. Regina: Well, that's just not true. Regina: What do you have here? Belle: What do I have here? Self respect. Why on earth or any realm would I help you? The woman who imprisoned me in a tower in her castle then put me in an asylum for twenty eight years, who's done nothing but mentally and physically torture me ever since we've known each other. Regina: Huh. Bookworm's got teeth. Regina: Where's the candle? Belle: Here? Regina: Not that, Liberace. Emma: I'd watch out for the apples in this house. David: Emma, would you please tell your mother that we are not going to name your brother Leopold? Mary Margaret: Why not? It was my father's name! David: People will make fun of him. Mary Margaret: My father was a king. David: Which is why nobody made fun of him. Hook: ... Regina: You officially have a less damaging relationship with my mother than I do - and you killed her.
  19. The AV Club discusses the Jaime/Cersei sex in the sept scene - the article discusses rape on GoT (and also discusses Dany and Drogo's wedding night). The article includes brief excerpts of the original book text for both of these scenes for comparison but no spoilers.
  20. Littlefinger: Money buys a man's silence for a time but a bolt in the heart buys it forever. Little finger: He was a drunk and a fool and I don't trust drunk fools.
  21. The TV Water Cooler interviewed Tatiana Maslany, Jordan Gavaris, and Kristian Bruun.
  22. Willam Belli's parody of "Selfie" (obviously NSFW):
  23. I hope that Ramon seeing Cosima and Sarah doesn't come back to bite the Clone Club in the ass.
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