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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. I recall Sarah discovering (I think from a suicide note or suicide voice mail left by Beth?) that Beth really loved Paul, but he didn't love her. I think it's realistic that the monitors that were not already involved with their subjects (perhaps Donnie) were advised to become physically intimate with them to further the success of the mission. Assuming Paul really is a good guy, I can see why he would not want to let Beth believe he was really in love with her, because at some point he would have to break off the relationship, and he knew her well enough to predict that this would devastate her. But then Sarah comes on to him in a non-emotional way and he feels free to let himself feel all the warm feelings towards her that he had been holding back. If this is correct, sadly, it means he was never really in love with Sarah, who he doesn't really know, but with Beth.So, Tony's brief message does potentially hold a lot of information.
  2. "Cooler by the lake" here. I do miss TWoP, but mostly because it seems there are fewer posts here than there were there. It's like the end of TWoP is killing threads on an apocalyptic scale the way I used to think my posts had the power to kill single threads 15 years ago. Cindy, your husband's eulogy made me cry, so I will not be re-reading. Now I wonder if the writers ever considered the curse to be a metaphor for that sense that we all eventually have of waking up and wondering: How did I get here? Wasn't I there just yesterday?Gonna go take a migraine pill hoping it will have the bonus effect of my not having another nightmare featuring my boss as the WW. The 1960's Animals' song, "We Gotta Get Outta This Place" is buzzing around my head.
  3. I loved Cat slapping Gabe and then ending her rant with, "Destroy Vincent? You mean arrest."
  4. Maybe stem cells from Helena's embryos or amniotic fluid to Cosima's rescue? I hope Allison and Donnie don't become serial killers--at least not at Vic's expense. This seems like something Paul could clean up if he wasn't AWOL.
  5. In the timeline we are now seeing, it's still possible that he might decide he'd rather marry her than kill her (assuming they both give up on getting "back" to their futures).
  6. When Duncan asks Rachel if she remembers him reading her the book, is that a clue to her about where the hard copy of his formulas are? I thought: With a tight low pony tail tucked into a high collar in the back, and a bit of bangs like Felix's in the front, it would've worked. But then I read here: ... and figured that would be a reasonable excuse.
  7. Yes, but also, she was 7 when she was yanked from her loving parents and placed in a lab environment, and there was still a part of her that remembered those loving parents, as demonstrated by her emotional response to seeing Duncan. Now he reveals that she really was just an experiment after all. That's pretty anger inducing information. But my belief in the narrative was a little suspended by the planned sterility reveal, since I was under the impression that sterility in clones like Dolly the lamb is an undesirable side effect, no? Did she send someone to watch? I don't recall. Maybe. If not, she may be assuming he got away. She did try to spare his life last episode, kind of like the Huntsman in Snow White. Even though Leekie seems responsible for Rachel's pathological Ice Queen-ness, he still apparently filled the parental unit hole left by the absence of the Duncans. Allison better not blab in the future to Rachel about Donnie's role in offing Rachel's mad doctor kidnapper, or Rachel might splatter Donnie's brains like Leekie's in retribution.Since tall, dark, and handsome still slays me, when the message for Beth was finally revealed to be that Paul was a good guy, I thought aloud, "I knew it!" Why did Tony have a "package"? Was he born that way, or did he have transgender surgery?
  8. Our little show caught the eye of The New York Times, and they had nothing but nice stuff to say: nytimes.com/2014/06/02/arts/television/longmire-a-crime-drama-on-ae-starring-robert-taylor.html
  9. Oops. I meant tonight's. Anyway, she looks worried about our clones' fates. So maybe: You know Orphan Black is taking over your life when your pets get anxious before a new episode?Although I'm guess it's just the way her markings make her look.
  10. Maybe he killed some rogue soldiers who were murdering civilians willy nilly? The recent social media posts by military members who knew Bowe Bergdahl claiming he was a deserter made me wonder if it was a case of them being the villains in the peace and worried he would now tell the world of their crimes. But I watch too many reruns of Goren and Eames on L&O CI.
  11. But Kiera also saw Curtis kill her. Does that mean there was a third Kiera? Yes, but that's the point of this episode. They are changing into people not recognizable as themselves prior to the effects of time travel on their worlds, on their viewpoints, and on their thinking. The show spells it out for us with NoName (I know he has a name now, but I didn't catch it) saying his future doesn't know Alec Sadler--that Kellogg is the Bill Gates equivalent. So I'm guessing this Alec dies and the prisoner Alec get put back into play--with or without the blessing of the Freelancers. And yes, he was a selfish teenager in love, but having been to the White Room Prison and then getting a second chance will change him. I don't see how that would change him for the better, but other factors might. Anyway, I liked this episode because we saw Kiera change. We saw her complete her break from being a drone who follows authority. Even though Liber8 manipulated her to expose the big pharma whose Alzheimer's drug was going to turn out to be an addictive street drug, that doesn't mean she might not decide they are on the right side. It was also great to see Alec and his step brother communicating again. Not quite sure where that's going. Maybe Julian is the one to kill this Alec?
  12. Given that people who hang out with the clones have a high mortality rate, maybe he thinks he's protecting her? Now that you mention it, this makes sense. I suppose the clones have reason to believe that Dyad and the Prolethians have enough friends in high places to thwart any one who would stand up against them in favor of the clones' civil rights.
  13. @Grammaeryn, did you choose that picture of your cat for your icon because the look on his/her face perfectly expresses how you feel about the finale? :D
  14. I love Vega/Louis Ferreira too. He was looking very spiffy in his fitted suit jacket and shades. I'm guessing the purpose of the ex is so Vega can swoop in and make everything better after the Cross situation goes south and implodes.
  15. They are not as scary. As soon as they said Reapers I had a flash of watching Firefly and thinking of the terror I felt when someone mentioned Reavers at the bank. There was no terror this time. The difference is Firefly had the writing and the acting to back up the “OMG I rather shoot myself than see they things” while The 100 doesn’t. and then...: So, we agree. "Reapers" was an attempt to cash in on Firefly love, right?
  16. "Reapers" or "Reavers" (Firefly), what's the diff? When Clarke stopped to see who/what was under the sheet while they had a moment to run for their lives and potentially lead their people to safety--a moment Lincoln had probably paid for with his life (well, not really; but still...)--I realized she is infused with the Spirit of Kate from Lost.
  17. This episode premier starts in the U.S. tonight in 1 hour and 45 minutes: 9 CDT, 10 EDT
  18. With Vic the Dick being so obsessed with Sarah, who he cannot have, and with Allison being on the outs with Donnie, well, I think y'all see where my mind is going with this. For that matter, maybe Vic and Ramon the Trunk Man know each other. Or maybe when Allison finds out Donnie shot Leekie, he'll be her hero.
  19. A word about hair color on the men of a certain age on the show: I realize that this episode picked up moments after the the previous one, but in the lives of the actors and the audience, 10 months have passed. Walt just doesn't seem like the kind of guy to color his hair, and probably not Henry either. I really wish they had used the hiatus to bring a at least a "hint of gray" to their hair. I loved the opening scenery. It's what keeps me coming back to the show, although the Sundance ritual and other similar violence almost overshadow it. If Branch was still hallucinating in the hospital, does that mean he's got another feather in him? Anyway, he told Cady not to say anything about his almost choking her to death, so when he went to the line up, he was probably still "under the influence," right? Speaking of the line up: Pretty unique among line ups.
  20. Did we forget to discuss this one? I feel like I've stepped into a time vortex. I thought young Carrie was way too pretty to be unpopular. But she was believable as a young Carrie.
  21. I don't get the episode title. Help, please? So Gabe called in the dogs to what? Split up Cat and Vincent? Or get Vincent caught? Or get Vincent caught and killed? That last shot of Gabe: I was expecting him to crawl up the wall a la Heroes, except he looked too smug and relaxed.
  22. We did see Curtis killing her in some sort of hologram-ish tool--what was it? But maybe Carlos was there and feels guilty for not being able to stop it? Or maybe he feels like this new Kiera took the place of the Kiera he had bonded with? Since this isn't a book where we can know what he's thinking, they really ought to give us a little exposition dialogue.
  23. Oh! Right! Whew! How could I have forgotten about Ramon's Trunk of Illicit Desires? I love Helena scenes, but even I enjoyed the break from that particular brand of darkness. This show could go on for decades without getting old--with Tatiana and the writers inventing new and ever more interesting characters. The problem with Leekie is that Frewer is just never going to seem evil to me. But I will miss him.
  24. Good question.My understanding is that it is a or b. Does anyone know for sure which of these? Even if they are claiming to ignore the 10 years of television travel through stargates, I seriously doubt that none of it will seep in--even if by stealth of writer with the heart of an SG1 devotee. This article lightly examines who "owns" the rights to the story. I wonder if this could prevent it from getting made, or if they've already dotted all the i's and crossed all the legal t's: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/moviesandtv/columns/highdefinition/11548-Who-Owns-Stargate
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