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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Oh. I was watching a small screen across the room and didn't see the bows drawn. Still, if Clarke had run when he said run, would her posse have still fired their guns? So, now that at least Clarke has been told that the Ark-ites basically invaded the Grounder territory, can't they just make camp somewhere else? I mean, it's a pretty big, relatively unpopulated planet. I wish Octavia would get some Grounder history lessons from Lincoln.
  2. I must do the same. LOLEven though there wasn't much Malcom Merlyn this season, I'm glad to have regular cameo-ish scenes with John Barrowman. He's like the raisins in the oatmeal or the chocolate chips in the cookie.
  3. So the title of the episode comes from Felicity telling Oliver to let Slade "out-think" him--which I guess also means that Oliver loving Felicity is supposed to be "unthinkable." But what is unthinkable to the viewers if Laurel becoming Black Canary.
  4. Yes, but there's always the possibility that a few survived the crash and/or a few survived the Ark shutdown. For awhile I've assumed that when a show is on the bubble, the network deciders will watch the finale to help make their decision--to see the likely direction and vision. And I had assumed the reason this show won over Star-Crossed was in part because of descent adult actors. So now that they killed off those actors in the finale, I guess I'm not sure why this show was renewed. Must've been the abundance of sex and violence.
  5. 3dog, now that you mention it, it seems that, according to OUAT magic rules, once time travel has happened, it can happen again, and again, and again--which is the problem with all time travel stories. So anything that looks amiss could be the result of yet another redo. I love time travel stories, so I pretty much turn on my nitpick filters while watching.
  6. Yeah, 15 years after my ex remarried, when I was going to switch back to my maiden name, the county clerk discovered that our divorce had never been finalized. And any show with Eddie McClintock and Nathan Fillion is bound to stretch reality for comedic effect, which is fine with me, because they make it worthwhile. I just hope the next season opens with a disheveled Castle shlepping up the hill saying, "Am I too late?" rather than some kidnap or emergency room drama.
  7. Is this comic canon? I had suggested upthread that they were sisters, but I'm not knowledgable about Marvel Universe. Or are we just reaching similar conclusions based on what we've seen?
  8. Or at least added no redeeming social value for me or my sensitive stomach. I could be wrong, but I concluded that since she was glad to learn that Tomas was dead, she's no longer on a sheep culling mission. But, yes, she's a wild card.
  9. ...unless they did it on purpose to prevent viewers from shipping a relationship that they plan to dismantle.
  10. Perfect analogy, given all the fun snappy dialog in the finale. I just hope they keep it up. Yes, but was it just a cameo, or will we actually see him next season? Perfect synopsis!ETA: I tweeted the link to the interview, and it immediately got favorited by a Reddit person, so, hopefully that helps generate revenue for previously.tv in some small way
  11. Yes, but the whole Paisley thing was so similar to the current Sterling racism rants, that I found it uncomfortable to watch. I think both the fictional Paisley and the real life Sterling do have dementia, but I could be wrong in either instance and, regardless, that will never fly as an excuse.
  12. After the telenovela fun, this episode was a real snoozer for me. So was the shark tattoo on Pete supposed to be product placement for the soon to air Sharknado 2, or was it a jump-the-shark reference for the episode, or both? Because she's not in love with him--at least not that I recall seeing.
  13. Still dwelling on the odd neck knifing, and thinking about: In real life, the odds of Sarah having a scar from Daniel's knife that matches Beth's perfectly is pretty much zero, especially since scars fade over time, but, with a little poetic license, Sarah could now pretend to be Beth, and claim it was Sarah who jumped in front of the train. This makes the weird (to me) knifing serve as a plot device, which I guess I can forgive. Still, if this is the purpose of the wound, I would rather have had him about to stab her in a more likely move, but then have Helena throw herself at him, causing the wound that would scar like Beth's instead of, IDK, cutting off Sarah's head or ear or something more typical.
  14. and out of character. But having Emma accomplish it by likely causing permanent brain damage if not killing Marian by knocking her out with a blow to the head with what looked to be the size and heft of a 2 x 4 gave me severe mental whiplash (and no doubt gave Marian physical whiplash, which, trust me, is very painful), and, worse yet, the writers tried to make it look like a comedic moment.
  15. Maybe, but there is a train from Toronto to NYC: http://www.amtrak.com/maple-leaf-train Wasn't Beth's scar from a bike accident? Or at least that's what Paul the monitor said. But with all the cloak and dagger stuff (including actual daggers), who knows? So, is cutting someone in invisible places how they do torture in Toronto? (almost kidding) I wasn't sure what he was doing. In Yank shows like True Detective, they go for the gut, and it's usually to kill. (still sort of kidding)
  16. Aww, ottoD, where's your sense of humor? I bet it was way funnier than anything that happened on any of the actual comedies that aired this evening.So, does anyone know what are the geometric hieroglyphics that those who were injected with the magic Koolaid obsessively carve? I mean, is that a recognizable schematic of something? I'm guessing primal alien info, or does it resemble some actual current tech specs? Yes. More, please.
  17. I felt like they were totally telegraphing that.Thank goodness someone besides me saw that. I was beginning to feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness--or Storybrooke. Yes, but no, because the younger girl getting in the car also looked like a young Emma, so I was confused. Plus, it reminded me of our discussions first season about how unlikely it was that a newborn, blond-haired, healthy baby girl would not be adopted. Thank you, ElectricBoogaloo, for perfectly explaining exactly how I feel about it too. Do you supposed we need therapy for our hot men weakness?
  18. Robin can't be the only one with that tattoo. See my post above.legaleagle, I think that was you who posted on TWoP that the RumpBelle wedding didn't have enough witnesses to be valid. Interesting. Well, actually, that is the most interesting thing about that wedding, to me.
  19. Thank you! I'm not alone here thinking the same thing. I may be crazy, but not about this, because if two viewers think it, it's a viable theory, right? Once again, I'm going against the popular belief system. I think Daniel the Former Cylon has been mainlining Helena's zombie blood.
  20. stealinghome, maybe OUAT time is something like dog years, only more complicated, IDK, like maybe unicorn years. Like maybe 7 human/mortal years equal 1-to-5 Fairy Tale Land years, depending upon how much magic was spent per year. And let's not forget about the years in Storybrooke when only Henry was aging, but Emma and Pinocchio were growing up, and then Neal appears at an indeterminate age.
  21. Ha! I hope that is the message the writers were selling, because I am totally buying it. BTW, I know a lot of people didn't like Belle's wedding outfit, but that was the only thing I've ever liked in the whole Rumpbelle story. A lot of the plots on the show seem hell bent on turning basic common sense and/or morality on their heads. But Hook's love for Emma seems to be the one exception. There is nothing he wouldn't sacrifice for her. I suppose that's a little wrong too, but I hope they keep it like that and don't screw it up.
  22. Hey! They reminded us in this episode that Regina *never saw Robin's face, only his tattoo* ...sooo, maybe someone else has the same tattoo, and is Regina's real soulmate!
  23. I think that was part of the old, pre-pregnant footage. I've been a tad horrified at the tremendous weight gain--at first I worried about preeclampsia--but now I just remind myself that my otherwise too-thin sister also gained a lot when pregnant. She now makes me feel fat because I'm more than 10 pounds over her 90 pounds. I do wish they'd used a little more of the small faced Ginnifer footage for the time travel parts of this episode. I did like the present scene in the diner in which she snuggles her still-small shoulders into Charming's chest while holding the baby.
  24. I think there was a brief convo between Hook and Emma about this, and they figured it was based on Emma's thoughts at the moment. No?When the camera went back to the time travel portal to see exactly what else Emma had brought back with her, my personal collection of stories and familiarity with special effects interpreted in this order: Genie in a bottle > Jafar > Silver Surfer > whoa, it really is Silver Surfer > Blond Disney Princess Evil Twin
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