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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. I'm having trouble remembering who is what in this show, and maybe that's by design (the purpose of a long hiatus) so we won't catch a little retcon here and there. Anyway, just thought I'd post these links here: http://defiance.wikia.com/ http://en.defiance-wiki.com/ http://www.defiance.com/en/series/
  2. This Carlos is only one week different, so he already had a relationship with Dead Kiera. I'm guessing he watched too much Star Trek and thinks Live Kiera is a Borg.
  3. @TVSpectator, I don't see the politics in this show being specifically Canadian or American or Chinese or whatever. I think they're pretty universal globally, just occurring at different times in different places because of the state of economic development in a particular location. Probably I should have said socioeconomics instead of politics, anyway. The show is more looking at social issues in general--like human rights. I'd start a thread, but I'm afraid the show is hemorrhaging viewers this season and it might not get much discussion.
  4. During the confrontation with Skuros (sp? the guy from Twin Peaks), when he was claiming to have always had only their best interests at heart and was promising a pardon for Tate, I so wanted Tate to make Skuros admit that he had framed Tate for murder in the first place and got him put on death row. They should've had better blocking in the scene where Bo comes out in the dress so we didn't see the weird straps in the back. She should've put the blazer on sooner.
  5. Oy. Most likely. So now Angela is likely going to conclude that Allison is a serial killer--which Allison will likely prove by accidentally killing her. Maybe her head gets stuck under the garage door? Or a scarf caught under a car tire while the car is being driven away by Allison? Or maybe Donnie can cause one of those things to happen.
  6. Or if someone else kills Suit Alec, they have Hoodie Alec as a backup. The idea of Alec--who is a type of Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and/or Bill Gates--being split into his Hoodie and Suit selves, having them argue, and having the Hoodie locked away, is very meta. The whole show is full of stuff like that regarding the corporations. If it had a bigger audience, like Lost or even X-Files, it would likely generate interesting political discussion.
  7. I, OTOH, found that refreshingly Occam's Razor-ish. And darkly funny.Or what @possibilities says directly below.
  8. Didn't Mayor Nicki smoke a hookah or something that transformed her body into human? Edited to correct "Mayon" to "Mayor" because I was sleep typing after staying up late to download threads and witness Tubey's execution (hoping in vain for at least a temporary stay of execution)
  9. :~(It looked bad to me. I thought Vic was going to be another body in the morgue.
  10. My thoughts exactly. I even wondered if they were showing her fake videos of the scope instead of live. But then I recalled last episodes when Cosima discovered the tumors began in her uterus and decided this was a genuine procedure. Of course, it could turn out there was something else going on too. At Amazon, of course: http://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-External-Floppy-Drive-FL-UDRV/dp/B00E9MD700/The harder part would be getting the right software to read the data. On another show this would have had me scoffing at the writing, but here, even though I felt the same outrage as you, Boogaloo, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt to have this make sense. Upthread are some decent excuses to tide us over for now.
  11. I stopped watching a couple of years ago, so just saw this for the first time. I believe I stopped after the first Yang go-round; it was too grim. But I really liked the musical, including Yang, but especially the dancing. The tango with Lassie! :D There were some Twin Peaks theme song strains near the end, weren't there?
  12. Or, @patchwork, the IUD failed to prevent pregnancy and she didn't want to abort?
  13. I suppose, @AlliMo. I don't recall, does Sarah know the full extent of how much she and Kira are in DYAD's crosshairs at this time?
  14. That, boys and girls, is why you should never run out of minutes. It may be fatal!Good thing I just got a new battery for mine! Or, she will realize that he could've been killed in a grizzly manner instead of just boinked by her doppelgänger.
  15. Me too. And before that, I assumed he was the mother's young lover.
  16. When Paul made his entrance into the house, I thought he had a suitably, slightly-embarrassed little smile after his participation in Rachel's sex game. This is the first character Michelle Forbes has played that I actually might enjoy seeing. Of course, part of that is the show itself. I finally dropped The Killing. A fascinating and creative plot twist. When Rachel said, "...you might survive," to Leekie, I wonder what she thought would really get him. If only that taxi had stopped...but instead Donnie and Allison might bond. I'd love to know if the script actually read the way she delivered it: "So I'm supposed to be Allison being Donnie."I hope they scripted/directed Vic's head bonk on the wall and Michael Mando didn't get bonked for reals. He does have pretty eyes, but Sarah acts like she was never into him, and I can't figure out if she ever was, since it's clear she can do so much better. If I was Sarah and had a brother/best friend Felix and a baby Daddy Cal, I'd be happy to run away to Iceland. I didn't understand why she didn't leave Kira with Cal--does that mean she doesn't trust him? Wasn't the one tooth's worth of stem cells sufficient? And, if not, is poor Kira going to wind up wearing the gloves Allison knit for Vic??? BTW: Those gloves were so cute. I'm guessing with her broken arm, she didn't knit them; she just altered them for him.
  17. If he continues to act like my sociopathic boss, I will have to mute him. Hey, that might be therapeutic.
  18. I thought it was just: He's like me. He too has lost his family that is almost a mirror of my family. Maybe we should drink some wine together some time.Review: http://io9.com/whos-making-the-most-questionable-decisions-on-continuu-1584191204
  19. Battlestar Galactica had at least one episode that addressed this. Your English is flawless as far as I can tell, and much better than many who only speak English. Your whole post shows much more thoughtfulness on the subject than anything we've yet seen on the show. Hopefully the writers will soon resolve this, perhaps with each of the teens having a 'fertility patch' that they can choose to peel off at any time, but doing so on the Ark could result in airlocking if you do it more than once. The reveal that Octavia and her mother were punished for the violation of the one child policy implies that they did not have a forced sterilization policy, which makes sense if they were hoping to one day go back to the earth's surface and procreate. Also, if a disease wiped out most of the Ark dwellers, they'd want to have the procreation option. Someone on the Continuum board said there was a brief mention on that show that 60 years in the future women only carried a baby for 9 weeks of the pregnancy. In contrast, likely anything on this show is going to be pretty primitive.
  20. I was so confused. They must all have the same barber or something, and definitely come from a similar gene pool, because they look so much alike. Which ones do you mean? According to the IMDb page for the episode (imdb.com/title/tt3528452/?ref_=tt_ep_pr), we have:Ryan Robbins playing the as yet man without a name, and: Curtis Caravaggio playing Neelon, who, despite his futuristic sounding name, according to the Continuum wikia page for Grey Point Security, is a 2014 mercenary--at least as far as we know for now And then there's look-alike Mike Dopud, who played Kiera's prisoner in the hippie community that got killed off (for now), and Kiera's husband, who looks quite a bit like the others too, only a little younger. And, finally (for now) there's the kid listed in the IMDb episode page as parkour, Alex Kyshkovych, who does have the future tech of invisibility cloth, and looks like he could be Kiera's son, slightly grown up.
  21. And Mother's Day. The actor who plays Angie's son is listed as being in episode 12 this season. Hopefully he's just popping in to say goodbye before he moves to China to work as an English tutor, or maybe to travel around Europe.
  22. So under the dome, they've stumbled upon a new way to break a person's neck by hanging.
  23. Is the title of the episode a reference to anything specific?
  24. @pwin, I ♥ all of your post. Finally someone has put into words what I've been muttering about on various boards while not seeing much response or consensus. Regarding this part: It's almost like there's two Carlos, right? I adored season one Continuum. It was my new Fringe. I still look forward to new episodes, but the show has a bit of "sophomore slump." In contrast, Orphan Black, which I didn't discover until the end of its first season, is still firing on all cylinders in its second season. Back to this episode: I thought I saw a glimmer of a possibility that, as you said: and that things will coalesce. @dr pepper, I too wonder if they left the wrong Alec behind. Maybe they will swap them out? Maybe they will bring back the other Alec and they will team up to fight the sharks, that is, Kellogg. I was hoping for a moment that Kellogg was manipulating Alec for the greater good--but then we saw his smug grim when no one was looking. New guy is definitely someone who can relate to Kiera's situation and loss. But why does he know her name? I'm assuming Alec took dead Kiera's chip so he could invent it sooner, but isn't this like the ultimate time travel paradox? Or would the ultimate paradox be retroengineering the time travel device in the past, sort of reminiscent of H.G. Wells' Time Machine?
  25. Yes, lots of chatter: http://www.google.com/search?q=stargate%20reboot#q=stargate&tbm=nws&tbs=qdr:m,sbd:1 So it's a trilogy of movies, not a small screen affair. If the recast Jack, Daniel, and other recurring characters as well as was done for the series after the original movie, I will be happy.
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