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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Adam Rodriguez is always playing good guys who might be bad but not really.
  2. I imagine Stahma preferring to preserve Kenya's body in a Cinderella-esque glass coffin-ish alien structure.
  3. Seriously? Or are you just channeling Temperance Brennan? ;-)
  4. If so, good choice. I've seen moms who have yelled at their crying kids, so I thought this mom, in contrast, was acting appropriately, even sympathetically. I was wondering at first if she was going to crack and express her frustration, but she never spoke unkindly about or to the baby. Laws require that the baby be strapped into a car seat in the back seat, which visually does seem to give the impression of the mother distancing herself from the child. Anyway, babies cry, often because they're tired, and there's nothing like a nice ride in the car to put them to sleep. Strap 'em in and take off.
  5. @DittyDotDot, I don't lock my doors either, but I started locking my car door at work after I noticed smells of BO and cigarettes in it on cold sunny days, and especially after I heard of a someone who never locked his car until he found a drunk in it who have vomited and passed out. So, not locking doors at home really does depend on your neighborhood, and probably appearances of wealth worth looting. Upthread someone mentioned the Only On TV trope of ending a phone conversation without saying goodbye. Do people IRL ever do that?? And: Do people on TV ever say goodbye before ending a call? Sometimes I think I catch a look on the actor's face that seems to telegraph that they're thinking something like: I can't believe they wouldn't pay me for one more word so I could say "bye" like a real person. Sheesh!
  6. Yeah, either it's a tease without an answer, or it is something yet to be revealed. Crying babies do often stop momentarily when they start to fall asleep but don't quite get there, but if we were clearly shown that the baby paused to look at something, well, then there should be something to notice. Oh, ganesh, please don't use the "e" word. Heh. Wasn't it not until the second season of The Event that we learned what "the event" was? At least with this show, the title references the people we meet in the first episode.
  7. Didn't Jessie already know Saul at the time he was first introduced on Breaking Bad? Or did Badger or Skinny Pete refer Jessie to Saul?
  8. I first bookmarked this graphic in 2010, but the apparent abilities to extract crime solving details from photos still seems to be the stuff of science fiction:
  9. This episode could easily have been the basis for a 10 or 13 episode miniseries a là True Detective or Fargo, but with a courtroom component. I wonder if Murder in the First (currently airing Mondays) will get to the courtroom.
  10. And was so much more appropriate for Walt than Vic! *sigh* Why, Show? Why are you going there? Because of some book source material? Grow a pair, Show, and be your own person!
  11. If I were a show writer/runner who had just noticed this flaw in the script, I'd have the cult started by someone who was an heir to a tobacco company when the owner of more than half of the company disappeared and was later declared legally dead. Of course, that's assuming the insurance companies have settled on allowing the Clean Platers to be declared dead--which they might not have done.
  12. Okay, I've been thinking about this for awhile, and this episode-to-be is triggering it even more so: Barbara Kingsolver's 2013 novel, Flight Behavior, heavily featured monarch butterflies and a red-haired female protagonist. Not sure if there's a connection, but... In the book, the butterflies were threatened by climate change, and this caused them to relocate. The dome is by nature a microclimate. Is this just a coincidence, or was the writer who introduced the monarch butterflies in the first place stoned when s/he read Flight Behavior, or maybe his/her partner was listening to the audio book version in the car or in bed while the writer was dozing off, and then when s/he saw Rachelle LeFevere's hair thought "Monarch butterflies!"?
  13. Just noticed this thread, so I'm sorry, but here's a bunch, which makes it impossible to "like" just one. Both men and women sneak up on evil doers while wearing shoes that sound like tap dancing shoes. How about wearing sneakers for sneaking? The bad guy pauses before killing the good guy so he can reveal key evil plot details and also allow the good guy to break free and overpower him. Bad guys "working over" the hero, leaving him with all of his perfect teeth, his nose bloody but not broken, and no facial swelling the next day, even if there is a scrape or bruise discoloration. Cabot Cove and Longmire's Absaroka may be the worst, but I'm sure there are many other procedural shows were the murder rate of a small town exceeds that of Chicago during a hot summer. Pause to wave to @Snowprince : So glad you made it over here from TWoP. All human/space alien hybrid babies grow to adulthood within weeks. Actually, all three of my OB doctors left the hospital to go out to dinner as I was about to deliver because I don't verbally express intense pain, which leads me to:Only on TV do all women who are about to give birth scream. Other posters on birth episode threads have confirmed that screaming is not all that common IRL. When tracking a perp or clue, it is possible to travel over 500 miles round trip by car in one day and still have plenty of time to do a foot chase, a car chase, and romance someone in a bar. And finally: Elaine Benes is the only woman who sits on a toilet for its intended purpose.
  14. Three more, IMO, canceled too soon: Defying Gravity Caprica The Neighbors But as someone who watches too much TV, I no longer protest if a show is canceled. We are in the golden age of TV. Breaking Bad had a beautifully plotted finale rather than just fading away. True Detective and Fargo were limited to a season from the start. 'The times, they are a-changing.'
  15. Oh, it was "yard sale" and "painting" that got your mind-worm turning! That's what I get for letting my runaway imagination get posted unfiltered. My main point was that the door portion of the painting looked much more painterly and skillfully painted than anything else we had seen by Junior's mom.
  16. He paints on old canvases? Or did Angel or Booth? Sorry. Pop culture knowledge fail.
  17. "911" (or often "9/11") is the slang term. Prior to early 2002, "911" was always pronounced "9-1-1" and referred to an emergency phone call. I recall right after the event people referred to it as "September 11," and then when it became "Nine eleven" spelled "911," some TV announcers at first pronounced it"9-1-1" because that's how they were used to reading 911 aloud. Similarly, the terms "Holocaust" and "The Killing Fields" didn't exist at the times of the events. We don't now say "Hurricane Katrina," but rather just "Katrina." So, since this is only the first episode, I expect there to be a term for this event too, 3 years later. If not, there should be at least a character who asks why there isn't a name--perhaps a young school child. But that doesn't make sense either, because if there isn't a name, it is those school kids who would coin one.
  18. Perhaps a silly question: What is the meaning of "The cord and the axe"?
  19. Oh, but it's a snarker's dream title. And it looks like that's exactly what it is. *sigh*
  20. Yes. Except for the door. It looked like it was painted by someone else. Maybe she does all her paintings on used canvases she gets from yard sales. I dunno.
  21. Right. But I've been wondering too: Is that the reference they're making? It's Junior's mom, right? And we just learned via the voice of Monarch Julia that the dome wants the killing to stop, followed by Junior and Angie being shown to be still on their Kill Big Jim mission (at least I think that's the sequence; I might be off). So I'm guessing Angie gets the axe (literally and figuratively and every which way) to stop the killing (which makes no sense, but, whatever) but Junior (don't call me that!)/James gets spared because his mom painted a blood red stripe over a door somewhere--plus he refused to pull the plug on Barbie. Or was it just that the actor playing Mom could only manage to paint a simple stripe? As someone who does oil paint, I thought I saw a thought balloon caption that read: "This painting is harder than it looks," but it was probably just a storm warning crawl. I assumed Stephen King viewed the episodes prior to the one he had agreed to write and realized the characterizations of Angie (who quickly moved on from being chained up in a flooding storm shelter with nary a "bygones") and Linda (whose decision making revealed serious cognitive difficulties that should have precluded her from professionally carrying a gun) were so unworkable that killing them off was the kindest cut.
  22. Yeah. I had been trying to fanwank that Datak had gotten sunburned in the prison yard, but it's not quite working.
  23. LOL! If this were a Choose Your Own Adventure, that would surely be one of the alternate paths.When Nolan was ransacking Irisa's stuff for clues about what was up with her and he found the knife cases, were they empty? Datak and Stahma have clearly underestimated each other.
  24. I don't think the words were even necessary. It's the visual I'm still trying to bleach out of my brain.
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